Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995.
// File: specmap.h
// Contents:
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 09-23-97 jbanes Ported over SGC stuff from NT 4 tree.
struct _SPContext;
typedef struct csel
DWORD fProtocol;
DWORD fDefault;
PSTR szName;
ALG_ID aiCipher;
DWORD dwBlockSize; // bytes
DWORD dwStrength; // key strength in bits
DWORD cbKey; // required key material
DWORD cbSecret; // bytes of secret key material
DWORD dwFlags; // See flags field
} CipherInfo, *PCipherInfo;
#define CF_EXPORT 0x00000001 // This cipher is allowed for export use
#define CF_DOMESTIC 0x00000002 // This cipher is for domestic use only
#define CF_SGC 0x00000004 // This cipher is allowed with Server Gated Crypto
#define CF_FINANCE 0x00000008 // This cipher is allowed with SELECTIVE CRYPTO
#define CF_FASTSGC 0x00000010 // This indicates that the SGC type is fast
#define CF_RENEWED 0x00000020
typedef struct hsel
DWORD fProtocol;
DWORD fDefault;
PSTR szName;
ALG_ID aiHash;
DWORD cbCheckSum; // bytes
} HashInfo, *PHashInfo;
typedef struct sigsel
DWORD fProtocol;
DWORD fDefault;
SigSpec Spec;
PSTR szName;
ALG_ID aiHash;
ALG_ID aiSig;
} SigInfo, *PSigInfo;
typedef struct kexch
ALG_ID aiExch;
DWORD fProtocol;
DWORD fDefault;
ExchSpec Spec;
PSTR szName;
KeyExchangeSystem * System;
} KeyExchangeInfo, *PKeyExchangeInfo;
typedef struct certsel
DWORD fProtocol;
DWORD fDefault;
CertSpec Spec;
PSTR szName;
} CertSysInfo, *PCertSysInfo;
PCipherInfo GetCipherInfo(ALG_ID aiCipher, DWORD dwStrength);
PHashInfo GetHashInfo(ALG_ID aiHash);
PKeyExchangeInfo GetKeyExchangeInfo(ExchSpec Spec);
PKeyExchangeInfo GetKeyExchangeInfoByAlg(ALG_ID aiExch);
PCertSysInfo GetCertSysInfo(CertSpec Spec);
PSigInfo GetSigInfo(SigSpec Spec);
KeyExchangeSystem * KeyExchangeFromSpec(ExchSpec Spec, DWORD fProtocol);
BOOL GetBaseCipherSizes(DWORD *dwMin, DWORD *dwMax);
PSPCredentialGroup pCredGroup,
DWORD *dwMin,
DWORD *dwMax);
BOOL IsCipherAllowed(
SPContext * pContext,
PCipherInfo pCipher,
DWORD dwProtocol,
DWORD dwFlags);
PSPContext pContext,
PCipherInfo pCipher,
DWORD dwProtocol,
DWORD dwFlags,
DWORD dwSuiteFlags);
BOOL IsHashAllowed(
SPContext * pContext,
PHashInfo pHash,
DWORD dwProtocol);
BOOL IsExchAllowed(
SPContext * pContext,
PKeyExchangeInfo pExch,
DWORD dwProtocol);
BOOL IsAlgAllowed(
PSPCredentialGroup pCred,
ALG_ID aiAlg);
BOOL BuildAlgList(PSPCredentialGroup pCred, ALG_ID *aalgRequestedAlgs, DWORD cRequestedAlgs);
DWORD dwProtocol,
UNICipherMap * pCipherMap,
DWORD cCapiAlgs);
extern CipherInfo g_AvailableCiphers[];
extern DWORD g_cAvailableCiphers;
extern HashInfo g_AvailableHashes[];
extern DWORD g_cAvailableHashes;
extern CertSysInfo g_AvailableCerts[];
extern DWORD g_cAvailableCerts;
extern SigInfo g_AvailableSigs[];
extern DWORD g_cAvailableSigs;
extern KeyExchangeInfo g_AvailableExch[];
extern DWORD g_cAvailableExch;