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<!-- Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.-->
<TITLE>Tasks Page</TITLE>
Option Explicit
'Windows constants for key codes
Public Const RightArrow = 39
Public Const LeftArrow = 37
Public Const EnterKey = 13
Public Const EscapeKey = 27
Public Const TabKey = 9
'special code for new alerts
Public Const NewAlertKey = 135
'color constants
Public Const BLACK = "#000000"
Public Const WHITE = "#FFFFFF"
'Three dimentional array holding alert captions, descriptions and long descs
Dim TasksArray()
'Number of localui tasks
Dim NumberOfTasks
'Number of localui tasks
Dim NumberOfPages
'Index of the alert with the focus
Dim intCurrentTask
'Current page that is on display
Dim intCurrentPage
'Timer for idle timeout
Dim iIdleTimeOut
'Timer for idle timeout
Dim iFlashIconTimeOut
'"Page" text to diplay
Dim strPageText
'"View Alerts" text to diplay
Dim strViewAlertsText
' Function: Window_OnLoad
' Description: Initialization routine for the page
' Input Variables: None
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: None
' Global Variables: AlertsArray,NumberOfAlerts,bAlertViewMode,bOnlyOnePage
Sub Window_OnLoad()
'Localization manager object
Dim objLocMgr
'Replacement strings
Dim varReplacementStrings
'Resource ID for "page" text
Const PAGEINFO_PAGE_TEXT = "&H40020013"
'Resource ID for "View Alerts" text
On Error Resume Next
'Create the localization manager
Set objLocMgr = CreateObject("ServerAppliance.LocalizationManager")
If Err.number = 0 Then
'Get the strings
strPageText = objLocMgr.GetString("salocaluimsg.dll",PAGEINFO_PAGE_TEXT,varReplacementStrings)
strViewAlertsText = objLocMgr.GetString("salocaluimsg.dll",ALERTS_VIEWALERTS_TEXT,varReplacementStrings)
Set objLocMgr = Nothing
End If
'set the text for alerts link
SaAlertsLink.innerText = strViewAlertsText
'Get the current local ui alerts
intCurrentPage = CInt(CurrentPage.value)
intCurrentTask = CInt(CurrentTask.value)
iIdleTimeOut = window.SetTimeOut("IdleHandler()",300000)
On Error Resume Next
'set the key codes for the page
Dim objKeypad
Set objKeypad = CreateObject("Ldm.SAKeypadController")
If Err.number = 0 Then
objKeypad.Setkey 0,TabKey,TRUE
objKeypad.Setkey 1,TabKey,FALSE
objKeypad.Setkey 2,LeftArrow,FALSE
objKeypad.Setkey 3,RightArrow,FALSE
objKeypad.Setkey 4,EscapeKey,FALSE
objKeypad.Setkey 5,EnterKey,FALSE
Set objKeypad = Nothing
End If
Dim bNewAlerts
bNewAlerts = AreThereLocalUIAlerts
'display or hide the link
End Sub
' Function: IdleHandler
' Description: Goes back to main page when timeout expires
' Input Variables: None
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: None
' Global Variables: None
Sub IdleHandler()
End Sub
' Function: ServeLocalUITasks
' Description: Format the alerts and display them
' Input Variables: None
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: None
' Global Variables: TasksArray,NumberOfTasks,NumberOfPages
Sub ServeLocalUITasks
Dim NumberOfTasksBefore
Dim RemainingTasks
NumberOfTasksBefore = (intCurrentPage-1) * 4
RemainingTasks = NumberOfTasks - NumberOfTasksBefore
'Clear all of the tasks
SaTask1.style.display = "none"
SaTask2.style.display = "none"
SaTask3.style.display = "none"
SaTask4.style.display = "none"
If RemainingTasks > 0 Then
SaTask1.innerText = TasksArray(NumberOfTasksBefore,0)
SaTask1.href = TasksArray(NumberOfTasksBefore,1)
SaTask1.style.display = ""
End If
NumberOfTasksBefore = NumberOfTasksBefore + 1
If RemainingTasks > 1 Then
SaTask2.innerText = TasksArray(NumberOfTasksBefore,0)
SaTask2.href = TasksArray(NumberOfTasksBefore,1)
SaTask2.style.display = ""
End If
NumberOfTasksBefore = NumberOfTasksBefore + 1
If RemainingTasks > 2 Then
SaTask3.innerText = TasksArray(NumberOfTasksBefore,0)
SaTask3.href = TasksArray(NumberOfTasksBefore,1)
SaTask3.style.display = ""
End If
NumberOfTasksBefore = NumberOfTasksBefore + 1
If RemainingTasks > 3 Then
SaTask4.innerText = TasksArray(NumberOfTasksBefore,0)
SaTask4.href = TasksArray(NumberOfTasksBefore,1)
SaTask4.style.display = ""
End If
If NumberOfPages > 1 Then
SaPageInfo.innertext = strPageText&" "&intCurrentPage&"/"&NumberOfPages
End If
'Set the focus on the current task
If intCurrentTask = 1 Then
ElseIf intCurrentTask = 2 Then
ElseIf intCurrentTask = 3 Then
ElseIf intCurrentTask = 4 Then
End If
End Sub
' Function: GetLocalUITasks
' Description: Get the local ui tasks from element manager
' Input Variables: None
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: None
' Global Variables: TasksArray,NumberOfTasks
Sub GetLocalUITasks()
Dim objTaskElementCol
Dim objTaskElement
Dim objLocMgr
Dim varReplacementStrings
Dim objRetriever
Dim intCaptionID
Dim strURL
Dim intMerit
Dim intCount
Dim strSourceDll
On Error Resume Next
'Create elementmgr and get current alerts
Set objRetriever = CreateObject("Elementmgr.ElementRetriever")
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Set objTaskElementCol = objRetriever.GetElements(1, "LocalUITask")
If objTaskElementCol.Count=0 or Err.Number <> 0 Then
NumberOfTasks = 0
ReDim TasksArray(objTaskElementCol.Count-1,2)
'create localization manager to get task strings
Set objLocMgr = CreateObject("ServerAppliance.LocalizationManager")
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
NumberOfTasks = 0
intCount = 0
For Each objTaskElement in objTaskElementCol
strSourceDll = objTaskElement.GetProperty("Source")
intCaptionID = "&H" & objTaskElement.GetProperty("CaptionRID")
strURL = objTaskElement.GetProperty("URL")
intMerit = CInt(objTaskElement.GetProperty("Merit"))
TasksArray(intCount,0) = objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceDll, intCaptionID, varReplacementStrings)
TasksArray(intCount,1) = strURL
TasksArray(intCount,2) = intMerit
intCount = intCount + 1
NumberOfTasks = intCount
NumberOfPages = (NumberOfTasks-1)\4 + 1
End If
End If
End If
Set objLocMgr = Nothing
Set objTaskElement = Nothing
Set objTaskElementCol = Nothing
Set objRetriever = Nothing
End Sub
' Function: SortTasksArray
' Description: Sorts tasks array by merit values
' Input Variables: None
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: None
' Global Variables: TasksArray,NumberOfTasks
Sub SortTasksArray()
Dim i
Dim j
Dim iSmallest
Dim strCaption
Dim strURL
Dim intMerit
'for each item in the array
For i = 0 To NumberOfTasks-2
iSmallest = i
'find the index of the item with the smallest merit
For j = i To NumberOfTasks-1
If TasksArray(j,2) < TasksArray(iSmallest,2) Then
iSmallest = j
End If
'swap the smallest item with the current item
strCaption = TasksArray(i,0)
strURL = TasksArray(i,1)
intMerit = TasksArray(i,2)
TasksArray(i,0) = TasksArray(iSmallest,0)
TasksArray(i,1) = TasksArray(iSmallest,1)
TasksArray(i,2) = TasksArray(iSmallest,2)
TasksArray(iSmallest,0) = strCaption
TasksArray(iSmallest,1) = strURL
TasksArray(iSmallest,2) = intMerit
End Sub
' Function: KeyDown
' Description: Changes pages in response to right and left arrows
' in multiple task page mode
' Input Variables: None
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: None
' Global Variables: None
Sub KeyDown()
If window.event.keycode = NewAlertKey Then
Dim bNewAlerts
bNewAlerts = AreThereLocalUIAlerts
'display or hide the link
Exit Sub
End If
'clear the timeout and restart it
iIdleTimeOut = window.SetTimeOut("IdleHandler()",300000)
'If escape key is hit, go back to alerts page
If window.event.keycode = EscapeKey Then
End If
'if there are tasks and they don't fit one page
If NumberOfPages > 1 Then
'right arrow
If window.event.keycode = RightArrow Then
intCurrentPage = intCurrentPage + 1
If intCurrentPage = NumberOfPages + 1 Then
intCurrentPage = 1
End If
intCurrentTask = 1
CurrentTask.value = CStr(intCurrentTask)
CurrentPage.value = CStr(intCurrentPage)
End If
'left arrow
If window.event.keycode = LeftArrow Then
intCurrentPage = intCurrentPage -1
If intCurrentPage = 0 Then
intCurrentPage = NumberOfPages
End If
intCurrentTask = 1
CurrentTask.value = CStr(intCurrentTask)
CurrentPage.value = CStr(intCurrentPage)
End If
End If
End Sub
' Function: InvertSelection
' Description: Inverts the focus element's background and foreground
' Input Variables: intIndex, index of the focus element, -1 for alerts link
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: None
' Global Variables: None
Sub InvertSelection(intIndex)
CurrentTask.value = CStr(intIndex)
'Invert the background and foreground for the focus element
If intIndex = 1 Then
SaTask1.style.backgroundColor = BLACK
SaTask1.style.color = WHITE
ElseIf intIndex = 2 Then
SaTask2.style.backgroundColor = BLACK
SaTask2.style.color = WHITE
ElseIf intIndex = 3 Then
SaTask3.style.backgroundColor = BLACK
SaTask3.style.color = WHITE
ElseIf intIndex = 4 Then
SaTask4.style.backgroundColor = BLACK
SaTask4.style.color = WHITE
ElseIf intIndex = -1 Then
SaAlertsLink.style.backgroundColor = BLACK
SaAlertsLink.style.color = WHITE
End If
End Sub
' Function: InvertToNormal
' Description: Inverts element that loses focus to normal
' Input Variables: intIndex, index of the element loosing the focus, -1 for alerts link
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: None
' Global Variables: None
Sub InvertToNormal(intIndex)
'Invert the background and color for the element loosing the focus
If intIndex = 1 Then
SaTask1.style.backgroundColor = ""
SaTask1.style.color = BLACK
ElseIf intIndex = 2 Then
SaTask2.style.backgroundColor = ""
SaTask2.style.color = BLACK
ElseIf intIndex = 3 Then
SaTask3.style.backgroundColor = ""
SaTask3.style.color = BLACK
ElseIf intIndex = 4 Then
SaTask4.style.backgroundColor = ""
SaTask4.style.color = BLACK
ElseIf intIndex = -1 Then
SaAlertsLink.style.backgroundColor = ""
SaAlertsLink.style.color = BLACK
End If
End Sub
' Function: HideOrDisplayAlertsLink
' Description: Displays or hides the link to alerts
' Input Variables: true, display the link
' false, hide the link
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: None
' Global Variables: None
Sub HideOrDisplayAlertsLink(bDisplay)
'clear the current timeout
If bDisplay = true Then
'reposition the page info
SaPageInfo.style.top = 39
'display the link and flashing icon
SaAlertsLink.style.display = ""
SaAlertsIcon.style.display = ""
'start the timer
iFlashIconTimeOut = window.SetTimeOut("FlashAlertsIcon(1)",500)
'reposition the page info
SaPageInfo.style.top = 52
'hide the link and flashing icon
SaAlertsLink.style.display = "none"
SaAlertsIcon.style.display = "none"
End If
End Sub
' Function: AreThereLocalUIAlerts
' Description: Check if there are existing localui alerts
' Input Variables: None
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: true, false
' Global Variables: None
Function AreThereLocalUIAlerts()
Dim objElement
Dim objElementCol
Dim objAlertElementCol
Dim objAlertElement
Dim strElementID
Dim strAlertLog
Dim objRetriever
On Error Resume Next
AreThereLocalUIAlerts = false
'Create elementmgr and get current alerts
Set objRetriever = CreateObject("Elementmgr.ElementRetriever")
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Set objElementCol = objRetriever.GetElements(1, "SA_Alerts")
If objElementCol.Count=0 or Err.Number <> 0 Then
AreThereLocalUIAlerts = false
'get alert definitions
Set objAlertElementCol = objRetriever.GetElements(1,"LocalUIAlertDefinitions")
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
AreThereLocalUIAlerts = false
For Each objElement in objElementCol
strAlertLog = objElement.GetProperty("AlertLog")
strElementID = "LocalUIAlertDefinitions" & strAlertLog & Hex(objElement.GetProperty("AlertID"))
Set objAlertElement = objAlertElementCol.Item(strElementID)
If Err <> 0 Then
Set objAlertElement = Nothing
AreThereLocalUIAlerts = true
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
End If
Set objElement = Nothing
Set objElementCol = Nothing
Set objAlertElement = Nothing
Set objAlertElementCol = Nothing
Set objRetriever = Nothing
End Function
' Function: FlashAlertsIcon
' Description: Flash the alert icon
' Input Variables: iIndex, current status of icon
' 0, invisible 1, visible
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: None
' Global Variables: None
Sub FlashAlertsIcon(iIndex)
If iIndex = 1 Then
SaAlertsIcon.style.display = "none"
iFlashIconTimeOut = window.SetTimeOut("FlashAlertsIcon(0)",500)
iFlashIconTimeOut = window.SetTimeOut("FlashAlertsIcon(1)",500)
SaAlertsIcon.style.display = ""
End If
End Sub
' Function: GotoAlertsPage
' Description: Goes back to alerts page
' Input Variables: None
' Output Variables: None
' Return Values: None
' Global Variables: None
Sub GotoAlertsPage()
window.event.returnValue = false
End Sub
<A STYLE="position:absolute; top:0; left:0; font-size:10; font-family=arial;"
ID="SaTask1" OnFocus="InvertSelection(1)" HIDEFOCUS=true onkeydown="KeyDown"
<A STYLE="position:absolute; top:13; left:0; font-size:10; font-family=arial;"
ID="SaTask2" OnFocus="InvertSelection(2)" HIDEFOCUS=true onkeydown="KeyDown"
<A STYLE="position:absolute; top:26; left:0; font-size:10; font-family=arial;"
ID="SaTask3" OnFocus="InvertSelection(3)" HIDEFOCUS=true onkeydown="KeyDown"
<A STYLE="position:absolute; top:39; left:0; font-size:10; font-family=arial;"
ID="SaTask4" OnFocus="InvertSelection(4)" HIDEFOCUS=true onkeydown="KeyDown"
<A ID="SaPageInfo" STYLE="position:absolute; top:52; right:0; font-size:10;
<A STYLE="position:absolute; top:52; right:14; font-size:10; font-family=arial; display:none;"
ID="SaAlertsLink" href="localui_main.htm" onkeydown="KeyDown" OnBlur="InvertToNormal(-1)"
OnFocus="InvertSelection(-1)" OnClick="GotoAlertsPage()" HIDEFOCUS=true>
<IMG STYLE="position:absolute; bottom:0; right:0; display:none;"
ID="SaAlertsIcon" SRC="localui_saalertsicon.bmp" BORDER=0>
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN Name="CurrentPage" value="1">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN Name="CurrentTask" value="1">