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<% '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
' share_ftpnew.asp: Serves in creating new FTP share properties.
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
' Date Description
' 9 Mar 2001 Creation Date.
' 17 Mar 2001 Modified Date
'Global Variables & Constants
Const CONST_ACCESS_READ_ONLY = 1 ' wmi access flag for Read Only
Const CONST_ACCESS_WRITE_ONLY = 2 ' wmi access flag for Write only
Const CONST_CHECKBOX_NOT_SELECTED = "" ' status for checkbox-NOT CHECKED
'Form Variables
Dim F_strReadCheckStatus_FtpNew ' to set the Read CheckBox status
Dim F_strWriteCheckStatus_FtpNew ' to set the Write CheckBox status
Dim F_strLogVisitsCheckStatus_FtpNew ' to set the LogVisits CheckBox status
Dim F_nAccessReadWrite_FtpNew ' to store the access value(0,1,2 or 3)
Dim F_nLogVisits_FtpNew ' to store the log visit status(0 or 1)
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript" >
// Set the initial form values
function FTPInit()
// no initializations required for the checkboxes
// the status of checkBoxes is taken care on server side
}// end of function Init()
// Validate the form values in the page
function FTPValidatePage()
// set the hidden variables. No other validations required here
return true;
// Function to set the hidden varibales to be sent to the server
function FTPSetData()
// "OK" is clicked. The values are already set
// in the FTPValidatePage function above. Nothing to set here.
// Function to update the hidden values in the form
function UpdateHiddenVariablesFTPNew()
var objForm
// initialize the access value to 0 (NO Read, NO Write access)
var accessValue = 0
// assign the form object to variable
objForm = eval("document.frmTask")
// if the allow read is checked, make access value as 1
// for read only - access = 1 (Read Only, NO Write)
if (objForm.chkAllowReadFtpNew.checked)
accessValue = accessValue + 1;
// if the allow write is checked, make access value as 2 or 3
// for read and write - access = 3 (Read AND Write)
// for write only - access = 2 (NO Read, Write Only)
if (objForm.chkAllowWriteFtpNew.checked)
accessValue = accessValue + 2;
// now update the hidden form value with the access value
objForm.hdnintAccessReadWriteFtpNew.value = accessValue;
// update the hidden value for "Log Visits" checkBox
// value = 0 if checkBox NOT CHECKED ; value = 1 if CHECKED
objForm.hdnintLogVisitsFtpNew.value = 0;
if (objForm.chkLogVisitsFtpNew.checked)
objForm.hdnintLogVisitsFtpNew.value = 1;
} // end of UpdateHiddenVariables()
<% '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Function name: ServeFTPPage
' Description: Serves in displaying the page content
' Input Variables: None
' Output Variables: None
' Returns: None
' Global Variables: In: L_* - Localization content(form label text)
' In: F_strReadCheckStatus_FtpNew - to set status of Read CheckBox
' In: F_strWriteCheckStatus_FtpNew - to set status of Write CheckBox
' In: F_strLogVisitsCheckStatus_FtpNew - to set status of LogVisits CheckBox
Function ServeFTPPage
On Error Resume Next
<table valign="middle" align="left" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<td class="TasksBody">
<td class="TasksBody" align="left">
<input name="chkAllowReadFtpNew" class="FormCheckBox" type="checkbox" <%=F_strReadCheckStatus_FtpNew%> >
<td class="TasksBody" align="left">
<input name="chkAllowWriteFtpNew" class="FormCheckBox" type="checkbox" <%=F_strWriteCheckStatus_FtpNew%> >
<td class="TasksBody" align="left">
<input name="chkLogVisitsFtpNew" class="FormCheckBox" type="checkbox" <%=F_strLogVisitsCheckStatus_FtpNew%> >
<% Call ServeFTPHiddenValues
End Function
' SubRoutine: FTPOnPostBackPage
' Description: Serves in getting the values from the form.
' Input Variables: None
' Output Variables: None
' Returns: None
' Global Variables:
' Out: F_nAccessReadWrite_FtpNew - the access permissions
' (0,1,2 or 3 only)
' Out: F_nLogVisits_FtpNew - do we log the visits ?
' (0 or 1 only)
' Out: F_strReadCheckStatus_FtpNew - status of READ checkBox
' Out: F_strWriteCheckStatus_FtpNew - status of WRITE checkBox
' Out: F_strLogVisitsCheckStatus_FtpNew - status of LOGVISITS chkBox
Sub FTPOnPostBackPage
On Error Resume Next
' get the values of the hidden variables from the form
F_nAccessReadWrite_FtpNew = Request.Form("hdnintAccessReadWriteFtpNew")
F_nLogVisits_FtpNew = Request.Form("hdnintLogVisitsFtpNew")
' initialize the status of CheckBoxes to "NOT CHECKED"
F_strLogVisitsCheckStatus_FtpNew = CONST_CHECKBOX_NOT_SELECTED
' convert to integer type
F_nAccessReadWrite_FtpNew = CInt(F_nAccessReadWrite_FtpNew)
F_nLogVisits_FtpNew = CInt(F_nLogVisits_FtpNew)
' set the status of "CheckBoxes" if the values are set
' if the Read access is given.
' perform an AND to verify if the value is set
If (F_nAccessReadWrite_FtpNew AND CONST_ACCESS_READ_ONLY) Then
End If
' if the write access is given.
' perform an AND to verify if the value is set
If (F_nAccessReadWrite_FtpNew AND CONST_ACCESS_WRITE_ONLY) Then
F_strWriteCheckStatus_FtpNew = CONST_CHECKBOX_SELECTED
End If
' if the "Log Visits" is checked.
' the 0 OR 1 is converted to Boolean and verified instead of comparision
If CBool(F_nLogVisits_FtpNew) Then
F_strLogVisitsCheckStatus_FtpNew = CONST_CHECKBOX_SELECTED
End If
End Sub
' Subroutine: FTPOnInitPage
' Description: Serves in getting values from system (default values)
' Input Variables: None
' Output Variables: None
' Returns: None
' Global Variables: Out: F_nAccessReadWrite_FtpNew - the access permissions
' (0,1,2 or 3 only)
' Out: F_nLogVisits_FtpNew - do we log the visits ?
' (0 or 1 only)
' Out: F_strReadCheckStatus_FtpNew - status of READ checkBox
' Out: F_strWriteCheckStatus_FtpNew - status of WRITE checkBox
' Out: F_strLogVisitsCheckStatus_FtpNew - status of LOGVISITS chkBox
Sub FTPOnInitPage
On Error Resume Next
' initialize the checkbox status
' set the Allow read , NO Write by default
F_nAccessReadWrite_FtpNew = 1
' set the Log Visits to True (checked)
F_nLogVisits_FtpNew = 1
F_strLogVisitsCheckStatus_FtpNew = CONST_CHECKBOX_SELECTED
End Sub
' Function name: SetFTPshareProp
' Description: Serves in setting the values of the ftp share
' Input Variables: None
' Output Variables: None
' Returns: TRUE if successful, else FALSE
' Global Variables:
' In: L_* - Localization content(error messages)
' In: F_nAccessReadWrite_FtpNew - the access permissions
' (0,1,2 or 3 only)
' In: F_nLogVisits_FtpNew - do we log the visits ?
' (0 or 1 only)
' Support functions used: getFTPShareObject() - to get the share object
Function SetFTPshareProp
On Error Resume Next
Dim objFTPShare ' to get the share object for which we need to
' change properties
' get the FTP share object for which we need to set properties
Set objFTPShare = getFTPShareObject()
' It is enough to set the boolean values(AccessRead and AccessWrite).
' The AccessFlags(integer) need not be set.(wmi takes care of it)
' if the Read CheckBox is checked, set the flag to TRUE, else FALSE
If (F_nAccessReadWrite_FtpNew AND CONST_ACCESS_READ_ONLY) Then
objFTPShare.AccessRead = True
objFTPShare.AccessRead = False
End If
' if the Write CheckBox is checked, set the flag to TRUE, else FALSE
If (F_nAccessReadWrite_FtpNew AND CONST_ACCESS_WRITE_ONLY) Then
objFTPShare.AccessWrite = True
objFTPShare.AccessWrite = False
End If
' bring the changes made to properties to effect
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
' the changes could not be PUT (system values could not be changed)
Set objFTPShare = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
' clean up
Set objFTPShare = Nothing
'Function call to set the Dont log property
If SetDontLogProp(F_StrShareName, F_nLogVisits_FtpNew) Then
SetFTPshareProp = False
Exit Function
End If
SetFTPshareProp = True
End Function
' SubRoutine: ServeFTPHiddenValues
' Description: Serves in printing the hidden values of the form
' Input Variables: None
' Output Variables: None
' Returns: None
' Global Variables:
' In: F_nAccessReadWrite_FtpNew - the access permissions
' In: F_nLogVisits_FtpNew - do we log the visits ?
' (0 or 1 only)
Sub ServeFTPHiddenValues
' the hidden values to store the access flag value
' and the "Log Visits" value
' (Whether the checkBox must be checked OR NOT)
<input type="hidden" name ="hdnintAccessReadWriteFtpNew" value="<%=F_nAccessReadWrite_FtpNew%>" >
<input type="hidden" name ="hdnintLogVisitsFtpNew" value="<%=F_nLogVisits_FtpNew%>" >
End Sub