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1073 lines
37 KiB
1073 lines
37 KiB
' createwebsite.vbs: Configure IIS Websites for the SAK
' Copyright (c) 2002 Microsoft Corporation
const NS_IIS = "IIS://"
const ADMIN_ID = 1
const SHARES_ID = 2
const ADMIN_SITE_NAME = "Administration"
const SHARES_SITE_NAME = "Shares"
'registry keys
const REGKEY_WEBFRAMEWORK = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ServerAppliance\WebFramework\"
'This array is messy, but a necessary evil. If a file is added to the Shares site, at it here
Dim arrSharesFiles(95)
arrSharesFiles(0) = "autoconfiglang.asp"
arrSharesFiles(1) = "inc_accountsgroups.asp"
arrSharesFiles(2) = "inc_base.asp"
arrSharesFiles(3) = "inc_debug.asp"
arrSharesFiles(4) = "inc_errorcode.asp"
arrSharesFiles(5) = "inc_framework.asp"
arrSharesFiles(6) = "inc_global.asp"
arrSharesFiles(7) = "inc_global.js"
arrSharesFiles(8) = "inc_pagekey.asp"
arrSharesFiles(9) = "inc_registry.asp"
arrSharesFiles(10) = "ots_taskview.js"
arrSharesFiles(11) = "sh_alertdetails.asp"
arrSharesFiles(12) = "sh_alertpanel.asp"
arrSharesFiles(13) = "sh_defaultfooter.asp"
arrSharesFiles(14) = "sh_fileupload.asp"
arrSharesFiles(15) = "sh_page.asp"
arrSharesFiles(16) = "sh_page.js"
arrSharesFiles(17) = "sh_propfooter.asp"
arrSharesFiles(18) = "sh_resourcepanel.asp"
arrSharesFiles(19) = "sh_restarting.asp"
arrSharesFiles(20) = "sh_statusbar.asp"
arrSharesFiles(21) = "sh_statusdetails.asp"
arrSharesFiles(22) = "sh_task.asp"
arrSharesFiles(23) = "sh_task.js"
arrSharesFiles(24) = "sh_taskframes.asp"
arrSharesFiles(25) = "sh_tasks.asp"
arrSharesFiles(26) = "sh_tree.asp"
arrSharesFiles(27) = "sh_wizardfooter.asp"
arrSharesFiles(28) = "style\mssastyles.css"
arrSharesFiles(29) = "images\aboutbox_logo.gif"
arrSharesFiles(30) = "images\alert.gif"
arrSharesFiles(31) = "images\AlertEmailX32.gif"
arrSharesFiles(32) = "images\alert_white.gif"
arrSharesFiles(33) = "images\arrow_green.gif"
arrSharesFiles(34) = "images\arrow_red.gif"
arrSharesFiles(35) = "images\arrow_silver.gif"
arrSharesFiles(36) = "images\arrow_yellow.gif"
arrSharesFiles(37) = "images\BackupX32.gif"
arrSharesFiles(38) = "images\book_closed.gif"
arrSharesFiles(39) = "images\book_opened.gif"
arrSharesFiles(40) = "images\book_page.gif"
arrSharesFiles(41) = "images\butGreenArrow.gif"
arrSharesFiles(42) = "images\butGreenArrowDisabled.gif"
arrSharesFiles(43) = "images\butGreenArrowLeft.gif"
arrSharesFiles(44) = "images\butGreenArrowLeftDisabled.gif"
arrSharesFiles(45) = "images\butPageNextDisabled.gif"
arrSharesFiles(46) = "images\butPageNextEnabled.gif"
arrSharesFiles(47) = "images\butPagePreviousDisabled.gif"
arrSharesFiles(48) = "images\butPagePreviousEnabled.gif"
arrSharesFiles(49) = "images\butRedX.gif"
arrSharesFiles(50) = "images\butRedXDisabled.gif"
arrSharesFiles(51) = "images\butSearchDisabled.gif"
arrSharesFiles(52) = "images\butSearchEnabled.gif"
arrSharesFiles(53) = "images\butSortAscending.gif"
arrSharesFiles(54) = "images\butSortDescending.gif"
arrSharesFiles(55) = "images\CommunityX32.gif"
arrSharesFiles(56) = "images\configure_32x32.gif"
arrSharesFiles(57) = "images\critical_error.gif"
arrSharesFiles(58) = "images\critical_errorX32.gif"
arrSharesFiles(59) = "images\DateTimeX32.gif"
arrSharesFiles(60) = "images\datetime_icon.gif"
arrSharesFiles(61) = "images\dir.gif"
arrSharesFiles(62) = "images\disks.gif"
arrSharesFiles(63) = "images\disks_32x32.gif"
arrSharesFiles(64) = "images\down.gif"
arrSharesFiles(65) = "images\drive.gif"
arrSharesFiles(66) = "images\EventLogX32.gif"
arrSharesFiles(67) = "images\example_logo.gif"
arrSharesFiles(68) = "images\file.gif"
arrSharesFiles(69) = "images\folder.gif"
arrSharesFiles(70) = "images\folder_32x32.gif"
arrSharesFiles(71) = "images\green_arrow.gif"
arrSharesFiles(72) = "images\help_32x32.gif"
arrSharesFiles(73) = "images\information.gif"
arrSharesFiles(74) = "images\maintenance.gif"
arrSharesFiles(75) = "images\maintenance_32x32.gif"
arrSharesFiles(76) = "images\network.gif"
arrSharesFiles(77) = "images\network_32x32.gif"
arrSharesFiles(78) = "images\node_close.gif"
arrSharesFiles(79) = "images\node_open.gif"
arrSharesFiles(80) = "images\oem_logo.gif"
arrSharesFiles(81) = "images\OpenFolderX16.gif"
arrSharesFiles(82) = "images\server.gif"
arrSharesFiles(83) = "images\services.gif"
arrSharesFiles(84) = "images\services_32x32.gif"
arrSharesFiles(85) = "images\ShutdownX32.gif"
arrSharesFiles(86) = "images\SoftwareUpdateX32.gif"
arrSharesFiles(87) = "images\StatusBarBreak.gif"
arrSharesFiles(88) = "images\TabSeparator.gif"
arrSharesFiles(89) = "images\TerminalServiceX32.gif"
arrSharesFiles(90) = "images\up.gif"
arrSharesFiles(91) = "images\updir.gif"
arrSharesFiles(92) = "images\users.gif"
arrSharesFiles(93) = "images\users_32x32.gif"
arrSharesFiles(94) = "images\winnte_logo.gif"
arrSharesFiles(95) = "images\WinPwr_h_R.gif"
Function CreateAdminSite
Call CreateWebsite(ADMIN_ID)
End Function
Function CreateSharesSite
Call CreateWebsite(SHARES_ID)
End Function
Function CreateWebsite(nType)
On Error Resume Next
Dim strSystemDir
Dim strSystemDrive
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strSystemDrive = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SystemDrive%")
Set objEnv = WshShell.Environment("Process")
if (nType = ADMIN_ID) then
Call CreateWebSrv( "localhost", ":8099:", ":8098:", ADMIN_SITE_NAME, objEnv("SYSTEMROOT") + "\system32\serverappliance\web", ADMIN_ID)
Call WriteAdminServerRegistryEntries(WshShell)
elseif (nType = SHARES_ID) then
strSharesDir = GetSharesDirectory()
' Copy the files for the Shares site
Call CopyFiles(strSharesDir)
' Create the website
Call CreateWebSrv( "localhost", ":80:", ":443:", SHARES_SITE_NAME, strSharesDir, SHARES_ID)
'Wscript.echo "Bad argument: " & nType
end if
Call UpdateMimeMap(nType)
End Function
' Function WriteAdminServerRegistryEntries
' Description:
' Writes the entries to the registry that will be used for the
' Administration web site ports
Function WriteAdminServerRegistryEntries(WshShell)
On Error Resume Next
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
End If
End Function
' Function CreateTSWebVirtualDir
' Description:
' Create a virtual directory for Terminal Server named 'tsweb' at
' %system32%\serverappliance\web\admin\tsweb
Function CreateTSWebVirtualDir(oAdminWebRoot, strWebDir)
On Error Resume Next
Set oTSWebDir = oAdminWebRoot.Create("IIsWebVirtualDir", "tsweb")
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
oTSWebDir.Path = strWebDir & "\admin\tsweb\"
oTSWebDir.AccessRead = True
oTSWebDir.AccessWrite = False
oTSWebDir.AccessExecute = False
oTSWebDir.AccessScript = False
oTSWebDir.EnableDefaultDoc = False
oTSWebDir.ContentIndexed = False
Set oTSWebDir = Nothing
End Function
' Function CreateWebSrv
' Parameters:
' sHost The name of the host of the server (ie. localhost)
' sServerBinding The port for non-secure connections
' sSecureBinding The SSL port
' sWebSrvName Name of the web site to be created (set as the ServerComment property)
' sPath Physical path to the root of the web site
' siteType ADMIN_ID or SHARES_ID
' Description:
' Creates a website and sets the properties on the site according
' to what is necessary for Administration or Shares sites. There are
' small differences between settings on the sites. For example,
' SHARES_ID has a number of differences between the Administration sites.
Function CreateWebSrv(sHost , sServerBinding , sSecureBinding, sWebSrvName , sPath, siteType)
On Error Resume Next
g_sErrInfo = ""
g_bCancel = False
'Wscript.echo "Creating " & sWebSrvName & " website at " & sPath
Dim oWebSvc , oWebSrv , oWebRoot , oFs , iWebSrvNum , asServerBindings
Dim strWebSiteRegValue : strWebSiteRegValue = REGKEY_WEBFRAMEWORK & sWebSrvName & "SiteID"
asServerBindings = Array(0)
asServerBindings(0) = sServerBinding
If (sHost = "" Or asServerBindings(0) = "" Or sWebSrvName = "") Then
g_sErrInfo = "A required parameter was passed incorrectly."
CreateWebSrv = 1
Exit Function
End If
' Check to see if the website already exists
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
nSiteID = WshShell.RegRead(strWebSiteRegValue)
If (nSiteID <> 0) Then
Set oWebSite = GetObject(NS_IIS & sHost & "/w3svc/" & nSiteID)
If Err.number = 0 Then
'The website already exists
Exit Function
End If
End If
Set oWebSvc = GetObject(NS_IIS & sHost & "/w3svc")
'Get the next available Web server name [number]
iWebSrvNum = GetNextWebSrvNum(sHost)
'Create the web site
Set oWebSrv = oWebSvc.Create("IIsWebServer", CStr(iWebSrvNum))
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
'wscript.echo "Error creating website " & sWebSrvName & " at " & iWebSrvNum
Exit Function
End If
' Set the settings for the new web site
oWebSrv.ServerSize = 1 '// fewer than 100k Or medium sized server
'// Should I do this for the Admin sites??
' Set the non-secure port binding
oWebSrv.ServerBindings = sServerBinding
' Set the SSL Port
oWebSrv.SecureBindings = sSecureBinding
' Require the SSL Port
oWebSrv.AccessSSL = True
' Other web site settings
oWebSrv.AspEnableParentPaths = False
oWebSrv.AspScriptLanguage = "VBScript"
oWebSrv.DefaultDoc = "Default.asp"
oWebSrv.ServerComment = sWebSrvName
oWebSrv.AuthAnonymous = False
If siteType = SHARES_ID Then
oWebSrv.AuthBasic = False
oWebSrv.AuthNTLM = True
oWebSrv.AuthBasic = True
oWebSrv.AuthNTLM = False
End If
'// Ensure physical Path exists
Set oFs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not (oFs.FolderExists(sPath)) Then
Call oFs.CreateFolder(sPath)
End If
Set oWebRoot = oWebSrv.Create("IIsWebVirtualDir", "Root")
oWebRoot.Path = sPath
Set oFs = Nothing
oWebRoot.AccessRead = True
If (siteType = SHARES_ID) Then
oWebRoot.AccessWrite = True
oWebRoot.AccessWrite = False
End If
oWebRoot.AccessExecute = False
oWebRoot.AccessScript = True
oWebRoot.AppCreate (True)
oWebRoot.AppFriendlyName = "Default Application"
' If we're creating the Administration site, make the necessary
' adjustments to enable ASP globally
' and create a virtual dir for tsweb
If (siteType = ADMIN_ID) Then
Call EnableASPForAllSites(sHost, WshShell)
Call CreateTSWebVirtualDir(oWebRoot, sPath)
End If
Set oWebRoot = Nothing
Set oWebSrv = Nothing
Set oWebSvc = Nothing
CreateWebSrv = iWebSrvNum
Call WshShell.RegWrite(strWebSiteRegValue, iWebSrvNum, CONST_TYPE_DWORD)
Exit Function
g_sErrInfo = Err.Number - vbObjectError & ", " & Err.Description & ", " & Err.LastDllError
CreateWebSrv = 1
End Function
' Function EnableASPForAllSites
' Parameters:
' sHost The name of the host of the server (ie. localhost)
' WshShell Shell object
' Description:
' Add Remote Admin Tools to the list of Applications that use ASP
Function EnableASPForAllSites(sHost, WshShell)
On Error Resume Next
strProduct = Session.Property("CustomActionData")
Set IIS = GetObject(NS_IIS & sHost & "/w3svc")
' Detect if asp is currently in the list of ISAPIs
Dim bFound : bFound = False
'Search for Remote Admin Tools in ApplicationDependencies
appDepend = IIS.ApplicationDependencies
For i=0 To UBound(appDepend)
If instr(1,appDepend(i),strProduct) > 0 Then
'ASP was already added to Remote Admin Tools
bFound = True
Exit For
End If
'If Remote Admin Tools wasn't found in the dependencies on ASP, add it
If Not bFound Then
' Add ASP as a dependency for Remote Admin Tools
ReDim Preserve appDepend(UBound(appDepend)+1)
appDepend(UBound(appDepend)) = strProduct & ";ASP"
'Save the entry back to the metabase
IIS.ApplicationDependencies = appDepend
End If
'Now modify asp.dll to be allowed in WebSvcExtRestrictionList
webExt = IIS.WebSvcExtRestrictionList
strTurnedOn = "0"
For i=0 To UBound(webExt)
If instr(1,webExt(i),"asp.dll") > 0 Then
If Left(webExt(i), 1) = "1" Then
'It's already on!
Exit For
End If
'ASP was already added to Remote Admin Tools
webExt(i) = "1" & Right(webExt(i), Len(webExt(i))-1)
'Set the new Restriction list with ASP turned on
IIS.WebSvcExtRestrictionList = webExt
strTurnedOn = "1"
Exit For
End If
Dim strTurnAspOn : strTurnAspOn = REGKEY_WEBFRAMEWORK & "ASPWasEnabled"
Call WshShell.RegWrite(strTurnAspOn, strTurnedOn)
End Function
' Function DisableASPForAllSites
' Parameters:
' sHost The name of the host of the server (ie. localhost)
' Description:
' Remove Remote Admin Tools from the list of Applications that use ASP
Function DisableASPForAllSites(sHost)
On Error Resume Next
strProduct = Session.Property("CustomActionData")
Set IIS = GetObject(NS_IIS & sHost & "/w3svc")
' Remove Remote Admin Tools from list of dependencies on ASP
Dim bFound : bFound = False
'Search for Remote Admin Tools in ApplicationDependencies
appDepend = IIS.ApplicationDependencies
For i=0 To UBound(appDepend)
If instr(1,appDepend(i),strProduct) > 0 Then
'Removing ASP dependency on Remote Admin Tools
appDepend(i) = appDepend(UBound(appDepend))
ReDim Preserve appDepend(UBound(appDepend)-1)
IIS.ApplicationDependencies = appDepend
Exit For
End If
'If we turned on ASP during install, turn it back off
Dim strTurnAspOn : strTurnAspOn = REGKEY_WEBFRAMEWORK & "ASPWasEnabled"
Set WshShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
If WshShell.RegRead(strTurnAspOn) = "1" Then
'Search for ASP in WebSvcExtRestrictionList and turn it off
webExt = IIS.WebSvcExtRestrictionList
For i=0 To UBound(webExt)
If instr(1,webExt(i),"asp.dll") > 0 Then
If Left(webExt(i), 1) = "0" Then
'It's already off!
Exit For
End If
webExt(i) = "0" & Right(webExt(i), Len(webExt(i))-1)
'Set the new Restriction list with ASP turned off
IIS.WebSvcExtRestrictionList = webExt
Exit For
End If
End If
End Function
' Function GetNextWebSrvNum
' Parameters:
' sHost Localhost
' Description:
' Searches for an available web site name, which will be of
' the form IIS://localhost/w3svc/1
' If 0 is returned, there was an error.
' It starts with a random number and increments it until it
' finds an available site
Function GetNextWebSrvNum( sHost )
On Error Resume Next
If (sHost = "") Then
'g_sErrInfo = "A required parameter was passed incorrectly."
GetNextWebSrvNum = 0
Exit Function
End If
Dim oWebSrv , iWebSrvNum, bContinue
'Start with a random site ID between 1 and 32000
' (The limiting number isn't really 32000, but we just need a big range)
iWebSrvNum = CLng(32000 * Rnd + 1)
bContinue = True
'Try different site IDs until one is available
' (It is highly likely to succeed on the first try)
While bContinue
Set oWebSrv = GetObject(NS_IIS & sHost & "/w3svc/" & iWebSrvNum)
If Err.number <> 0 Then
bContinue = False
iWebSrvNum = iWebSrvNum + 1
End If
GetNextWebSrvNum = iWebSrvNum
'WScript.Echo "Site number: " & GetNextWebSrvNum
End Function
' Function GetSharesDirectory
' Description:
' Determines where the directory for the Shares web site will be
' ie. C:\SAShares
' It searches for the first available NTFS drive that is not the system
' drive. If there is not a drive besides the system drive, it will
' use the system drive.
Function GetSharesDirectory
On Error Resume Next
Dim WshShell, strSystemDrive
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strWindowsDir = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%WinDir%")
GetSharesDirectory = strWindowsDir & "\system32\ServerAppliance\SAShares"
End Function
' Function CopyFiles
' Description:
' This function copies the Shares Site files from the ServerAppliance
' Directory to the %systemdrive%\inetpub directory
Function CopyFiles(strTargetPath)
On Error Resume Next
Set oShell = CreateObject ("")
Set objEnv = oShell.Environment("Process")
strWebDir = objEnv("SYSTEMROOT") + "\system32\ServerAppliance\Web\Admin"
'The SAShares folder is created by the CreateFolder table and the ACLs are set
' to Administrators only, so we need to add User read/execute access
Call AddUserReadACL(strTargetPath)
Call oShell.Run("cmd.exe /C Mkdir " & strTargetPath & "\style",0, TRUE)
Call oShell.Run("cmd.exe /C Mkdir " & strTargetPath & "\images",0, TRUE)
strCopyCmd = "cmd.exe /C Copy " & strWebDir
For i=0 To UBound(arrSharesFiles)
Call oShell.Run(strCopyCmd & "\" & arrSharesFiles(i) & " " & strTargetPath & "\" & arrSharesFiles(i), 0, True)
Call oShell.Run(strCopyCmd & "\Shares\sharessite.asp " & strTargetPath & "\default.asp",0, TRUE)
Set oShell = Nothing
End Function
' The administration web site needs to be deleted when the SAK is uninstalled.
' During uninstallation, all of the files at \winnt\system32\serverappliance\web
' directory are deleted, which is where the admin site points to. Therefore,
' there wouldn't be anything left for this web site to contain. Otherwise,
' an error would appear if the user went to the admin site in the IIS MMC snapin.
Function DeleteAdminSite()
On Error Resume Next
Call DisableASPForAllSites("localhost")
End Function
Function DeleteSharesSite()
On Error Resume Next
If DeleteSite(SHARES_SITE_NAME) Then
'If the Shares site was found and deleted, then delete the corresponding files
Set oShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
strSharesDir = GetSharesDirectory()
strDeleteCmd = "cmd.exe /C del " & strSharesDir & "\"
For i=0 To UBound(arrSharesFiles)
Call oShell.Run(strDeleteCmd & arrSharesFiles(i), 0, True)
Call oShell.Run(strDeleteCmd & "\default.asp",0, TRUE)
Call oShell.Run(strDeleteCmd & "\SharesList.txt",0, TRUE)
'Attempt to remove directories will fail if they're not empty
Call oShell.Run("cmd.exe /C rmdir " & strSharesDir & "\style", 0, TRUE)
Call oShell.Run("cmd.exe /C rmdir " & strSharesDir & "\images", 0, TRUE)
End If
End Function
Function StartDefaultSite()
On Error Resume Next
'Restart the default site
Set defaultSite = GetObject("IIS://localhost/w3svc/1")
End Function
Function DeleteSite(strSiteName)
On Error Resume Next
DeleteSite = False
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set webService = GetObject("IIS://localhost/w3svc")
strWebSiteRegValue = REGKEY_WEBFRAMEWORK & strSiteName & "SiteID"
nSiteID = WshShell.RegRead(strWebSiteRegValue)
'wscript.echo "Delete site: " & strSiteName & " at " & nSiteID
If (nSiteID <> 0) Then
Set oWebSite = GetObject(NS_IIS & "localhost/w3svc/" & nSiteID)
If Err.number = 0 Then
'The website exists, so delete it
webService.delete "IIsWebServer", oWebSite.Name
DeleteSite = True
End If
End If
End Function
Function CreateServerIDProperty
On Error Resume Next
'Create new ServerID property in the schema
propName = "ServerID"
' Check to see if the property already exists
Set prop = GetObject("IIS://localhost/schema/" & propName)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
'wscript.echo "Property already exists: " & propName
'wscript.echo "Property doesn't exist: " & propName
' If the property doesn't exist, create it
Set schemaObj = GetObject("IIS://localhost/schema")
Set newProp = schemaObj.Create("Property", propName)
newProp.Syntax = "String"
newProp.Default = ""
'Link new property to the IIsWebServer class
'wscript.echo "Link to the IIsWebServer"
Set webServerClass = GetObject("IIS://localhost/schema/IIsWebServer")
Properties = webServerClass.OptionalProperties
ReDim Preserve Properties(UBound(Properties) + 1)
Properties(UBound(Properties)) = propName
webServerClass.OptionalProperties = Properties
'Link new property to the IIsFtpServer class
'wscript.echo "Link to the IIsFtpServer"
Set ftpServerClass = GetObject("IIS://localhost/schema/IIsFtpServer")
Properties = ftpServerClass.OptionalProperties
ReDim Preserve Properties(UBound(Properties) + 1)
Properties(UBound(Properties)) = propName
ftpServerClass.OptionalProperties = Properties
' Flush the metabase and reload WMI so that this new
' property will appear through WMI calls.
'wscript.echo "Flushing the metabase ..."
set compObj = GetObject("IIS://localhost")
'wscript.echo "Stopping winmgmt..."
Set wShell = CreateObject ("")
wShell.Run "net stop winmgmt /y",0, TRUE
'wscript.echo "Starting winmgmt..."
wShell.Run "net start winmgmt",0, TRUE
End If
End Function
' DetectStoppedSites
' Description:
' Detects whether the proper sites have been started as part
' of the installation process. In particular, the Administration
' and Shares sites are detected. The results are placed in the
' the registry as a REG_SZ called:
' HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ServerAppliance\WebFramework\StartSiteError
' It is then interpreted as a number, with each bit position
' representing whether a site is started.
' Bit 0 corresponds to the Administration site and
' Bit 1 corresponds to the Shares site.
' The caller of SaSetup.exe is responsible to interpret
' this registry entry and inform the user of errors.
' History:
' travisn 23-JUL-2001 Created
' travisn 7-AUG-2001 Comments added
Function DetectStoppedSites
On Error Resume Next
'Declare and initialize variables
Dim oWebSrv, badAdminServer, badSharesServer, nAdminSiteID, nSharesSiteID
badAdminServer = 0
badSharesServer = 0
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
If (nAdminSiteID <> 0) Then
Set oWebSrv = GetObject(NS_IIS & "localhost/w3svc/" & nAdminSiteID)
' Detect if the ServerState property is one of these 2:
If ( oWebSrv.ServerState = 3 OR oWebSrv.ServerState = 4) Then
' Admin Site is NOT started. Set the appropriate variable to ON
badAdminServer = 1
End If
End If
If (nSharesSiteID <> 0) Then
Set oWebSrv = GetObject(NS_IIS & "localhost/w3svc/" & nSharesSiteID)
If ( oWebSrv.ServerState = 3 OR oWebSrv.ServerState = 4) Then
' Shares Site is NOT started. Set the appropriate variable to ON
badSharesServer = 1
End If
End If
' Convert the stopped site information into a single variable
' with bits representing whether a site is running
' Codes for stoppedSites:
' 1: Admin site is not started
' 2: Shares site is not started
' 3: Both Admin and Shares sites are not started
Dim stoppedSites
stoppedSites = 0
If badAdminServer = 1 Then
stoppedSites = stoppedSites + 1
End If
If badSharesServer = 1 Then
stoppedSites = stoppedSites + 2
End If
'Write the value of stoppedSites to the registry
Dim WshShell
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.RegWrite REGKEY_WEBFRAMEWORK & "StartSiteError", stoppedSites
End Function
Function ShowAdminSiteError
Call ShowSiteError(ADMIN_ID)
End Function
Function ShowSharesSiteError
Call ShowSiteError(SHARES_ID)
End Function
' ShowSiteError
' Description:
' If errors were reported during setup to start the Administration
' or Shares site, this script will display error dialog
' boxes to indicate to the user that he needs to reconcile
' the problem.
' This script should only be called if SaSetup.exe is run
' with the UI sequence enabled.
' The results are read from theregistry as a REG_SZ called:
' HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ServerAppliance\WebFramework\StartSiteError
' It is then interpreted as a number, with each bit position
' representing whether a site is started.
' Bit 0 corresponds to the Administration site and
' Bit 1 corresponds to the Shares site.
' History:
' travisn 7-JUL-2001 Created
Function ShowSiteError(nSiteID)
On Error Resume Next
' Declare variables to read from the registry
Dim WshShell
Dim errorMsg
'Read the value of the registry entry for errors
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
errorMsg = WshShell.RegRead(REGKEY_WEBFRAMEWORK & "StartSiteError")
'Display the Administration site error
if errorMsg AND ADMIN_ID AND (nSiteID = ADMIN_ID) then
Call DisplayWarning (Session.Property("CustomActionData"))
end if
'Display the Shares site error
if errorMsg AND SHARES_ID AND (nSiteID = SHARES_ID) then
Call DisplayWarning (Session.Property("CustomActionData"))
end if
End Function
Function DisplayWarning(strWarning)
WARNING = &H02000000
Set messageRecord = Session.Installer.CreateRecord(1)
messageRecord.StringData(0) = "[1]"
messageRecord.StringData(1) = strWarning
Session.Message WARNING, messageRecord
End Function
' StopDefaultSiteIfPristine
' Description:
' Stop the default site if it is still in its pristine state
' It is considered to not be in its pristine state if
' 1) The web site uses the default document list
' (used when the filename is not specified in the URL)
' 2) iisstart.asp is in this default document list
' 3) iisstart.asp is the first file in the list that exists
Function StopDefaultSiteIfPristine
On Error Resume Next
const defaultFileName1 = "iisstart.asp"
const defaultFileName2 = "iisstart.htm"
Dim oWebSrv , iisLoc, isDefaultSite
defaultSiteLoc = "IIS://localhost/w3svc/1"
isDefaultSite = false
Set siteRoot = GetObject(defaultSiteLoc & "/Root")
' Take the default site and determine if it has been modified
' Do a quick check to see if the default document list is being used and contains iisstart.asp
If siteRoot.enableDefaultDoc Then
Dim rootPath
Dim defaultFileList
rootPath = siteRoot.path & "\"
'Get the list of default files
defaultFileList = Split(siteRoot.defaultDoc, ",")
' Search the list of default files for the first file that actually exists.
' If the first one found is iisstart.asp, then it is determined to be the default site
Set oFs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For Each defaultFile In defaultFileList
If oFs.FileExists(rootPath & defaultFile) Then
'wscript.echo "File exists: " & defaultFile
If (defaultFile = DefaultFileName1 Or defaultFile = DefaultFileName2) Then
isDefaultSite = true
Exit For
' The first file that exists was not iisstart.asp
Exit Function
End If
'wscript.echo "File does NOT exist: " & defaultFile
End If
'wscript.echo "Default pages are turned off or do not include iisstart.asp"
End If
' If the web site is the default site then stop it
If ( isDefaultSite ) Then
'wscript.echo "Stop the default site"
set defaultWebSite = GetObject(defaultSiteLoc)
'This error is now reported in another place during setup
if ( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then
'wscript.echo "Unable to stop default site"
End If
End If
End Function
' Sub UpdateMimeMap
' Parameters:
' siteType ADMIN_ID or SHARES_ID
' Description:
' Updates the MIME map for the specified site to allow the appropriate
' types of files to be downloaded. Right now, that means adding the
' log file extensions for the administration web site. The shares
' site is not updated.
Sub UpdateMimeMap(siteType)
On Error Resume Next
Dim strRegKeySiteID
If (siteType = ADMIN_ID) Then
' We don't update the MIME Map for the shares site.
Exit Sub
' "SiteID"
End If
' Get the IIsWebServer object for the admin site.
Dim WshShell
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim nSiteID
nSiteID = WshShell.RegRead(strRegKeySiteID)
Dim oWebServer
Set oWebServer = GetObject("IIS://localhost/w3svc/" & nSiteID)
' Create the MimeMap objects.
Dim mmEVT
Set mmEVT = CreateObject("MimeMap")
mmEVT.Extension = ".evt"
mmEVT.MimeType = "application/octet-stream"
Dim mmCSV
Set mmCSV = CreateObject("MimeMap")
mmCSV.Extension = ".csv"
mmCSV.MimeType = "text/plain"
Dim mmLOG
Set mmLOG = CreateObject("MimeMap")
mmLOG.Extension = ".log"
mmLOG.MimeType = "text/plain"
' Add the new mappings.
Dim rgMimeMap
rgMimeMap = oWebServer.GetEx("MimeMap")
Dim bEVT: bEVT = True
Dim bCSV: bCSV = True
Dim bLOG: bLOG = True
Dim nUBound: nUBound = UBound(rgMimeMap) + 3
Dim oMapping
For Each oMapping In rgMimeMap
Select Case LCase(oMapping.Extension)
Case ".evt"
bEVT = False
nUBound = nUBound - 1
Case ".csv"
bCSV = False
nUBound = nUBound - 1
Case ".log"
bLOG = False
nUBound = nUBound - 1
End Select
ReDim Preserve rgMimeMap(nUBound)
If (bLOG) Then
Set rgMimeMap(nUBound) = mmLOG
nUBound = nUBound - 1
End If
If (bCSV) Then
Set rgMimeMap(nUBound) = mmCSV
nUBound = nUBound - 1
End If
If (bEVT) Then
Set rgMimeMap(nUBound) = mmEVT
nUBound = nUBound - 1
End If
' Commit the changes.
Call oWebServer.PutEx(ADS_PROPERTY_UPDATE, "MimeMap", rgMimeMap)
Call oWebServer.SetInfo()
End Sub
' Function AddUserReadACL
' Description:
' Add User Read/Execute access to this folder
Function AddUserReadACL(strPath)
On Error Resume Next
Dim WshShell, strUserAccount, WmiConnection, oFs, objSid, caclsCommand
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' Security ID definitions of the User account
USERS_SID = "S-1-5-32-545"
' cacls constants
OPTIONS = " /E /T /G " 'Edit ACL, All files in directory & subdirectories, Grant access
READ = ":R" 'Read Access
' Get localized account name for changing permissions on the User account
strWmiGetUser = "Win32_SID.SID=""" & USERS_SID & """"
Set WmiConnection = GetWMIConnection()
set objSid = WmiConnection.Get(strWmiGetUser)
If Err.number <> 0 Then
'DisplayWarning "Failed to get WMI User: " & Err.number & ", " & Err.Description
Exit Function
End If
strUserAccount = """" & objSid.AccountName & """"
'Run cacls to add Users to the folder
Set oFs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If oFs.FolderExists(strPath) Then
caclsCommand = "cmd /C echo y|cacls " 'Automatically select Yes to overwrite the permissions
WshShell.Run caclsCommand & strPath & OPTIONS & strUserAccount & READ, 0, True
End If
End Function
'Function name: GetWMIConnection
'Description: Serves in getting connected to the server
'Input Variables: None
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: Object -connection to the server object
'This will try to create an object and connect to wmi
Function GetWMIConnection()
Dim objLocator, objService
Set objLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
Set objService = objLocator.ConnectServer()
If Err.number = 0 Then
Set GetWMIConnection = objService
End If
'Set to nothing
Set objLocator=Nothing
Set objService=Nothing
End Function