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179 lines
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// TestITN.h : Declaration of the CTestITN
#ifndef __TESTITN_H_
#define __TESTITN_H_
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
#include <wchar.h> // for swprintf()
#define MAX_DATE_FORMAT 30
#define MAX_SIG_FIGS 12
#define MAX_STATEZIP 12
#define MAX_PHONE_NUMBER 17 // 1-(425)-882-8080\0
// Flags for number display
typedef enum DISPLAYFLAGS
DF_UNFORMATTED = (1L << 0),// No formatting
DF_ORDINAL = (1L << 1),// Ordinal number
DF_WHOLENUMBER = (1L << 2),// Should be displayed without decimal
DF_FIXEDWIDTH = (1L << 3),// Requiring a certain width
DF_LEADINGZERO = (1L << 4),// Presence of leading 0 of the number is between 0 and 1
DF_NOTHOUSANDSGROUP = (1L << 5),// Do not do any thousands grouping (commas)
DF_MILLIONBILLION = (1L << 6) // If the number is a flat "millions" or "billions"
// then display as "3 million"
// CTestITN
public CComObjectRootEx<CComMultiThreadModel>,
public CComCoClass<CTestITN, &CLSID_TestITN>,
public ISpCFGInterpreter
CTestITN() : m_pSite( NULL ),
m_pwszNeg( NULL )
delete m_pwszNeg;
HRESULT InterpretNumber( const SPPHRASEPROPERTY *pProperties,
const bool fCardinal,
DOUBLE *pdblVal,
WCHAR *pszVal,
UINT cSize,
const bool fFinalDisplayFmt = false );
HRESULT InterpretDigitNumber( const SPPHRASEPROPERTY *pProperties,
DOUBLE *pdblVal,
WCHAR *pszVal,
UINT cSize);
HRESULT InterpretFPNumber( const SPPHRASEPROPERTY *pProperties,
DOUBLE *pdblVal,
WCHAR *pszVal,
UINT cSize);
HRESULT InterpretMillBill( const SPPHRASEPROPERTY *pProperties,
DOUBLE *pdblVal,
WCHAR *pszVal,
UINT cSize );
HRESULT InterpretFraction( const SPPHRASEPROPERTY *pProperties,
DOUBLE *pdblVal,
WCHAR *pszVal,
UINT cSize);
HRESULT InterpretDate( const SPPHRASEPROPERTY *pProperties,
DOUBLE *pdblVal,
WCHAR *pszVal,
UINT cSize);
HRESULT InterpretTime( const SPPHRASEPROPERTY *pProperties,
DOUBLE *pdblVal,
WCHAR *pszVal,
UINT cSize );
HRESULT InterpretStateZip( const SPPHRASEPROPERTY *pProperties,
WCHAR *pszVal,
UINT cSize,
BYTE *pbAttribs );
HRESULT InterpretCanadaZip( const SPPHRASEPROPERTY *pProperties,
WCHAR *pszVal,
UINT cSize );
HRESULT InterpretPhoneNumber( const SPPHRASEPROPERTY *pProperties,
WCHAR *pszVal,
UINT cSize );
HRESULT InterpretDegrees( const SPPHRASEPROPERTY *pProperties,
DOUBLE *pdblVal,
WCHAR *pszVal,
UINT cSize );
HRESULT InterpretMeasurement( const SPPHRASEPROPERTY *pProperties,
DOUBLE *pdblVal,
WCHAR *pszVal,
UINT cSize );
HRESULT InterpretCurrency( const SPPHRASEPROPERTY *pProperties,
DOUBLE *pdblVal,
WCHAR *pszVal,
UINT cSize);
HRESULT AddPropertyAndReplacement( const WCHAR *szBuff,
const DOUBLE dblValue,
const ULONG ulMinPos,
const ULONG ulMaxPos,
const ULONG ulFirstElement,
const ULONG ulCountOfElements,
const BYTE bDisplayAttrib = SPAF_ONE_TRAILING_SPACE);
HRESULT MakeDisplayNumber( DOUBLE dblNum,
DWORD dwDisplayFlags,
UINT uiFixedWidth,
UINT uiDecimalPlaces,
WCHAR *pwszNum,
UINT cSize );
int MakeDigitString( const SPPHRASEPROPERTY *pProperties,
WCHAR *pwszDigitString,
UINT cSize );
HRESULT GetNumberFormatDefaults();
HRESULT GetCurrencyFormatDefaults();
ULONG ComputeNum999(const SPPHRASEPROPERTY *pProperties );
void HandleDigitsAfterDecimal( WCHAR *pwszFormattedNum,
UINT cSizeOfFormattedNum,
const WCHAR *pwszRightOfDecimal );
void GetMinAndMaxPos( const SPPHRASEPROPERTY *pProperties, ULONG *pulMinPos, ULONG *pulMaxPos );
int GetMonthName( int iMonth, WCHAR *pwszMonth, int cSize, bool fAbbrev );
int GetDayOfWeekName( int iDayOfWeek, WCHAR *pwszDayOfWeek, int cSize, bool fAbbrev );
int FormatDate( const SYSTEMTIME &stDate, WCHAR *pwszFormat, WCHAR *pwszDate, int cSize );
HRESULT MakeNumberNegative( WCHAR *pwszNumber );
HRESULT MakePositiveCurrency( WCHAR *pwszCurr, const WCHAR * const pwszCurrSym );
HRESULT MakeNegativeCurrency( WCHAR *pwszCurr, const WCHAR * const pwszCurrSym );
// Data members
CSpUnicodeSupport m_Unicode;
NUMBERFMTW m_nmfmtDefault;
CURRENCYFMTW m_cyfmtDefault;
WCHAR m_pwszDecimalSep[ MAX_LOCALE_DATA];
WCHAR m_pwszThousandSep[MAX_LOCALE_DATA];
WCHAR m_pwszCurrencySym[MAX_LOCALE_DATA];
WCHAR *m_pwszNeg;
ISpCFGInterpreterSite *m_pSite;
// ISpCFGInterptreter
STDMETHODIMP InitGrammar(const WCHAR * pszGrammarName, const void ** pvGrammarData);
STDMETHODIMP Interpret(ISpPhraseBuilder * pInterpretRule, const ULONG ulFirstElement, const ULONG ulCountOfElements, ISpCFGInterpreterSite * pSite);
CComPtr<ISpPhraseBuilder> m_cpPhrase; // Decalred as a member to prevent repeated construct/destroy
#endif //__TESTITN_H_