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You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* TimeNorm.cpp *
* Description:
* These functions normalize times of day and time measurements.
* Created by AH August 3, 1999
* Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
* All Rights Reserved
#include "stdafx.h"
#ifndef StdSentEnum_h
#include "stdsentenum.h"
#pragma warning (disable : 4296)
* IsTimeOfDay *
* Description:
* Checks the incoming Item's text to determine whether or not it
* is a time of day.
* RegExp:
* [01-09,1-12][:][00-09,10-59][TimeAbbreviation]?
* Types assigned:
********************************************************************* AH **********************/
HRESULT CStdSentEnum::IsTimeOfDay( TTSItemInfo*& pItemNormInfo, CSentItemMemory& MemoryManager,
CWordList& WordList, BOOL fMultiItem )
SPDBG_FUNC( "CStdSentEnum::IsTimeOfDay" );
const WCHAR *pStartChar = m_pNextChar, *pEndOfItem = m_pEndOfCurrItem, *pEndChar = m_pEndChar;
const SPVTEXTFRAG* pFrag = m_pCurrFrag;
const SPVSTATE *pTimeXMLState = &pFrag->State, *pAbbreviationXMLState = NULL;
CItemList PreAbbreviationList;
BOOL fAdvancePointers = false;
WCHAR *pHours = NULL, *pMinutes = NULL, *pAbbreviation = NULL;
ULONG ulHours = 0, ulMinutes = 0;
TTSItemType ItemType = eUNMATCHED;
//--- Max length of a string matching this regexp is 9 character
if ( pEndOfItem - pStartChar > 9 )
pHours = (WCHAR*) pStartChar;
//--- Try to match a number for the hour of day - [01-09,1-12]
ulHours = my_wcstoul( pHours, &pMinutes );
if ( pHours != pMinutes &&
pMinutes - pHours <= 2 )
//--- Try to match the colon - [:]
if ( *pMinutes == ':' )
//--- Try to match a number for the minutes - [00-09,10-59]
ulMinutes = my_wcstoul( pMinutes, &pAbbreviation );
if ( pMinutes != pAbbreviation &&
pAbbreviation - pMinutes == 2 )
//--- Verify that this is the end of the string
if ( pAbbreviation == pEndOfItem )
//--- May have gotten hours and minutes - validate values
if ( HOURMIN <= ulHours && ulHours <= HOURMAX &&
MINUTEMIN <= ulMinutes && ulMinutes <= MINUTEMAX )
//--- A successful match has been made, but peek ahead in text for Time Abbreviation
if ( fMultiItem )
pStartChar = pEndOfItem;
hr = SkipWhiteSpaceAndTags( pStartChar, pEndChar, pFrag, MemoryManager,
true, &PreAbbreviationList );
if ( pStartChar &&
pEndOfItem = FindTokenEnd( pStartChar, pEndChar );
while ( IsMiscPunctuation( *(pEndOfItem - 1) ) != eUNMATCHED ||
IsGroupEnding( *(pEndOfItem - 1) ) != eUNMATCHED ||
IsQuotationMark( *(pEndOfItem - 1) ) != eUNMATCHED ||
( ( ItemType = IsEOSItem( *(pEndOfItem - 1) ) ) != eUNMATCHED &&
( ItemType != ePERIOD ||
( _wcsnicmp( pStartChar, L"am.", 3 ) == 0 &&
pStartChar + 3 == pEndOfItem ) ||
( _wcsnicmp( pStartChar, L"pm.", 3 ) == 0 &&
pStartChar + 3 == pEndOfItem ) ) ) )
pAbbreviation = (WCHAR*) pStartChar;
if ( ( _wcsnicmp( pAbbreviation, L"am", 2 ) == 0 &&
pAbbreviation + 2 == pEndOfItem ) ||
( _wcsnicmp( pAbbreviation, L"a.m.", 4 ) == 0 &&
pAbbreviation + 4 == pEndOfItem ) )
//--- Found a valid Time Abbreviation - [Hours:Minutes] [whitespace] [Abbrev]
TimeAbbreviation = AM;
pAbbreviationXMLState = &pFrag->State;
fAdvancePointers = true;
else if ( ( _wcsnicmp( pAbbreviation, L"pm", 2 ) == 0 &&
pAbbreviation + 2 == pEndOfItem ) ||
( _wcsnicmp( pAbbreviation, L"p.m.", 4 ) == 0 &&
pAbbreviation + 4 == pEndOfItem ) )
//--- Found a valid Time Abbreviation - [Hours:Minutes] [whitespace] [Abbrev]
TimeAbbreviation = PM;
pAbbreviationXMLState = &pFrag->State;
fAdvancePointers = true;
else // hours or minutes were out of range
//--- Check to see if the rest of the string is a time abbreviation - [TimeAbbreviation]
else if ( ( _wcsnicmp( pAbbreviation, L"am", 2 ) == 0 &&
pAbbreviation + 2 == pEndOfItem ) ||
( _wcsnicmp( pAbbreviation, L"a.m.", 4 ) == 0 &&
pAbbreviation + 4 == pEndOfItem ) )
//--- May have gotten hours and minutes and time abbreviation - validate values
if ( HOURMIN <= ulHours && ulHours <= HOURMAX &&
MINUTEMIN <= ulMinutes && ulMinutes <= MINUTEMAX )
//--- A successful match has been made
TimeAbbreviation = AM;
pAbbreviationXMLState = &pFrag->State;
else // hours or minutes were out of range
//--- Check to see if the rest of the string is a time abbreviation - [TimeAbbreviation]
else if ( ( _wcsnicmp( pAbbreviation, L"pm", 2 ) == 0 &&
pAbbreviation + 2 == pEndOfItem ) ||
( _wcsnicmp( pAbbreviation, L"p.m.", 4 ) == 0 &&
pAbbreviation + 4 == pEndOfItem ) )
//--- May have gotten hours and minutes and time abbreviation - validate values
if ( HOURMIN <= ulHours && ulHours <= HOURMAX &&
MINUTEMIN <= ulMinutes && ulMinutes <= MINUTEMAX )
//--- A successful match has been made
pAbbreviationXMLState = &pFrag->State;
TimeAbbreviation = PM;
else // hours or minutes were out of range
else // string ended in invalid characters
} // failed to match a valid minutes string
} // failed to match the colon, could be just hours and a time abbreviation
else if ( pMinutes < m_pEndOfCurrItem )
pAbbreviation = pMinutes;
pMinutes = NULL;
//--- Check for TimeAbbreviation - [TimeAbbreviation]
if ( ( _wcsnicmp( pAbbreviation, L"am", 2 ) == 0 &&
pAbbreviation + 2 == pEndOfItem ) ||
( _wcsnicmp( pAbbreviation, L"a.m.", 4 ) == 0 &&
pAbbreviation + 4 == pEndOfItem ) )
//--- A successful match has been made - Hour AM
pAbbreviationXMLState = &pFrag->State;
TimeAbbreviation = AM;
else if ( ( _wcsnicmp( pAbbreviation, L"pm", 2 ) == 0 &&
pAbbreviation + 2 == pEndOfItem ) ||
( _wcsnicmp( pAbbreviation, L"p.m.", 4 ) == 0 &&
pAbbreviation + 4 == pEndOfItem ) )
//--- A successful match has been made - Hour PM
pAbbreviationXMLState = &pFrag->State;
TimeAbbreviation = PM;
else // failed to match a valid time abbreviation
else if ( fMultiItem )
//--- Set pMinutes to NULL, so we know later that we've got no minutes string...
pMinutes = NULL;
//--- Peek ahead in text for a time abbreviation
pStartChar = pEndOfItem;
hr = SkipWhiteSpaceAndTags( pStartChar, pEndChar, pFrag, MemoryManager,
true, &PreAbbreviationList );
if ( !pStartChar &&
else if ( pStartChar &&
pEndOfItem = FindTokenEnd( pStartChar, pEndChar );
while ( IsMiscPunctuation( *(pEndOfItem - 1) ) != eUNMATCHED ||
IsGroupEnding( *(pEndOfItem - 1) ) != eUNMATCHED ||
IsQuotationMark( *(pEndOfItem - 1) ) != eUNMATCHED ||
( ( ItemType = IsEOSItem( *(pEndOfItem - 1) ) ) != eUNMATCHED &&
ItemType != ePERIOD ) )
pAbbreviation = (WCHAR*) pStartChar;
if ( ( _wcsnicmp( pAbbreviation, L"am", 2 ) == 0 &&
pAbbreviation + 2 == pEndOfItem ) ||
( _wcsnicmp( pAbbreviation, L"a.m.", 4 ) == 0 &&
pAbbreviation + 4 == pEndOfItem ) )
//--- Found a valid Time Abbreviation - [Hours:Minutes] [whitespace] [Abbrev]
TimeAbbreviation = AM;
pAbbreviationXMLState = &pFrag->State;
fAdvancePointers = true;
else if ( ( _wcsnicmp( pAbbreviation, L"pm", 2 ) == 0 &&
pAbbreviation + 2 == pEndOfItem ) ||
( _wcsnicmp( pAbbreviation, L"p.m.", 4 ) == 0 &&
pAbbreviation + 4 == pEndOfItem ) )
//--- Found a valid Time Abbreviation - [Hours:Minutes] [whitespace] [Abbrev]
TimeAbbreviation = PM;
pAbbreviationXMLState = &pFrag->State;
fAdvancePointers = true;
//--- Failed to match a valid Time Abbreviation
} // failed to match a valid hours string
//--- Successfully matched a Time Of Day! Now expand it and fill out pItemNormInfo
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
NumberGroup Garbage;
TTSWord Word;
ZeroMemory( &Word, sizeof(TTSWord) );
Word.eWordPartOfSpeech = MS_Unknown;
pItemNormInfo = (TTSTimeOfDayItemInfo*) MemoryManager.GetMemory( sizeof(TTSTimeOfDayItemInfo), &hr );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
//--- Fill out known parts of pItemNormInfo
ZeroMemory( pItemNormInfo, sizeof(TTSTimeOfDayItemInfo) );
pItemNormInfo->Type = eTIMEOFDAY;
( (TTSTimeOfDayItemInfo*) pItemNormInfo )->fMinutes = pMinutes ? true : false;
( (TTSTimeOfDayItemInfo*) pItemNormInfo )->fTimeAbbreviation = TimeAbbreviation != UNDEFINED ? true : false;
( (TTSTimeOfDayItemInfo*) pItemNormInfo )->fTwentyFourHour = false;
//--- Expand the hours
if ( !iswdigit( pHours[1] ) )
ExpandDigit( pHours[0], Garbage, WordList );
ExpandTwoDigits( pHours, Garbage, WordList );
//--- Expand the minutes
if ( pMinutes )
//--- Special case: A bare o'clock - 1:00, 2:00, etc.
if ( wcsncmp( pMinutes, L"00", 2 ) == 0 )
WCHAR *pGarbage;
ULONG ulHours = my_wcstoul( pHours, &pGarbage );
//--- Under twelve is followed by "o'clock"
if ( ulHours <= 12 )
Word.pWordText = g_OClock.pStr;
Word.ulWordLen = g_OClock.Len;
Word.pLemma = Word.pWordText;
Word.ulLemmaLen = Word.ulWordLen;
WordList.AddTail( Word );
//--- Over twelve is followed by "hundred hours"
( (TTSTimeOfDayItemInfo*) pItemNormInfo )->fTwentyFourHour = true;
Word.pWordText = g_hundred.pStr;
Word.ulWordLen = g_hundred.Len;
Word.pLemma = Word.pWordText;
Word.ulLemmaLen = Word.ulWordLen;
WordList.AddTail( Word );
Word.pWordText = g_hours.pStr;
Word.ulWordLen = g_hours.Len;
Word.pLemma = Word.pWordText;
Word.ulLemmaLen = Word.ulWordLen;
WordList.AddTail( Word );
//--- Special Case: Minutes less than 10 - 1:05, 2:06, etc.
else if ( pMinutes[0] == L'0' )
Word.pWordText = g_O.pStr;
Word.ulWordLen = g_O.Len;
Word.pLemma = Word.pWordText;
Word.ulLemmaLen = Word.ulWordLen;
WordList.AddTail( Word );
ExpandDigit( pMinutes[1], Garbage, WordList );
//--- Default Case
ExpandTwoDigits( pMinutes, Garbage, WordList );
//--- Clean up Time XML State
SPLISTPOS WordListPos = WordList.GetHeadPosition();
while ( WordListPos )
TTSWord& TempWord = WordList.GetNext( WordListPos );
TempWord.pXmlState = pTimeXMLState;
//--- Insert Pre-Abbreviation XML States
while ( !PreAbbreviationList.IsEmpty() )
WordList.AddTail( ( PreAbbreviationList.RemoveHead() ).Words[0] );
//--- Expand the Time Abbreviation
//--- AM
if ( TimeAbbreviation == AM )
//--- Ensure the letters are pronounced as nouns...
SPVSTATE* pNewState = (SPVSTATE*) MemoryManager.GetMemory( sizeof( SPVSTATE ), &hr );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
memcpy( pNewState, pAbbreviationXMLState, sizeof( SPVSTATE ) );
pNewState->ePartOfSpeech = SPPS_Noun;
Word.pXmlState = pNewState;
Word.pWordText = g_A.pStr;
Word.ulWordLen = g_A.Len;
Word.pLemma = Word.pWordText;
Word.ulLemmaLen = Word.ulWordLen;
WordList.AddTail( Word );
Word.pWordText = g_M.pStr;
Word.ulWordLen = g_M.Len;
Word.pLemma = Word.pWordText;
Word.ulLemmaLen = Word.ulWordLen;
WordList.AddTail( Word );
//--- PM
else if ( TimeAbbreviation == PM )
//--- Ensure the letters are pronounced as nouns...
SPVSTATE* pNewState = (SPVSTATE*) MemoryManager.GetMemory( sizeof( SPVSTATE ), &hr );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
memcpy( pNewState, pAbbreviationXMLState, sizeof( SPVSTATE ) );
pNewState->ePartOfSpeech = SPPS_Noun;
Word.pXmlState = pAbbreviationXMLState;
Word.pWordText = g_P.pStr;
Word.ulWordLen = g_P.Len;
Word.pLemma = Word.pWordText;
Word.ulLemmaLen = Word.ulWordLen;
WordList.AddTail( Word );
Word.pWordText = g_M.pStr;
Word.ulWordLen = g_M.Len;
Word.pLemma = Word.pWordText;
Word.ulLemmaLen = Word.ulWordLen;
WordList.AddTail( Word );
//--- Update pointers, if necessary
if ( fAdvancePointers )
m_pCurrFrag = pFrag;
m_pEndChar = pEndChar;
m_pEndOfCurrItem = pEndOfItem;
return hr;
} /* IsTimeOfDay */
* IsTime *
* Description:
* Checks the incoming Item's text to determine whether or not it
* is a time.
* RegExp:
* { d+ || d(1-3)[,ddd]+ }[:][00-09,10-59]{ [:][00-09,10-59] }?
* Types assigned:
********************************************************************* AH **********************/
HRESULT CStdSentEnum::IsTime( TTSItemInfo*& pItemNormInfo, const WCHAR* Context, CSentItemMemory& MemoryManager )
SPDBG_FUNC( "TimeNorm IsTime" );
WCHAR *pFirstChunk = NULL, *pSecondChunk = NULL, *pThirdChunk = NULL, *pLeftOver = NULL;
const WCHAR *pTempNextChar = m_pNextChar, *pTempEndOfItem = m_pEndOfCurrItem;
ULONG ulSecond = 0, ulThird = 0;
TTSItemInfo *pFirstChunkInfo = NULL;
BOOL fNegative = false;
pFirstChunk = (WCHAR*) m_pNextChar;
//--- Try to match a number for the hours/minutes - { d+ }
if ( *pFirstChunk == L'-' )
fNegative = true;
while ( *pFirstChunk == L'0' )
if ( *pFirstChunk == L':' )
pSecondChunk = wcschr( pFirstChunk, L':' );
if ( pSecondChunk &&
pFirstChunk < pSecondChunk &&
pSecondChunk < m_pEndOfCurrItem - 1 )
m_pNextChar = pFirstChunk;
m_pEndOfCurrItem = pSecondChunk;
hr = IsNumberCategory( pFirstChunkInfo, L"NUMBER", MemoryManager );
m_pNextChar = pTempNextChar;
m_pEndOfCurrItem = pTempEndOfItem;
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) &&
( pFirstChunkInfo->Type == eNUM_DECIMAL ||
pFirstChunkInfo->Type == eNUM_CARDINAL ) )
if ( fNegative )
( (TTSNumberItemInfo*) pFirstChunkInfo )->fNegative = true;
TTSWord Word;
ZeroMemory( &Word, sizeof( TTSWord ) );
Word.eWordPartOfSpeech = MS_Unknown;
Word.pXmlState = &m_pCurrFrag->State;
Word.pWordText = g_negative.pStr;
Word.ulWordLen = g_negative.Len;
Word.pLemma = Word.pWordText;
Word.ulLemmaLen = Word.ulWordLen;
( (TTSNumberItemInfo*) pFirstChunkInfo )->pWordList->AddHead( Word );
//--- Try to match a number for the minutes/seconds - [00-09,10-59]
ulSecond = my_wcstoul( pSecondChunk, &pThirdChunk );
if ( pSecondChunk != pThirdChunk &&
pThirdChunk - pSecondChunk == 2 )
//--- Verify that this is the end of the string
if ( pThirdChunk == m_pEndOfCurrItem )
//--- May have gotten hours and minutes or minutes and seconds - validate values
if ( MINUTEMIN <= ulSecond && ulSecond <= MINUTEMAX )
//--- A successful match has been made
//--- Default behavior here is to assume minutes and seconds
if ( Context == NULL ||
_wcsicmp( Context, L"TIME_MS" ) == 0 )
//--- Successfully matched minutes and seconds.
pItemNormInfo = (TTSTimeItemInfo*) MemoryManager.GetMemory( sizeof(TTSTimeItemInfo),
&hr );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
ZeroMemory( pItemNormInfo, sizeof(TTSTimeItemInfo) );
pItemNormInfo->Type = eTIME;
( (TTSTimeItemInfo*) pItemNormInfo )->pMinutes =
(TTSNumberItemInfo*) pFirstChunkInfo;
if ( *pSecondChunk != L'0' )
( (TTSTimeItemInfo*) pItemNormInfo )->pSeconds = pSecondChunk;
( (TTSTimeItemInfo*) pItemNormInfo )->pSeconds = pSecondChunk + 1;
//--- If context overrides, values represent hours and minutes
else if ( _wcsicmp( Context, L"TIME_HM" ) == 0 )
//--- Successfully matched hours and pMinutes->
pItemNormInfo = (TTSTimeItemInfo*) MemoryManager.GetMemory( sizeof(TTSTimeItemInfo),
&hr );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
ZeroMemory( pItemNormInfo, sizeof(TTSTimeItemInfo) );
pItemNormInfo->Type = eTIME;
( (TTSTimeItemInfo*) pItemNormInfo )->pHours =
(TTSNumberItemInfo*) pFirstChunkInfo;
TTSItemInfo* pMinutesInfo;
//--- Don't want "zero zero..." behavior of numbers - strip off beginning zeroes
if ( *pSecondChunk == L'0' )
m_pNextChar = pSecondChunk;
m_pEndOfCurrItem = pThirdChunk;
hr = IsNumber( pMinutesInfo, L"NUMBER", MemoryManager );
m_pNextChar = pTempNextChar;
m_pEndOfCurrItem = pTempEndOfItem;
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
( (TTSTimeItemInfo*) pItemNormInfo )->pMinutes = (TTSNumberItemInfo*) pMinutesInfo;
else // minutes or seconds were out of range
//--- Check for seconds - TIME_HRMINS
//--- Try to match the colon
if ( *pThirdChunk == L':' )
//--- Try to match a number for the seconds - [00-09,10-59]
ulThird = my_wcstoul( pThirdChunk, &pLeftOver );
if ( pThirdChunk != pLeftOver &&
pLeftOver - pThirdChunk == 2 )
//--- Verify that this is the end of the string
if ( pLeftOver == m_pEndOfCurrItem )
//--- May have gotten hours minutes and seconds - validate values
if ( MINUTEMIN <= ulSecond && ulSecond <= MINUTEMAX &&
SECONDMIN <= ulThird && ulThird <= SECONDMAX )
//--- Successfully matched hours, minutes, and seconds.
pItemNormInfo = (TTSTimeItemInfo*) MemoryManager.GetMemory( sizeof(TTSTimeItemInfo),
&hr );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
ZeroMemory( pItemNormInfo, sizeof(TTSTimeItemInfo) );
pItemNormInfo->Type = eTIME;
( (TTSTimeItemInfo*) pItemNormInfo )->pHours =
(TTSNumberItemInfo*) pFirstChunkInfo;
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
TTSItemInfo* pMinutesInfo;
//--- Don't want "zero zero..." behavior of numbers - strip off beginning zeroes
if ( ulSecond != 0 )
pSecondChunk += ( ( pThirdChunk - 1 ) - pSecondChunk ) -
(ULONG)( log10( ulSecond ) + 1 );
pSecondChunk = pThirdChunk - 2;
m_pNextChar = pSecondChunk;
m_pEndOfCurrItem = pThirdChunk - 1;
hr = IsNumber( pMinutesInfo, L"NUMBER", MemoryManager );
m_pNextChar = pTempNextChar;
m_pEndOfCurrItem = pTempEndOfItem;
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
( (TTSTimeItemInfo*) pItemNormInfo )->pMinutes =
(TTSNumberItemInfo*) pMinutesInfo;
if ( *pThirdChunk != L'0' )
( (TTSTimeItemInfo*) pItemNormInfo )->pSeconds = pThirdChunk;
( (TTSTimeItemInfo*) pItemNormInfo )->pSeconds = pThirdChunk + 1;
else // minutes or seconds were out of range
else // extra junk at end of string
else // extra junk at end of string
else // failed to match a colon
else // failed to match a second number
else // failed to match a colon
else // failed to match a first number
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
if ( pFirstChunkInfo )
delete ( (TTSNumberItemInfo*) pFirstChunkInfo )->pWordList;
return hr;
} /* IsTime */
* ExpandTime *
* Description:
* Expands Items previously determined to be of type TIME_HRMINSEC by IsTime.
* NOTE: This function does not do parameter validation. Assumed to be done by caller.
********************************************************************* AH **********************/
HRESULT CStdSentEnum::ExpandTime( TTSTimeItemInfo* pItemInfo, CWordList& WordList )
SPDBG_FUNC( "CStdSentEnum::ExpandTime" );
TTSWord Word;
ZeroMemory( &Word, sizeof(TTSWord) );
Word.pXmlState = &m_pCurrFrag->State;
Word.eWordPartOfSpeech = MS_Unknown;
// Expand the hours
if ( pItemInfo->pHours )
//--- Expand Number
hr = ExpandNumber( pItemInfo->pHours, WordList );
//--- Insert "hour" or "hours"
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
if ( pItemInfo->pHours->pEndChar - pItemInfo->pHours->pStartChar == 1 &&
pItemInfo->pHours->pStartChar[0] == L'1' )
Word.pWordText = g_hour.pStr;
Word.ulWordLen = g_hour.Len;
Word.pLemma = Word.pWordText;
Word.ulLemmaLen = Word.ulWordLen;
WordList.AddTail( Word );
Word.pWordText = g_hours.pStr;
Word.ulWordLen = g_hours.Len;
Word.pLemma = Word.pWordText;
Word.ulLemmaLen = Word.ulWordLen;
WordList.AddTail( Word );
//--- Insert "and"
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) &&
pItemInfo->pMinutes->pStartChar &&
!pItemInfo->pSeconds )
Word.pWordText = g_And.pStr;
Word.ulWordLen = g_And.Len;
Word.pLemma = Word.pWordText;
Word.ulLemmaLen = Word.ulWordLen;
WordList.AddTail( Word );
// Expand the minutes
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) &&
pItemInfo->pMinutes )
//--- Expand Number
hr = ExpandNumber( pItemInfo->pMinutes, WordList );
//--- Insert "minutes"
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
if ( pItemInfo->pMinutes->pEndChar - pItemInfo->pMinutes->pStartChar == 1 &&
pItemInfo->pMinutes->pStartChar[0] == L'1' )
Word.pWordText = g_minute.pStr;
Word.ulWordLen = g_minute.Len;
Word.pLemma = Word.pWordText;
Word.ulLemmaLen = Word.ulWordLen;
WordList.AddTail( Word );
Word.pWordText = g_minutes.pStr;
Word.ulWordLen = g_minutes.Len;
Word.pLemma = Word.pWordText;
Word.ulLemmaLen = Word.ulWordLen;
WordList.AddTail( Word );
//--- Insert "and"
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) &&
pItemInfo->pSeconds )
Word.pWordText = g_And.pStr;
Word.ulWordLen = g_And.Len;
Word.pLemma = Word.pWordText;
Word.ulLemmaLen = Word.ulWordLen;
WordList.AddTail( Word );
// Expand the seconds
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) &&
pItemInfo->pSeconds )
//--- Expand Number
NumberGroup Garbage;
if ( iswdigit( pItemInfo->pSeconds[1] ) )
ExpandTwoDigits( pItemInfo->pSeconds, Garbage, WordList );
ExpandDigit( pItemInfo->pSeconds[0], Garbage, WordList );
//--- Insert "seconds"
if ( pItemInfo->pSeconds[0] == L'1' &&
!iswdigit( pItemInfo->pSeconds[1] ) )
Word.pWordText = g_second.pStr;
Word.ulWordLen = g_second.Len;
Word.pLemma = Word.pWordText;
Word.ulLemmaLen = Word.ulWordLen;
WordList.AddTail( Word );
Word.pWordText = g_seconds.pStr;
Word.ulWordLen = g_seconds.Len;
Word.pLemma = Word.pWordText;
Word.ulLemmaLen = Word.ulWordLen;
WordList.AddTail( Word );
return hr;
} /* ExpandTime */
* IsTimeRange *
* Description:
* Checks the incoming Item's text to determine whether or not it
* is a time range.
* RegExp:
* [TimeOfDay]-[TimeOfDay]
* Types assigned:
********************************************************************* AH **********************/
HRESULT CStdSentEnum::IsTimeRange( TTSItemInfo*& pItemNormInfo, CSentItemMemory& MemoryManager,
CWordList& WordList )
SPDBG_FUNC( "CStdSentEnum::IsTimeRange" );
CWordList TempWordList;
TTSItemInfo *pFirstTimeInfo = NULL, *pSecondTimeInfo = NULL;
const WCHAR *pHyphen = NULL;
CItemList PreAbbreviationList; // Needed for SkipWhitespace function calls
BOOL fMultiItem = false;
const WCHAR *pTempNextChar = m_pNextChar, *pTempEndChar = m_pEndChar, *pTempEndOfCurrItem = m_pEndOfCurrItem;
const SPVTEXTFRAG *pTempFrag = m_pCurrFrag;
for ( pHyphen = m_pNextChar; pHyphen < m_pEndOfCurrItem; pHyphen++ )
if ( *pHyphen == L'-' )
//--- Might be whitespace and time suffix before hyphen
if( pHyphen == m_pEndOfCurrItem )
hr = SkipWhiteSpaceAndTags( pHyphen, m_pEndChar, m_pCurrFrag, MemoryManager,
true, &PreAbbreviationList );
if ( pHyphen && SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
if ( ( _wcsnicmp( pHyphen, L"am", 2 ) == 0 &&
pHyphen[2] == L'-' ) ||
( _wcsnicmp( pHyphen, L"pm", 2 ) == 0 &&
pHyphen[2] == L'-' ) )
pHyphen += 2;
*( (WCHAR*) pHyphen ) = ' ';
fMultiItem = true;
else if ( ( _wcsnicmp( pHyphen, L"a.m.", 4 ) == 0 &&
pHyphen[4] == L'-' ) ||
( _wcsnicmp( pHyphen, L"p.m.", 4 ) == 0 &&
pHyphen[4] == L'-' ) )
pHyphen +=4;
*( (WCHAR*) pHyphen ) = ' ';
fMultiItem = true;
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
//--- Position m_pEndOfCurrItem so it is at the end of the first token, or at the hyphen,
//--- whichever comes first (this is necessary for IsTimeOfDay to work).
if( ( m_pNextChar < pHyphen ) && ( pHyphen < m_pEndOfCurrItem ) )
m_pEndOfCurrItem = pHyphen;
//--- Check for time of day
hr = IsTimeOfDay( pFirstTimeInfo, MemoryManager, TempWordList, fMultiItem );
//--- Check for just a number (hour)
if ( hr == E_INVALIDARG && ( pHyphen <= m_pNextChar + 2 ) )
WCHAR *pTemp = NULL;
int ulHours = my_wcstoul( m_pNextChar, &pTemp );
if ( pTemp == pHyphen &&
HOURMIN <= ulHours &&
ulHours <= HOURMAX )
NumberGroup Garbage;
if ( pTemp - m_pNextChar == 1 )
ExpandDigit( m_pNextChar[0], Garbage, TempWordList );
ExpandTwoDigits( m_pNextChar, Garbage, TempWordList );
hr = S_OK;
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
//--- Insert "to"
TTSWord Word;
ZeroMemory( &Word, sizeof( TTSWord ) );
Word.pXmlState = &m_pCurrFrag->State;
Word.eWordPartOfSpeech = MS_Unknown;
Word.pWordText = g_to.pStr;
Word.ulWordLen = g_to.Len;
Word.pLemma = Word.pWordText;
Word.ulLemmaLen = Word.ulWordLen;
TempWordList.AddTail( Word );
m_pNextChar = pHyphen + 1;
m_pEndOfCurrItem = FindTokenEnd( m_pNextChar, m_pEndChar );
//---Move m_pEndOfCurrItem back from any punctuation. ("4:30-5:30.")
while ( IsMiscPunctuation( *(m_pEndOfCurrItem - 1) ) != eUNMATCHED ||
IsGroupEnding( *(m_pEndOfCurrItem - 1) ) != eUNMATCHED ||
IsQuotationMark( *(m_pEndOfCurrItem - 1) ) != eUNMATCHED ||
IsEOSItem( *(m_pEndOfCurrItem - 1) ) != eUNMATCHED )
hr = IsTimeOfDay( pSecondTimeInfo, MemoryManager, TempWordList );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
//--- Matched a time range!
m_pNextChar = pTempNextChar;
m_pEndChar = pTempEndChar;
pItemNormInfo =
(TTSTimeRangeItemInfo*) MemoryManager.GetMemory( sizeof( TTSTimeRangeItemInfo ), &hr );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
pItemNormInfo->Type = eTIME_RANGE;
( (TTSTimeRangeItemInfo*) pItemNormInfo )->pFirstTimeInfo =
(TTSTimeOfDayItemInfo*) pFirstTimeInfo;
( (TTSTimeRangeItemInfo*) pItemNormInfo )->pSecondTimeInfo =
(TTSTimeOfDayItemInfo*) pSecondTimeInfo;
//--- Copy temp word list to real word list if everything has succeeded...
WordList.AddTail( &TempWordList );
if ( !SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
m_pNextChar = pTempNextChar;
m_pEndChar = pTempEndChar;
m_pEndOfCurrItem = pTempEndOfCurrItem;
m_pCurrFrag = pTempFrag;
if ( fMultiItem )
*( (WCHAR*) pHyphen ) = L'-';
return hr;
} /* IsTimeRange */
//-----------End Of File-------------------------------------------------------------------