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// Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// File: RedirectUtil.h
// Author: Charles Ma, 9/19/2001
// Revision History:
// Description:
// Helper function(s) for handling server redirect
// Can be shared by IU control and other Windows Update components
#pragma once
// DownloadCab()
// download a cab file of specific name from a base web address. The
// file will be saved locally, with file trust verified and extracted to
// a specific folder.
// Parameters:
// hQuitEvent - the event handle to cancel this operation
// ptszCabName - the file name of the cab file (eg. iuident.cab)
// ptszBaseUrl - the base web address to download the cab file
// ptszExtractDir - the local dir to save the cab file and those extracted from it
// dwFlags - the set of flags to be passed to DownloadFileLite()
// fExtractFiles (default as TRUE) - extract files
// Returns:
// HRESULT about success or error of this action
// S_OK - iuident.cab was successfully downloaded into the specified location
// other - error code
HRESULT DownloadCab(
HANDLE hQuitEvent,
LPCTSTR ptszCabName,
LPCTSTR ptszBaseUrl,
LPCTSTR ptszExtractDir,
DWORD dwFlags = 0,
BOOL fExtractFiles = TRUE);
// DownloadIUIdent()
// download iuident.cab from a specific location, if provided.
// Otherwise get it from where the WUServer registry value points to.
// Either case, it will handle ident redirection.
// Parameters:
// hQuitEvent - the event handle to cancel this operation
// ptszBaseUrl - the initial base URL for iuident.cab, must be no bigger than
// WUServer entry from policy. If entry not found,
// use "http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/v4"
// ptszFileCacheDir - the local base path to store the iuident.cab and
// the files extracted from it
// dwFlags - the set of flags used by DownloadCab()
// fIdentFromPolicy - tell if this is corpwu use. It has these impacts:
// TRUE: (1) no iuident.txt timestamp validation will be done by
// comparing the newly downloaded cab and existing one.
// (2) if download fail and ident cab exist and valid,
// we will verify trust and extract iuident to use.
// FALSE: will validate newly downloaded cab against existing one
// Returns:
// HRESULT about success or error of this action
// S_OK - iuident.cab was successfully downloaded into the specified location
// other - error code
HRESULT DownloadIUIdent(
HANDLE hQuitEvent,
LPCTSTR ptszBaseUrl,
LPTSTR ptszFileCacheDir,
DWORD dwFlags = 0,
BOOL fIdentFromPolicy = TRUE);
// GetRedirectServerUrl()
// Search the [redirect] section of the given init file for the base
// server URL corresponding to the OS version.
// Parameters:
// pcszInitFile - file name (including path) of the ini file.
// if this paramater is NULL or empty string,
// then it's assumed IUident.txt file.
// lpszNewUrl - point to a buffer to receive redirect server url, if found
// nBufSize - size of pointed buffer, in number of chars
// Returns:
// HRESULT about success or error of this action
// S_OK - the redirect server url is found and been put into pszBuffer
// S_FALSE - no redirect server url defined for this OS.
// other - error code
// Comments:
// Expected section in IUIDENT has the following format;
// Section name: [redirect]
// Its entries should be defined according to GetINIValueByOSVer().
HRESULT GetRedirectServerUrl(
LPCTSTR pcszInitFile, // path of file name.
LPTSTR lpszNewUrl, // points to a buffer to receive new server url
int nBufSize // size of buffer, in chars
// GetINIValueByOSVer()
// Search the specified section of the given init file for
// the value corresponding to the version of the OS.
// Parameters:
// pcszInitFile - file name (including path) of the ini file.
// if this paramater is NULL or empty string,
// then it's assumed IUident.txt file.
// pcszSection - section name which the key is under
// lpszValue - point to a buffer to receive the entry value, if found
// nBufSize - size of pointed buffer, in number of chars
// Returns:
// HRESULT about success or error of this action
// S_OK - the redirect server url is found and been put into pszBuffer
// S_FALSE - no value defined for this OS.
// other - error code
// Comments:
// Expected section in IUIDENT has the following format;
// this section contains zero or more entries, each entry has format:
// <beginVersionRange>-<endVersionRange>=<redirect server url>
// where:
// <beginVersionRange> ::= <VersionRangeBound>
// <endVersionRange> ::= <VersionRangeBound>
// <VersionRangeBound> ::= EMPTY | Major[.Minor[.Build[.ServicePackMajor[.ServicePackMinor]]]]
// <redirect server url>=http://blahblah....
// an empty version range bound means boundless.
// a missing version component at end of a version data string means default value 0.
// (e.g., 5.2 =
LPCTSTR pcszInitFile, // path of file name.
LPCTSTR pcszSection, // section name
LPTSTR lpszValue, // points to a buffer to receive new server url
int nBufSize); // size of buffer, in chars