Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

159 lines
3.9 KiB

# qpidpars.pl -- QPID table generator
# author: [email protected]
# Lookup for characters below the cutoff will be a simple array lookup
$table_cutoff = 128;
# Read in table
# Contact michelsu for the format of the datafile
%table = (); # empty the table
while (<>)
if (/^\"*\d+\.\d+\.(\d+) (.) - (.*) *\"*$/) # new category
$t_index = $1;
$enum_name = "$2_$3";
$enum_name =~ s/\W/_/g; # convert non-alpha to underscore
$enum_name =~ s/__/_/g; # remove double underscores
$enum_name =~ s/_$//; # remove trailing underscore
$enum_table[$t_index] = $enum_name;
if (/^(([\da-fA-F]){4})/) # range specification
@args = split("[ \n\t-]+", $_);
$index = $args[0];
$index =~ tr/a-f/A-F/;
$index_end = (substr($_, 4, 1) eq "-") ? $args[1] : $index;
$table{$index} = $t_index;
$table_end{$index} = $index_end;
# Collapse ranges
$last_value = -1;
$count = 0;
foreach $index (sort keys %table)
$value = $table{$index};
if ($value != $last_value && hex($table_end{$index}) >= $table_cutoff)
$collapsed_table[$count] = $index;
$last_value = $value;
# Print tables
printf("// This file was generate by the QPID parser application (%s)\n", __FILE__);
printf("// Generated on %s\n", scalar localtime);
# Constants
printf("#define QPID_CHARRANGES %d\n\n", $count + 1);
#printf("#define QPID_QUICKLOOKUPCUTOFF %d\n\n", $table_cutoff);
#printf("#define QPID_MAX %d\n\n", $#enum_table + 1);
# Quick lookup table
#printf("static const QPID s_rgCharRangeSizeQuick[QPID_QUICKLOOKUPCUTOFF] =\n{\n");
printf("QPID s_rgCharRangeSizeQuick[QPID_QUICKLOOKUPCUTOFF] =\n{\n");
$last_value = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<$table_cutoff; $i++)
printf(" ") if (($i & 7) == 0);
$index = sprintf("%04X", $i);
$value = $table{$index};
printf("%4d,", $value ? $value : $last_value);
$last_value = $table{$index} if $value;
printf(" // U+%04x - U+%s\n", $i-7, $index) if (($i & 7) == 7);
# Range maximum character table
printf("// if r = range(wch), s_rgMaxCharForRange[r-1] < wch <= s_rgMaxCharForRange[r]\n\n");
printf("static const WCHAR s_rgMaxCharForRange[QPID_CHARRANGES] =\n{\n");
for ($index=0; $index <= $#collapsed_table; $index++)
$h = hex($collapsed_table[$index]) - ($index ? 1 : 0);
printf(" 0x%04X, // %d\n", $h, $index);
printf(" 0xFFFF // %d\n};\n\n", $index);
# Range QPID table
print "static const QPID s_rgQpidRangeValue[QPID_CHARRANGES] =\n{\n";
$last_value = 0;
for ($index=0; $index <= $#collapsed_table; $index++)
printf(" %3d, // %d\n", $last_value, $index);
$last_value = $table{$collapsed_table[$index]};
printf(" %3d // %d\n};\n\n", $last_value, $index);
# QPID Name enumeration
printf("enum QPIDNAME\n{\n X_Invalid = 0,\n");
print "$enum_table";
for ($index=1; $index <= $#enum_table; $index++)
printf(" %s = %d,\n", $enum_table[$index], $index);