Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// Ruler
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
/* */
/* The standard layout. */
/* */
/* The standard layout for 'cpp' files in this code is as */
/* follows: */
/* */
/* 1. Include files. */
/* 2. Constants local to the class. */
/* 3. Data structures local to the class. */
/* 4. Data initializations. */
/* 5. Static functions. */
/* 6. Class functions. */
/* */
/* The constructor is typically the first function, class */
/* member functions appear in alphabetical order with the */
/* destructor appearing at the end of the file. Any section */
/* or function this is not required is simply omitted. */
/* */
#include "HeapPCH.hpp"
#include "Cache.hpp"
#include "Heap.hpp"
/* */
/* Constants local to the class. */
/* */
/* The constants supplied here control the maximum size of */
/* the cache. */
/* */
CONST SBIT32 MaxCacheSize = ((2 << 16)-1);
/* */
/* Class constructor. */
/* */
/* Create a new allocation cache and prepare it for use. A */
/* is inactive until the first request is received at which */
/* time it springs into life. */
/* */
SBIT32 NewAllocationSize,
SBIT32 NewCacheSize,
SBIT32 NewChunkSize,
SBIT32 NewPageSize,
BOOLEAN NewStealing,
BOOLEAN NewThreadSafe
) :
// Call the constructors for the contained classes.
BUCKET( NewAllocationSize,NewChunkSize,NewPageSize )
// We need to be very careful with the configuration
// information as it has come indirectly from the
// user and my be bogus.
if ( (NewCacheSize >= 0) && (NewCacheSize < MaxCacheSize) )
// Setup the cache and mark it as inactive.
Active = False;
Stealing = NewStealing;
ThreadSafe = NewThreadSafe;
CacheFills = 0;
CacheFlushes = 0;
HighTide = 0;
HighWater = 0;
InUse = 0;
CacheSize = ((SBIT16) NewCacheSize);
FillSize = 1;
NumberOfChildren = 0;
// The stacks that may later contain allocations
// are set to zero just to be neat.
DeleteStack = NULL;
NewStack = NULL;
TopOfDeleteStack = 0;
TopOfNewStack = 0;
{ Failure( "Cache size in constructor for CACHE" ); }
/* */
/* Create the cache stacks. */
/* */
/* A cache is created on demand. We do this when we get the */
/* first allocation or deallocation request. */
/* */
VOID CACHE::CreateCacheStacks( VOID )
// We allocate the cache stacks from the internal
// new page allocator if we have not done it already.
if ( DeleteStack == NULL )
REGISTER SBIT32 Size = (CacheSize * sizeof(ADDRESS_AND_PAGE));
DeleteStack =
((ADDRESS_AND_PAGE*) (NewPage -> NewCacheStack( Size )));
if ( NewStack == NULL )
REGISTER SBIT32 Size = (CacheSize * sizeof(VOID*));
NewStack =
((VOID**) (NewPage -> NewCacheStack( Size )));
// We can now activate the cache as long as we
// were able to allocate both stacks.
if ( (NewStack != NULL ) && (DeleteStack != NULL ) )
// We have completed creating the cache so set
// various flags and zero various counters.
Active = True;
// Setup the fill size.
FillSize = 1;
// Zero the stack tops.
TopOfDeleteStack = 0;
TopOfNewStack = 0;
/* */
/* Create a new data page. */
/* */
/* When we create a new page we also need to allocate some */
/* memory to hold the associated data. */
/* */
VOID *CACHE::CreateDataPage( VOID )
// When there is a potential for multiple threads we
// claim the cache lock.
// Create a data page.
NewMemory = ((BUCKET*) this) -> New( True );
// Release any lock we may have claimed earlier.
return NewMemory;
/* */
/* Compute high water. */
/* */
/* Compute the high water mark for the current cache. */
/* */
VOID CACHE::ComputeHighWater( SBIT32 Size )
// Update the usage statistics.
if ( (InUse += Size) > HighTide )
HighTide = InUse;
if ( HighTide > HighWater )
{ HighWater = HighTide; }
/* */
/* A memory deallocation cache. */
/* */
/* We cache memory deallocation requests to improve performance. */
/* We do this by stacking requests until we have a batch. */
/* */
BOOLEAN CACHE::Delete( VOID *Address,PAGE *Page,SBIT32 Version )
// When there is a potential for multiple threads we
// claim the cache lock.
// At various times the cache may be either disabled
// or inactive. Here we ensure that we are able to use
// the cache. If not we bypass it and call the bucket
// directly.
if ( Active )
// If recycling is allowed and the address is
// on the current page or a previous page and
// there is space on the new stack then put the
// element in the new stack for immediate reuse.
(Address < GetCurrentPage())
(TopOfNewStack < CacheSize)
// The address is suitable for immediate
// reuse. So put it on the stack of new
// elements.
NewStack[ (TopOfNewStack ++) ] = Address;
Result = True;
(& DeleteStack[ TopOfDeleteStack ++ ]);
// The address would best be deleted before
// being reused.
Current -> Address = Address;
Current -> Page = Page;
Current -> Version = Version;
// When the delete stack is full we flush it.
if ( TopOfDeleteStack >= CacheSize )
AUTO SBIT32 Deleted;
// Flush the delete stack.
Result =
((BUCKET*) this) -> MultipleDelete
& Deleted,
// Update the usage statistics. There
// is a nasty case here where we cache
// a delete only to find out later that
// it was bogus. When this occurs we
// have to increase the 'InUse' count
// to allow for this situation.
CacheFlushes ++;
InUse += (TopOfDeleteStack - Deleted);
// Zero the top of the stack.
TopOfDeleteStack = 0;
{ Result = True; }
// Delete the element.
Result =
(((BUCKET*) this) -> Delete( Address,Page,Version ));
// Update the usage statistics.
if ( Result )
{ InUse --; }
// Release any lock we may have claimed earlier.
return Result;
/* */
/* Delete all allocations. */
/* */
/* The entire heap is about to be deleted under our feet. We */
/* need to prepare for this by disabling the cache as its */
/* contents will disappear as well. */
/* */
// Disable the cache if needed.
Active = False;
// Zero the statistics.
HighTide = 0;
InUse = 0;
// Setup the fill size.
FillSize = 1;
// Zero the top of stacks.
TopOfDeleteStack = 0;
TopOfNewStack = 0;
/* */
/* Delete a data page. */
/* */
/* Delete a data page that was associated with a smaller cache */
/* so its space can be reused. */
/* */
BOOLEAN CACHE::DeleteDataPage( VOID *Address )
// When there is a potential for multiple threads we
// claim the cache lock.
// Find the description of the data page we need to
// delete and make sure it is valid.
Find -> ClaimFindShareLock();
Page = FindParentPage( Address );
if ( Page != NULL )
{ Page = (Page -> FindPage( Address,& Details,False )); }
Find -> ReleaseFindShareLock();
// Delete the data page.
if ( Page != NULL )
{ Result = (Page -> Delete( & Details )); }
{ Failure( "No data page in DeleteDataPage" ); }
// Release any lock we may have claimed earlier.
return Result;
/* */
/* Multiple memory allocations. */
/* */
/* The allocation cache contains preallocated memory from the */
/* associated allocation bucket. The cache will supply these */
/* preallocated elements with the minimum fuss to any caller. */
/* */
BOOLEAN CACHE::MultipleNew( SBIT32 *Actual,VOID *Array[],SBIT32 Requested )
// When there is a potential for multiple threads we
// claim the cache lock.
// At various times the cache may be either disabled
// or inactive. Here we ensure that we are able to use
// the cache. If not we bypass it and call the bucket
// directly.
if ( Active )
// We have been asked to allocalte multiple
// new elements. If it appears that we don't
// have enough elements available but stealing
// is allowed we can try raiding the deleted
// stack.
if ( (Requested > TopOfNewStack) && (Stealing) )
while ( (TopOfDeleteStack > 0) && (TopOfNewStack < CacheSize) )
NewStack[ (TopOfNewStack ++) ] =
(DeleteStack[ (-- TopOfDeleteStack) ].Address);
// We will allocate from the cache if requested
// size is smaller than the number of available
// elements.
if ( Requested <= TopOfNewStack )
// We need to copy the elements out of the
// cache into the callers array.
for ( Count=0;Count < Requested;Count ++ )
{ Array[ Count ] = NewStack[ (-- TopOfNewStack) ]; }
(*Actual) = Requested;
Result = True;
REGISTER BUCKET *Bucket = ((BUCKET*) this);
// We don't have enough elements in the cache
// so we allocate directly from the bucket.
Result =
Bucket -> MultipleNew
// We fill up the cache so we have a good
// chance of dealing with any following
// requests if it is less than half full.
if ( TopOfNewStack <= (CacheSize / 2) )
AUTO SBIT32 NewSize;
REGISTER SBIT32 MaxSize = (CacheSize - TopOfNewStack);
// We slowly increse the fill size
// of the cache to make sure we don't
// waste too much space.
if ( FillSize < CacheSize )
if ( (FillSize *= 2) > CacheSize )
{ FillSize = CacheSize; }
// Bulk load the cache with new
// elements.
Bucket -> MultipleNew
& NewSize,
& NewStack[ TopOfNewStack ],
((FillSize < MaxSize) ? FillSize : MaxSize)
CacheFills ++;
TopOfNewStack += NewSize;
// We may want to enable the cache for next
// time so see if this needs to be done.
if ( CacheSize > 1 )
{ CreateCacheStacks(); }
// The cache is disabled so go directly to the
// bucket.
Result = ((BUCKET*) this) -> MultipleNew
// Update the usage statistics.
ComputeHighWater( (*Actual) );
// Release any lock we may have claimed earlier.
return Result;
/* */
/* Memory allocation. */
/* */
/* The allocation cache contains preallocated memory from the */
/* associated allocation bucket. The cache will supply these */
/* preallocated elements with the minimum fuss to any caller. */
/* */
// When there is a potential for multiple threads we
// claim the cache lock.
// At various times the cache may be either disabled
// or inactive. Here we ensure that we are able to use
// the cache. If not we bypass it and call the bucket
// directly.
if ( Active )
// We first try the stack for new allocations
// to see if there are any available elements.
if ( TopOfNewStack > 0 )
{ NewMemory = (NewStack[ (-- TopOfNewStack) ]); }
// When stealing is allowed we will recycle
// elements from the top of the deleted stack.
if ( (TopOfDeleteStack > 0) && (Stealing) )
{ NewMemory = (DeleteStack[ (-- TopOfDeleteStack) ].Address); }
// We slowly increse the fill size
// of the cache to make sure we don't
// waste too much space.
if ( FillSize < CacheSize )
if ( (FillSize *= 2) > CacheSize )
{ FillSize = CacheSize; }
// We need to bulk load some new
// memory from the heap.
((BUCKET*) this) -> MultipleNew
& TopOfNewStack,
// Update the statistics and return
// the top element on the stack.
CacheFills ++;
NewMemory = NewStack[ (-- TopOfNewStack) ];
// Update the statistics and fail
// the request for memeory.
NewMemory = ((VOID*) AllocationFailure);
// We may want to enable the cache for next
// time so see if this needs to be done.
if ( CacheSize > 1 )
{ CreateCacheStacks(); }
// The cache is disabled so go directly to the
// bucket.
NewMemory = ((BUCKET*) this) -> New( False );
// Update the usage statistics.
ComputeHighWater( (NewMemory != ((VOID*) AllocationFailure)) );
// Release any lock we may have claimed earlier.
// Prefetch the first cache line if we are running
// a Pentium III or better.
Prefetch.L1( ((CHAR*) NewMemory),1 );
return NewMemory;
/* */
/* Memory allocation for non-standard sizes. */
/* */
/* A non standard sized allocation simply by-passes the cache */
/* but it still needs to hold the lock to prevent failure on */
/* SMP systems. */
/* */
VOID *CACHE::New( BOOLEAN SubDivided,SBIT32 NewSize )
// When there is a potential for multiple threads we
// claim the cache lock.
// Allocate a non-standard sized block.
NewMemory = ((BUCKET*) this) -> New( SubDivided,NewSize );
// Update the usage statistics.
ComputeHighWater( (NewMemory != ((VOID*) AllocationFailure)) );
// Release any lock we may have claimed earlier.
return NewMemory;
/* */
/* Release free space. */
/* */
/* We sometimes do not release free space from a bucket as */
/* returning it to the operating system and getting it again */
/* later is very expensive. Here we flush any free space we */
/* have aquired over the user supplied limit. */
/* */
VOID CACHE::ReleaseSpace( SBIT32 MaxActivePages )
// When there is a potential for multiple threads
// we claim the cache lock.
// Release the free space from the backet.
((BUCKET*) this) -> ReleaseSpace( MaxActivePages );
// Release any lock we may have claimed earlier.
/* */
/* Search the cacahe for an allocation. */
/* */
/* We sometimes need to search the cache to see if an */
/* allocation is currently in the cacahe awaiting allocation */
/* or release. */
/* */
BOOLEAN CACHE::SearchCache( VOID *Address )
// We check to see if the cache is active.
if ( Active )
// When there is a potential for multiple
// threads we claim the cache lock.
// We check to see if the cache is still
// active.
if ( Active )
// Search the allocated cache.
for ( Count=(TopOfNewStack-1);Count >= 0;Count -- )
if ( Address == NewStack[ Count ] )
Result = True;
// If it has not been found yet then try
// the deleted cache.
if ( ! Result )
// Search the deleted cache.
for ( Count=(TopOfDeleteStack-1);Count >= 0;Count -- )
if ( Address == DeleteStack[ Count ].Address )
Result = True;
// Release any lock we may have claimed earlier.
return Result;
/* */
/* Truncate the heap. */
/* */
/* Flush the cache to release the maximum amount of space back */
/* to the operating system. This is slow but may be very */
/* valuable in some situations. */
/* */
// When there is a potential for multiple threads we
// claim the cache lock.
// Disable the cache if needed.
Active = False;
// Setup the fill size.
FillSize = 1;
// Flush any elements in the delete cache.
// We do this now because we need to use
// the delete cache below.
if ( TopOfDeleteStack > 0 )
AUTO SBIT32 Deleted;
// Flush the delete stack.
Result =
((BUCKET*) this) -> MultipleDelete
& Deleted,
// Update the usage statistics. There
// is a nasty case here where we cache
// a delete only to find out later that
// it was bogus. When this occurs we
// have to increase the 'InUse' count
// to allow for this situation.
CacheFlushes ++;
InUse += (TopOfDeleteStack - Deleted);
// Zero the top of the stack.
TopOfDeleteStack = 0;
// Flush any elements in the new cache by
// copying them over to the delete cache
// and adding the additional information
// required.
if ( TopOfNewStack > 0 )
// We need to find the data page for each
// allocation we have in the new cache.
// Claim the lock here to make things a
// little more efficient.
Find -> ClaimFindShareLock();
// We copy each allocation across and
// add the associated page information.
for ( TopOfNewStack --;TopOfNewStack >= 0;TopOfNewStack -- )
REGISTER VOID *Address = (NewStack[ TopOfNewStack ]);
REGISTER PAGE *Page = (ParentCache -> FindChildPage( Address ));
// You would think that any memory in the
// new cache had to be valid. Well it
// does except in the case when we have
// 'Recycle' set and somebody does a double
// delete on a valid heap address.
if ( Page != NULL )
(& DeleteStack[ TopOfDeleteStack ++ ]);
// We need to find the allocation page
// where the memory was allocated from
// so we can delete it.
Current -> Address = Address;
Current -> Page = Page;
Current -> Version = Page -> GetVersion();
// Update the usage statistics. There
// is a nasty case here where we cache
// a delete only to find out later that
// it was bogus. When this occurs we
// have to increase the 'InUse' count
// to allow for this situation.
InUse ++;
Result = False;
// Release the lock.
Find -> ReleaseFindShareLock();
// Flush the delete cache again to delete
// any new elements that we added to it
// above.
if ( TopOfDeleteStack > 0 )
AUTO SBIT32 Deleted;
// Flush the delete stack.
Result =
((BUCKET*) this) -> MultipleDelete
& Deleted,
// Update the usage statistics. There
// is a nasty case here where we cache
// a delete only to find out later that
// it was bogus. When this occurs we
// have to increase the 'InUse' count
// to allow for this situation.
CacheFlushes ++;
InUse += (TopOfDeleteStack - Deleted);
// Zero the top of the stack.
TopOfDeleteStack = 0;
// Release any lock we may have claimed earlier.
return Result;
/* */
/* Update the bucket information. */
/* */
/* When we create the bucket there is some information that */
/* is not available. Here we update the bucket to make sure */
/* it has all the data it needs. */
/* */
VOID CACHE::UpdateCache
FIND *NewFind,
HEAP *NewHeap,
NEW_PAGE *NewPages,
CACHE *NewParentCache
// Notify the parent cache that it has a new
// child.
if ( NewParentCache != ((CACHE*) GlobalRoot) )
{ NewParentCache -> NumberOfChildren ++; }
// Update the allocation bucket.
/* */
/* Class destructor. */
/* */
/* Destory the cache and ensure it is disabled. */
/* */
if ( Active )
{ Failure( "Cache active in destructor for CACHE" ); }