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| Copyright (C) 2002 Microsoft Corporation
| Component / Subcomponent
| IIS 6.0 / IIS Migration Wizard
| Based on:
| http://iis6/Specs/IIS%20Migration6.0_Final.doc
| Abstract:
| COM object/interface definitions
| Author:
| ivelinj
| Revision History:
| V1.00 March 2002
import "oaidl.idl";
import "ocidl.idl";
// ISiteInfo interface
uuid( 8034C477-B221-4635-99F4-64E37B1AD478 ),
helpstring("ISiteInfo interface"),
interface ISiteInfo : IDispatch
[propget, id(1), helpstring("SiteID")]
HRESULT SiteID( [out, retval] LONG* pVal );
[propget, id(2), helpstring("Site DisplayName")]
HRESULT DisplayName( [out, retval] BSTR* pVal );
[propget, id(3), helpstring("Is Content Included")]
HRESULT ContentIncluded( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pVal );
[propget, id(4), helpstring("Is a FrontPage Site")]
HRESULT IsFrontPageSite( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pVal );
[propget, id(5), helpstring("Have Certificates")]
HRESULT HaveCertificates( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pVal );
[propget, id(6), helpstring("Have post-process commands")]
HRESULT HaveCommands( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pVal );
[propget, id(7), helpstring("The content size in KB")]
HRESULT ContentSize( [out, retval] LONG* pSizeLow );
[propget, id(8), helpstring("Site root dir on the source machine")]
HRESULT SourceRootDir( [out, retval] BSTR* pVal );
[propget, id(9), helpstring("File/dir ACLs included")]
HRESULT ACLsIncluded( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pVal );
// IExportPackage interface
uuid( A52679AA-A576-4E4A-958A-2898BB154347 ),
helpstring("IExportPackage interface"),
interface IExportPackage : IDispatch
[propget, id(1), helpstring("Number of currently selected sites")]
HRESULT SiteCount( [out, retval] SHORT* pVal );
[id(2), helpstring("Adds a site to be exported")]
HRESULT AddSite( [in]LONG SiteID, [in, defaultvalue(0) ]LONG nOptions );
[id(3), helpstring("Adds a post-processing file object")]
HRESULT PostProcessAddFile( [in]LONG nSiteID, [in]BSTR bstrFilePath );
[id(4), helpstring("Adds a post-processing command")]
HRESULT PostProcessAddCommand( [in]LONG nSiteID,
[in]BSTR bstrCommand,
[in]LONG nTimeout,
[in]VARIANT_BOOL bIgnoreErrors );
[id(10), helpstring("Creates the package")]
HRESULT WritePackage( [in] BSTR bstrOutputFilename,
[in] BSTR bstrPassword,
[in] LONG nOptions,
[in, defaultvalue("") ] BSTR bstrComment );
// IImportPackage interfce
uuid( 0EBC613D-C8BF-4F67-A92A-272325C45C2B ),
helpstring("IImportPackage interface"),
interface IImportPackage : IDispatch
[propget, id(1), helpstring("Number of sites in the package")]
HRESULT SiteCount( [out, retval] SHORT* pVal );
[propget, id(2), helpstring("Package creation time")]
HRESULT TimeCreated( [out, retval] DATE* pVal );
[propget, id(3), helpstring("Package comment")]
HRESULT Comment( [out, retval] BSTR* pVal );
[propget, id(4), helpstring("Source machine name")]
HRESULT SourceMachine( [out, retval] BSTR* pVal );
[id(53), helpstring("Returns OS version of the source machine")]
HRESULT GetSourceOSVer( [out]BYTE* pMajor,
[out]BYTE* pMinor,
[out]VARIANT_BOOL* pIsServer );
[id(54), helpstring("Returns ISiteInfo for a site")]
HRESULT GetSiteInfo( [in] SHORT SiteIndex, [out,retval] ISiteInfo** ppISiteInfo );
[id(55), helpstring("Import a specific site from the package")]
HRESULT ImportSite( [in]SHORT nSiteIndex,
[in] BSTR bstrSiteRootDir,
[in] LONG nOptions );
[id(57), helpstring("Loads a package to be imported")]
HRESULT LoadPackage( [in] BSTR bstrFilename,
[in] BSTR bstrPassword );
// Enummerations
// Notifications for _IExportEvents::OnStateChanged
uuid( D2B36BE5-C675-4428-9CDD-3C4C9711EA90 ),
helpstring("Available states for OnStateChanged events"),
typedef enum enExportState
// Engine init. No additional info
estInitializing = 0,
// New site is to be exported.
// Arg1 is site's display name
// Site configuration is exported
// Site certificate is exported
// Analazying content structure
// Arg1 is the name of the VirtualDir currently scanned.
// Arg2 is the number of files found in this VDir
// Arg3 is the total size of files found. It's in KB
// Arg1, Arg2 and Arg3 can all be empty before the VDirs are being analyzed
// Site content is exported.
// Arg1 is name of the file being exported
// Arg2 is file's index ( zero-based )
// Arg3 is total number of files to be exported
// Exporting site's post-import commands/files
// Arg1 is the index of the file/command exported ( current step )
// Arg2 is the total number of steps ( file count + command count )
// Arg3 is the name of the file or is empty if a command is being exported
// Example: if there are 2 files and 3 commands, Arg2=5, Arg1= (0...4)
// Exporting FP settings
// Engine is shutting down. No additional info
// Total number of states
// Notifications for _IImportEvents::OnStateChanged
uuid( BEFF470A-FC87-461f-A2A2-16EE61B75E46 ),
helpstring("Available states for OnStateChanged events"),
typedef enum enImportState
// Engine init. No additional info
istInitializing = 0,
// Progress info
// vntArg1 is the total number of steps.
// After this state, OnStateChanged will be called exactly this number of times
// A Virtual Dir content is being imported
// vntArg1 is the name of the virtual Dir
// vntArg2 is the physical location where the content will be restored
// vntArg3 is the total size of the files to be extracted ( in KB )
// A file is being extracted
// vntArg1 is the name of the file
// Importing the SSL certificate
// Importing the metadata
// Executing the post-process operations
// Arg1 is VARIANT_BOOL showing whether a file is being extracted ( TRUE ) or cmd is being executed ( FALSE )
// Arg2 is the name of the file ( when a file is being extracted ) or the cmd itself
// Engine is shutting down. No additional info
// Total number of states
// Progress events
uuid( CCEECD08-61B1-47da-9AD9-A9FD51EA19F7 ),
helpstring("Events fired by ExportPackage class")
dispinterface _IExportEvents
HRESULT OnStateChange( [in]enExportState State,
[in]VARIANT vntArg1,
[in]VARIANT vntArg2,
[in]VARIANT vntArg3,
[out,retval]VARIANT_BOOL* pbContinue );
uuid( 574682BB-45D6-403d-9864-E573C2A62AC5 ),
helpstring("Events fired by IISImport Class")
dispinterface _IImportEvents
HRESULT OnStateChange( [in]enImportState State,
[in]VARIANT vntArg1,
[in]VARIANT vntArg2,
[in]VARIANT vntArg3,
[out,retval]VARIANT_BOOL* pbContinue );
helpstring("Microsoft IISMigrTool 1.0 Library")
library IISMigrToolLib
uuid( 3E63C1DD-AEFC-45E5-B0E1-FC804B4C4E05 ),
helpstring("ExportPackage Class")
coclass ExportPackage
[default] interface IExportPackage;
[default,source] dispinterface _IExportEvents;
uuid( 368E089C-EA8F-4d32-9EA0-CCA5194C1FD9 ),
helpstring( "ImportPackage Class" )
coclass ImportPackage
[default] interface IImportPackage;
[default, source] interface _IImportEvents;
// Available options for IExportPackage::AddSite
// Can be one or more of the following
uuid( 10425436-D507-4E8E-915E-2119E6357632 ),
helpstring("Options for IExportPackage::AddSite"),
enum enAddSiteOptions
asDefault = 0x0000,
asNoContent = 0x0001,
asNoCertificates = 0x0002,
asNoContentACLs = 0x0004,
// Available options for IExportPackage::WritePackage
// Can be one or more of the following
uuid( 811CB96A-8B7E-4476-84A2-10E9AAFA98AE ),
helpstring("Options for IExportPackage::WritePackage"),
enum enWritePkgOptions
wpkgDefault = 0x0000,
wpkgEncrypt = 0x0001,
wpkgCompress = 0x0002,
// Available options for ISiteInfo::ImportSite
// Can be one or more of the following
uuid( 1D6A2709-2919-4786-9B19-3EF989AF625F ),
helpstring("Options for IImportPackage::ImportSite"),
enum enImportOptions
impDefault = 0x0000,
impImortInherited = 0x0001,
impExtendFPSites = 0x0002,
impSkipContent = 0x0004,
impSkipCertificate = 0x0008,
impUseExistingCerts = 0x0010,
impSkipPostProcess = 0x0020,
impPurgeOldData = 0x0040,
impSkipFileACLs = 0x0080,
// GUID associations
cpp_quote( "struct DECLSPEC_UUID( \"8034C477-B221-4635-99F4-64E37B1AD478\") ISiteInfo;" )
cpp_quote( "struct DECLSPEC_UUID( \"A52679AA-A576-4E4A-958A-2898BB154347\") IExportPackage;" )
cpp_quote( "struct DECLSPEC_UUID( \"0EBC613D-C8BF-4F67-A92A-272325C45C2B\") IImportPackage;" )
cpp_quote( "struct DECLSPEC_UUID( \"CCEECD08-61B1-47da-9AD9-A9FD51EA19F7\") _IExportEvents;" )
cpp_quote( "struct DECLSPEC_UUID( \"574682BB-45D6-403d-9864-E573C2A62AC5\") _IImportEvents;" )