Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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* V M E M . C
* Virtual Memory Utilities
* Copyright 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
#pragma warning(disable:4206) /* empty source file */
#if defined(DBG) && defined(_X86_)
#pragma warning(disable:4001) /* single line comments */
#pragma warning(disable:4001) /* single line comments */
#pragma warning(disable:4050) /* different code attributes */
#pragma warning(disable:4100) /* unreferenced formal parameter */
#pragma warning(disable:4115) /* named type definition in parentheses */
#pragma warning(disable:4115) /* named type definition in parentheses */
#pragma warning(disable:4127) /* conditional expression is constant */
#pragma warning(disable:4201) /* nameless struct/union */
#pragma warning(disable:4206) /* translation unit is empty */
#pragma warning(disable:4209) /* benign typedef redefinition */
#pragma warning(disable:4214) /* bit field types other than int */
#pragma warning(disable:4514) /* unreferenced inline function */
#include <windows.h>
#include <caldbg.h>
#define PAGE_SIZE 4096
#define PvToVMBase(pv) ((void *)((ULONG)pv & 0xFFFF0000))
static BOOL VMValidatePvEx(VOID *pv, ULONG cbCluster)
VOID * pvBase;
BYTE * pb;
pvBase = PvToVMBase(pv);
pb = (BYTE *)pvBase + sizeof(ULONG);
while (pb < (BYTE *)pv)
if (*pb++ != 0xAD)
TrapSz("VMValidatePvEx: Block leader overwrite");
if (cbCluster != 1)
ULONG cb = *((ULONG *)pvBase);
ULONG cbPad = 0;
if (cb % cbCluster)
cbPad = (cbCluster - (cb % cbCluster));
if (cbPad)
BYTE *pbMac;
pb = (BYTE *)pv + cb;
pbMac = pb + cbPad;
while (pb < pbMac)
if (*pb++ != 0xBC)
TrapSz("VMValidatePvEx: Block trailer overwrite");
VOID * EXPORTDBG __cdecl VMAlloc(ULONG cb)
return VMAllocEx(cb, 1);
VOID * EXPORTDBG __cdecl VMAllocEx(ULONG cb, ULONG cbCluster)
ULONG cbAlloc;
VOID * pvR;
VOID * pvC;
ULONG cbPad = 0;
// a cluster size of 0 means don't use the virtual allocator.
AssertSz(cbCluster != 0, "Cluster size is zero.");
if (cb > 0x100000)
if (cb % cbCluster) /*lint !e414*/
cbPad = (cbCluster - (cb % cbCluster));
cbAlloc = sizeof(ULONG) + cb + cbPad + PAGE_SIZE - 1;
cbAlloc -= cbAlloc % PAGE_SIZE;
cbAlloc += PAGE_SIZE;
pvR = VirtualAlloc(0, cbAlloc, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS);
if (pvR == 0)
pvC = VirtualAlloc(pvR, cbAlloc - PAGE_SIZE, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
if (pvC != pvR)
VirtualFree(pvR, 0, MEM_RELEASE); /*lint !e534*/
*(ULONG *)pvC = cb;
memset((BYTE *)pvC + sizeof(ULONG), 0xAD,
(UINT) cbAlloc - cb - cbPad - sizeof(ULONG) - PAGE_SIZE);
if (cbPad)
memset((BYTE *)pvC + cbAlloc - PAGE_SIZE - cbPad, 0xBC,
(UINT) cbPad);
return((BYTE *)pvC + (cbAlloc - cb - cbPad - PAGE_SIZE));
VMFreeEx(pv, 1);
VOID EXPORTDBG __cdecl VMFreeEx(VOID *pv, ULONG cbCluster)
{ /*lint -save -e534*/
VMValidatePvEx(pv, cbCluster); /*lint -restore*/
if (!VirtualFree(PvToVMBase(pv), 0, MEM_RELEASE))
TrapSz("VMFreeEx: VirtualFree failed");
VOID * EXPORTDBG __cdecl VMRealloc(VOID *pv, ULONG cb)
return VMReallocEx(pv, cb, 1);
VOID * EXPORTDBG __cdecl VMReallocEx(VOID *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG cbCluster)
VOID * pvNew = 0;
ULONG cbCopy;
/*lint -save -e534*/
VMValidatePvEx(pv, cbCluster); /*lint -restore*/
cbCopy = *(ULONG *)PvToVMBase(pv);
if (cbCopy > cb)
cbCopy = cb;
pvNew = VMAllocEx(cb, cbCluster);
if (pvNew)
memcpy(pvNew, pv, cbCopy);
VMFreeEx(pv, cbCluster);
return VMGetSizeEx(pv, 1);
/*lint -save -e715*/
ULONG EXPORTDBG __cdecl VMGetSizeEx(VOID *pv, ULONG cbCluster)
return (*(ULONG *)PvToVMBase(pv));
} /*lint -restore*/