Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

463 lines
21 KiB

// ========================================================================
// sz.h
// Constant string support
// NOTE: Strings that need multi-language support should NOT go here!
// They belong in the \cal\lang tree.
// Copyright 1986-1999 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#ifndef _EX_SZ_H_
#define _EX_SZ_H_
// Const string length -------------------------------------------------------
#define CchConstString(_s) ((sizeof(_s)/sizeof(_s[0])) - 1)
#define _wcsspnp(_cpc1, _cpc2) ((*((_cpc1)+wcsspn(_cpc1,_cpc2))) ? ((_cpc1)+wcsspn(_cpc1,_cpc2)) : NULL)
// String constants ----------------------------------------------------------
// Product tokens ------------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szOffice9UserAgent[] = "Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider DAV";
DEC_CONST UINT gc_cchOffice9UserAgent = CchConstString(gc_szOffice9UserAgent);
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szRosebudNT5UserAgent[] = "Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider DAV 1.1";
DEC_CONST UINT gc_cchRosebudNT5UserAgent = CchConstString(gc_szRosebudNT5UserAgent);
// Whitespace ----------------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szLWS[] = " \r\n\t";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszLWS[] = L" \r\n\t";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szWS[] = " \t";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszWS[] = L" \t";
// Generic constants ---------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDigits[] = L"0123456789";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wchEquals = L'=';
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wchComma = L',';
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszByteRangeAlphabet[] = L"0123456789-, \t";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszSeparator[] = L" \t,";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wchDash = L'-';
// HTTP-DAV headers ----------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szAccept_Charset[] = "Accept-Charset";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szAccept_Encoding[] = "Accept-Encoding";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szAccept_Language[] = "Accept-Language";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szAccept_Ranges[] = "Accept-Ranges";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szAccept[] = "Accept";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szAge[] = "Age";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szAllow[] = "Allow";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szAtomic[] = "Atomic";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szAuthorization[] = "Authorization";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szChunked[] = "chunked";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszChunked[] = L"chunked";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szCollection_Member[] = "Collection-Member";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szCompatibility[] = "Compatibility";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szConnection[] = "Connection";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szContent_Base[] = "Content-Base";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szContent_Encoding[] = "Content-Encoding";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szContent_Language[] = "Content-Language";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szContent_Length[] = "Content-Length";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szContent_Location[] = "Content-Location";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szContent_MD5[] = "Content-MD5";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szContent_Range[] = "Content-Range";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszContent_Range[] = L"Content-Range";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchContent_Range = CchConstString(gc_szContent_Range);
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szContent_Type[] = "Content-Type";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszContent_Type[] = L"Content-Type";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchContent_Type = CchConstString(gc_szContent_Type);
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szContent_Disposition[] = "Content-Disposition";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szCookie[] = "Cookie";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szDate[] = "Date";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szDepth[] = "Depth";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szDestination[] = "Destination";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szDestroy[] = "Destroy";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szExpires[] = "Expires";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szETag[] = "ETag";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szFrom[] = "From";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szHost[] = "Host";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szIf_Match[] = "If-Match";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szIf_Modified_Since[] = "If-Modified-Since";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szIf_None_Match[] = "If-None-Match";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szIf_None_State_Match[] = "If-None-State-Match";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szIf_Range[] = "If-Range";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szIf_State_Match[] = "If-State-Match";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szIf_Unmodified_Since[] = "If-Unmodified-Since";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szLast_Modified[] = "Last-Modified";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szLocation[] = "Location";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szLockInfo[] = "Lock-Info";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szLockToken[] = "If";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szMS_Author_Via[] = "MS-Author-Via";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szMS_Exchange_FlatURL[] = "MS-Exchange-Permanent-URL";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szOverwrite[] = "Overwrite";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szAllowRename[] = "Allow-Rename";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szPublic[] = "Public";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szRange[] = "Range";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szReferer[] = "Referer";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szRetry_After[] = "Retry-After";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szServer[] = "Server";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szSet_Cookie[] = "Set-Cookie";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szTimeout[] = "Timeout";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szTime_Out[] = "Time-Out";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szTransfer_Encoding[] = "Transfer-Encoding";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szTranslate[] = "Translate";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szUpdate[] = "Update";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szUser_Agent[] = "User-Agent";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szVary[] = "Vary";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szWarning[] = "Warning";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szWWW_Authenticate[] = "WWW-Authenticate";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szVersioning_Support[] = "Versioning-Support";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szBrief[] = "Brief";
// ECB server variables ------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST UINT gc_cchHTTP_ = CchConstString(gc_szHTTP_);
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szServer_Protocol[] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szServer_Name[] = "SERVER_NAME";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szServer_Port[] = "SERVER_PORT";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szAuth_Type[] = "AUTH_TYPE";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szAll_Raw[] = "ALL_RAW";
// ECB server variable values ------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_sz80[] = "80";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_sz443[] = "443";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szBasic[] = "Basic";
// Verbs
// Custom headers ------------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szX_MS_DEBUG_DAV_Signature[] = "X-MS-Debug-DAV-Signature";
// Depth values --------------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_sz0[] = "0";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wsz0[] = L"0";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_sz1[] = "1";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wsz1[] = L"1";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szInfinity[] = "infinity";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszInfinity[] = L"infinity";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_sz1NoRoot[] = "1,noroot";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szInfinityNoRoot[] = "infinity,noroot";
// Common header values ------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szClose[] = "close";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszClose[] = L"close";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszKeep_Alive[] = L"Keep-Alive";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szNone[] = "none";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szBytes[] = "bytes";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszBytes[] = L"bytes";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchBytes = CchConstString(gc_szBytes);
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszRows[] = L"rows";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szAnd[] = "and";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szOr[] = "or";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszNot[] = L"not";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszInfinite[] = L"Infinite";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchInfinite = CchConstString(gc_wszInfinite);
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszSecondDash[] = L"Second-";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchSecondDash = CchConstString(gc_wszSecondDash);
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szMS_Author_Via_Dav[] = "DAV";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szMS_Author_Via_Dav_Fp[] = "MS-FP/4.0,DAV";
// Lock Header values --------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szLockTimeoutFormat[] = "Second-%d";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchMaxLockTimeoutString = CchConstString(gc_szLockTimeoutFormat) + 10;
// Content-Type values -------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szText_XML[] = "text/xml";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszText_XML[] = L"text/xml";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchText_XML = CchConstString(gc_szText_XML);
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szApplication_XML[] = "application/xml";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszApplication_XML[] = L"application/xml";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szText_HTML[] = "text/html";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchText_HTML = CchConstString(gc_szText_HTML);
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szAppl_Octet_Stream[] = "application/octet-stream";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszAppl_Octet_Stream[] = L"application/octet-stream";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchAppl_Octet_Stream = CchConstString(gc_szAppl_Octet_Stream);
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szAppl_X_WWW_Form[] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchAppl_X_WWW_Form = CchConstString(gc_szAppl_X_WWW_Form);
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszMultipart_Byterange[] = L"multipart/byteranges";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchMultipart_Byterange = CchConstString(gc_wszMultipart_Byterange);
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szMultipart_FormData[] = "multipart/form-data";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchMultipart_FormData = CchConstString(gc_szMultipart_FormData);
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszBoundary[] = L"boundary";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchBoundary = CchConstString(gc_wszBoundary);
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szAppl_MIME[] = "application/mime";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchAppl_MIME = CchConstString(gc_szAppl_MIME);
// Cache control -------------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szCache_Control[] = "Cache-Control";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szCache_Control_Private[] = "private";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szCache_Control_NoCache[] = "no-cache";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szCache_Control_MaxAge[] = "max-age";
DEC_CONST ULONG gc_cchCache_Control_MaxAge = CchConstString(gc_szCache_Control_MaxAge);
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szCache_Control_MaxAgeZero[] = "max-age=0";
// Header emitters -----------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szCRLF[] = "\r\n";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszCRLF[] = L"\r\n";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchCRLF = CchConstString(gc_szCRLF);
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szColonSp[] = ": ";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szEmpty[] = "";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszEmpty[] = L"";
// HTTP versions -------------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchHTTP = CchConstString(gc_szHTTP);
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szHTTP_0_9[] = "HTTP/0.9";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szHTTP_1_0[] = "HTTP/1.0";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szHTTP_1_1[] = "HTTP/1.1";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchHTTP_X_X = CchConstString(gc_szHTTP_1_1);
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szDavCompliance[] = "DAV";
// Default error -------------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szDefErr400StatusLine[] = "400 Bad Request";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szDefErrStatusLine[] = "500 Internal Server Failure";
DEC_CONST UINT gc_cchszDefErrStatusLine = CchConstString(gc_szDefErrStatusLine);
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szDefErrBody[] =
"Content-Type: text/html\r\n"
"Content-Length: 67\r\n"
"HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error(exception)"
DEC_CONST UINT gc_cchszDefErrBody = CchConstString(gc_szDefErrBody);
// Token error ---------------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szUsgErrBody[] =
"Content-Type: text/html\r\n"
"Content-Length: 69\r\n"
"HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error(USG support)"
DEC_CONST UINT gc_cchszUsgErrBody = CchConstString(gc_szUsgErrBody);
// INDEX response items ------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszAs[] = L"as";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszCollectionResource[] = L"DAV:collectionresource";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszContent_Encoding[] = L"Content-Encoding";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszContent_Language[] = L"Content-Language";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszContent_Length[] = L"Content-Length";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszCreation_Date[] = L"Creation-Date";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDisplayName[] = L"DisplayName";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszETag[] = L"ETag";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszExternal[] = L"External";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszHref[] = L"href";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszIsCollection[] = L"IsCollection";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszLast_Modified[] = L"Last-Modified";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszMemberResource[] = L"MemberResource";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDav[] = L"DAV:";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszProp[] = L"DAV:prop";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszXML__Href[] = L"DAV:href";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszXML__Namespace[] = L"xml::namespace";
// Partial response items ----------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszErrorMessage[] = L"DAV:responsedescription";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszStatus[] = L"DAV:status";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszMultiResponse[] = L"DAV:multistatus";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszResponse[] = L"DAV:response";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszSearchResult[] = L"DAV:searchresult";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszPropstat[] = L"DAV:propstat";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszXML[] = L"xml";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszContentRange[] = L"DAV:contentrange";
// Metadata items ------------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszCreate[] = L"DAV:create";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszSet[] = L"DAV:set";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszGetProps[] = L"DAV:getprops";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszPropfind[] = L"DAV:propfind";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszPropertyUpdate[] = L"DAV:propertyupdate";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszRemove[] = L"DAV:remove";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszAllprop[] = L"DAV:allprop";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszFullFidelity[] = L"http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/allprop";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszFullFidelityExclude[] = L"http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/exclude";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszFullFidelityInclude[] = L"http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/include";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszPropname[] = L"DAV:propname";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszCollection[] = L"DAV:collection";
// Version history report items ----------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszEnumReport[] = L"DAV:enumreport";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszLimit[] = L"DAV:limit";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszReport[] = L"DAV:report";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDavDefaultHistory[] = L"DAV:defaulthistory";
DEC_CONST UINT gc_cchDavDefaultHistory = CchConstString (gc_wszDavDefaultHistory);
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszRevision[] = L"DAV:revision";
// Search items --------------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szDasl[] = "DASL";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szSqlQuery[] = "<DAV:sql>";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszSearchRequest[] = L"DAV:searchrequest";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszResoucetype[] = L"DAV:resourcetype";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszStructureddocument[] = L"DAV:structureddocument";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszSimpleSearch[] = L"DAV:simple-search";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszType[] = L"DAV:type";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszQuery[] = L"DAV:query";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszSql[] = L"DAV:sql";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszSelect[] = L"Select";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszFrom[] = L"From";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszWhere[] = L"Where";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszOrder[] = L"Order";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszBy[] = L"By";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszServerHints[] = L"DAV:serverhints";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszMaxResults[] = L"DAV:maxresults";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszScope[] = L"Scope";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszRange[] = L"DAV:range";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszRangeType[] = L"DAV:type";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszRangeRows[] = L"DAV:rows";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszExpansion[] = L"DAV:expansion";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszStatic[] = L"static";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDynamic[] = L"dynamic";
// Batch method items --------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszTarget[] = L"DAV:target";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDelete[] = L"DAV:delete";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszCopy[] = L"DAV:copy";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszMove[] = L"DAV:move";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDest[] = L"DAV:dest";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszLocation[] = L"DAV:location";
// Property types ------------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszLexType[] = L"urn:uuid:c2f41010-65b3-11d1-a29f-00aa00c14882/dt";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchLexType = CchConstString (gc_wszLexType);
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszLexTypeOfficial[] = L"uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882#dt";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDataTypes[] = L"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes#dt";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszFlags[] = L"urn:schemas:httpmail:flags";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszHrefAttribute[] = L"urn:schemas:href";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchHrefAttribute = CchConstString (gc_wszHrefAttribute);
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDavType_String[] = L"string";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDavType_Date_ISO8601[]= L"dateTime.tz";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDavType_Date_Rfc1123[]= L"dateTime.rfc1123";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDavType_Float[] = L"float";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDavType_Boolean[] = L"boolean";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDavType_Int[] = L"int";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDavType_Mvstring[] = L"mv.string";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDavType_Bin_Base64[] = L"bin.base64";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDavType_Bin_Hex[] = L"bin.hex";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDavType_I2[] = L"i2";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDavType_I8[] = L"i8";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDavType_R4[] = L"r4";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDavType_Fixed_14_4[] = L"fixed.14.4";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDavType_Uuid[] = L"uuid";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszDavType_MV[] = L"mv.";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszUri[] = L"uri";
// multivalue property -------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszXml_V[] = L"xml:v";
// URI Construction ----------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szUrl_Prefix[] = "http://";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszUrl_Prefix[] = L"http://";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchszUrl_Prefix = CchConstString(gc_szUrl_Prefix);
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szUrl_Prefix_Secure[] = "https://";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszUrl_Prefix_Secure[] = L"https://";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchszUrl_Prefix_Secure = CchConstString(gc_szUrl_Prefix_Secure);
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszFileScheme[] = L"file://";
DEC_CONST INT gc_strlenFileScheme = CchConstString(gc_wszFileScheme);
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszUrl_Port_80[] = L":80";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchUrl_Port_80 = CchConstString(gc_wszUrl_Port_80);
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszUrl_Port_443[] = L":443";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchUrl_Port_443 = CchConstString(gc_wszUrl_Port_443);
// Special metaprops ---------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszProp_ContentType[] = L"ContentType";
// Performance counters ------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wsz_Total[] = L"_Total";
// Metabase strings ----------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wsz_Lm_MimeMap[] = L"/lm/MimeMap";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cch_Lm_MimeMap = CchConstString(gc_wsz_Lm_MimeMap);
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wsz_Lm_W3Svc[] = L"/lm/w3svc";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cch_Lm_W3Svc = CchConstString(gc_wsz_Lm_W3Svc);
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wsz_Root[] = L"/root";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cch_Root = CchConstString(gc_wsz_Root);
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wsz_Star[] = L"*";
// Lock strings --------------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszOpaquelocktokenPrefix[] = L"opaquelocktoken:";
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchOpaquelocktokenPrefix = CchConstString(gc_wszOpaquelocktokenPrefix);
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszLockTypeRead[] = L"DAV:read";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szLockTokenHeader[] = "Lock-Token";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszGuidFormat[] = L"%08lX-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X";
// Size in characters required for an ascii string which contains
// a GUID in the swprintf'ed gc_wszGuidFormat
DEC_CONST INT gc_cchMaxGuid = 37; // Not the size of format string: size of formatted guid
// CRC'd strings -------------------------------------------------------------
// IMPORTANT: if you feel the need to change any of these strings, then you
// really need to re-crc it and update the value. Failure to do so will cause
// unpredicitible results and possible termination (of the app, not you).
// The CRC's are maintained in the impls' meta sources
#define IanaItem(_sz) \
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszProp_iana_##_sz[] = \
L"DAV:" L#_sz; \
enum { MAX_LOCKTOKEN_LENGTH = 256 };
#endif // !_EX_SZ_H_