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* X E M I T . H
* XML emitting
* Copyright 1986-1997 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#ifndef _EX_XEMIT_H_
#define _EX_XEMIT_H_
#include <ex\sz.h>
#include <ex\autoptr.h>
#include <ex\cnvt.h>
#include <ex\nmspc.h>
#include <ex\xmldata.h>
#include <ex\atomcache.h>
typedef UINT XNT;
// Interface IPreloadNamespaces
// This is a virtual class which is to be implemented by everyone
// that emits XML.
class CXMLEmitter;
class IPreloadNamespaces
IPreloadNamespaces& operator=( const IPreloadNamespaces& );
virtual ~IPreloadNamespaces() = 0 {};
virtual SCODE ScLoadNamespaces(CXMLEmitter* pxe) = 0;
// class CXMLEmitter ---------------------------------------------------------
class CXNode;
class CEmitterNode;
class CXMLEmitter : public CEmitterNmspcCache
// Ref' counting.
// !!! Please note that this is NON-THREADSAFE !!!
// CXNodes should be operated on a single thread at
// any given time.
LONG m_cRef;
void AddRef() { m_cRef++; }
void Release() { if (0 == --m_cRef) delete this; }
// Other important bits
// Because CXNode::ScDone (which references IXMLBody * m_pxb) is called in CXNode
// dtor, so we must have m_pxb defined befor m_pxnRoot, so that it will be destroyed
// after CXNode is destroyed
auto_ref_ptr<IXMLBody> m_pxb;
auto_ref_ptr<CXNode> m_pxnRoot;
IPreloadNamespaces* m_pNmspcLoader;
NmspcCache m_cacheLocal;
class NmspcEmittingOp : public CNmspcCache::NmspcCache::IOp
auto_ref_ptr<CXMLEmitter> m_emitter;
auto_ref_ptr<CXNode> m_pxnParent;
NmspcEmittingOp( const NmspcEmittingOp& );
NmspcEmittingOp& operator=( const NmspcEmittingOp& );
NmspcEmittingOp (CXMLEmitter * pemitter,
CXNode * pxnParent)
:m_emitter (pemitter),
m_pxnParent (pxnParent)
BOOL operator()( const CRCWszN&,
const auto_ref_ptr<CNmspc>& nmspc );
// non-implemented
CXMLEmitter(const CXMLEmitter& p);
CXMLEmitter& operator=(const CXMLEmitter& p);
// According to standard C++, There's no garantee on the order of member
// being deleted. so delete explicitly.
CXMLEmitter(IXMLBody * pxb, IPreloadNamespaces * pNmspcLoader = NULL)
: m_cRef(1),
CXNode* PxnRoot() { return m_pxnRoot.get(); }
// Find the appropriate namespace for the given name
SCODE ScFindNmspc (LPCWSTR, UINT, auto_ref_ptr<CNmspc>&);
// Attach the namespace to a given node
inline SCODE ScAddNmspc(const auto_ref_ptr<CNmspc>&, CXNode *);
SCODE ScAddAttribute (
/* [in] */ CXNode * pxn,
/* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszTag,
/* [in] */ UINT cchTag,
/* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszValue,
/* [in] */ UINT cchValue);
SCODE ScNewNode (
/* [in] */ XNT xnt,
/* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszTag,
/* [in] */ CXNode* pxnParent,
/* [out] */ auto_ref_ptr<CXNode>& pxnOut);
// Create a root node for this document
// including prologue.
// Create a root node with NO prologue, this node can be
// used to build XML piece.
// This function should not be used directly in IIS side. it may
// be used directly in store side to build XML chunks
SCODE ScPreloadNamespace (LPCWSTR pwszTag);
SCODE ScPreloadLocalNamespace (CXNode * pxn, LPCWSTR pwszTag);
VOID DoneWithLocalNamespace ()
// Reuse the namespace alises
//$ NOTE: we can do this by simply deducting the the number of aliases
//$ NOTE: in the local cache. because all local aliases are added
//$ NOTE: after root level aliases is added. so this way do cleanup
//$ NOTE: only those aliases taken the by the local cache.
//$ NOTE: Note that this is based on the fact that at any time, we
//$ NOTE: we have only one <response> node under contruction
AdjustAliasNumber (0 - m_cacheLocal.CItems());
// Cleanup all the entries in the local cache
VOID Done()
// Close the root node
// Emit the body part;
// class CXNode --------------------------------------------------------------
class CXNode
// Ref' counting.
// !!! Please note that this is NON-THREADSAFE !!!
// CXNodes should be operated on a single thread at
// any given time.
LONG m_cRef;
void AddRef() { m_cRef++; }
void Release() { if (0 == --m_cRef) delete this; }
// Node type
const XNT m_xnt;
// The body part manager
IXMLBody * m_pxb;
// The namespace that applies to this node
auto_ref_ptr<CNmspc> m_pns;
// The escaped property tag of the node.
auto_heap_ptr<WCHAR> m_pwszTagEscaped;
UINT m_cchTagEscaped;
// Whether or not the propertyname has an empty namespace (no namespace).
BOOL m_fHasEmptyNamespace;
// If an open node. i.e. <tag>, not <tag/>, Used for element node only
UINT m_fNodeOpen;
// Whether this node is done emitting
BOOL m_fDone;
// The CXMLEmitter from which we persist the pilot namespace
CXMLEmitter * m_pmsr;
// Emitting --------------------------------------------------------------
SCODE ScAddUnicodeResponseBytes (UINT cch, LPCWSTR pwsz);
SCODE ScAddEscapedValueBytes (UINT cch, LPCSTR psz);
SCODE ScAddEscapedAttributeBytes (UINT cch, LPCSTR psz);
SCODE ScWriteTagName ();
// non-implemented
CXNode(const CXNode& p);
CXNode& operator=(const CXNode& p);
CXNode(XNT xnt, IXMLBody* pxb) :
if (!m_fDone)
// Close the node
//$REVIEW: ScDone() could only fail for E_OUTMEMORY. Yes, we cannot
//$REVIEW: return the failure from dtor. but how much better can be done
//$REVIEW: when run out of memory?
//$REVIEW: This does help to relievate the dependence on client to
//$REVIEW: call ScDone correctly. (Of course, they still need to declare
//$REVIEW: the nodes in correct order
// CXNode types ----------------------------------------------------------
typedef enum {
// Construction ----------------------------------------------------------
// Set the name of the node
SCODE ScSetTag (CXMLEmitter* pmsr, UINT cch, LPCWSTR pwszTag);
// Sets the value of a node.
// IMPORTANT: setting the value of a node appends the value of the node
// to the child.
SCODE ScSetValue (LPCSTR pszValue, UINT cch);
SCODE ScSetValue (LPCWSTR pwszValue, UINT cch);
SCODE ScSetValue (LPCWSTR pwszValue)
return ScSetValue (pwszValue, static_cast<UINT>(wcslen(pwszValue)));
SCODE ScSetUTF8Value (LPCSTR pszValue, UINT cch);
SCODE ScSetFormatedXML (LPCSTR pszValue, UINT cchValue);
SCODE ScSetFormatedXML (LPCWSTR pwszValue, UINT cchValue);
// Adds an child to the this node
SCODE ScGetChildNode (XNT xntType, CXNode ** ppxnChild);
SCODE ScDone();
// class CEmitterNode --------------------------------------------------------
class CEmitterNode
auto_ref_ptr<CXMLEmitter> m_emitter;
auto_ref_ptr<CXNode> m_pxn;
// non-implemented
CEmitterNode(const CEmitterNode& p);
CEmitterNode& operator=(const CEmitterNode& p);
CEmitterNode ()
// Pass back a reference to the Emitter
CXMLEmitter* PEmitter() const { return m_emitter.get(); }
VOID SetEmitter (CXMLEmitter* pmsr) { m_emitter = pmsr; }
// Pass back a reference to the CXNode
CXNode* Pxn() const { return m_pxn.get(); }
VOID SetPxn (CXNode* pxn) { m_pxn = pxn; }
// New node construction -------------------------------------------------
SCODE ScConstructNode (CXMLEmitter& emitter,
CXNode * pxnParent,
LPCWSTR pwszTag,
LPCWSTR pwszValue = NULL,
LPCWSTR pwszType = NULL);
// Add a child node to this node. This API is the heart of the emitter
// processing and all other AddXXX() methods are written in terms of
// this method.
SCODE ScAddNode (LPCWSTR pwszTag,
CEmitterNode& en,
LPCWSTR pwszValue = NULL,
LPCWSTR pwszType = NULL);
// Non-wide char nodes
SCODE ScAddMultiByteNode (LPCWSTR pwszTag,
CEmitterNode& en,
LPCSTR pszValue,
LPCWSTR pwszType = NULL);
CEmitterNode& en,
LPCSTR pszValue,
LPCWSTR pwszType = NULL);
// "date.iso8601"
SCODE ScAddDateNode (LPCWSTR pwszTag,
CEmitterNode& en);
// "int"
SCODE ScAddInt64Node (LPCWSTR pwszTag,
CEmitterNode& en);
// "boolean"
SCODE ScAddBoolNode (LPCWSTR pwszTag,
CEmitterNode& en);
// "bin.base64"
SCODE ScAddBase64Node (LPCWSTR pwszTag,
CEmitterNode& en,
BOOL fSupressTypeAttr = FALSE,
// For WebFolders, we need to emit zero length
// binary properties as bin.hex instead of bin.base64.
BOOL fUseBinHexIfNoValue = FALSE);
// Multi-Status ----------------------------------------------------------
SCODE ScDone ()
SCODE sc = S_OK;
if (m_pxn.get())
sc = m_pxn->ScDone();
return sc;
// String constants ----------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_chAmp = '&';
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_chBang = '!';
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_chColon = ':';
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_chDash = '-';
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_chEquals = '=';
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_chForwardSlash = '/';
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_chBackSlash = '\\';
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_chGreaterThan = '>';
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_chLessThan = '<';
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_chApos = '\'';
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_chQuestionMark = '?';
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_chQuote = '"';
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_chSpace = ' ';
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szAmp[] = "&amp;";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szGreaterThan[] = "&gt;";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szLessThan[] = "&lt;";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szApos[] = "&apos;";
DEC_CONST CHAR gc_szQuote[] = "&quot;";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszAmp[] = L"&amp;";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszGreaterThan[] = L"&gt;";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszLessThan[] = L"&lt;";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszApos[] = L"&apos;";
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszQuote[] = L"&quot;";
// XML property emitting helpers ---------------------------------------------
SCODE __fastcall
ScEmitPropToXml (
/* [in] */ CEmitterNode* penProp,
/* [in] */ const BOOL fFilterValues,
/* [in] */ const USHORT usPt,
/* [in] */ const LPCWSTR wszTag,
/* [in] */ const BYTE* pb);
SCODE __fastcall
ScEmitStringPropToXml (
/* [in] */ CEmitterNode* penProp,
/* [in] */ const BOOL fFilterValues,
/* [in] */ const USHORT usPt,
/* [in] */ const LPCWSTR wszTag,
/* [in] */ const ULONG cpid,
/* [in] */ const UINT cch,
/* [in] */ const VOID* pv);
SCODE __fastcall
ScEmitBinaryPropToXml (
/* [in] */ CEmitterNode* penProp,
/* [in] */ const BOOL fFilterValues,
/* [in] */ const USHORT usPt,
/* [in] */ const LPCWSTR wszTag,
/* [in] */ const UINT cb,
/* [in] */ const BYTE* pb);
SCODE __fastcall
ScEmitMultiValuedAtomicToXml (
/* [in] */ CEmitterNode* penProp,
/* [in] */ const BOOL fFilterValues,
/* [in] */ const USHORT usPt,
/* [in] */ const UINT cbItem,
/* [in] */ const LPCWSTR wszTag,
/* [in] */ const ULONG cValues,
/* [in] */ const BYTE* pb);
SCODE __fastcall
ScEmitMutliValuedStringToXml (
/* [in] */ CEmitterNode* penProp,
/* [in] */ const BOOL fFilterValues,
/* [in] */ const USHORT usPt,
/* [in] */ const LPCWSTR wszTag,
/* [in] */ const ULONG cpid,
/* [in] */ const UINT cchMax,
/* [in] */ const LPVOID* pv);
SCODE __fastcall
ScEmitMutliValuedBinaryToXml (
/* [in] */ CEmitterNode* penProp,
/* [in] */ const BOOL fFilterValues,
/* [in] */ const USHORT usPt,
/* [in] */ const LPCWSTR wszTag,
/* [in] */ const BYTE** ppb,
/* [in] */ const DWORD* pcb,
/* [in] */ const DWORD cbMax);
#endif // _EX_XEMIT_H_