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// File: aqinst.h
// Description:
// CAQSvrInst is a central dispatcher class for Advanced Queuing. It
// coordinates shutdown and exposes the following COM interfaces:
// - IAdvQueue
// - IAdvQueueConfig
// Owner: mikeswa
// History:
// 9/3/98 - MikeSwa - changed from legacy name catmsgq.h & CCatMsgQueue
// Copyright (C) 1997, 1998 Microsoft Corporation
#ifndef __AQINST_H__
#define __AQINST_H__
#include "cmt.h"
#include <rwnew.h>
#include "baseobj.h"
#include "aqueue.h"
#include "domcfg.h"
#include "domain.h"
#include "smtpseo.h"
#include "smproute.h"
#include "qwiktime.h"
#include "dsnsink.h"
#include "asyncq.h"
#include "msgrefadm.h"
#include "mailadmq.h"
#include "shutdown.h"
#include "refstr.h"
#include "msgguid.h"
#include "aqdbgcnt.h"
#include "aqnotify.h"
#include "defdlvrq.h"
#include "failmsgq.h"
#include "asncwrkq.h"
#include "tran_evntlog.h"
#include "aqreg.h"
#include "..\aqdisp\seomgr.h"
//-- *** LOCKS IN AQUEUE *** --------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: General comment on locks in aqueue.
// In general, we use CShareLockNH as our locking mechanism. These locks are
// Reader/Writer locks with TryEnter semantics and the performance feature
// that they use less than 1 handle per lock (~1 handle per thread).
// Shutdown is handled by using these locks. Each class that serves as an
// entrypoint for external threads (CAsyncQueue & CConnMgr) inherits from
// CSyncShutdown. At shutdown, this classes lock is aquired EXCLUSIVE, and
// to protect operations from shutdown, a this classes lock is aquired SHARED
// for the duration of the opertaion. Getting the shutdown sharelock either
// success or fails without blocking (aquiring the EXCLUSIVE shutdown lock is
// the only blocking call).
// The only other global lock is the virtual server instance routing lock.
// This is acquired shared for all operations at the same level the exclusive
// lock is aquired. This is acquired exlusively *only* for router changes
// caused by IRouterReset::ResetRoutes.
// If other classes have data which needs to be protected, they will have a
// m_slPrivateData sharelock. Any operation that needs to read data in a
// thread-safe manner, should aquire the m_slPrivateData SHARED. Any
// operation that needs to write data that is accessable by multiple threads
// should aquire that object's m_slPrivateData lock EXCLUSIVE.
// Some objects (CFifoQueue for example) require more than one lock to avoid
// contention. These objects will have locks that are descriptive of that
// particular locks functions. CFifoQueue, for example, uses m_slHead and
// m_slTail to respectively protect the head and tail of the queue.
// forward declarations to avoid #include nightmares
class CLinkMsgQueue;
class CConnMgr;
class CAQStats;
class CDSNParams;
class CMsgRef;
#define MEMBER_OK(pStruct, Member) \
(((LONG) (pStruct)->cbVersion) >= ( ((BYTE *) &((pStruct)->Member)) - ((BYTE *) pStruct)))
//For Service callback function
typedef void (*PSRVFN)(PVOID);
//CatMsgQueue Signature
#define CATMSGQ_SIG ' QMC'
//Total number of IMsgs in the system (all virtual servers)
_declspec(selectany) DWORD g_cIMsgInSystem = 0;
//List of virtual servers used by debugger extensions
_declspec(selectany) LIST_ENTRY g_liVirtualServers = {&g_liVirtualServers, &g_liVirtualServers};
//Sharelock used to access global virtual servers
_declspec(selectany) CShareLockNH *g_pslGlobals = NULL;
//Setup defaults
const DWORD g_cMaxConnections = 10000; //Maximum # of total connections allocated
const DWORD g_cMaxLinkConnections = 10; //Maximum # of connections per link
const DWORD g_cMinMessagesPerConnection = 20; //There must be this many messages
//per addional connection that is
//allocated for a link
const DWORD g_cMaxMessagesPerConnection = 20; //We server atmost these many messages per connection
const DWORD g_dwConnectionWaitMilliseconds = 3600000;
const DWORD g_dwRetryThreshold = 3; // Till 3 consecutive failures we treat it as glitch;
const DWORD g_dwFirstTierRetrySeconds = (15 * 60); // retry a failure in 15 minutes
const DWORD g_dwSecondTierRetrySeconds = (60 * 60); // retry a failure in 60 minutes
const DWORD g_dwThirdTierRetrySeconds = (12 * 60 * 60); // retry a failure in 12 hrs
const DWORD g_dwFourthTierRetrySeconds = (24 * 60 * 60); // retry a failure in 24 hrs
const DWORD g_dwRetriesBeforeDelay = 5;
const DWORD g_dwDelayIntervalsBeforeNDR = 2;
const DWORD g_dwDelayExpireMinutes = g_dwRetriesBeforeDelay*g_dwFirstTierRetrySeconds/(60);
const DWORD g_dwNDRExpireMinutes = g_dwDelayIntervalsBeforeNDR*g_dwDelayExpireMinutes;
// Additional message failure codes that should move to aqueue.idl.
//---[ eAQFailure ]-------------------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Enum used to desribe failure scenarios that will require special handling
// Hungarian:
// eaqf
typedef enum eAQFailure_
AQ_FAILURE_NUM_SITUATIONS //always keep this as last
} eAQFailure;
_declspec(selectany) DWORD g_cTotalAQFailures = 0;
_declspec(selectany) DWORD g_cAQFailureSituations = AQ_FAILURE_NUM_SITUATIONS;
_declspec(selectany) DWORD g_rgcAQFailures[AQ_FAILURE_NUM_SITUATIONS] = {0};
//---[ CAQSvrInst ]------------------------------------------------------------
// Hungarian: aqinst, paqinst
// Legacy Hungarian: cmq, pcmq (from old CCatMsgQueue object)
// Provides an interface definition for the enqueuing/acking categorized
// messages Also provides an interface for creating link queues.
// Only one of these objects exist per virtual server... it is used a
// co-ordinating object used to handle an orderly shutdown.
class CAQSvrInst :
public CBaseObject,
public CSyncShutdown,
public IAdvQueue,
public IAdvQueueConfig,
public IAdvQueueAdmin,
public IMailTransportRoutingEngine,
public IMailTransportRouterReset,
public IAdvQueueDomainType,
public IAQNotify,
public IMailTransportRouterSetLinkState,
public IAQServerEvent
DWORD m_dwSignature;
LIST_ENTRY m_liVirtualServers;
DWORD m_dwServerInstance; //Virtual server instance
//Useful signatures that include flavor and verision information
DWORD m_cbClasses;
DWORD m_dwFlavorSignature;
//Total counts used for counting totals of messages that have passed
//through the system. Very useful for determing which component has
//dropped a message after a stress run.
LONG m_cTotalMsgsQueued; //Total # of messages on dest queues (after fanout)
LONG m_cMsgsAcked; //Total # of messages that have been acknowledged
LONG m_cMsgsAckedRetry; //Total # of messages acked with retry all
LONG m_cMsgsDeliveredLocal; //Total # of messages delivered to local store
DWORD m_cMsgsAckedRetryLocal; //Total # of messages msgs that have been ack'd retry
//Current system state counters
DWORD m_cCurrentMsgsSubmitted; //# total msgs in system
DWORD m_cCurrentMsgsPendingCat; //# Msgs that have not be categorized
DWORD m_cCurrentMsgsPendingRouting; //# Msgs that have not been routed.
DWORD m_cCurrentMsgsPendingDelivery; //# Msgs pending remote delivery
DWORD m_cCurrentMsgsPendingLocal; //# Msgs pending local delivery
DWORD m_cCurrentMsgsPendingLocalRetry; //# Msgs pending local retries
DWORD m_cCurrentMsgsPendingRetry; //# Msgs with unsuccessful attempts
DWORD m_cCurrentQueueMsgInstances; //# of msgs instances pending
//remote deliver (>= #msgs)
DWORD m_cCurrentRemoteDestQueues; //# of DestMsgQueues created
DWORD m_cCurrentRemoteNextHops; //# of Next Hop links created
DWORD m_cCurrentRemoteNextHopsEnabled; //# of links that can have connections
DWORD m_cCurrentRemoteNextHopsPendingRetry; //# of links pending retry
DWORD m_cCurrentRemoteNextHopsPendingSchedule; //# of links pending schedule
DWORD m_cCurrentRemoteNextHopsFrozenByAdmin; //# of links frozen by admin
DWORD m_cTotalMsgsSubmitted; //# of messages submitted to AQ
DWORD m_cTotalExternalMsgsSubmitted; //# of messages submitted to AQ externally
DWORD m_cCurrentMsgsPendingSubmitEvent; //# of messages in submission event
DWORD m_cCurrentMsgsPendingPreCatEvent; //# of messages in PreCat event
DWORD m_cCurrentMsgsPendingPostCatEvent; //# of messages in PostCat event
DWORD m_cDelayedDSNs; //# of DSN's that contain action:delayed
DWORD m_cNDRs; //# of DSN's that contain action:failed
DWORD m_cDeliveredDSNs; //# of DSN's that contain action:delivered
DWORD m_cRelayedDSNs; //# of DSN's that contain action:relayed
DWORD m_cExpandedDSNs; //# of DSN's that contain action:expanded
DWORD m_cDMTRetries;
DWORD m_cSupersededMsgs;
DWORD m_cTotalMsgsTURNETRNDelivered;
DWORD m_cTotalMsgsBadmailed;
DWORD m_cCatMsgCalled;
DWORD m_cCatCompletionCalled;
DWORD m_cBadmailNoRecipients;
DWORD m_cBadmailHopCountExceeded;
DWORD m_cBadmailFailureGeneral;
DWORD m_cBadmailBadPickupFile;
DWORD m_cBadmailEvent;
DWORD m_cBadmailNdrOfDsn;
DWORD m_cTotalDSNFailures;
DWORD m_cCurrentMsgsInLocalDelivery;
DWORD m_cTotalResetRoutes;
DWORD m_cCurrentPendingResetRoutes;
DWORD m_cCurrentMsgsPendingSubmit;
CAQMsgGuidList m_mglSupersedeIDs;
CShareLockInst m_slPrivateData; //read/write lock for global config into
CDomainMappingTable m_dmt; //ptr to domain mapping table
CConnMgr *m_pConnMgr;
CDomainConfigTable m_dct;
ISMTPServer *m_pISMTPServer;
ISMTPServerEx *m_pISMTPServerEx;
ISMTPServerAsync *m_pISMTPServerAsync;
HANDLE m_hCat;
CAQQuickTime m_qtTime; //exposes interfaces for getting expire times
CDSNGenerator m_dsnsink;
//Global config data
DWORD m_cMinMessagesPerConnection;
DWORD m_cMaxMessagesPerConnection;
DWORD m_dwConnectionWaitMilliseconds;
//retry related
DWORD m_dwFirstTierRetrySeconds; //Threshold failure retry interval
DWORD m_dwDelayExpireMinutes;
DWORD m_dwNDRExpireMinutes;
DWORD m_dwLocalDelayExpireMinutes;
DWORD m_dwLocalNDRExpireMinutes;
//Counters used to for local and cat retry
DWORD m_cLocalRetriesPending;
DWORD m_cCatRetriesPending;
DWORD m_cRoutingRetriesPending;
DWORD m_cSubmitRetriesPending;
DWORD m_dwInitMask; //used to keep track of who has been init'd
IMessageRouter *m_pIMessageRouterDefault;
CRefCountedString *m_prstrDefaultDomain;
CRefCountedString *m_prstrBadMailDir;
CRefCountedString *m_prstrCopyNDRTo;
CRefCountedString *m_prstrServerFQDN;
//DSN Options
DWORD m_dwDSNOptions;
DWORD m_dwDSNLanguageID;
CAsyncAdminMailMsgQueue m_asyncqPreCatQueue;
CAsyncAdminMsgRefQueue m_asyncqPreLocalDeliveryQueue;
CAsyncAdminMailMsgQueue m_asyncqPostDSNQueue;
CAsyncAdminMailMsgQueue m_asyncqPreRoutingQueue;
CAsyncAdminMailMsgQueue m_asyncqPreSubmissionQueue;
CDebugCountdown m_dbgcnt;
//Flags used to describe what has been initialized
IMailTransportRouterReset *m_pIRouterReset; //pointer to router reset implementation
//Queue and counter for deferred delivery
CAQDeferredDeliveryQueue m_defq;
DWORD m_cCurrentMsgsPendingDeferredDelivery;
//Failed Msg Queue
CFailedMsgQueue m_fmq;
DWORD m_cCurrentResourceFailedMsgsPendingRetry;
//Work queue used to do async work items
CAsyncWorkQueue m_aqwWorkQueue;
BOOL m_fMailMsgReportsNumHandles;
typedef enum _eCMQInitFlags
CMQ_INIT_OK = 0x80000000,
CMQ_INIT_DMT = 0x00000001,
CMQ_INIT_DCT = 0x00000002,
CMQ_INIT_CONMGR = 0x00000004,
CMQ_INIT_LINKQ = 0x00000008,
CMQ_INIT_DSN = 0x00000010,
CMQ_INIT_PRECATQ = 0x00000020,
CMQ_INIT_PRELOCQ = 0x00000040,
CMQ_INIT_POSTDSNQ = 0x00000080,
CMQ_INIT_ROUTINGQ = 0x00000200,
CMQ_INIT_WORKQ = 0x00000400,
CMQ_INIT_MSGQ = 0x80000000,
} eCMQInitFlags;
CAQSvrInst(DWORD dwServerInstance,
ISMTPServer *pISMTPServer);
HRESULT HrInitialize(
IN LPSTR szUserName = NULL,
IN LPSTR szDomainName = NULL,
IN LPSTR szPassword = NULL,
IN PSRVFN pServiceStatusFn = NULL,
IN PVOID pvServiceContext = NULL);
HRESULT HrDeinitialize();
//publicly accessable member values
//MUST wrap in fTryShutdownLock - ShutdownUnlock
CDomainMappingTable *pdmtGetDMT() {AssertShutdownLockAquired();return &m_dmt;};
CAQMsgGuidList *pmglGetMsgGuidList() {AssertShutdownLockAquired(); return &m_mglSupersedeIDs;};
HRESULT HrGetIConnectionManager(OUT IConnectionManager **ppIConnectionManager);
//Public Methods exposed through events (or some other mechanism)
// This function queues a categorized message for remote/local delivery
BOOL fRouteAndQueueMsg(IN IMailMsgProperties *pIMailMsg);
//Acknowledge the message ref.
//There should be one Ack for every dequeue from a link.
HRESULT HrAckMsg(MessageAck *pMsgAck, BOOL fLocal = FALSE);
//methods to (un)map domain names to ids.
HRESULT HrGetDomainMapping(
IN LPSTR szDomainName, //Domain name
OUT CDomainMapping *pdmap); //resulting domain mapping
HRESULT HrGetDomainName(
IN CDomainMapping *pdmap, //Domain mapping
OUT LPSTR *pszDomainName); //resolved domain name
//Pass notifications off to Connection Manager
HRESULT HrNotify(IN CAQStats *paqstats, BOOL fAdd);
//Expose ability to get internal Domain Info to internal components
HRESULT HrGetInternalDomainInfo(IN DWORD cbDomainNameLength,
IN LPSTR szDomainName,
OUT CInternalDomainInfo **ppDomainInfo);
HRESULT HrGetDefaultDomainInfo(OUT CInternalDomainInfo **ppDomainInfo);
//Get Domain Entry from DMT
HRESULT HrGetDomainEntry(IN DWORD cbDomainNameLength,
IN LPSTR szDomainName,
OUT CDomainEntry **ppdentry);
// jstamerj 980607 21:41:25: The completion routine of the
// submission event trigger
HRESULT SubmissionEventCompletion(
HRESULT hrStatus,
// jstamerj 1998/11/24 19:53:24: Fire off the PreCat event
VOID TriggerPreCategorizeEvent(IN IMailMsgProperties *pIMailMsgProperties);
// jstamerj 1998/11/24 19:54:23: Completion routine of the pre-cat event
// jstamerj 980610 12:24:29: Called from HrPreCatEventCompletion
HRESULT SubmitMessageToCategorizer(IN IMailMsgProperties *pIMailMsgProperties);
// jstamerj 980616 22:06:45: Called from CatCompletion
void TriggerPostCategorizeEvent(IUnknown *pIMsg, IUnknown **rgpIMsg);
// jstamerj 980616 22:07:18: triggers a post-cat event for one message
HRESULT TriggerPostCategorizeEventOneMsg(IUnknown *pIMsg);
// jstamerj 980616 22:07:54: Handles post-cat event completions
HRESULT PostCategorizationEventCompletion(HRESULT hrStatus, PEVENTPARAMS_POSTCATEGORIZE pParams);
// 11/17/98 - MikeSwa added for CDO badmail/abort delivery
// returns S_FALSE if message has been completely handled.
HRESULT SetNextMsgStatus(IN DWORD dwCurrentStatus,
IN IMailMsgProperties *pIMailMsgProperties);
//Called by async completion to PreCat Queue
BOOL fPreCatQueueCompletion(IMailMsgProperties *pIMailMsgProperties);
//Called by async completion to PreCat Queue
BOOL fPreLocalDeliveryQueueCompletion(CMsgRef *pmsgref);
//Used to restart async queues after failures
void AsyncQueueRetry(DWORD dwQueueID);
//Called to Set message submission time duing SubmitMessage and HrInternalSubmitMessage
HRESULT HrSetSubmissionTimeIfNecessary(IMailMsgProperties *pIMailMsgProperties);
//Called to calculate expire times for messages that are not stamped (most messages)
void CalcExpireTimeNDR(FILETIME ftSubmission, BOOL fLocal, FILETIME *pftExpire);
void CalcExpireTimeDelay(FILETIME ftSubmission, BOOL fLocal, FILETIME *pftExpire);
//API to keep counters in sync
inline DWORD cIncMsgsInSystem(); //returns total of all virtual servers
inline void DecMsgsInSystem(BOOL fWasRetriedRemote = FALSE, BOOL fWasRemote = FALSE,
BOOL fWasRetriedLocal = FALSE);
//Called by Msgref on first message retry
inline void IncRetryCount(BOOL fLocal);
//Called by DestMsgQueue to describe message fanout
inline void IncQueueMsgInstances();
inline void DecQueueMsgInstances();
//Used to keep track of the number of queues/next hops
inline void IncDestQueueCount();
inline void DecDestQueueCount();
inline DWORD cGetDestQueueCount();
inline void IncNextHopCount();
inline void DecNextHopCount();
//Called by functions walk pre-local queue for NDRs
inline void DecPendingLocal();
inline void DecPendingSubmit()
inline void DecPendingCat()
inline void DecPendingRouting()
inline void IncTURNETRNDelivered();
//aszafer 1/28/00
//used to decide start/stop throttling handles
DWORD cCountMsgsForHandleThrottling(IN IMailMsgProperties *pIMailMsgProperties);
//Functions to call into the specifc hash tables to iterate over subdomains
HRESULT HrIterateDMTSubDomains(IN LPSTR szDomainName,
IN DWORD cbDomainNameLength,
IN PVOID pvContext) ;
HRESULT HrIterateDCTSubDomains(IN LPSTR szDomainName,
IN DWORD cbDomainNameLength,
IN PVOID pvContext);
//Calls that allow access to time objects
inline void GetExpireTime(
IN DWORD cMinutesExpireTime,
IN OUT FILETIME *pftExpireTime,
IN OUT DWORD *pdwExpireContext); //if non-zero, will use last time
inline BOOL fInPast(IN FILETIME *pftExpireTime, IN OUT DWORD *pdwExpireContext);
HRESULT HrTriggerDSNGenerationEvent(CDSNParams *pdsnparams, BOOL fHasRoutingLock);
HRESULT HrNDRUnresolvedRecipients(IMailMsgProperties *pIMailMsgProperties,
IMailMsgRecipients *pIMailMsgRecipients);
//friend functions that can be used as completion functions
friend HRESULT CatCompletion(HRESULT hrCatResult, PVOID pContext, IUnknown *pIMsg,
IUnknown **rgpIMsg);
//Expose server start/stop hint functions
inline VOID ServerStartHintFunction();
inline VOID ServerStopHintFunction();
//function used to handle badmail
void HandleBadMail(IN IMailMsgProperties *pIMailMsgProperties,
IN BOOL fUseIMailMsgProperties,
IN LPSTR szFileName,
IN HRESULT hrReason,
BOOL fHasRoutingLock);
//Function to handle some sort of system failure that would cause
//messages/data to be lost if unhandled
void HandleAQFailure(eAQFailure eaqfFailureSituation,
HRESULT hr, IMailMsgProperties *pIMailMsgProperties);
//Stub call for logging an event
void LogAQEvent(HRESULT hrEventReason, CMsgRef *pmsgref,
IMailMsgProperties *pIMailMsgProperties,
LPSTR szFileName);
//Routing lock should be grabbed before accessing queues (after shutdown)
void RoutingShareLock() {m_slPrivateData.ShareLock();};
BOOL fTryRoutingShareLock() {return m_slPrivateData.TryShareLock();};
void RoutingShareUnlock() {m_slPrivateData.ShareUnlock();};
HRESULT SetCallbackTime(IN PSRVFN pCallbackFn,
IN PVOID pvContext,
IN DWORD dwCallbackMinutes);
HRESULT SetCallbackTime(IN PSRVFN pCallbackFn,
IN PVOID pvContext,
void DecPendingDeferred()
{InterlockedDecrement((PLONG) &m_cCurrentMsgsPendingDeferredDelivery);};
void DecPendingFailed()
{InterlockedDecrement((PLONG) &m_cCurrentResourceFailedMsgsPendingRetry);};
void QueueMsgForLocalDelivery(CMsgRef *pmsgref, BOOL fLocalLink);
HRESULT HrInternalSubmitMessage(IMailMsgProperties *pIMailMsgProperties);
//Get string for default domain
CRefCountedString *prstrGetDefaultDomain();
//Completion Function called by MsgCat
static HRESULT CatCompletion(HRESULT hrCatResult, PVOID pContext,
IUnknown *pImsg, IUnknown **rgpImsg);
#define AQLD_SIG 'LDAQ'
// completion object called by local delivery
class CAQLocalDeliveryNotify :
public IMailMsgNotify,
public CBaseObject
CAQLocalDeliveryNotify(PVOID pContext, CMsgRef *pmsgref) {
m_hr = E_FAIL;
m_fCalledCompletion = FALSE;
m_pContext = pContext;
m_pmsgref = pmsgref;
m_pIMsg = pmsgref ? pmsgref->pimsgGetIMsg() : NULL;
ZeroMemory(&m_msgack, sizeof(MessageAck));
m_msgack.pvMsgContext = (DWORD *) &m_dcntxtLocal;
DebugTrace(0, "new(this=0x%x)\n", this);
~CAQLocalDeliveryNotify() {
DebugTrace(0, "delete(this=0x%x)\n", this);
if (m_pIMsg) {
m_pIMsg = NULL;
if (m_pmsgref) {
m_pmsgref = NULL;
// allocators
void *operator new(size_t stIgnored) {
return s_pool.Alloc();
void operator delete(void *p, size_t size) {
// IMailMsgNotify
HRESULT __stdcall Notify(HRESULT hr) {
m_hr = hr;
CAQSvrInst::LDCompletion(m_hr, m_pContext, m_pmsgref, this);
m_fCalledCompletion = TRUE;
return S_OK;
// IUnknown
HRESULT __stdcall QueryInterface( const IID& iid, VOID** ppv )
if ( iid == IID_IUnknown ) {
*ppv = static_cast<IMailMsgNotify*>(this);
} else if ( iid == IID_IMailMsgNotify ) {
*ppv = static_cast<IMailMsgNotify*>(this);
} else {
*ppv = NULL;
return S_OK;
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(void) {
DebugTrace(0, "add(this=0x%x)\n", this);
return CBaseObject::AddRef();
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(void) {
DebugTrace(0, "rel(this=0x%x)\n", this);
return CBaseObject::Release();
// accessors
CDeliveryContext *pdcntxtGetDeliveryContext() {
return &m_dcntxtLocal;
MessageAck *pmsgackGetMsgAck() {
return &m_msgack;
IMailMsgProperties *pimsgGetIMsg() {
return m_pIMsg;
CMsgRef *pmsgrefGetMsgRef() {
return m_pmsgref;
BOOL fNotCalledCompletion() {
return !m_fCalledCompletion;
IMailMsgProperties *m_pIMsg;
PVOID m_pContext;
CMsgRef *m_pmsgref;
CDeliveryContext m_dcntxtLocal;
MessageAck m_msgack;
BOOL m_fCalledCompletion;
static CPool s_pool;
void UpdateLDCounters(CMsgRef *pmsgref);
// local delivery completion function
static void LDCompletion(HRESULT hrLDResult,
PVOID pContext,
CMsgRef *pmsgref,
CAQLocalDeliveryNotify *pLDNotify);
//Handle the details of retrying after local delivery failure
void HandleLocalRetry(CMsgRef *pmsgref);
//Handles details of post-cat DSN generation
void HandleCatFailure(IUnknown *pIUnknown, HRESULT hrCatResult);
//Handle the details of retrying after cat failure
void HandleCatRetryOneMessage(IUnknown *pIUnknown);
HRESULT HrGetLocalQueueAdminQueue(IQueueAdminQueue **ppIQueueAdminQueue);
HRESULT HrQueueFromQueueID(QUEUELINK_ID *pqlQueueId,
IQueueAdminQueue **ppIQueueAdminQueue);
IQueueAdminLink **ppIQueueAdminLink);
BOOL fIsLocalQueueAdminAction(IQueueAdminAction *pIQueueAdminAction);
inline HRESULT HrQueueWorkItem(PVOID pvData,
PASYNC_WORK_QUEUE_FN pfnCompletion);
static BOOL fResetRoutesNextHopCompletion(PVOID pvThis, DWORD dwStatus);
static BOOL fPreSubmissionQueueCompletionWrapper(
IMailMsgProperties *pIMailMsgProperties,
PVOID pvContext);
BOOL fShouldRetryMessage(IMailMsgProperties *pIMailMsgProperties,
BOOL fShouldBounceUsageIfRetry = TRUE);
VOID ScheduleInternalRetry(DWORD dwLinkType);
STDMETHOD(TriggerServerEvent) (
DWORD dwEventID,
PVOID pvContext)
return m_CSMTPSeoMgr.HrTriggerServerEvent(dwEventID, pvContext);
void LogResetRouteEvent( DWORD dwObainLock,
DWORD dwWaitLock,
DWORD dwQueue);
HRESULT HrInternalQueueFromQueueID(QUEUELINK_ID *pqlQueueId,
IQueueAdminQueue **ppIQueueAdminQueue);
// DSN Submission methods
HRESULT HrAllocBoundMessage(
OUT IMailMsgProperties **ppMsg,
IN CDSNParams *pdsnparams,
IN IMailMsgProperties *pDSNMsg);
//Routing interface used internal to AQ components
HRESULT HrTriggerGetMessageRouter(
IN IMailMsgProperties *pIMailMsg,
OUT IMessageRouter **pIMessageRouter);
HRESULT HrTriggerLogEvent(
IN DWORD idMessage,
IN WORD idCategory,
IN WORD cSubstrings,
IN LPCSTR *rgszSubstrings,
IN WORD wType,
IN DWORD errCode,
IN WORD iDebugLevel,
IN DWORD dwOptions,
IN DWORD iMessageString = 0xffffffff,
HRESULT HrTriggerInitRouter();
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj);
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(void) {return CBaseObject::AddRef();};
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(void) {return CBaseObject::Release();};
STDMETHOD(SubmitMessage)(IN IMailMsgProperties *pIMailMsgProperties);
STDMETHOD(HandleFailedMessage)(IN IMailMsgProperties *pIMailMsgProperties,
IN BOOL fUseIMailMsgProperties,
IN LPSTR szFileName,
IN DWORD dwFailureReason,
IN HRESULT hrFailureCode);
STDMETHOD(SetConfigInfo)(IN AQConfigInfo *pAQConfigInfo);
STDMETHOD(SetDomainInfo)(IN DomainInfo *pDomainInfo);
STDMETHOD(GetDomainInfo)(IN DWORD cbDomainNameLength,
IN CHAR szDomainName[],
IN OUT DomainInfo *pDomainInfo,
OUT DWORD **ppvDomainContext);
STDMETHOD(ReleaseDomainInfo)(IN DWORD *pvDomainContext);
STDMETHOD(GetPerfCounters)(OUT AQPerfCounters *pAQPerfCounters,
OUT CATPERFBLOCK *pCatPerfCounters);
IN IMailMsgProperties *pIMailMsg,
IN IMessageRouter *pICurrentMessageRouter,
OUT IMessageRouter **ppIMessageRouter);
IN DWORD dwResetType);
IN LPSTR szDomainName,
DWORD *pdwDomainInfoFlags);
// IAdvQueueAdmin
LINK_ACTION laAction);
QUEUELINK_ID *pqlQueueLinkId,
MESSAGE_FILTER *pmfMessageFilter,
MESSAGE_ACTION maMessageAction,
DWORD *pcMsgs);
QUEUE_INFO *pqiQueueInfo);
LINK_INFO *pliLinkInfo,
HRESULT *phrLinkDiagnostic);
DWORD *pcLinks,
DWORD *pcQueues,
QUEUELINK_ID *rgQueues);
QUEUELINK_ID *pqlQueueLinkId,
MESSAGE_ENUM_FILTER *pmfMessageEnumFilter,
DWORD *pcMsgs,
QUEUELINK_ID *pqlQueueLinkId,
DWORD *pdwSupportedActions,
DWORD *pdwSupportedFilterFlags);
public: //IMailTransportRouterSetLinkState
IN LPSTR szLinkDomainName,
IN GUID guidRouterGUID,
IN DWORD dwScheduleID,
IN LPSTR szConnectorName,
IN DWORD dwSetLinkState,
IN DWORD dwUnSetLinkState,
IN FILETIME *pftNextScheduledConnection,
IN IMessageRouter *pMessageRouter);
//*** inline counter functions
//---[ CAQSvrInst::cIncMsgsInSystem ]----------------------------------------
// Description:
// Used to increment the global and virtual server msg counts. Returns
// the global count for resource management purposes.
// Parameters:
// -
// Returns:
// DWORD - Global # of Msgs in system
DWORD CAQSvrInst::cIncMsgsInSystem()
InterlockedIncrement((PLONG) &m_cCurrentMsgsSubmitted);
return (InterlockedIncrement((PLONG) &g_cIMsgInSystem));
//---[ CAQSvrInst::DecMsgsInSystem ]-----------------------------------------
// Description:
// Decrements the global and virtual server message counts. Also
// decrements the pending retry count if needed.
// Parameters:
// fWasRetriedRemote - TRUE if msg was retried remotely and retry count needs
// to be decremented.
// fWasRemote - TRUE if message was being delivered remotely
// fWasRetriedLocal - TRUE if counted towards m_cCurrentMsgsPendingLocalRetry
// Returns:
// -
void CAQSvrInst::DecMsgsInSystem(BOOL fWasRetriedRemote, BOOL fWasRemote,
BOOL fWasRetriedLocal)
InterlockedDecrement((PLONG) &g_cIMsgInSystem);
InterlockedDecrement((PLONG) &m_cCurrentMsgsSubmitted);
if (fWasRetriedRemote)
InterlockedDecrement((PLONG) &m_cCurrentMsgsPendingRetry);
if (fWasRemote)
InterlockedDecrement((PLONG) &m_cCurrentMsgsPendingDelivery);
if (fWasRetriedLocal)
InterlockedDecrement((PLONG) &m_cCurrentMsgsPendingLocalRetry);
//---[ CAQSvrInst::IncRetryCount ]-------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Used by MsgRef the first time a Message is ack'd with a non-success
// code.
// Parameters:
// BOOL fLocal TRUE if message is local
// Returns:
// -
void CAQSvrInst::IncRetryCount(BOOL fLocal)
if (fLocal)
InterlockedIncrement((PLONG) &m_cCurrentMsgsPendingLocalRetry);
InterlockedIncrement((PLONG) &m_cCurrentMsgsPendingRetry);
//---[ CAQSvrInst::[Inc|Dec]QueueMsgInstances ]------------------------------
// Description:
// Increments/decrements a count of the total number of message instances
// queued for remote delivery. Because a message may be put in more than
// one queue, the steady state of this count will be at least as large as
// the number of messages. However, this count reflects messages that
// are currently on the queues and does *not* count messages that are
// currently being attempted by SMTP (which m_cCurrentMsgsPendingDelivery)
// *does* count.
// Used by DestMsgQueues.
// Parameters:
// -
// Returns:
// -
void CAQSvrInst::IncQueueMsgInstances()
InterlockedIncrement((PLONG) &m_cCurrentQueueMsgInstances);
void CAQSvrInst::DecQueueMsgInstances()
InterlockedDecrement((PLONG) &m_cCurrentQueueMsgInstances);
//---[ Queue/NextHop Counter API ]---------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Used to increment/decrement Queue and NextHop counters
// Parameters:
// Returns:
void CAQSvrInst::IncDestQueueCount()
InterlockedIncrement((PLONG) &m_cCurrentRemoteDestQueues);
void CAQSvrInst::DecDestQueueCount()
InterlockedDecrement((PLONG) &m_cCurrentRemoteDestQueues);
DWORD CAQSvrInst::cGetDestQueueCount()
return m_cCurrentRemoteDestQueues;
void CAQSvrInst::IncNextHopCount()
InterlockedIncrement((PLONG) &m_cCurrentRemoteNextHops);
void CAQSvrInst::DecNextHopCount()
InterlockedDecrement((PLONG) &m_cCurrentRemoteNextHops);
//---[ CAQSvrInst::DecPendingLocal ]-----------------------------------------
// Description:
// Called by function walking pre-local delivery queue when a message
// is being expired.
// Parameters:
// -
// Returns:
// -
// History:
// 8/14/98 - MikeSwa Created
void CAQSvrInst::DecPendingLocal()
_ASSERT(CATMSGQ_SIG == m_dwSignature);
InterlockedDecrement((PLONG) &m_cCurrentMsgsPendingLocal);
//---[ CAQSvrInst::IncTURNETRNDelivered ]--------------------------------------
// Description:
// Used to keep track of the # of TURN/ETRN messages delivered.
// Parameters:
// -
// Returns:
// -
// History:
// 10/27/98 - MikeSwa Created
void CAQSvrInst::IncTURNETRNDelivered()
InterlockedIncrement((PLONG) &m_cTotalMsgsTURNETRNDelivered);
//---[ CAQSvrInst::GetExpireTime ]-------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Get the expriation time for cMinutesExpireTime from now.
// Parameters:
// IN cMinutesExpireTime # of minutes in future to set time
// IN OUT pftExpireTime Filetime to store new expire time
// IN OUT pdwExpireContext If non-zero will use the same tick count
// as previous calls (saves call to GetTickCount)
// Returns:
// -
// History:
// 7/11/98 - MikeSwa Created
void CAQSvrInst::GetExpireTime(
IN DWORD cMinutesExpireTime,
IN OUT FILETIME *pftExpireTime,
IN OUT DWORD *pdwExpireContext)
m_qtTime.GetExpireTime(cMinutesExpireTime, pftExpireTime, pdwExpireContext);
//---[ CAQSvrInst::fInPast ]-------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Determines if a given file time has already happened
// Parameters:
// IN pftExpireTime FILETIME with expiration
// IN OUT pdwExpireContext If non-zero will use the same tick count
// as previous calls (saves call to GetTickCount)
// Returns:
// TRUE if expire time is in the past
// FALSE if expire time is in the future
// History:
// 7/11/98 - MikeSwa Created
// Note:
// You should NOT use the same context used to get the FILETIME, because
// it will always return FALSE
BOOL CAQSvrInst::fInPast(IN FILETIME *pftExpireTime,
IN OUT DWORD *pdwExpireContext)
return m_qtTime.fInPast(pftExpireTime, pdwExpireContext);
//---[ ServerStartHintFunction & ServerStartHintFunction ]---------------------
// Description:
// Functions for telling the Service control manager that we are
// starting/stopping the service.
// These functions are often called by functions that have been passed
// the CAQSvrInst ptr as a PVOID context, so it makes sense to check
// and assert on our signature here.
// Parameters:
// -
// Returns:
// -
// History:
// 7/22/98 - MikeSwa Created
VOID CAQSvrInst::ServerStartHintFunction()
_ASSERT(CATMSGQ_SIG == m_dwSignature);
if (m_pISMTPServer)
VOID CAQSvrInst::ServerStopHintFunction()
_ASSERT(CATMSGQ_SIG == m_dwSignature);
if (fShutdownSignaled())
//Only call stop hint if shutdown has been signalled
if (m_pISMTPServer)
//---[ CAQSvrInst::HrQueueWorkItem ]-------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Thin wrapper to queue item to async work queue
// Parameters:
// pvData Data to pass to completion function
// pfnCompletion Completion function
// Returns:
// S_OK on success
// failure code from CAsyncWorkQueue
// History:
// 3/9/99 - MikeSwa Created
// 7/7/99 - MikeSwa - will work during shutdown to allow multithreaded
// shutdown work.
HRESULT CAQSvrInst::HrQueueWorkItem(PVOID pvData,
return m_aqwWorkQueue.HrQueueWorkItem(pvData, pfnCompletion);
#endif // __AQINST_H__