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You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// File: hshroute.h
// Description: Hash Routing functions. In many cases, domains are
// identified by domain *and* routing informtion. This additional
// information is identified by router GUID and a DWORD idenitfier.
// This header provides macros to create unique domain-name-like strings
// from the domain name and additional routing information.
// Author: Mike Swafford (MikeSwa)
// History:
// 9/24/98 - MikeSwa Created
// Copyright (C) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
#ifndef __HSHROUTE_H__
#define __HSHROUTE_H__
#include <dbgtrace.h>
//The following is a list of 1 character "types" that can be used to identify
//the type of routing information hashed. It is unlikely that this list will
//grow significantly (or even at all).
typedef enum
//Be sure to update FIRST_ROUTE_HASH_TYPE if you change the first type
} eRouteHashType;
_declspec (selectany) CHAR g_rgHashTypeChars[ROUTE_HASH_NUM_TYPES+1] =
'\0' //End of list
//---[ dwConvertHexChar ]------------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Converts Hex character into an int from 0 to 15.
// Parameters:
// chHex Hex character to convert
// Returns:
// DWORD value between 0 and 15
// History:
// 9/24/98 - MikeSwa Created
inline DWORD dwConvertHexChar(CHAR chHex)
DWORD dwValue = 0;
if (('0' <= chHex) && ('9' >= chHex))
dwValue = chHex-'0';
else if (('a' <= chHex) && ('f' >= chHex))
dwValue = 10 + chHex-'a';
else if (('A' <= chHex) && ('F' >= chHex))
dwValue = 10 + chHex-'A';
_ASSERT(0 && "Invalid hex character");
_ASSERT(15 >= dwValue);
return dwValue;
//Format is <type>.GUID.DWORD... each byte takes 2 chars to encode in HEX
// eg - M.00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF.00112233.foo.com
//Offsets are defined to be used in ptr arith or array offsets
#define ROUTE_HASH_CHARS_IN_GUID (2*sizeof(GUID))
//---[ erhtGetRouteHashType ]---------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// For a given hashed domain, will return the assocaiated eRouteHashType
// Parameters:
// IN szHashedDomain Hashed domain
// Returns:
// eRouteHashType of hashed domain
// ROUTE_HASH_NUM_TYPES (and asserts) if domain is not a valid route hash
// History:
// 9/24/98 - MikeSwa Created
inline eRouteHashType erhtGetRouteHashType(LPSTR szHashedDomain)
eRouteHashType erthRet = FIRST_ROUTE_HASH_TYPE;
PCHAR pchRouteHashType = g_rgHashTypeChars;
CHAR chRouteHashType = szHashedDomain[ROUTE_HASH_TYPE_OFFSET];
while (('\0' != *pchRouteHashType) &&
(*pchRouteHashType != chRouteHashType))
erthRet = (eRouteHashType) (erthRet + 1);
//we should not get to end of list
return erthRet;
//---[ szGetDomainFromRouteHash ]----------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Returns the string of the unhashed domain from the hashed domain
// string. Do *NOT* attempt to free this string.
// Parameters:
// IN szHashedDomain Hashed domain
// Returns:
// Original... unhashed domain
// History:
// 9/24/98 - MikeSwa Created
inline LPSTR szGetDomainFromRouteHash(LPSTR szHashedDomain)
_ASSERT('.' == szHashedDomain[ROUTE_HASH_DOMAIN_OFFSET-1]);
return (szHashedDomain + ROUTE_HASH_DOMAIN_OFFSET);
//---[ guidGetGUIDFromRouteHash ]----------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Extracts the guid from the route hash
// Parameters:
// IN szHashedDomain Hashed domain
// IN OUT pguid Extracted GUID
// Returns:
// -
// History:
// 9/24/98 - MikeSwa Created
inline void GetGUIDFromRouteHash(LPSTR szHashedDomain, IN OUT GUID *pguid)
DWORD *pdwGuid = (DWORD *) pguid;
_ASSERT(sizeof(GUID)/sizeof(DWORD) == 4); //should be 4 DWORDs in GUID
//Reverse operation of hash... convert to array of 4 DWORDs
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
pdwGuid[i] = 0;
for (int j = 0;j < ROUTE_HASH_CHARS_IN_DWORD; j++)
pdwGuid[i] *= 16;
pdwGuid[i] += dwConvertHexChar(*szGUIDString);
_ASSERT('.' == *szGUIDString);
//---[ dwGetIDFromRouteHash ]--------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Extracts DWORD ID from route hash
// Parameters:
// IN szHashedDomain Hashed domain
// Returns:
// DWORD ID encoded in route hash
// History:
// 9/24/98 - MikeSwa Created
inline DWORD dwGetIDFromRouteHash(LPSTR szHashedDomain)
DWORD dwID = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ROUTE_HASH_CHARS_IN_DWORD; i++)
dwID *= 16;
dwID += dwConvertHexChar(*szDWORDString);
_ASSERT('.' == *szDWORDString);
return dwID;
//---[ dwGetSizeForRouteHash ]--------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Returns the required sizeof the hash buffer from the string
// length of the domain
// Parameters:
// IN cbDomainName string length of domain name (in bytes)
// Returns:
// size (in bytes) of buffer required to create route hash
// History:
// 9/24/98 - MikeSwa Created
inline DWORD dwGetSizeForRouteHash(DWORD cbDomainName)
//include prefix size and NULL char
return (cbDomainName + sizeof(CHAR) + ROUTE_HASH_PREFIX_SIZE);
//---[ CreateRouteHash ]-------------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Creates a route-hashed domain name from a given domain name and
// routing information.
// Parameters:
// IN cbDomainName string length of domain name (in bytes)
// IN szDomainName Name of domain to hash
// IN pguid Ptr to GUID of router
// IN dwRouterID ID Provided by router
// IN OUT szHashedDomain Buffer that is filled with route-hashed domain
// name
// IN cbHashedDomain Size of output buffer
// Returns:
// -
// History:
// 9/24/98 - MikeSwa Created
inline void CreateRouteHash(IN DWORD cbDomainName,
IN const LPSTR szDomainName,
IN eRouteHashType erhtType,
IN GUID *pguidRouter,
IN DWORD dwRouterID,
IN OUT LPSTR szHashedDomain,
IN OUT DWORD cbHashedDomain)
_ASSERT(sizeof(GUID) == 16);
DWORD *pdwGuids = (DWORD *) pguidRouter;
_ASSERT(cbHashedDomain >= dwGetSizeForRouteHash(cbDomainName));
_snprintf(szHashedDomain, cbHashedDomain, "%c.%08X%08X%08X%08X.%08X.%s",
g_rgHashTypeChars[erhtType], pdwGuids[0], pdwGuids[1], pdwGuids[2],
pdwGuids[3], dwRouterID, szDomainName);
// ensure that the string is terminated
szHashedDomain[cbHashedDomain-1] = 0;
_ASSERT('.' == szHashedDomain[ROUTE_HASH_GUID_OFFSET-1]);
_ASSERT('.' == szHashedDomain[ROUTE_HASH_DWORD_OFFSET-1]);
_ASSERT('.' == szHashedDomain[ROUTE_HASH_DOMAIN_OFFSET-1]);
#endif //__HSHROUTE_H__