Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 2000.
// File: idq.hxx
// Contents: Parser for an IDQ file
// History: 96/Jan/3 DwightKr Created
#pragma once
#if !defined( LONGSIG )
#define LONGSIG(c1, c2, c3, c4) \
(((ULONG) (BYTE) (c1)) | \
(((ULONG) (BYTE) (c2)) << 8) | \
(((ULONG) (BYTE) (c3)) << 16) | \
(((ULONG) (BYTE) (c4)) << 24))
#endif // LONGSIG
class CVariable;
class CVariableSet;
class COutputFormat;
// Function: ISAPI_IDQHash, inline
// Arguments: [wcsName] -- name to be hashed
// Returns: ULONG - hashed value for wcsName
inline ULONG ISAPI_IDQHash( WCHAR const * wcsName )
ULONG ulHash = 0;
ULONG cwcName;
for ( cwcName=0; wcsName[cwcName] != 0; cwcName++ )
ulHash <<= 1;
ulHash += wcsName[cwcName];
ulHash += cwcName;
return ulHash;
// Class: CIDQFile
// Purpose: Scans and parses an IDQ file.
// History: 96/Jan/23 DwightKr Created
class CIDQFile
CIDQFile( WCHAR const * wcsFileName,
UINT codePage,
CSecurityIdentity const & securityIdentity );
void ParseFile();
WCHAR const * GetIDQFileName() const { return _wcsIDQFileName; }
WCHAR const * GetRestriction() const { return _wcsRestriction; }
WCHAR const * GetDialect() const { return _wcsDialect; }
WCHAR const * GetScope() const { return _wcsScope; }
WCHAR const * GetSort() const { return _wcsSort; }
WCHAR const * GetCiFlags() const { return _wcsCiFlags; }
WCHAR const * GetForceUseCI() const { return _wcsForceUseCi; }
WCHAR const * GetDeferTrimming() const { return _wcsDeferTrimming; }
WCHAR const * GetHTXFileName() const { return _wcsHTXFileName; }
WCHAR const * GetCatalog() const { return _wcsCatalog; }
WCHAR const * GetColumns() const { return _wcsColumns; }
WCHAR const * GetLocale() const { return _wcsLocale; }
WCHAR const * GetCanonicalOutput() const { return _wcsCanonicalOutput; }
WCHAR const * GetDontTimeout() const { return _wcsDontTimeout; }
WCHAR const * GetMaxRecordsInResultSet() const { return _wcsMaxRecordsInResultSet; }
WCHAR const * GetMaxRecordsPerPage() const { return _wcsMaxRecordsPerPage; }
WCHAR const * GetFirstRowsInResultSet() const { return _wcsFirstRowsInResultSet; }
IColumnMapper * GetColumnMapper() const { return _xList.GetPointer(); }
BOOL IsCachedDataValid();
inline BOOL CheckSecurity( CSecurityIdentity const & securityIdentity ) const;
void SetSecurityToken( CSecurityIdentity const & securityIdentity )
_securityIdentity.SetSecurityToken( securityIdentity );
void GetVectorFormatting( COutputFormat & outputFormat );
CDbColumns * ParseColumns( WCHAR const * wcsColumns,
CVariableSet & variableSet,
CDynArray<WCHAR> & awcsColumns );
ULONG GetReplaceableParameterCount() const { return _cReplaceableParameters; }
void LokAddRef() { InterlockedIncrement(&_refCount); }
void Release()
Win4Assert( _refCount >= 0 );
LONG LokGetRefCount() { return _refCount; }
ULONG ParseFlags( WCHAR const * wcsCiFlags );
BOOL ParseForceUseCI( WCHAR const * wcsForceUseCi );
BOOL ParseDeferTrimming( WCHAR const * wcsDeferTrimming );
BOOL IsCanonicalOutput() const;
BOOL IsDontTimeout() const;
UINT GetCodePage() const { return _codePage; }
void ParseOneLine( CQueryScanner & scan, unsigned iLine );
void GetStringValue( CQueryScanner & scan,
unsigned iLine,
WCHAR ** pwcsStringValue,
BOOL fParseQuotes = TRUE );
WCHAR * _wcsRestriction; // The query restriction
WCHAR * _wcsDialect; // The tripolish version (1/2)
WCHAR * _wcsScope; // The query scope
WCHAR * _wcsColumns; // Output columns
WCHAR * _wcsLocale; // Locale specified in IDQ file
WCHAR * _wcsSort; // Sort order
WCHAR * _wcsHTXFileName; // The name of the template file
WCHAR * _wcsMaxRecordsInResultSet; // Max # recs to get from qry
WCHAR * _wcsMaxRecordsPerPage; // Number of records per page
WCHAR * _wcsFirstRowsInResultSet;
WCHAR * _wcsCatalog; // Location of the catalog
WCHAR * _wcsCiFlags; // Flags
WCHAR * _wcsForceUseCi; // Force use of CI for all queries
WCHAR * _wcsDeferTrimming; // Defer result trimming
WCHAR * _wcsCanonicalOutput; // Canonical output
WCHAR * _wcsDontTimeout; // Don't timeout value
WCHAR * _wcsBoolVectorPrefix; // Prefix for vectors of bools
WCHAR * _wcsBoolVectorSeparator; // Separator for vectors of bools
WCHAR * _wcsBoolVectorSuffix; // Suffix for vectors or bools
WCHAR * _wcsCurrencyVectorPrefix; // Prefix for vectors of currency
WCHAR * _wcsCurrencyVectorSeparator;// Separator for vectors of currency
WCHAR * _wcsCurrencyVectorSuffix; // Suffix for vectors or currency
WCHAR * _wcsDateVectorPrefix; // Prefix for vectors of date
WCHAR * _wcsDateVectorSeparator; // Separator for vectors of date
WCHAR * _wcsDateVectorSuffix; // Suffix for vectors for date
WCHAR * _wcsNumberVectorPrefix; // Prefix for vectors of numbers
WCHAR * _wcsNumberVectorSeparator;// Separator for vectors of numbers
WCHAR * _wcsNumberVectorSuffix; // Suffix for vectors or numbers
WCHAR * _wcsStringVectorPrefix; // Prefix for vectors of strings
WCHAR * _wcsStringVectorSeparator;// Separator for vectors of string
WCHAR * _wcsStringVectorSuffix; // Suffix for vectors or strings
ULONG _cReplaceableParameters; // # of replaceable parameters
FILETIME _ftIDQLastWriteTime; // Last write time of IDQ file
LONG _refCount; // Refcount for this file
XInterface<CLocalGlobalPropertyList> _xList; // Parsed property list
WCHAR _wcsIDQFileName[MAX_PATH]; // The IDQ file name
UINT _codePage; // code page to parse file
CSecurityIdentity _securityIdentity; // Security ID used to open file
// Function: GetLastWriteTime
// Purpose: Gets the last change time of the file specified
// Arguments: [wcsFileName] - name of file to get last write time of
// [ft] - returns the last write time of the file
// History: 96/Jan/23 DwightKr Created
SCODE GetLastWriteTime( WCHAR const * wcsFileName, FILETIME & ft );
// Class: CIDQFileList
// Purpose: List of parsed and cached IDQ files
// History: 96/Mar/27 DwightKr Created
class CIDQFileList
: _ulSignature( LONGSIG( 'i', 'd', 'q', 'l' ) )
CIDQFile * Find( WCHAR const * wcsFileName,
UINT codePage,
CSecurityIdentity const & securityIdentity );
void Release( CIDQFile & idqFile );
void DeleteZombies();
ULONG _ulSignature; // Signature of start of privates
CMutexSem _mutex; // To serialize access to list
CDynArrayInPlace<CIDQFile *> _aIDQFile; // parsed IDQ files
// Method: CIDQFile::CheckSecurity
// Purpose: Compare user id with one used to load IDQ file
// Arguments: [securityIdentity] - Check against this
// Returns: TRUE if check passes
// History: 26-Oct-1996 KyleP Created
inline BOOL CIDQFile::CheckSecurity( CSecurityIdentity const & securityIdentity ) const
return _securityIdentity.IsEqual( securityIdentity );
// Function: IsNetPath
// Purpose: Determines if a physical path is a UNC
// Arguments: [pwszPath] -- The path to check
// Returns: TRUE if the path is a UNC, FALSE otherwise
// History: 26-Aug-1997 dlee Coped from impersonation code
inline BOOL IsNetPath( WCHAR const * pwszPath )
return L'\\' == pwszPath[0] && L'\\' == pwszPath[1];