Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

90 lines
1.3 KiB

;AT&T Mail.ht, att.ht,, 16
;CompuServe.ht, cis.ht,, 16
;HyperTerminal BBS.ht, hilgbbs.ht,,16
;MCI Mail.ht, mci.ht,, 16
;Microsoft BBS.ht, msbbs.ht,, 16
KEY_OPTIONAL = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\OptionalComponents"
KEY_APP_PATH = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths"
Access_GROUPOLD = "附件"
Access_GROUP = "附件\通讯"
CommApps_DESC = "通讯"
CommApps_TIP = "所包含的附件程序使您可以连接到其它计算机以及在线服务。"
Chat_DESC = "聊天"
Chat_TIP = "可以与网上其他 Windows 用户对话。"
Chat_Infotip = "使用“聊天”与其它计算机上的用户进行交流。"
Hypertrm_DESC = "超级终端"
Hypertrm_TIP = "可以连接到其它计算机以及在线服务(需要调制解调器)。"
Hypertrm_Infotip = "通过调制解调器或者非调制解调器电缆,与其它计算机、Internet telnet 站点、电子布告栏服务 (BBS)、联机服务、以及主机进行连接。"
Hypertrm_DIR = "Windows NT"
Hypertrm_GROUPOLD = "附件\超级终端"
HypTrm_File = "超级终端文件"