Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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; update.txt
; This file along with update.inx are used to constuct the
; update.inf and hotfix.inf files used by service pack
; and hotfix install (update.exe).
; The sections contained in this file are merged with the
; update.inx file using the following utilities in order.
; * C Precompiler processes and #if conditions
; * Infmerge.exe to insert the sections into update.inf
; * Prodfilt.exe to process platform and type conditions
; The prodfilt utility uses the following syntax and
; order of precedence is:
; Platform = @i: - i386
; = @m: - ia64
; = @a: - alpha
; = @x: - axp64
; = @n: - NEC98
; Hotfix/ServicePack = @h: - Hotfix
; = @u: - Service Pack
; @@ - represents any
; Localization Considerations:
; - No blanks immediately following @@:@u: and @@:@h:
; - No blanks lines with @@:@u: and @@:@h: are permitted
; - Move all sections to precede the [Strings] section
; - No indents before macro IDs
; This section is for non-FE (chs,cht,jpn,kor) builds. So english, german, ...
LangTypeValue = 0x804
WSEDIR = "2052"
TSCLIENTDIR = "Terminal Services Client"
PORTUGAL = "葡萄牙"
FALKLANDS = "福克兰群岛"
@*: These are used for constructing directory names used in build 2600.
@*: They should be correct as is, and shouldn't be modified.
LCID = "0804"
W32ID = "0804"
ACCESSDIR = "accessories"
@@:@u:SP_TITLE = "Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1"
@@:@u:SP_SHORT_TITLE = "Service Pack 1"
@@:@u:ServicePackSourceFiles = "Windows XP Service Pack 1 源文件"
@@:@u:USER_NAME = "用户名:"
@@:@u:PASSWORD = "密码:"
@@:@u:DOMAIN = "域:"
@@:@u:CREDENTIALS = "用于动态 DNS 注册的凭据:"
@@:@h:ServicePackSourceFiles = "Windows XP 修补程序源文件"
@@:@h:SP_TITLE = "Windows XP 修补程序包 [参见 %QNUM% 以获得详细信息]"
; AutoUpdate
@*: Needs to be localized exactly as the task scheduler job created by CUN
WUCUN_TS_JOBFILE = "windows 重要更新通知.job"
BITS_DISPLAY_NAME = "后台智能传输服务"
BITS_DESCRIPTION = "利用空闲的网络带宽在后台传输文件。如果服务被停用,例如 Windows Update 和 MSN Explorer 的功能将无法自动下载程序和其他信息。如果此服务被禁用,任何依赖它的服务如果没有容错技术以直接通过 IE 传输文件,一旦 BITS 被禁用,就可能无法传输文件。"
BITS_CLASS_NAME = "后台智能传输控件类 1.0"
LEGACY_BITS_CLASS_NAME = "旧的后台智能传输控件类"
AU_DESCRIPTION = "启用重要 Windows 更新的下载和安装。如果服务被禁用,可以在 Windows Update 网站手动更新操作系统。"
@*: Update registry with changes between XP Gold (2600) and XP SP1 (current builds)
@*: Needs to be localized exactly as hive???.txt
@@:@u:MICROSOFT_PASSPORT_CONFIG_FILE="Microsoft Passport 配置文件"
@*: hivesys.inf
@@:@u:MOUNTMGR_SERVICE = "Mount Point 管理程序"
@@:@u:PARTMGR_SERVICE = "分区管理程序"
@@:@u:VGASAVE_DESCRIPTION = "控制 VGA 显示适配器以提供基本显示功能。"
@*: hivesft.inf
@@:@u:GMT_MINUS_07_B_DAYLIGHT = "墨西哥夏令时 2"
@@:@u:GMT_MINUS_07_B_STANDARD = "墨西哥标准时间 2"