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306 lines
12 KiB
306 lines
12 KiB
.model flat
include offsets.asm
if 0
D3DVERTEX_x equ 0
D3DVERTEX_y equ 4
D3DVERTEX_z equ 8
D3DTLVERTEX_sx equ 0
D3DTLVERTEX_sy equ 4
D3DTLVERTEX_sz equ 8
D3DTLVERTEX_rhw equ 12
D3DTLVERTEX_color equ 16
D3DTLVERTEX_specular equ 20
D3DTLVERTEX_tu equ 24
D3DTLVERTEX_tv equ 28
D3DMATRIXI__11 equ 0
D3DMATRIXI__12 equ 4
D3DMATRIXI__13 equ 8
D3DMATRIXI__14 equ 12
D3DMATRIXI__21 equ 16
D3DMATRIXI__22 equ 20
D3DMATRIXI__23 equ 24
D3DMATRIXI__24 equ 28
D3DMATRIXI__31 equ 32
D3DMATRIXI__32 equ 36
D3DMATRIXI__33 equ 40
D3DMATRIXI__34 equ 44
D3DMATRIXI__41 equ 48
D3DMATRIXI__42 equ 52
D3DMATRIXI__43 equ 56
D3DMATRIXI__44 equ 60
PUBLIC _matmul5
_matmul5 PROC
pout equ dword ptr [esp+44]
pin equ dword ptr [esp+48]
pmat equ dword ptr [esp+52]
hout equ dword ptr [esp+56]
tempxx equ dword ptr [esp+16]
tempyy equ dword ptr [esp+20]
tempzz equ dword ptr [esp+24]
tempx equ dword ptr [esp+28]
tempy equ dword ptr [esp+32]
tempz equ dword ptr [esp+36]
sub esp,24 ; Make room for locals
push ebx ; Save regs
push esi ;
push edi ;
push ebp ;
mov eax,pin ; Get in ptr
mov ecx,pmat ; Get mat ptr
mov ebp,pout ; Get out ptr
mov esi,80000000h ; Ready to compute clip codes
; float x, y, z, w, we;
; x = in->x*pv->mCTM._11 + in->y*pv-mCTM._21 + in->z*pv->mCTM._31 + pv->mCTM._41;
; y = in->x*pv->mCTM._12 + in->y*pv->mCTM._22 + in->z*pv->mCTM._32 + pv->mCTM._42;
; z = in->x*pv->mCTM._13 + in->y*pv->mCTM._23 + in->z*pv->mCTM._33 + pv->mCTM._43;
; we= in->x*pv->mCTM._14 + in->y*pv->mCTM._24 + in->z*pv->mCTM._34 + pv->mCTM._44;
; notation in comments on stack gives the progress on the element.
; x, y, z mean input x y z
; x1-4 means x*_11, x*_11+y*_21, x*_11+y*_21+z*_31, x*_11+y*_21+z*_31+_41
; Some intermediate results x*_11+_41 and y*_21+z*_31 are denoted as x2
fld dword ptr [eax+D3DVERTEX_x] ; x1
fmul dword ptr [ecx+D3DMATRIXI__11] ;
fld dword ptr [eax+D3DVERTEX_x] ; w1 x1
fmul dword ptr [ecx+D3DMATRIXI__14] ;
fld dword ptr [eax+D3DVERTEX_y] ; y*_21 w1 x1
fmul dword ptr [ecx+D3DMATRIXI__21] ;
fld dword ptr [eax+D3DVERTEX_y] ; y*_24 y*_21 w1 x1
fmul dword ptr [ecx+D3DMATRIXI__24] ;
fld dword ptr [eax+D3DVERTEX_z] ; z*_31 y*_24 y*_21 w1 x1
fmul dword ptr [ecx+D3DMATRIXI__31] ;
fxch st(2) ; y*_21 y*_24 z*_31 w1 x1
faddp st(4),st ; y*_24 z*_31 w1 x2
fld dword ptr [eax+D3DVERTEX_z] ; z*_34 y*_24 z*_31 w1 x2
fmul dword ptr [ecx+D3DMATRIXI__34] ;
fxch st(1) ; y*_24 z*_34 z*_31 w1 x2
faddp st(3),st ; z*_34 z*_31 w2 x2
fxch st(1) ; z*_31 z*_34 w2 x2
faddp st(3),st ; z*_34 w2 x3
fld dword ptr [eax+D3DVERTEX_x] ; y1 z*_34 w2 x3
fmul dword ptr [ecx+D3DMATRIXI__12] ;
fxch st(1) ; z*_34 y1 w2 x3
faddp st(2),st ; y1 w3 x3
fxch st(2) ; x3 w3 y1
fadd dword ptr [ecx+D3DMATRIXI__41] ; x4 w3 y1
fld dword ptr [eax+D3DVERTEX_x] ; z1 x4 w3 y1
fmul dword ptr [ecx+D3DMATRIXI__13] ;
fld dword ptr [eax+D3DVERTEX_y] ; y*_22 z1 x4 w3 y1
fmul dword ptr [ecx+D3DMATRIXI__22] ;
fld dword ptr [eax+D3DVERTEX_y] ; y*_23 y*_22 z1 x4 w3 y1
fmul dword ptr [ecx+D3DMATRIXI__23] ;
fxch st(4) ; w3 y*_22 z1 x4 y*_23 y1
fadd dword ptr [ecx+D3DMATRIXI__44] ; w4 y*_22 z1 x4 y*_23 y1
fxch st(3) ; x4 y*_22 z1 w4 y*_23 y1
fst dword ptr [ebp] ;
fxch st(1) ; y*_22 x4 z1 w4 y*_23 y1
faddp st(5),st ; x4 z1 w4 y*_23 y2
fld dword ptr [eax+D3DVERTEX_z] ; z*_32 x4 z1 w4 y*_23 y2
fmul dword ptr [ecx+D3DMATRIXI__32] ;
fld dword ptr [eax+D3DVERTEX_z] ; z*_33 z*_32 x4 z1 w4 y*_23 y2
fmul dword ptr [ecx+D3DMATRIXI__33] ;
fxch st(6) ; y2 z*_32 x4 z1 w4 y*_23 z*_33
fadd dword ptr [ecx+D3DMATRIXI__42] ; y3 z*_32 x4 z1 w4 y*_23 z*_33
fxch st(3) ; z1 z*_32 x4 y3 w4 y*_23 z*_33
fadd dword ptr [ecx+D3DMATRIXI__43] ; z2 z*_32 x4 y3 w4 y*_23 z*_33
fxch st(5) ; y*_23 z*_32 x4 y3 w4 z2 z*_33
faddp st(6),st ; z*_32 x4 y3 w4 z2 z2
faddp st(2),st ; x4 y4 w4 z2 z2
fsubr st,st(2) ; xx y4 w4 z2 z2
fxch st(4) ; z2 y4 w4 z2 xx
faddp st(3),st ; y4 w4 z4 xx
fld st ; y4 y4 w4 z4 xx
fsubr st,st(2) ; yy y4 w4 z4 xx
fxch st(1) ; y4 yy w4 z4 xx
fstp dword ptr [ebp+4] ; yy w4 z4 xx
fxch st(3) ; xx w4 z4 yy
fstp tempxx ; w4 z4 yy
fxch st(1) ; z4 w4 yy
fst dword ptr [ebp+8] ;
fsubr st,st(1) ; zz w4 yy
fxch st(2) ; yy w4 zz
fstp tempyy ; w4 zz
fxch st(1) ; zz w4
fstp tempzz ;
fld1 ; 1 w4
fdiv st,st(1) ; 1/w w
;; Now compute the clipcodes.
; D3DVALUE xx = we - x;
; D3DVALUE yy = we - y;
; D3DVALUE zz = we - z;
; clip = ((ASINT32(x) & 0x80000000) >> (32-1)) | // D3DCS_LEFT
; ((ASINT32(y) & 0x80000000) >> (32-4)) | // D3DCS_BOTTOM
; ((ASINT32(z) & 0x80000000) >> (32-5)) | // D3DCS_FRONT
; ((ASINT32(xx) & 0x80000000) >> (32-2)) | // D3DCS_RIGHT
; ((ASINT32(yy) & 0x80000000) >> (32-3)) | // D3DCS_TOP
; ((ASINT32(zz) & 0x80000000) >> (32-6)); // D3DCS_BACK
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp] ; Get x
mov ebx,dword ptr [ebp+4] ; Get y
and eax,esi ;
and ebx,esi ;
shr eax,32-1 ; D3DCS_LEFT
mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp+8] ; Get z
shr ebx,32-4 ; D3DCS_BOTTOM
mov edx,tempxx ;
or eax,ebx ; OR together clip flags
and ecx,esi ;
shr ecx,32-5 ; D3DCS_FRONT
and edx,esi ;
shr edx,32-2 ; D3DCS_RIGHT
mov ebx,tempyy ;
or eax,ecx ;
and ebx,esi ;
shr ebx,32-3 ; D3DCS_TOP
or eax,edx ;
mov edx,tempzz
or eax,ebx ;
and edx,esi ;
shr edx,32-6 ; D3DCS_BACK
mov esi,hout ; Propagate diffuse, specular, tu, tv
or eax,edx ; Finish clip flag generation
mov ebx,pmat ;
mov word ptr [esi],ax ; Output clip flags
mov esi,pin ;
test eax,eax ; Bail if clip!=0
jnz ClipNonzero ;
push eax ; Save clip flags
; ax gets trashed by fstsw in min/max calcs
mov ecx,[esi+D3DTLVERTEX_color]
mov edx,[esi+D3DTLVERTEX_specular]
mov [ebp+D3DTLVERTEX_color],ecx
mov [ebp+D3DTLVERTEX_specular],edx
mov ecx,[esi+D3DTLVERTEX_tu]
mov edx,[esi+D3DTLVERTEX_tv]
mov [ebp+D3DTLVERTEX_tu],ecx
mov [ebp+D3DTLVERTEX_tv],edx
fxch st(1) ; we w
fstp st ;
; w
fld dword ptr [ebp] ; x w
fmul dword ptr [ebx+D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES_vcache+D3DFE_VIEWPORTCACHE_scaleX]
fld dword ptr [ebp+4] ; y x*scaleX w
fmul dword ptr [ebx+D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES_vcache+D3DFE_VIEWPORTCACHE_scaleY]
fxch st(1) ; x*scaleX y*scaleY w
fmul st,st(2) ; x*w*scaleX y*scaleY w
fxch st(1) ; y*scaleY x*w*scaleX w
fmul st,st(2) ; y*w*scaleY x*w*scaleX w
fxch st(1) ; x*w*scaleX y*w*scaleY w
fadd dword ptr [ebx+D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES_vcache+D3DFE_VIEWPORTCACHE_offsetX]
fxch st(1) ; y x w
fadd dword ptr [ebx+D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES_vcache+D3DFE_VIEWPORTCACHE_offsetY]
fld dword ptr [ebp+8] ; z y x w
fmul st,st(3) ; z y x w
fxch st(2) ; x y z w
jnz NoExtents
;; update extents rect in PV structure
; x y z w
fcom dword ptr [ebx+D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES_rExtents+0]
fstsw ax
ja @f
fst dword ptr [ebx+D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES_rExtents+0]
@@: fcom dword ptr [ebx+D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES_rExtents+8]
fstsw ax
jb @f
fst dword ptr [ebx+D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES_rExtents+8]
@@: fxch st(1)
fcom dword ptr [ebx+D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES_rExtents+4]
fstsw ax
ja @f
fst dword ptr [ebx+D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES_rExtents+4]
@@: fcom dword ptr [ebx+D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES_rExtents+12]
fstsw ax
jb @f
fst dword ptr [ebx+D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES_rExtents+12]
@@: fxch st(1)
fstp dword ptr [ebp+D3DTLVERTEX_sx]
fstp dword ptr [ebp+D3DTLVERTEX_sy]
fstp dword ptr [ebp+D3DTLVERTEX_sz]
fstp dword ptr [ebp+D3DTLVERTEX_rhw]
pop eax ; Get clip flags back
pop ebp ; Restore registers
pop edi ;
pop esi ;
pop ebx ;
add esp,24 ; Locals
ret ; Return
fstp st ; Get rid of 1/w
fstp dword ptr [ebp+D3DTLVERTEX_rhw] ; store we
jmp short Return
_matmul5 ENDP