Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

757 lines
23 KiB

#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
template< class T, class Allocator= allocator< T> >
class list
public: // Types
typedef list< T, Allocator> list_type;
typedef Allocator allocator_type;
typedef typename allocator_type::value_type value_type;
typedef typename allocator_type::pointer pointer;
typedef typename allocator_type::const_pointer const_pointer;
typedef typename allocator_type::reference reference;
typedef typename allocator_type::const_reference const_reference;
typedef typename allocator_type::size_type size_type;
typedef typename allocator_type::difference_type difference_type;
protected: // Types
struct list_node;
typedef typename Allocator::rebind< list_node>::other
typedef typename list_node_allocator_type::pointer list_node_pointer;
typedef typename list_node_allocator_type::const_pointer
struct list_node
list_node_pointer m_pNext;
list_node_pointer m_pPrev;
value_type m_Value;
{ }
list_node( const value_type& Val): m_Value( Val)
{ }
list_node( const list_node_pointer& pN, const list_node_pointer& pP,
const value_type& Val): m_pNext( pN), m_pPrev( pP), m_Value( Val)
{ }
{ }
public: // Types
class iterator;
class const_iterator;
class reverse_iterator;
class const_reverse_iterator;
friend class iterator;
class iterator
public: // Types
typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef value_type value_type;
typedef difference_type difference_type;
typedef pointer pointer;
typedef reference reference;
friend class const_iterator;
friend class reverse_iterator;
friend class const_reverse_iterator;
friend class list< T, Allocator>;
protected: // Variables
list_node_pointer m_pNode;
public: // Functions
{ }
explicit iterator( const list_node_pointer& pNode)
:m_pNode( pNode)
{ }
iterator( const iterator& Other)
:m_pNode( Other.m_pNode)
{ }
iterator( const reverse_iterator& Other)
:m_pNode( Other.m_pNode)
{ }
reference operator*() const
{ return m_pNode->m_Value; }
pointer operator->() const
{ return &m_pNode->m_Value; }
iterator& operator++()
m_pNode= m_pNode->m_pNext;
return (*this);
iterator operator++(int)
iterator Tmp( *this);
return Tmp;
iterator& operator--()
m_pNode= m_pNode->m_pPrev;
return (*this);
iterator operator--(int)
iterator Tmp( *this);
return Tmp;
bool operator==( const iterator& Other) const
{ return (m_pNode== Other.m_pNode); }
bool operator!=( const iterator& Other) const
{ return (m_pNode!= Other.m_pNode); }
friend class const_iterator;
class const_iterator
public: // Types
typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef value_type value_type;
typedef difference_type difference_type;
typedef const_pointer pointer;
typedef const_reference reference;
friend class const_reverse_iterator;
friend class list< T, Allocator>;
protected: // Variables
list_node_const_pointer m_pNode;
public: // Functions
{ }
explicit const_iterator( const list_node_const_pointer& pNode)
:m_pNode( pNode)
{ }
const_iterator( const iterator& Other)
:m_pNode( Other.m_pNode)
{ }
const_iterator( const const_iterator& Other)
:m_pNode( Other.m_pNode)
{ }
const_iterator( const reverse_iterator& Other)
:m_pNode( Other.m_pNode)
{ }
const_iterator( const const_reverse_iterator& Other)
:m_pNode( Other.m_pNode)
{ }
reference operator*() const
{ return m_pNode->m_Value; }
pointer operator->() const
{ return &m_pNode->m_Value; }
const_iterator& operator++()
m_pNode= m_pNode->m_pNext;
return (*this);
const_iterator operator++(int)
const_iterator Tmp( *this);
return Tmp;
const_iterator& operator--()
m_pNode= m_pNode->m_pPrev;
return (*this);
const_iterator operator--(int)
const_iterator Tmp( *this);
return Tmp;
bool operator==( const const_iterator& Other) const
{ return (m_pNode== Other.m_pNode); }
bool operator!=( const const_iterator& Other) const
{ return (m_pNode!= Other.m_pNode); }
friend class reverse_iterator;
class reverse_iterator
public: // Types
typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef value_type value_type;
typedef difference_type difference_type;
typedef pointer pointer;
typedef reference reference;
friend class iterator;
friend class const_iterator;
friend class const_reverse_iterator;
friend class list< T, Allocator>;
protected: // Variables
list_node_pointer m_pNode;
public: // Functions
{ }
explicit reverse_iterator( const list_node_pointer& pNode)
:m_pNode( pNode)
{ }
reverse_iterator( const iterator& Other)
:m_pNode( Other.m_pNode)
{ }
reverse_iterator( const reverse_iterator& Other)
:m_pNode( Other.m_pNode)
{ }
reference operator*() const
{ return m_pNode->m_Value; }
pointer operator->() const
{ return &m_pNode->m_Value; }
reverse_iterator& operator++()
m_pNode= m_pNode->m_pPrev;
return (*this);
reverse_iterator operator++(int)
reverse_iterator Tmp( *this);
return Tmp;
reverse_iterator& operator--()
m_pNode= m_pNode->m_pNext;
return (*this);
reverse_iterator operator--(int)
reverse_iterator Tmp( *this);
return Tmp;
bool operator==( const reverse_iterator& Other) const
{ return (m_pNode== Other.m_pNode); }
bool operator!=( const reverse_iterator& Other) const
{ return (m_pNode!= Other.m_pNode); }
friend class const_reverse_iterator;
class const_reverse_iterator
public: // Types
typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef value_type value_type;
typedef difference_type difference_type;
typedef const_pointer pointer;
typedef const_reference reference;
friend class const_iterator;
friend class list< T, Allocator>;
protected: // Variables
list_node_const_pointer m_pNode;
public: // Functions
{ }
explicit const_reverse_iterator( const list_node_const_pointer& pNode)
:m_pNode( pNode)
{ }
const_reverse_iterator( const iterator& Other)
:m_pNode( Other.m_pNode)
{ }
const_reverse_iterator( const const_iterator& Other)
:m_pNode( Other.m_pNode)
{ }
const_reverse_iterator( const reverse_iterator& Other)
:m_pNode( Other.m_pNode)
{ }
const_reverse_iterator( const const_reverse_iterator& Other)
:m_pNode( Other.m_pNode)
{ }
reference operator*() const
{ return m_pNode->m_Value; }
pointer operator->() const
{ return &m_pNode->m_Value; }
const_reverse_iterator& operator++()
m_pNode= m_pNode->m_pPrev;
return (*this);
const_reverse_iterator operator++(int)
const_reverse_iterator Tmp( *this);
return Tmp;
const_reverse_iterator& operator--()
m_pNode= m_pNode->m_pNext;
return (*this);
const_reverse_iterator operator--(int)
const_reverse_iterator Tmp( *this);
return Tmp;
bool operator==( const const_reverse_iterator& Other) const
{ return (m_pNode== Other.m_pNode); }
bool operator!=( const const_reverse_iterator& Other) const
{ return (m_pNode!= Other.m_pNode); }
protected: // Variables
list_node_pointer m_pHead;
size_type m_uiNodes;
list_node_allocator_type m_Allocator;
protected: // Functions
void BuildHeadNode()
m_pHead= m_Allocator.allocate( 1);
new (&m_pHead->m_pNext) list_node_pointer( m_pHead);
new (&m_pHead->m_pPrev) list_node_pointer( m_pHead);
void DestroyHeadNode()
m_Allocator.deallocate( m_pHead, 1);
public: // Functions
iterator begin()
{ return iterator( m_pHead->m_pNext); }
iterator end()
{ return iterator( m_pHead); }
reverse_iterator rbegin()
{ return reverse_iterator( m_pHead->m_pPrev); }
reverse_iterator rend()
{ return reverse_iterator( m_pHead); }
const_iterator begin() const
{ return const_iterator( m_pHead->m_pNext); }
const_iterator end() const
{ return const_iterator( m_pHead); }
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
{ return const_reverse_iterator( m_pHead->m_pPrev); }
const_reverse_iterator rend() const
{ return const_reverse_iterator( m_pHead->m_pPrev); }
size_type size() const
{ return m_uiNodes; }
size_type max_size() const
{ return m_Allocator.max_size(); }
bool empty() const
{ return (0== m_uiNodes); }
explicit list( const Allocator& A= Allocator())
: m_pHead( NULL), m_uiNodes( 0), m_Allocator( A)
explicit list( size_type n, const T& x= T(), const Allocator& A= Allocator())
: m_pHead( NULL), m_uiNodes( 0), m_Allocator( A)
try {
insert( begin(), n, x);
} catch( ... ) {
list( const list_type& Other)
: m_pHead( NULL), m_uiNodes( 0), m_Allocator( Other.m_Allocator)
try {
insert( begin(), Other.begin(), Other.end());
} catch( ... ) {
template< class InputIterator>
list( InputIterator f, InputIterator l, const Allocator& A= Allocator())
: m_pHead( NULL), m_uiNodes( 0), m_Allocator( Other.m_Allocator)
try {
insert( begin(), f, l);
} catch( ... ) {
list_type& operator=( const list_type& Other)
if( this!= &Other)
// TODO: Better exception handling.
iterator itMyCur( begin());
iterator itMyEnd( end());
const_iterator itOtherCur( Other.begin());
const_iterator itOtherEnd( Other.end());
while( itMyCur!= itMyEnd && itOtherCur!= itOtherEnd)
*itMyCur= *itOtherCur;
erase( itMyCur, itMyEnd);
insert( itMyCur, itOtherCur, itOtherEnd);
return (*this);
allocator_type get_allocator() const
{ return m_Allocator; }
void swap( list_type& Other)
if( m_Allocator== Other.m_Allocator)
swap( m_pHead, Other.m_pHead);
swap( m_uiNodes, Other.m_uiNodes);
iterator itMyCur( begin());
splice( itMyCur, Other);
itMyCur.splice( Other.begin(), *this, itMyCur, end());
reference front()
{ return *begin(); }
const_reference front() const
{ return *begin(); }
reference back()
{ return *(--end()); }
const_reference back() const
{ return *(--end()); }
void push_front( const T& t)
{ insert( begin(), t); }
void pop_front()
{ erase( begin()); }
void push_back( const T& t)
{ insert( end(), t); }
void pop_back()
{ erase( --end()); }
iterator insert( iterator pos, const T& t)
list_node_pointer pNode( pos.m_pNode);
list_node_pointer pPrev( pNode->m_pPrev);
m_Allocator.construct( pNode->m_pPrev= m_Allocator.allocate( 1),
list_node( pNode, pPrev, t));
pNode= pNode->m_pPrev;
pNode->m_pPrev->m_pNext= pNode;
return iterator( pNode);
template< class InputIterator>
void insert( iterator pos, InputIterator f, InputIterator l)
// TODO: Optimize
while( f!= l)
insert( pos, *f);
void insert( iterator pos, size_type n, const T& x)
// TODO: Optimize
if( n!= 0) do
insert( pos, x);
} while( --n!= 0);
iterator erase( iterator pos)
list_node_pointer pNode( pos.m_pNode);
list_node_pointer pNext( pNode->m_pNext);
pNode->m_pPrev->m_pNext= pNext;
pNext->m_pPrev= pNode->m_pPrev;
m_Allocator.destroy( pNode);
m_Allocator.deallocate( pNode, 1);
return iterator( pNext);
iterator erase( iterator f, iterator l)
// TODO: Optimize
while( f!= l)
iterator d( f);
erase( d);
return f;
void clear()
if( 0!= size())
list_node_pointer pNode( m_pHead->m_pNext);
list_node_pointer pNext( pNode->m_pNext);
m_Allocator.destroy( pNode);
m_Allocator.deallocate( pNode, 1);
pNode= pNext;
pNext= pNext->m_pNext;
} while( pNode!= m_pHead);
m_pHead->m_pPrev= m_pHead->m_pNext= m_pHead;
void resize( size_type n, T t= T())
const size_type CurSize( m_uiNodes);
if( CurSize< n)
insert( end(), n- CurSize, t);
else if( CurSize> n)
iterator itStartRange;
if( n> CurSize/ 2)
itStartRange= end();
size_type dist( CurSize- n+ 1);
do {
} while( --dist!= 0);
itStartRange= begin();
size_type dist( n);
if( dist!= 0) do {
} while( ++dist!= 0);
erase( itStartRange, end());
template< class InputIterator>
void assign( InputIterator f, InputIterator l)
iterator itMyCur( begin());
iterator itMyEnd( end());
while( itMyCur!= itMyEnd && f!= l)
*itMyCur= *f;
erase( itMyCur, itMyEnd);
insert( itMyCur, f, l);
void assign( size_type n, const T& x= T())
iterator itMyCur( begin());
iterator itMyEnd( end());
while( itMyCur!= itMyEnd && f!= l)
*itMyCur= *x;
erase( itMyCur, itMyEnd);
insert( itMyCur, n, x);
/* TODO:
void splice( iterator pos, list_type& x)
if( !x.empty())
_Splice(_P, _X, _X.begin(), _X.end());
_Size += _X._Size;
_X._Size = 0;
void splice(iterator _P, _Myt& _X, iterator _F)
{iterator _L = _F;
if (_P != _F && _P != ++_L)
{_Splice(_P, _X, _F, _L);
--_X._Size; }}
void splice(iterator _P, _Myt& _X, iterator _F, iterator _L)
{if (_F != _L)
{if (&_X != this)
{difference_type _N = 0;
_Distance(_F, _L, _N);
_Size += _N;
_X._Size -= _N; }
_Splice(_P, _X, _F, _L); }}
void remove(const T& _V)
{iterator _L = end();
for (iterator _F = begin(); _F != _L; )
if (*_F == _V)
++_F; }
typedef binder2nd<not_equal_to<T> > _Pr1;
void remove_if(_Pr1 _Pr)
{iterator _L = end();
for (iterator _F = begin(); _F != _L; )
if (_Pr(*_F))
++_F; }
void unique()
{iterator _F = begin(), _L = end();
if (_F != _L)
for (iterator _M = _F; ++_M != _L; _M = _F)
if (*_F == *_M)
_F = _M; }
typedef not_equal_to<T> _Pr2;
void unique(_Pr2 _Pr)
{iterator _F = begin(), _L = end();
if (_F != _L)
for (iterator _M = _F; ++_M != _L; _M = _F)
if (_Pr(*_F, *_M))
_F = _M; }
void merge(_Myt& _X)
{if (&_X != this)
{iterator _F1 = begin(), _L1 = end();
iterator _F2 = _X.begin(), _L2 = _X.end();
while (_F1 != _L1 && _F2 != _L2)
if (*_F2 < *_F1)
{iterator _Mid2 = _F2;
_Splice(_F1, _X, _F2, ++_Mid2);
_F2 = _Mid2; }
if (_F2 != _L2)
_Splice(_L1, _X, _F2, _L2);
_Size += _X._Size;
_X._Size = 0; }}
typedef greater<T> _Pr3;
void merge(_Myt& _X, _Pr3 _Pr)
{if (&_X != this)
{iterator _F1 = begin(), _L1 = end();
iterator _F2 = _X.begin(), _L2 = _X.end();
while (_F1 != _L1 && _F2 != _L2)
if (_Pr(*_F2, *_F1))
{iterator _Mid2 = _F2;
_Splice(_F1, _X, _F2, ++_Mid2);
_F2 = _Mid2; }
if (_F2 != _L2)
_Splice(_L1, _X, _F2, _L2);
_Size += _X._Size;
_X._Size = 0; }}
void sort()
{if (2 <= size())
{const size_t _MAXN = 15;
_Myt _X(allocator), Allocator[_MAXN + 1];
size_t _N = 0;
while (!empty())
{_X.splice(_X.begin(), *this, begin());
size_t _I;
for (_I = 0; _I < _N && !Allocator[_I].empty(); ++_I)
Allocator[_I].swap(_X); }
if (_I == _MAXN)
if (_I == _N)
++_N; }}
while (0 < _N)
merge(Allocator[--_N]); }}
void sort(_Pr3 _Pr)
{if (2 <= size())
{const size_t _MAXN = 15;
_Myt _X(allocator), Allocator[_MAXN + 1];
size_t _N = 0;
while (!empty())
{_X.splice(_X.begin(), *this, begin());
size_t _I;
for (_I = 0; _I < _N && !Allocator[_I].empty(); ++_I)
{Allocator[_I].merge(_X, _Pr);
Allocator[_I].swap(_X); }
if (_I == _MAXN)
Allocator[_I].merge(_X, _Pr);
if (_I == _N)
++_N; }}
while (0 < _N)
merge(Allocator[--_N], _Pr); }}
void reverse()
{if (2 <= size())
{iterator _L = end();
for (iterator _F = ++begin(); _F != _L; )
{iterator _M = _F;
_Splice(begin(), *this, _M, ++_F); }}}
_Nodeptr _Buynode(_Nodeptr _Narg = 0, _Nodeptr _Parg = 0)
{_Nodeptr _S = (_Nodeptr)allocator._Charalloc(
1 * sizeof (list_node));
_Acc::_Next(_S) = _Narg != 0 ? _Narg : _S;
_Acc::_Prev(_S) = _Parg != 0 ? _Parg : _S;
return (_S); }
void _Freenode(_Nodeptr _S)
{allocator.deallocate(_S, 1); }
void _Splice(iterator _P, _Myt& _X, iterator _F, iterator _L)
{if (allocator == _X.allocator)
{_Acc::_Next(_Acc::_Prev(_L._Mynode())) =
_Acc::_Next(_Acc::_Prev(_F._Mynode())) =
_Acc::_Next(_Acc::_Prev(_P._Mynode())) =
_Nodeptr _S = _Acc::_Prev(_P._Mynode());
_Acc::_Prev(_P._Mynode()) =
_Acc::_Prev(_L._Mynode()) =
_Acc::_Prev(_F._Mynode()) = _S; }
{insert(_P, _F, _L);
_X.erase(_F, _L); }}
void _Xran() const
{_THROW(out_of_range, "invalid list<T> subscript"); }
template< class T, class Allocator> inline
bool operator==( const list< T, Allocator>& x, const list< T, Allocator>& y)
return (x.size()== y.size()&& equal(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin()));
template< class T, class Allocator> inline
bool operator!=( const list< T, Allocator>& x, const list< T, Allocator>& y)
return !(x== y);
template< class T, class Allocator> inline
bool operator<( const list< T, Allocator>& x, const list< T, Allocator>& y)
return lexicographical_compare( x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end());
template< class T, class Allocator> inline
bool operator>( const list< T, Allocator>& x, const list< T, Allocator>& y)
return y< x;
template< class T, class Allocator> inline
bool operator<=( const list< T, Allocator>& x, const list< T, Allocator>& y)
return !(y< x);
template< class T, class Allocator> inline
bool operator>=( const list< T, Allocator>& x, const list< T, Allocator>& y)
return !(x< y);