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// ksextend.h : additional infrastructure to extend the ks stuff so that it
// works nicely from c++
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1995-1997.
#pragma once
#ifndef KSEXTEND_H
#define KSEXTEND_H
#include <strmif.h>
#include <uuids.h>
#include <ks.h>
#include <ksmedia.h>
//NOTE: ksproxy won't define IKsPin without __STREAMS__ and then it requires CMediaType from
// mtype.h
#define __STREAMS__
// for some reason in the area of media types the am guys have severely blurred the distinction
// between their public client interface for apps and their internal class hierarchy for building
// filters. mtype.h and mtype.cpp should be combined and placed into \sdk\include instead of
// classes\base\include. they should also put an ifdef MMSYSTEM_H around their definitions
// that use WAVEFORMATEX, so its not necessary to put all that stuff into your app if you're not
// using it. to work around this i'm using the following hack:
#include <mtype.h>
#include <ksproxy.h>
#include <stextend.h>
#include <w32extend.h>
const int KSMEDIUM_INPUTFLAG = 0x1;
typedef unsigned char UBYTE;
typedef CComQIPtr<IKsPropertySet, &IID_IKsPropertySet> PQKSPropertySet;
typedef CComQIPtr<IKsPin, &__uuidof(IKsPin)> PQKSPin;
class KSPinMedium : public KSIDENTIFIER {
KSPinMedium() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
KSPinMedium(REFGUID SetInit, ULONG IdInit, ULONG FlagsInit) {
Set = SetInit;
Id = IdInit;
Flags = FlagsInit;
KSPinMedium(const KSPinMedium &rhs) {
Set = rhs.Set;
Id = rhs.Id;
Flags = rhs.Flags;
KSPinMedium(const KSIDENTIFIER &rhs) {
Set = rhs.Set;
Id = rhs.Id;
Flags = rhs.Flags;
KSPinMedium& operator=(const KSPinMedium &rhs) {
if (&rhs != this) {
Set = rhs.Set;
Id = rhs.Id;
Flags = rhs.Flags;
return *this;
#if 0
// hopefully we can get the ks guys to fix their anonymous union problem
// so that we don't need this hack
operator KSIDENTIFIER() { return *(reinterpret_cast<KSIDENTIFIER*>(this)); }
KSPinMedium& operator=(const KSIDENTIFIER &rhs) {
if (&rhs != reinterpret_cast<KSIDENTIFIER*>(this)) {
Set = rhs.Set;
Id = rhs.Id;
Flags = rhs.Flags;
return *this;
bool operator==(const KSPinMedium &rhs) const {
// NOTE: at some point there will be a flag in Flags to
// indicate whether or not Id is significant for this object
// at that point this method will need to change
return (Id == rhs.Id && Set == rhs.Set);
bool operator!=(const KSPinMedium &rhs) const {
// NOTE: at some point there will be a flag in Flags to
// indicate whether or not Id is significant for this object
// at that point this method will need to change
return !(*this == rhs);
#ifdef _DEBUG
inline tostream &operator<<(tostream &dc, const KSPinMedium &g) {
GUID2 g2(g.Set);
dc << _T("KsPinMedium( ");
dc << _T(", ") << hexdump(g.Id) << _T(", ") << hexdump(g.Flags) << _T(")");
return dc;
#if 0
inline CDumpContext &operator<<(CDumpContext &dc, const KSPinMedium &g) {
GUID2 g2(g.Set);
dc << "KsPinMedium( ";
dc << ", " << hexdump(g.Id) << ", " << hexdump(g.Flags) << ")";
return dc;
template<> struct equal_to<KSPinMedium> {
bool operator()(const KSPinMedium& _X, const KSPinMedium& _Y) const {
TraceDump << "equal_to<KSPinMedium> x = " << _X << " y = " << _Y;
return (_X == _Y);
const KSPinMedium NULL_MEDIUM(GUID_NULL, 0, 0);
// this is basically a CComQIPtr with appropriate CoMem* allocate/copy semantics
// instead of refcount semantics and without the QI stuff.
class PQKsMultipleItem {
PQKsMultipleItem() : p(NULL) {}
virtual ~PQKsMultipleItem() {
if (p) {
p = NULL;
operator KSMULTIPLE_ITEM*() const {return p;}
KSMULTIPLE_ITEM& operator*() const {_ASSERTE(p!=NULL); return *p; }
KSMULTIPLE_ITEM ** operator&() {ASSERT(p == NULL); return &p; }
KSMULTIPLE_ITEM * operator->() const {_ASSERTE(p!=NULL); return p; }
PQKsMultipleItem * address(void) { return this; }
const PQKsMultipleItem * const_address(void) const { return this; }
// this is expensive. don't do it unless you have to.
PQKsMultipleItem& operator=(const KSMULTIPLE_ITEM &d) {
if (&d != p) {
if (p) {
p = reinterpret_cast<KSMULTIPLE_ITEM *>(CoTaskMemAlloc(d.Size));
memcpy(p, &d, d.Size);
return *this;
PQKsMultipleItem& operator=(const KSMULTIPLE_ITEM *pd) {
if (pd != p) {
if (p) {
p = reinterpret_cast<KSMULTIPLE_ITEM *>(CoTaskMemAlloc(pd->Size));
memcpy(p, pd, pd->Size);
return *this;
PQKsMultipleItem& operator=(const PQKsMultipleItem &d) {
if (d.const_address() != this) {
if (p) {
p = reinterpret_cast<KSMULTIPLE_ITEM *>(CoTaskMemAlloc(d.p->Size));
memcpy(p, d.p, d.p->Size);
return *this;
PQKsMultipleItem& operator=(int d) {
if (p) {
p = NULL;
return *this;
#if 0
bool operator==(const PQKsMultipleItem &d) const {
return p->majortype == d.p->majortype &&
(p->subtype == GUID_NULL || d.p->subtype == GUID_NULL || p->subtype == d.p->subtype);
bool operator!=(const PQKsMultipleItem &d) const {
return !(*this == d);
// i don't want spend the time to do a layered refcounted implementation here
// but since these are CoTaskMem alloc'd we can't have multiple ref's without
// a high risk of leaks. so we're just going to disallow the copy constructor
// since copying is expensive anyway. we will allow explicit assignment which will
// do a copy
PQKsMultipleItem(const PQKsMultipleItem &d);
// this is a stl based template for containing KSMULTIPLEITEM lists
// i've only implemented the stuff i need for certain of the stl predicates so this
// isn't a complete collection with a true random access or bidirectional iterator
// furthermore this won't work correctly with hterogeneous KSMULTIPLEITEM lists it
// also won't work right for KSMI lists that have sizes and count headers in the sub items.
// it could be easily extended to do all of these things but i don't have time and all
// i need it for is mediums
// Base is smart pointer wrapper class being contained in this container
// Base_Inner is actual wrapped class that the smart pointer class contains
template<class Value_Type, class Allocator = std::allocator<Value_Type> > class KsMultipleItem_Sequence : public PQKsMultipleItem {
typedef typename Allocator::value_type value_type;
typedef typename Allocator::size_type size_type;
typedef typename Allocator::difference_type difference_type;
typedef Allocator allocator_type;
typedef typename Allocator::pointer value_ptr;
typedef typename Allocator::const_pointer value_cptr;
typedef typename Allocator::reference reference;
typedef typename Allocator::const_reference const_reference;
// CLASS iterator
class iterator;
friend class iterator;
class iterator : public std::_Bidit<Value_Type, difference_type> {
iterator(KsMultipleItem_Sequence<Value_Type, Allocator> *outerinit = NULL, value_type *currentinit = NULL) :
outer(outerinit), current(currentinit) {}
iterator(iterator &e) : current(e.current), outer(e.outer) {}
reference operator*() const {return *current;}
value_ptr operator->() const {return current; }
iterator& operator++() {
if (current) {
if (current >= reinterpret_cast<value_type *>(reinterpret_cast<UBYTE *>(outer->p) + outer->p->Size)) {
current = NULL;
} else {
current = reinterpret_cast<value_type *>(const_cast<UBYTE *>(reinterpret_cast<const UBYTE *>(outer->p)) + sizeof(KSMULTIPLE_ITEM));
return *this;
iterator& operator++(int) {
iterator Tmp = *this;
return Tmp;
iterator& operator--() {
if (current) {
if (current < reinterpret_cast<value_type *>(const_cast<UBYTE *>(reinterpret_cast<const UBYTE *>(outer->p)) + sizeof(KSMULTIPLE_ITEM))) {
current = NULL;
} else {
current = reinterpret_cast<value_type *>(reinterpret_cast<UBYTE *>(outer->p) + (outer->p->Size - sizeof(value_type)));
return (*this);
iterator operator--(int) {
iterator _Tmp = *this;
return (_Tmp);
bool operator==(const iterator& rhs) const
{return (current == rhs.current); }
bool operator!=(const iterator& rhs) const
{return (!(*this == rhs)); }
value_type *current;
const KsMultipleItem_Sequence<Value_Type, Allocator> *outer;
// CLASS const_iterator
class const_iterator;
friend class const_iterator;
class const_iterator : public iterator {
const_iterator(const KsMultipleItem_Sequence<Value_Type, Allocator> *outerinit = NULL, value_type *currentinit = NULL) {
outer = outerinit;
current = currentinit;
const_iterator(const_iterator &e) {
current = e.current;
outer = e.outer;
const_reference operator*() const {return iterator::operator*(); }
value_cptr operator->() const {return iterator::operator->(); }
const_iterator& operator++() { iterator::operator++(); return *this;}
const_iterator operator++(int) {
const_iterator Tmp = *this;
return (Tmp);
const_iterator& operator--() {iterator::operator--(); return (*this); }
const_iterator operator--(int) {
const_iterator Tmp = *this;
return (Tmp);
bool operator==(const const_iterator& rhs) const
{return iterator::operator==(rhs); }
bool operator!=(const const_iterator& rhs) const
{return (!(*this == rhs)); }
KsMultipleItem_Sequence() {}
virtual ~KsMultipleItem_Sequence() {}
iterator begin() {
return iterator(this, ((p->Count) ? reinterpret_cast<value_ptr>(reinterpret_cast<UBYTE *>(p) + sizeof(KSMULTIPLE_ITEM)) : NULL));
const_iterator begin() const {
return const_iterator(this, ((p->Count) ? reinterpret_cast<value_ptr>(reinterpret_cast<UBYTE *>(p) + sizeof(KSMULTIPLE_ITEM)) : NULL));
iterator end() { return iterator(); }
const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(); }
size_type size() const {
return p->Count;
// no copy constructor, its too expensive. see PQKsMultiple item for further details
KsMultipleItem_Sequence(KsMultipleItem_Sequence &a);
KsMultipleItem_Sequence(PQKsMultipleItem &a);
typedef KsMultipleItem_Sequence<KSPinMedium> KSMediumList;
// end of file - ksextend.h