Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

141 lines
4.5 KiB

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace StringCheck2
/// <summary>
/// StringCheck class. Responsible for scanning files for fixed strings.
/// </summary>
public class StringCheck
const string REGEX_QuotedString = "\"*\"";
public StringCheck()
/// <summary>
/// Scans the files in a directory for fixed strings
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">Directory to search</param>
/// <param name="fileFilter">File filter to use (*.cs, etc)</param>
/// <param name="exclusions">List of exclusions</param>
/// <param name="rtb_output">TextBox to display output in. If null, no output displayed</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string[] Scan( string path, string fileFilter, string[] exclusions, System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox rtb_output, string ResultsFile, bool append )
DirectoryInfo dir;
String FullName;
long FileSize;
DateTime CreationDate;
// Get files in directory.
dir = new DirectoryInfo(path);
foreach (FileInfo f in dir.GetFiles(fileFilter))
ScanFile(f.FullName, REGEX_QuotedString, exclusions, rtb_output, ResultsFile, append);
} // foreach (FileInfo f in dir.GetFiles(fileFilter))
string[] returnString = new string[1];
return returnString;
} // Scan
/// <summary>
/// Helper function for Scan. ScanFile scans an individual file, looking for hard coded strings.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="InputFile">File name of file to be scanned.</param>
/// <param name="SearchString">Regular expression string.</param>
/// <param name="exclusions">String array containing rules for exclusions.</param>
/// <param name="rtb_output">Pointer to a rich text field used to display output. If set to null, no output will be displayed on-screen.</param>
/// <param name="ResultsFile">File name of file to write results to.</param>
/// <param name="append">Append flag. If set to true, results will be appended to ResultsFile. If false, ResultsFile will be overwritten.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private int ScanFile(string InputFile, string SearchString, string[] exclusions, System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox rtb_output, string ResultsFile, bool append )
To Do: Need error checking
StreamWriter OutputStream = null;
StreamReader InputStream = null;
String line, OutputString;
int linenum, padding, i ;
Match m;
Regex r;
bool excludeLine;
// Open log file and input file
if ( null != ResultsFile )
if ( false == append ) File.Delete(ResultsFile);
OutputStream = File.AppendText(ResultsFile);
InputStream = File.OpenText(InputFile);
// Build regex expression from passed search string
// System.ArgumentException
r = new Regex(SearchString);
catch ( System.ArgumentException )
if ( null != rtb_output) rtb_output.Text += "\n" + "FileScan:ScanFile() - ERROR - " + SearchString + " is not a valid regex expression";
return 0;
// Read input file line by line - repeat until end of file
//if ( null != rtb_output) rtb_output.Text += "\n" + "Scanning " + InputFile + " For " + SearchString;
linenum = 0;
while ((line=InputStream.ReadLine())!=null)
m = r.Match(line);
if (m.Success)
// Remove leading spaces
padding = 0;
while ( line[padding] == ' ')
line = line.Substring(padding);
// check exclusions
excludeLine = false;
foreach (string s in exclusions)
if ( -1 != line.IndexOf(s) )
excludeLine = true;
if ( excludeLine == false )
// Write to output file in CSV format
if ( null != ResultsFile )
//OutputString = "\"" + InputFile + "\"," + linenum + ",\"" + line + "\"";
OutputString = InputFile + "~" + linenum + "~" + line;
if ( null != rtb_output) rtb_output.Text += "\n" + InputFile + "~" + linenum + "~" + line;
// cleanup and return
if ( null != ResultsFile )
return 1;
} // class StringCheck
} // namespace