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* routines for reading a AVIStream
* Copyright (c) 1992-1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and
* distribute the Sample Files (and/or any modified version) in
* any way you find useful, provided that you agree that
* Microsoft has no warranty obligations or liability for any
* Sample Application Files which are modified.
#include <win32.h>
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <ole2.h>
#include <vfw.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <memory.h> // for _fmemset
#include "avifilei.h"
#include "aviopts.h" // string resources
#include "debug.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "olehack.h"
#if !defined NUMELMS
#define NUMELMS(aa) (sizeof(aa)/sizeof((aa)[0]))
#ifndef _WIN32
#define HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT 0x00000001
#define AVIFileOpenA AVIFileOpen
#define AVIFileCreateStreamA AVIFileCreateStream
BOOL gfOleInitialized;
STDAPI_(void) MyFreeUnusedLibraries(void);
#define ValidPAVI(pavi) (pavi != NULL)
#define V_PAVI(pavi, err) \
if (!ValidPAVI(pavi)) \
return err;
#ifdef _WIN32
#define CoCreateInstance(rclsid, pUnkOuter, dwClsContext, riid, ppv) \
SHCoCreateInstance(NULL, (const CLSID FAR *)&rclsid, pUnkOuter, riid, ppv)
#undef Assert
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <shellp.h>
#undef SZCODE
#define SZCODE const TCHAR _based(_segname("_CODE"))
static int iInit = 0;
#define InRange(id, idFirst, idLast) ((UINT)(id-idFirst) <= (UINT)(idLast-idFirst))
// scan lpsz for a number of hex digits (at most 8); update lpsz, return
// value in Value; check for chDelim; return TRUE for success.
BOOL HexStringToDword(LPCTSTR FAR * lplpsz, DWORD FAR * lpValue, int cDigits, char chDelim)
int ich;
LPCTSTR lpsz = *lplpsz;
DWORD Value = 0;
for (ich = 0; ich < cDigits; ich++)
TCHAR ch = lpsz[ich];
if (InRange(ch, '0', '9'))
Value = (Value << 4) + ch - '0';
else if ( InRange( (ch |= ('a'-'A')), 'a', 'f') )
Value = (Value << 4) + ch - 'a' + 10;
if (chDelim)
fRet = (lpsz[ich++]==chDelim);
*lpValue = Value;
*lplpsz = lpsz+ich;
return fRet;
// parse above format; return TRUE if succesful; always writes over *pguid.
if (*lpsz++ != '{' /*}*/ )
return FALSE;
if (!HexStringToDword(&lpsz, &pguid->Data1, sizeof(DWORD)*2, '-'))
return FALSE;
if (!HexStringToDword(&lpsz, &dw, sizeof(WORD)*2, '-'))
return FALSE;
pguid->Data2 = (WORD)dw;
if (!HexStringToDword(&lpsz, &dw, sizeof(WORD)*2, '-'))
return FALSE;
pguid->Data3 = (WORD)dw;
if (!HexStringToDword(&lpsz, &dw, sizeof(BYTE)*2, 0))
return FALSE;
pguid->Data4[0] = (BYTE)dw;
if (!HexStringToDword(&lpsz, &dw, sizeof(BYTE)*2, '-'))
return FALSE;
pguid->Data4[1] = (BYTE)dw;
if (!HexStringToDword(&lpsz, &dw, sizeof(BYTE)*2, 0))
return FALSE;
pguid->Data4[2] = (BYTE)dw;
if (!HexStringToDword(&lpsz, &dw, sizeof(BYTE)*2, 0))
return FALSE;
pguid->Data4[3] = (BYTE)dw;
if (!HexStringToDword(&lpsz, &dw, sizeof(BYTE)*2, 0))
return FALSE;
pguid->Data4[4] = (BYTE)dw;
if (!HexStringToDword(&lpsz, &dw, sizeof(BYTE)*2, 0))
return FALSE;
pguid->Data4[5] = (BYTE)dw;
if (!HexStringToDword(&lpsz, &dw, sizeof(BYTE)*2, 0))
return FALSE;
pguid->Data4[6] = (BYTE)dw;
if (!HexStringToDword(&lpsz, &dw, sizeof(BYTE)*2, /*(*/ '}'))
return FALSE;
pguid->Data4[7] = (BYTE)dw;
return TRUE;
* @doc INTERNAL InitRegistry()
* @api void | write all the default AVIFile/AVIStream handlers to the
* registry.
* @comm This function should be enhanced so that some of the key values
* can be loaded from resources, instead of a static string table....
* @xref AVIStreamInit
#if 0 // Registry is now setup on install or upgrade
#ifndef CHICAGO
// !!! Chicago currently sets these registry entries up at setup time.
// NT should someday do the same thing.
#include "avireg.h"
static void InitRegistry()
TCHAR **ppch = aszReg;
TCHAR ach[80];
LONG cb;
// !!! This should have a version number or something in it....
if (RegQueryValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ppch[0], ach, (cb = sizeof(ach),&cb)) == ERROR_SUCCESS &&
lstrcmpi(ach, ppch[1]) == 0) {
DPF("Registry is up to date: %ls\n\t%ls\n\t%ls\n", ach, ppch[0], ppch[1]);
DPF("Setting: (was) %ls\n\t%ls\n\t(now) %ls\n", ach, ppch[0], ppch[1]);
while (ppch[0])
if (((UINT) ppch[1]) < MAX_RC_CONSTANT) {
LoadString(ghMod, (UINT) ppch[1], ach, sizeof(ach)/sizeof(TCHAR));
RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ppch[0], REG_SZ, ach, 0L);
} else
#ifdef _WIN32
// string is too long for win 16
if (*ppch[1] == TEXT('@')) {
// This can only be generously described as a hack. We
// need to set a named value, but without restructuring
// avireg.h completely (or reimplementing something different)
// we cannot do so. Hence we allow "special" values. If the
// "value" starts with "@" we interpret it to mean that this
// is the value name, and the actual value follows.
HKEY hKey = 0;
RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ppch[0], 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hKey);
if (hKey) {
LONG l =
RegSetValueEx(hKey, ppch[1]+1, 0,
(1+lstrlen(ppch[2]))*sizeof(TCHAR)); // include NULL length
DPF2("Set Value Ex, return is %d\n\tValue is:%ls\n\tData is:%ls\n", l, ppch[1]+1, ppch[2]);
++ppch; // we must step three strings for named values
} else {
DPF2("Setting registry value: %ls\n\t%ls\n", ppch[0], ppch[1]);
RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ppch[0], REG_SZ, ppch[1], 0L);
ppch += 2;
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIFileInit
* @api void | AVIFileInit | This function initalizes the AVIFILE library.
* @comm Call this function before using any other AVIFILE functions.
* @xref <f AVIFileExit>
// Force dynlink to OLE on NT as we use link to CoCreateInstance whereas
// Win95 uses the Shell instance call.
#ifdef DAYTONA
#define INITOLE (iInit==1) //Force load on NT if this is the first init
STDAPI_(void) AVIFileInit()
DPF("AVIFileInit: level now==%d\n", iInit);
#if defined(SHELLOLE) || defined(DAYTONA)
#ifndef _WIN32
#if 0 // Registry is now setup on install or upgrade
#ifndef CHICAGO
if (iInit == 1) {
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIFileExit
* @api void | AVIFileExit | This function exits the AVIFILE library.
* @comm Call this function after using any other AVIFILE functions.
* @xref <f AVIFileInit>
STDAPI_(void) AVIFileExit()
DPF("AVIFileExit: level now %d\n", iInit);
#if defined(SHELLOLE) || defined(DAYTONA)
#ifndef _WIN32
#else // not SHELLOLE
* @doc INTERNAL AVIFileCreate
* @api LONG | AVIFileCreate | Initializes an empty AVI File interface
* pointer.
* @parm PAVIFILE FAR * | ppfile | Pointer to where the new <t PAVIFILE>
* should be returned.
* @parm LONG | lParam | Specifies a parameter passed to the handler.
* @parm CLSID FAR * | pclsidHandler | Specifies a pointer to a
* class ID used to create the file.
* @devnote Nobody should have to call this function, because AVIFileOpen
* does it. In fact, why do we even have this?
* @rdesc Returns zero if successful; otherwise it returns an error code.
* @xref AVIFileOpen
STDAPI AVIFileCreate (PAVIFILE FAR *ppfile, LONG lParam,
CLSID FAR *pclsidHandler)
CLSID clsid;
if (!iInit) {
return ResultFromScode(CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED);
// AVIStreamInit();
if (pclsidHandler)
clsid = *pclsidHandler;
else {
// if (pfh == NULL)
// pfh = &AVIFFileHandler;
if (FAILED(GetScode(hr = CoCreateInstance((REFCLSID) clsid,
(void FAR* FAR*)ppfile)))) {
DPF("AVIFileCreate: CoCreateInstance failed code == %8x\n", hr);
return hr; // !!! PropagateHResult?
return AVIERR_OK;
// Remove trailing spaces after a file...
void FixFourCC(LPSTR lp)
int i;
for (i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
if (lp[i] == ' ')
lp[i] = '\0';
// Returns a pointer to the extension of a filename....
LPCOLESTR lpExt = lp;
int i;
// Goto end of string
while (*lpExt != TEXT('\0'))
// Must be at least 2 characters in string
if (lpExt - lp < 2 * sizeof(TCHAR))
return NULL;
lpExt -= 1;
// Does not count if last character is '.'
if (*lpExt == TEXT('.'))
return NULL;
lpExt -= 1;
// Now looking at second to the last character. Check this and the two
// previous characters for a '.'
for (i=1; i<=3; ++i)
// Cannot have path separator here
if (*lpExt == TEXT('/') || *lpExt == TEXT('\\'))
return NULL;
if (*lpExt == TEXT('.'))
return lpExt;
if (lpExt == lp)
return NULL;
return NULL;
* @doc INTERNAL GetHandlerFromFile
* @api PAVIFILEHANDLER | GetHandlerFromFile | Figure out what handler
* to use for a file by looking at its extension, its RIFF type,
* and possibly other things.
* @parm LPCTSTR | szFile | The file to look at.
* @parm CLSID FAR * | pclsidHandler | Pointer to a classID.
* @comm We don't look at the extensions yet. We need a better way to
* add handlers.
* @rdesc Returns the <PAVIFILEHANDLER> to use, or NULL if it can't find
* one.
* @xref AVIFileOpen AVIRegisterLoader
#ifdef _WIN32
static SZCODE aszRegRIFF[] = TEXT("AVIFile\\RIFFHandlers\\%.4hs");
static SZCODE aszRegRIFF[] = TEXT("AVIFile\\RIFFHandlers\\%.4s");
static SZCODE aszRegExt[] = TEXT("AVIFile\\Extensions");
static SZCODE aszRegClsid[] = TEXT("Clsid");
static SZCODE aszRegExtTmpl[] = TEXT("%s\\%.3ls");
BOOL GetHandlerFromFile(LPCOLESTR szFile, CLSID FAR *pclsid)
TCHAR achKey[100];
TCHAR achClass[100];
LONG lcbClass;
#if !defined _WIN32 || defined UNICODE
DWORD dw[3];
HMMIO hmmio;
// I hate share
hmmio = mmioOpen((LPTSTR) szFile, NULL, MMIO_READ | MMIO_DENYWRITE);
if (hmmio == NULL)
hmmio = mmioOpen((LPTSTR) szFile, NULL, MMIO_READ | MMIO_DENYNONE);
if (hmmio == NULL)
hmmio = mmioOpen((LPTSTR) szFile, NULL, MMIO_READ);
if (hmmio == NULL)
goto UseExtension;
if (mmioRead(hmmio, (HPSTR) dw, sizeof(dw)) != sizeof(dw)) {
mmioClose(hmmio, 0);
goto UseExtension;
mmioClose(hmmio, 0);
if (dw[0] != FOURCC_RIFF)
goto UseExtension;
FixFourCC((LPSTR) &dw[2]);
// Look up the RIFF type in the registration database....
wsprintf(achKey, aszRegRIFF, (LPSTR) &dw[2]);
lcbClass = sizeof(achClass);
RegQueryValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, achKey, achClass, &lcbClass);
if (GUIDFromString(achClass, pclsid))
return TRUE;
lpExt = FindExtension(szFile);
if (lpExt) {
// Look up the extension in the registration database....
wsprintf(achKey, aszRegExtTmpl, (LPTSTR) aszRegExt, lpExt);
lcbClass = sizeof(achClass);
RegQueryValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, achKey, achClass, &lcbClass);
if (GUIDFromString(achClass, pclsid))
return TRUE;
// !!! Use IStorage?
return FALSE;
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIFileOpen
* @api LONG | AVIFileOpen | Opens an AVI file and returns a file interface
* pointer used to access it.
* @parm PAVIFILE FAR * | ppfile | Pointer to the location used to return
* the new <t PAVIFILE> file pointer.
* @parm LPCTSTR | szFile | Specifies a zero-terminated string
* containing the name of the file to open.
* @parm UINT | mode | Specifies the mode to use when opening the file.
* @flag OF_READ | Opens the file for reading only. This is the
* default, if OF_WRITE and OF_READWRITE are not specified.
* @flag OF_WRITE | Opens the file for writing. You should not
* read from a file opened in this mode.
* @flag OF_READWRITE | Opens the file for both reading and writing.
* @flag OF_CREATE | Creates a new file.
* If the file already exists, it is truncated to zero length.
* @flag OF_DENYWRITE | Opens the file and denies other
* processes write access to the file. <f AVIFileOpen> fails
* if the file has been opened in compatibility or for write
* access by any other process.
* @flag OF_DENYREAD | Opens the file and denies other
* processes read access to the file. <f AVIFileOpen> fails if the
* file has been opened in compatibility mode or for read access
* by any other process.
* @flag OF_DENYNONE | Opens the file without denying other
* processes read or write access to the file. <f AVIFileOpen>
* fails if the file has been opened in compatibility mode
* by any other process.
* @flag OF_EXCLUSIVE | Opens the file and denies other processes
* any access to the file. <f AVIFileOpen> will fail if any
* other process has opened the file.
* See <f OpenFile> for more information about these flags.
* @parm CLSID FAR * | pclsidHandler | Specifies a pointer to a class ID
* identifying the handler you want to use. If NULL, the system
* chooses one from the registration database based on the file
* extension or the file's RIFF type.
* @comm In general, the mode specified is used to open
* the file.
* Be sure to call <f AVIFileInit> at least once in your
* application before calling this function, and to balance each
* call to <f AVIFileInit> with a call to <f AVIFileExit>.
* @rdesc Returns zero if successful; otherwise returns an error code.
* Possible error returns include:
* @flag AVIERR_BADFORMAT | The file was corrupted or not in the
* proper format, and could not be read.
* @flag AVIERR_MEMORY | The file could not be opened because
* there was not enough memory.
* @flag AVIERR_FILEREAD | A disk error occurred while reading the
* file.
* @flag AVIERR_FILEOPEN | A disk error occurred while opening the
* file.
* @flag REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG | No handler could be found to open
* this type of file.
* @xref <f AVIFileRelease> <f AVIFileInit>
#ifdef _WIN32
(PAVIFILE FAR *ppfile,
UINT mode,
CLSID FAR *pclsidHandler)
CLSID clsid;
// We used to just fail if AVIFileInit wasn't called
#if 0
if (!iInit) {
return ResultFromScode(E_UNEXPECTED);
#if 0
// Now we do it for them
hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
// Let them know what they did wrong
if (GetScode(hr) == NOERROR) {
#ifdef DEBUG
MessageBoxA(NULL, "You didn't call AVIFileInit!", "Bad dog!",
} else
*ppfile = 0;
if (pclsidHandler) {
clsid = *pclsidHandler;
DPF2("AVIFileOpen using explicit clsid %8x, %8x, %8x, %8x\n", clsid);
else {
if (!GetHandlerFromFile(szFile, &clsid)) {
DPF("Couldn't find handler for %s\n", (LPTSTR) szFile);
return ResultFromScode(REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG);
if (FAILED(GetScode(hr = CoCreateInstance((REFCLSID) clsid,
(REFIID) IID_IUnknown,
(void FAR* FAR*)&punk)))) {
DPF("CoCreateInstance returns %08lx\n", (DWORD) hr);
return hr;
// Let's simplify things for the handlers. They will only see...
if (mode & OF_READWRITE)
mode &= ~(OF_WRITE | OF_READ);
if (mode & OF_CREATE) {
mode &= ~(OF_WRITE | OF_READ);
if (mode & OF_WRITE) {
mode &= ~(OF_WRITE | OF_READ);
#ifdef _WIN32
IPersistFile * lpPersist = NULL;
hr = punk->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, ( LPVOID FAR *) &lpPersist);
if (SUCCEEDED(GetScode(hr))) {
hr = punk->QueryInterface(IID_IAVIFile, ( LPVOID FAR *) ppfile);
if (SUCCEEDED(GetScode(hr))) {
if (FAILED(GetScode(hr = lpPersist->Load(szFile, mode)))) {
DPF("Open method returns %08lx\n", (DWORD) hr);
*ppfile = NULL;
hr = punk->QueryInterface(IID_IAVIFile, ( LPVOID FAR *) ppfile);
if (SUCCEEDED(GetScode(hr))) {
if (FAILED(GetScode(hr = (*ppfile)->Open(szFile, mode)))) {
DPF("Open method returns %08lx\n", (DWORD) hr);
*ppfile = NULL;
return hr;
#ifdef _WIN32
* Ansi thunk for AVIFileOpen
LPCSTR szFile,
UINT mode,
CLSID FAR *pclsidHandler)
int sz;
// remember the null
sz = lstrlenA(szFile) + 1;
lpW = (LPWSTR) (LocalAlloc(LPTR, sz * sizeof(WCHAR)));
if (lpW == NULL) {
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_MEMORY);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szFile, -1, lpW, sz);
hr = AVIFileOpenW(ppfile, lpW, mode, pclsidHandler);
return hr;
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIFileAddRef
* @api LONG | AVIFileAddRef | Increases the reference count of an AVI file.
* @parm PAVIFILE | pfile | Specifies the handle for an open AVI file.
* @rdesc Returns the reference count of the file. This return value
* should be used only for debugging purposes.
* @comm Balance each call to <f AVIFileAddRef> with a call to
* <f AVIFileRelease>.
* @xref <f AVIFileRelease>
return pfile->AddRef();
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIFileRelease
* @api LONG | AVIFileRelease | Reduces the reference count of an AVI file
* interface handle by one, and closes the file if the count reaches
* zero.
* @parm PAVIFILE | pfile | Specifies a handle to an open AVI file.
* @comm Balance each call to <f AVIFileAddRef> or <f AVIFileOpen>
* a call to <f AVIFileRelease>.
* @devnote Currently, this saves all changes to the file. Should a separate
* Save command be needed to do this?
* @rdesc Returns the reference count of the file. This return value
* should be used only for debugging purposes.
* @xref AVIFileOpen AVIFileAddRef
return pfile->Release();
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIFileInfo
* @api LONG | AVIFileInfo | Obtains information about an AVI file.
* @parm PAVIFILE | pfile | Specifies a handle to an open AVI file.
* @parm AVIFILEINFO FAR * | pfi | Pointer to the structure used to
* return file information.
* @parm LONG | lSize | Specifies the size of the structure. This value
* should be at least sizeof(AVIFILEINFO), obviously.
* @rdesc Returns zero if successful; otherwise it returns an error code.
LONG lSize)
_fmemset(pfi, 0, (int)lSize);
return pfile->Info(pfi, lSize);
#ifdef _WIN32
// ansi thunk for above function
LONG lSize)
// if size too small - tough
if (lSize < sizeof(AVIFILEINFOA)) {
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_BADSIZE);
hr = AVIFileInfoW(pfile, &fiW, sizeof(fiW));
pfiA->dwMaxBytesPerSec = fiW.dwMaxBytesPerSec;
pfiA->dwFlags = fiW.dwFlags;
pfiA->dwCaps = fiW.dwCaps;
pfiA->dwStreams = fiW.dwStreams;
pfiA->dwSuggestedBufferSize = fiW.dwSuggestedBufferSize;
pfiA->dwWidth = fiW.dwWidth;
pfiA->dwHeight = fiW.dwHeight;
pfiA->dwScale = fiW.dwScale;
pfiA->dwRate = fiW.dwRate;
pfiA->dwLength = fiW.dwLength;
pfiA->dwEditCount = fiW.dwEditCount;
// convert the name
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, fiW.szFileType, -1,
pfiA->szFileType, NUMELMS(pfiA->szFileType), NULL, NULL);
return hr;
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIFileGetStream
* @api LONG | AVIFileGetStream | Returns a pointer to a stream interface
* that is a component of a file.
* @parm PAVIFILE | pfile | Specifies a handle to an open AVI file.
* @parm PAVISTREAM FAR * | ppavi | Pointer to the return location
* for the new stream interface pointer.
* @parm DWORD | fccType | Specifies a four-character code
* indicating the type of stream to be opened.
* Zero indicates that any stream can be opened. The following
* definitions apply to the data commonly
* found in AVI streams:
* @flag streamtypeAUDIO | Indicates an audio stream.
* @flag streamtypeMIDI | Indicates a MIDI stream.
* @flag streamtypeTEXT | Indicates a text stream.
* @flag streamtypeVIDEO | Indicates a video stream.
* @parm LONG | lParam | Specifies an integer indicating which stream
* of the type defined by <p fccType> should actually be accessed.
* @comm Balance each call to <f AVIFileGetStream> with a call to
* <f AVIStreamRelease> using the stream handle returned.
* @rdesc Returns zero if successful; otherwise it returns an error code.
* Possible error codes include:
* @flag AVIERR_NODATA | There is no stream in the file corresponding
* to the values passed in for <p fccType> and <p lParam>.
* @flag AVIERR_MEMORY | Not enough memory.
* @xref <f AVIStreamRelease>
STDAPI AVIFileGetStream (PAVIFILE pfile, PAVISTREAM FAR * ppavi, DWORD fccType, LONG lParam)
return pfile->GetStream(ppavi, fccType, lParam);
#if 0
// !!! This would be used to save changes, if AVIFileRelease didn't do that.
if (pfile->FileSave == NULL)
return -1;
return pfile->FileSave(pfile, szFile, lpOptions, lpfnCallback);
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIFileCreateStream
* @api LONG | AVIFileCreateStream | Creates a new stream in an existing file,
* and returns a stream interface pointer for it.
* @parm PAVIFILE | pfile | Specifies a handle to an open AVI file.
* @parm PAVISTREAM FAR * | ppavi | Specifies a pointer used to return the new
* stream interface pointer.
* @parm AVISTREAMINFO FAR * | psi | Specifies a pointer to a structure
* containing information about the new stream. This structure
* contains the type of the new stream and its sample rate.
* @comm Balance each call to <f AVIFileCreateStream> with a call to
* <f AVIStreamRelease> using the returned stream handle.
* This function fails with a return value of AVIERR_READONLY unless
* the file was opened with write permission.
* After creating the stream, call <f AVIStreamSetFormat>
* before using <f AVIStreamWrite> to write to the stream.
* @rdesc Returns zero if successful; otherwise it returns an error code.
* @xref <f AVIStreamRelease> <f AVIFileGetStream> <f AVIStreamSetFormat>
#ifdef _WIN32
(PAVIFILE pfile,
*ppavi = NULL;
return pfile->CreateStream(ppavi, psi);
#ifdef _WIN32
* Ansi thunk for AVIFileCreateStream
STDAPI AVIFileCreateStreamA (PAVIFILE pfile,
*ppavi = NULL;
#ifdef UNICODE
// Copy the AVISTREAMINFOA structure to the unicode equivalent. We
// rely on the fact - policed - that the szName element is the last
// field in the structure.
memcpy(&siW, psi, FIELD_OFFSET(AVISTREAMINFOA, szName));
Assert((FIELD_OFFSET(AVISTREAMINFOA, szName) + sizeof(psi->szName)) == sizeof(*psi));
memcpy(&siW, psi, sizeof(*psi)-sizeof(psi->szName));
// convert the name
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, psi->szName, NUMELMS(psi->szName),
siW.szName, NUMELMS(siW.szName));
return pfile->CreateStream(ppavi, &siW);
// no need to copy anything back ??
* @doc INTERNAL AVIFileAddStream
* @api LONG | AVIFileAddStream | Adds an existing stream into
* an existing file, and returns a stream interface pointer for it.
* @parm PAVIFILE | pfile | Specifies a handle to an open AVI file.
* @parm PAVISTREAM | pavi | Specifies a stream interface pointer
* for the stream being added.
* @parm PAVISTREAM FAR * | ppaviNew | Pointer to a buffer used
* to return the new stream interface pointer.
* @comm Balance each call to <f AVIFileAddStream> with a call to
* <f AVIStreamRelease> using the returned stream handle.
* This call fails with a return value of AVIERR_READONLY unless
* the file was opened with write permission.
* @devnote This function still doesn't really work. Perhaps it should just
* be a helper function that gets data from the stream and calls
* AVIFileCreateStream, then copies the data from one stream to another.
* @rdesc Returns zero if successful; otherwise it returns an error code.
* @xref AVIStreamRelease AVIFileGetStream AVIFileCreateStream
#if 0
STDAPI AVIFileAddStream (PAVIFILE pfile,
// if (pfile->FileAddStream == NULL)
// return -1;
return pfile->AddStream(pavi, ppaviNew);
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIFileWriteData
* @api LONG | AVIFileWriteData | Writes some additional data to the file.
* @parm PAVIFILE | pfile | Specifies a handle to an open AVI file.
* @parm DWORD | ckid | Specifies a four-character code identifying the data.
* @parm LPVOID | lpData | Specifies a pointer to the data to write.
* @parm LONG | cbData | Specifies the size of the memory block
* referenced by <p lpData>.
* @comm This function fails with a return value of AVIERR_READONLY unless
* the file was opened with write permission.
* Use <f AVIStreamWriteData> instead of this function to write
* data that applies to an individual stream.
* @devnote !!! Somewhere, we should specify some types.
* !!! Should the data block contain the ckid and cksize?
* @rdesc Returns zero if successful; otherwise it returns an error code.
* @xref <f AVIStreamWriteData> <f AVIFileReadData>
STDAPI AVIFileWriteData (PAVIFILE pfile,
DWORD ckid,
LPVOID lpData,
LONG cbData)
// if (pfile->FileWriteData == NULL)
// return -1;
return pfile->WriteData(ckid, lpData, cbData);
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIFileReadData
* @api LONG | AVIFileReadData | Reads optional header data from the file.
* @parm PAVIFILE | pfile | Specifies a handle to an open AVI file.
* @parm DWORD | ckid | Specifies a four-character code identifying the data.
* @parm LPVOID | lpData | Specifies a pointer to a buffer used to return
* the data read.
* @parm LONG FAR * | lpcbData | Specifies a pointer to a location indicating
* the size of the memory block referred to by <p lpData>. If
* the read is successful, the value is changed to indicate the
* amount of data read.
* @devnote !!! Somewhere, we should specify some types.
* !!! Should the data block contain the ckid and cksize?
* @comm Do not use this function to read video and audio data. Use it
* only to read additional information such as author
* information or copyright information that applies to the file
* as a whole. Information that applies to a single stream should
* be read using <f AVIStreamReadData>.
* @rdesc Returns zero if successful; otherwise it returns an error code.
* The return value AVIERR_NODATA indicates that data with the
* requested chunk ID does not exist.
* @xref <f AVIStreamReadData> <f AVIFileWriteData>
DWORD ckid,
LPVOID lpData,
LONG FAR * lpcbData)
return pfile->ReadData(ckid, lpData, lpcbData);
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIFileEndRecord
* @api LONG | AVIFileEndRecord | Marks the end of a record, if writing out
* a strictly interleaved file.
* @parm PAVIFILE | pfile | Specifies a handle to a currently open AVI file.
* @comm <f AVIFileSave> uses this function when writing files that are
* have audio interleaved every frame. In general, applications
* should not need to use this function.
* @rdesc Returns zero if successful; otherwise it returns an error code.
* @xref <f AVIFileSave> <f AVIStreamWrite>
STDAPI AVIFileEndRecord (PAVIFILE pfile)
// if (pfile->FileEndRecord == NULL)
// return -1;
return pfile->EndRecord();
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIStreamAddRef
* @api LONG | AVIStreamAddRef | Increases the reference count of an AVI stream.
* @parm PAVISTREAM | pavi | Specifies a handle to an open AVI stream.
* @comm Balance each call to <f AVIStreamAddRef> with a call to
* <f AVIStreamRelease>.
* @rdesc Returns the current reference count of the stream. This value
* should only be used for debugging purposes.
* @xref <f AVIStreamRelease>
return pavi->AddRef();
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIStreamRelease
* @api LONG | AVIStreamRelease | Reduces the reference count of an AVI stream
* interface handle by one, and closes the stream if the count reaches
* zero.
* @parm PAVISTREAM | pavi | Specifies a handle to an open stream.
* @comm Balance each call to <f AVIStreamAddRef> or <f AVIFileGetStream>
* with a call to <f AVIStreamRelease>.
* @rdesc Returns the current reference count of the stream. This value
* should only be used for debugging purposes.
* @xref <f AVIFileGetStream> <f AVIStreamAddRef>
return pavi->Release();
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIStreamInfo
* @api LONG | AVIStreamInfo | Obtains stream header information.
* @parm PAVISTREAM | pavi | Specifies a handle to an open stream.
* @parm AVISTREAMINFO FAR * | psi | Specifies a pointer to a structure
* used to return stream information.
* @parm LONG | lSize | Specifies the size of the structure used for
* <p psi>.
* @rdesc Returns zero if successful; otherwise it returns an error code.
_fmemset(psi, 0, (int)lSize);
return pavi->Info(psi, lSize);
#ifdef _WIN32
//Ansi thunk for above function
LONG lSize
hr = AVIStreamInfoW(pavi, &sW, sizeof(sW));
// is the size big enough
if (lSize < sizeof(AVISTREAMINFOA)) {
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_BADSIZE);
// copy non-char-related fields
psi->fccType = sW.fccType;
psi->fccHandler = sW.fccHandler;
psi->dwFlags = sW.dwFlags;
psi->dwCaps = sW.dwCaps;
psi->wPriority = sW.wPriority;
psi->wLanguage = sW.wLanguage;
psi->dwScale = sW.dwScale;
psi->dwRate = sW.dwRate;
psi->dwStart = sW.dwStart;
psi->dwLength = sW.dwLength;
psi->dwInitialFrames = sW.dwInitialFrames;
psi->dwSuggestedBufferSize = sW.dwSuggestedBufferSize;
psi->dwQuality = sW.dwQuality;
psi->dwSampleSize = sW.dwSampleSize;
psi->rcFrame = sW.rcFrame;
psi->dwEditCount = sW.dwEditCount;
psi->dwFormatChangeCount = sW.dwFormatChangeCount;
// convert the name
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, sW.szName, -1,
psi->szName, NUMELMS(psi->szName), NULL, NULL);
return hr;
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIStreamFindSample
* @api LONG | AVIStreamFindSample | Returns the position of
* a key frames or non-empty frame relative to the specified position.
* @parm PAVISTREAM | pavi | Specifies a handle to an open stream.
* @parm LONG | lPos | Specifies the starting position
* for the search.
* @parm LONG | lFlags | The following flags are defined:
* @flag FIND_KEY | Finds a key frame.
* @flag FIND_ANY | Finds a non-empty sample.
* @flag FIND_FORMAT | Finds a format change.
* @flag FIND_NEXT | Finds nearest sample, frame, or format change
* searching forward. The current sample is
* included in the search. Use this flag with the
* @flag FIND_PREV | Finds nearest sample, frame, or format change
* searching backwards. The current sample is
* included in the search. Use this flag with the
* @comm The FIND_KEY, FIND_ANY, and FIND_FORMAT flags are mutually exclusive.
* The FIND_NEXT and FIND_PREV flags are also mutually exclusive.
* For example:
* @ex FIND_PREV|FIND_KEY Returns the first key sample prior to or at
* <p lPos>.
* FIND_PREV|FIND_ANY Returns the first non-empty sample prior to
* or at <p lPos>.
* FIND_NEXT|FIND_KEY Returns the first key sample after <p lPos>,
* or -1 if a key sample does not follow <p lPos>.
* FIND_NEXT|FIND_ANY Returns the first non-empty sample after <p lPos>,
* or -1 if a sample does not exist after <p lPos>.
* FIND_NEXT|FIND_FORMAT Returns the first format change after or
* at <p lPos>, or -1 if the stream does not
* have format changes.
* FIND_PREV|FIND_FORMAT Returns the first format change prior to
* or at <p lPos>. If the stream does not
* have format changes, it returns the first sample
* @rdesc Returns the position found. In many boundary cases, this
* function will return -1; see the example above for details.
STDAPI_(LONG) AVIStreamFindSample(PAVISTREAM pavi, LONG lPos, LONG lFlags)
// Default to Find Previous Key Frame
if ((lFlags & FIND_TYPE) == 0)
lFlags |= FIND_KEY;
if ((lFlags & FIND_DIR) == 0)
lFlags |= FIND_PREV;
return pavi->FindSample(lPos, lFlags);
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIStreamReadFormat
* @api LONG | AVIStreamReadFormat | Reads the stream format data.
* @parm PAVISTREAM | pavi | Specifies a handle to an open stream.
* @parm LONG | lPos | Specifies the position in the stream
* used to obtain the format data.
* @parm LPVOID | lpFormat | Specifies a pointer to a buffer
* used to return the format data.
* @parm LONG FAR * | lpcbFormat | Specifies a pointer to a
* location indicating the size of the memory block
* referred to by <p lpFormat>. On return, the value is
* changed to indicate the amount of data read. If
* <p lpFormat> is NULL, this parameter can be used
* to obtain the amount of memory needed to return the format.
* @comm This function will return part of the format even if the buffer
* provided is not large enough to hold the entire format. In this case
* the return value will be AVIERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL, and the location
* referenced by <p lpcbFormat> will be filled in with the size
* of the entire format.
* This is useful because it allows you to use a buffer the
* size of a <t BITMAPINFOHEADER> structure and
* retrieve just the common part of the video format if you are not
* interested in extended format information or palette information.
* @rdesc Returns zero if successful, otherwise it returns an error code.
STDAPI AVIStreamReadFormat (PAVISTREAM pavi, LONG lPos,
LPVOID lpFormat, LONG FAR *lpcbFormat)
// if (pavi->StreamReadFormat == NULL)
// return -1;
return pavi->ReadFormat(lPos, lpFormat, lpcbFormat);
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIStreamSetFormat
* @api LONG | AVIStreamSetFormat | Sets the format of a stream at the
* specified position.
* @parm PAVISTREAM | pavi | Specifies a handle to open stream.
* @parm LONG | lPos | Specifies the position in the stream to
* receive the format.
* @parm LPVOID | lpFormat | Specifies a pointer to a structure
* containing the new format.
* @parm LONG | cbFormat | Specifies the size of the block of memory
* referred to by <p lpFormat> in bytes.
* @comm After creating a new stream with <f AVIFileCreateStream>,
* call this function to set the stream's format.
* The handler for writing AVI files does not, in general, accept
* format changes. Aside from setting the initial format for a
* stream, only changes in the palette of a video stream are allowed
* in an AVI file. The palette change must be after
* any frames already written to the AVI file. Other handlers may
* impose different restrictions.
* @rdesc Returns zero if successful, otherwise it returns an error code.
* @xref <f AVIFileCreateStream> <f AVIStreamReadFormat>
STDAPI AVIStreamSetFormat (PAVISTREAM pavi, LONG lPos,
LPVOID lpFormat, LONG cbFormat)
// if (pavi->StreamSetFormat == NULL)
// return -1;
return pavi->SetFormat(lPos, lpFormat, cbFormat);
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIStreamReadData
* @api LONG | AVIStreamReadData | Reads optional header data from a stream.
* @parm PAVISTREAM | pavi | Specifies a handle to an open stream.
* @parm DWORD | ckid | Specifies a four-character code identifying the data.
* @parm LPVOID | lpData | Specifies a pointer to used to return
* the data read.
* @parm LONG FAR * | lpcbData | Points to a location which
* specifies the buffer size used for <p lpData>.
* If the read is successful, AVIFile changes this value
* to indicate the amount of data written into the buffer for
* <p lpData>.
* @comm This function only retrieves header information
* from the stream. To read the actual multimedia content of the
* stream, use <f AVIStreamRead>.
* @devnote !!! Somewhere, we should specify some types.
* !!! Should the data block contain the ckid and cksize?
* @rdesc Returns zero if successful; otherwise it returns an error code.
* The return value AVIERR_NODATA indicates the system could not
* find any data with the specified chunk ID.
* @xref <f AVIFileReadData> <f AVIStreamWriteData> <f AVIStreamWrite>
STDAPI AVIStreamReadData (PAVISTREAM pavi, DWORD ckid, LPVOID lpData, LONG FAR *lpcbData)
// if (pavi->StreamReadData == NULL)
// return -1;
return pavi->ReadData(ckid, lpData, lpcbData);
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIStreamWriteData
* @api LONG | AVIStreamWriteData | Writes optional data to the stream.
* @parm PAVISTREAM | pavi | Specifies a handle to an open stream.
* @parm DWORD | ckid | Specifies a four-character code identifying the data.
* @parm LPVOID | lpData | Specifies a pointer to a buffer containing
* the data to write.
* @parm LONG | cbData | Indicates the number of bytes of data to be copied
* from <p lpData> into the stream.
* @comm This function only writes header information to the stream.
* To write the actual multimedia content of the stream, use
* <f AVIStreamWrite>. Use <f AVIFileWriteData> to write
* data that applies to an entire file.
* This call fails with a return value of AVIERR_READONLY unless
* the file was opened with write permission.
* @devnote !!! Somewhere, we should specify some types.
* !!! Should the data block contain the ckid and cksize?
* @rdesc Returns zero if successful; otherwise it returns an error code.
* @xref <f AVIFileWriteData> <f AVIStreamReadData> <f AVIStreamWrite>
STDAPI AVIStreamWriteData (PAVISTREAM pavi, DWORD ckid, LPVOID lpData, LONG cbData)
return pavi->WriteData(ckid, lpData, cbData);
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIStreamRead
* @api LONG | AVIStreamRead | Reads audio or video data from a stream.
* @parm PAVISTREAM | pavi | Specifies a handle to an open stream.
* @parm LONG | lStart | Specifies the starting sample to read.
* @parm LONG | lSamples | Specifies the number of samples to read.
* @parm LPVOID | lpBuffer | Specifies a pointer to a buffer used to
* return the data.
* @parm LONG | cbBuffer | Specifies the size of buffer pointed to by <p lpBuffer>.
* @parm LONG FAR * | plBytes | Specifies a pointer to the location
* used to return number of bytes of data written into the
* buffer for <p lpBuffer>. <p plBytes> can be NULL.
* @parm LONG FAR * | plSamples | Specifies a pointer to the location
* used to return the number of samples written into the buffer for
* for <p lpBuffer>. <p plSamples> can be NULL.
* @comm If <p lpBuffer> is NULL, this function does not read
* any data; it returns information about the size of data
* that would be read.
* See <f AVIStreamLength> for a discussion of how sample numbers
* correspond to the data you want to read.
* @rdesc Returns zero if successful, or an error code. Use <p plBytes>
* and <p plSamples> to find out how much was actually read.
* Possible errors include:
* @flag AVIERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL | The buffer size <p cbBuffer> was
* too small to read in even a single sample of data.
* @flag AVIERR_MEMORY | There was not enough memory for some
* reason to complete the read operation.
* @flag AVIERR_FILEREAD | A disk error occurred while reading the
* file.
* @xref <f AVIFileGetStream> <f AVIStreamFindSample> <f AVIStreamWrite>
LONG lStart, LONG lSamples,
LPVOID lpBuffer, LONG cbBuffer,
LONG FAR * plBytes, LONG FAR * plSamples)
// if (pavi->StreamRead == NULL)
// return -1;
return pavi->Read(lStart, lSamples, lpBuffer, cbBuffer, plBytes, plSamples);
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIStreamWrite
* @api LONG | AVIStreamWrite | Writes data to a stream.
* @parm PAVISTREAM | pavi | Specifies a handle to an open stream.
* @parm LONG | lStart | Specifies the starting sample to write.
* @parm LONG | lSamples | Specifies the number of samples to write.
* @parm LPVOID | lpBuffer | Specifies a pointer to buffer
* containing the data to write.
* @parm LONG | cbBuffer | Specifies the size of buffer used by <p lpBuffer>.
* @parm DWORD | dwFlags | Specifies any flags associated with this data.
* The following flags are defined:
* @flag AVIIF_KEYFRAME | Indicates this data does not rely on preceding
* data in the file.
* @parm LONG FAR * | plSampWritten | Specifies a pointer to a location
* used to return the number of samples written. This can be set
* to NULL.
* @parm LONG FAR * | plBytesWritten | Specifies a pointer to a location
* used to return the number of bytes written. This can be set
* to NULL.
* @comm The default AVI file handler only supports writing to the end
* of a stream. The WAVE file handler supports writing anywhere.
* This function overwrites existing data, rather than inserting
* new data.
* See <f AVIStreamLength> for a discussion of how sample numbers
* correspond to the data you want to read.
* @rdesc Returns zero if successful; otherwise it returns an error code.
* @xref <f AVIFileGetStream> <f AVIFileCreateStream> <f AVIStreamRead>
LONG lStart, LONG lSamples,
LPVOID lpBuffer, LONG cbBuffer,
DWORD dwFlags,
LONG FAR *plSampWritten,
LONG FAR *plBytesWritten)
// if (pavi->StreamWrite == NULL)
// return -1;
return pavi->Write(lStart, lSamples, lpBuffer, cbBuffer,
dwFlags, plSampWritten, plBytesWritten);
* @doc INTERNAL AVIStreamDelete
* @api LONG | AVIStreamDelete | Deletes data from a stream.
* @parm PAVISTREAM | pavi | Specifies a handle to an open stream.
* @parm LONG | lStart | Specifies the starting sample to delete.
* @parm LONG | lSamples | Specifies the number of samples to delete.
* @devnote This isn't implemented by anybody yet. Should it be? Wave files,
* for instance, would have to copy lots of data around....
* @rdesc Returns zero if successful; otherwise it returns an error code.
* @xref
STDAPI AVIStreamDelete (PAVISTREAM pavi, LONG lStart, LONG lSamples)
// if (pavi->StreamDelete == NULL)
// return -1;
return pavi->Delete(lStart, lSamples);
#if 0
// !!! should this exist?
// if (pavi->StreamClone == NULL)
// return -1;
return pavi->Clone(ppaviNew);
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIStreamStart
* @api LONG | AVIStreamStart | Returns the starting sample of the stream.
* @parm PAVISTREAM | pavi | Specifies a handle to an open stream.
* @rdesc Returns the starting sample number for the stream, or -1 on error.
* @comm See <f AVIStreamLength> for a discussion of how sample numbers
* correspond to the data you want to read.
* @xref <f AVIStreamSampleToTime> <f AVIStreamLength>
pavi->Info(&avistream, sizeof(avistream));
return (LONG) avistream.dwStart;
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIStreamLength
* @api LONG | AVIStreamLength | Returns the length of the stream in samples.
* @parm PAVISTREAM | pavi | Specifies a handle to an open stream.
* @devnote Currently, this doesn't call a handler function at all.
* @rdesc Returns the stream's length in samples, or -1 on error.
* @comm Values in samples can be converted to milliseconds using
* the <f AVIStreamSampleToTime> function.
* For video streams, each sample generally corresponds to a
* frame of video. There may, however, be sample numbers for
* which no video data is actually present: If <f AVIStreamRead>
* is called at those positions, it will return a data length
* of zero bytes. You can use <f AVIStreamFindSample> with the
* FIND_ANY flag to find sample numbers which actually have data.
* For audio streams, each sample corresponds to one "block"
* of data. Note the conflicting terminology here: if you're
* working with 22KHz ADPCM data, each block of audio data is
* 256 bytes, corresponding to about 500 "audio samples" which
* will be presented to the speaker each 22000th of a second.
* From the point of view of the AVIFile APIs, however, each 256-byte
* block is a single sample, because they cannot be subdivided.
* Note that the stream's starting position may not be zero; see
* <f AVIStreamStart>. Valid positions within a stream range from
* start to start+length; there is no actual data present at position
* start+length, but that corresponds to a time after the last data
* has been rendered.
* @xref <f AVIStreamInfo>
hr = pavi->Info(&avistream, sizeof(avistream));
if (hr != NOERROR) {
DPF("Error in AVIStreamLength!\n");
return 1;
return (LONG) avistream.dwLength;
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIStreamTimeToSample
* @api LONG | AVIStreamTimeToSample | Converts from milliseconds to samples.
* @parm PAVISTREAM | pavi | Specifies a handle to an open stream.
* @parm LONG | lTime | Specifies the time in milliseconds.
* @devnote Currently, this doesn't call a handler function at all.
* @comm Samples typically correspond to audio samples or video frames.
* Other stream types might support different formats than these.
* @rdesc Returns the converted time, or -1 on error.
* @xref AVIStreamSampleToTime
STDAPI_(LONG) AVIStreamTimeToSample (PAVISTREAM pavi, LONG lTime)
LONG lSample;
// Invalid time
if (lTime < 0)
return -1;
hr = pavi->Info(&avistream, sizeof(avistream));
if (hr != NOERROR || avistream.dwScale == 0 || avistream.dwRate == 0) {
DPF("Error in AVIStreamTimeToSample!\n");
return lTime;
// This is likely to overflow if we're not careful for long AVIs
// so keep the 1000 inside the brackets.
if (avistream.dwRate / avistream.dwScale < 1000)
lSample = muldivrd32(lTime, avistream.dwRate, avistream.dwScale * 1000);
lSample = muldivru32(lTime, avistream.dwRate, avistream.dwScale * 1000);
lSample = min(max(lSample, (LONG) avistream.dwStart),
(LONG) (avistream.dwStart + avistream.dwLength));
return lSample;
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIStreamSampleToTime
* @api LONG | AVIStreamSampleToTime | Converts from samples to milliseconds.
* Samples can correspond to blocks of audio samples, video frames, or other format
* depending on the stream type.
* @parm PAVISTREAM | pavi | Specifies a handle to an open stream.
* @parm LONG | lSample | Specifies the position information.
* @rdesc Returns the converted time, or -1 on error.
* @xref <f AVIStreamTimeToSample>
STDAPI_(LONG) AVIStreamSampleToTime (PAVISTREAM pavi, LONG lSample)
hr = pavi->Info(&avistream, sizeof(avistream));
if (hr != NOERROR || avistream.dwRate == 0 || avistream.dwScale == 0) {
DPF("Error in AVIStreamSampleToTime!\n");
return lSample;
lSample = min(max(lSample, (LONG) avistream.dwStart),
(LONG) (avistream.dwStart + avistream.dwLength));
// lSample * 1000 would overflow too easily
if (avistream.dwRate / avistream.dwScale < 1000)
return muldivrd32(lSample, avistream.dwScale * 1000, avistream.dwRate);
return muldivru32(lSample, avistream.dwScale * 1000, avistream.dwRate);
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIStreamOpenFromFile
* @api LONG | AVIStreamOpenFromFile | This function provides a convenient
* way to open a single stream from a file.
* @parm PAVISTREAM FAR * | ppavi | Specifies a pointer to the location
* used to return the new stream handle.
* @parm LPCTSTR | szFile | Specifies a zero-terminated string containing
* the name of the file to open.
* @parm DWORD | fccType | Specifies a four-character code
* indicating the type of stream to be opened.
* Zero indicates that any stream can be opened. The following
* definitions apply to the data commonly
* found in AVI streams:
* @flag streamtypeAUDIO | Indicates an audio stream.
* @flag streamtypeMIDI | Indicates a MIDI stream.
* @flag streamtypeTEXT | Indicates a text stream.
* @flag streamtypeVIDEO | Indicates a video stream.
* @parm LONG | lParam | Indicates which stream of the type specified in
* <p fccType> should actually be accessed.
* @parm UINT | mode | Specifies the mode to use when opening the file.
* This function can only open existing streams so the OF_CREATE
* mode flag cannot be used. See
* <f OpenFile> for more information about the available flags.
* @parm CLSID FAR * | pclsidHandler | Specifies a pointer to a class ID
* identifying the handler you want to use. If NULL, the system
* chooses one from the registration database based on the file
* extension or the file's RIFF type.
* @comm Balance each call to <f AVIStreamOpenFromFile> with a
* call to <f AVIStreamRelease> using the stream handle returned.
* This function calls <f AVIFileOpen>, <f AVIFileGetStream>, and
* <f AVIFileRelease>.
* @rdesc Returns zero if successful; otherwise it returns an error code.
* @xref <f AVIFileOpen> <f AVIFileGetStream>
DWORD fccType, LONG lParam,
UINT mode, CLSID FAR *pclsidHandler)
hr = AVIFileOpenW(&pfile, szFile, mode, pclsidHandler);
if (!FAILED(GetScode(hr))) {
hr = AVIFileGetStream(pfile, ppavi, fccType, lParam);
AVIFileRelease(pfile); // the stream still has a reference to the file
return hr;
#ifdef _WIN32
// Ansi thunk
LPCSTR szFile,
DWORD fccType, LONG lParam,
UINT mode, CLSID FAR *pclsidHandler)
hr = AVIFileOpenA(&pfile, szFile, mode, pclsidHandler);
if (!FAILED(GetScode(hr))) {
hr = AVIFileGetStream(pfile, ppavi, fccType, lParam);
AVIFileRelease(pfile); // the stream still has a reference to the file
return hr;
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIStreamCreate
* @api LONG | AVIStreamCreate | Creates a stream not associated with any
* file.
* @parm PAVISTREAM FAR * | ppavi | Pointer to a location to return the
* new stream handle.
* @parm LONG | lParam1 | Specifies stream-handler specific information.
* @parm LONG | lParam2 | Specifies stream-handler specific information.
* @parm CLSID FAR * | pclsidHandler | Pointer to the class ID used
* for the stream.
* @comm Balance each call to <f AVIStreamCreate> with a
* call to <f AVIStreamRelease>.
* You should not need to call this function; functions like
* <f CreateEditableStream> and <f AVIMakeCompressedStream>
* use it internally.
* @rdesc Returns zero if successful; otherwise returns an error code.
* @xref <f AVIFileOpen> <f AVIFileGetStream>
STDAPI AVIStreamCreate (PAVISTREAM FAR *ppavi, LONG lParam1, LONG lParam2,
CLSID FAR *pclsidHandler)
CLSID clsid;
if (!iInit) {
return ResultFromScode(E_UNEXPECTED);
if (pclsidHandler)
clsid = *pclsidHandler;
else {
return ResultFromScode(REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG);
if (FAILED(GetScode(hr = CoCreateInstance((REFCLSID) clsid,
(void FAR* FAR*)ppavi))))
return hr;
if (FAILED(GetScode(hr = (*ppavi)->Create(lParam1, lParam2)))) {
// AVIStreamExit();
return AVIERR_OK;
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIStreamBeginStreaming
* @api LONG | AVIStreamBeginStreaming | Specifies the parameters for
* streaming and lets a stream handler prepare for streaming.
* @parm PAVISTREAM | pavi | Specifies a pointer to a stream.
* @parm LONG | lStart | Specifies the starting point for streaming.
* @parm LONG | lEnd | Specifies the ending point for streaming.
* @parm LONG | lRate | Specifies the speed at which the file will be
* read relative to its natural speed. Specify 1000 for the normal speed.
* @comm Many stream implementations ignore this function.
* @rdesc Returns zero if successful; otherwise returns an error code.
* @xref <f AVIStreamEndStreaming>
STDAPI AVIStreamBeginStreaming(PAVISTREAM pavi,
LONG lStart,
LONG lEnd,
LONG lRate)
IAVIStreaming FAR * pi;
if (FAILED(GetScode(pavi->QueryInterface(IID_IAVIStreaming,
(void FAR* FAR*) &pi))))
return AVIERR_OK;
hr = pi->Begin(lStart, lEnd, lRate);
return hr;
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIStreamEndStreaming
* @api LONG | AVIStreamEndStreaming | Ends streaming.
* @parm PAVISTREAM | pavi | Specifies a pointer to a stream.
* @comm Many stream implementations ignore this function.
* @rdesc Returns zero if successful; otherwise it returns an error code.
* @xref AVIStreamBeginStreaming
STDAPI AVIStreamEndStreaming(PAVISTREAM pavi)
IAVIStreaming FAR * pi;
if (FAILED(GetScode(pavi->QueryInterface(IID_IAVIStreaming, (LPVOID FAR *) &pi))))
return AVIERR_OK;
hr = pi->End();
return hr;
#if 0
* @doc INTERNAL AVIStreamHasChanged
* @api LONG | AVIStreamHasChanged | This function forces an update
* of the strem information for the specified stream.
* @parm PAVISTREAM | pavi | Interface pointer for an AVI stream instance.
* @rdesc Returns AVIERR_OK on success.
pavi->lFrame = -4224; // bogus value
AVIStreamInfo(pavi, &pavi->avistream, sizeof(pavi->avistream));
// !!! Only need to do this if format changes?
return AVIERR_OK;
#ifdef _WIN32
static SZCODE aszRegCompressors[] = TEXT("AVIFile\\Compressors\\%.4hs");
static SZCODE aszRegCompressors[] = TEXT("AVIFile\\Compressors\\%.4ls");
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIMakeCompressedStream
* @api HRESULT | AVIMakeCompressedStream | Returns a pointer to a
* compressed stream created from an uncompressed stream.
* The uncompressed stream is compressed using
* the compression options specified.
* @parm PAVISTREAM FAR * | ppsCompressed | Specifies a pointer to
* the location used to return the compressed stream pointer.
* @parm PAVISTREAM | psSource | Specifies a pointer to the stream to be compressed.
* @parm AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS FAR * | lpOptions | Specifies a pointer to a
* structure indicating the type compression to use and the options
* to apply.
* @parm CLSID FAR * | pclsidHandler | Specifies a pointer to a
* class ID used to create the stream.
* @comm This supports both audio and video compression. Applications
* can use the created stream for reading or writing.
* For video compression, either specify a handler to use or specify
* the format for the compressed data.
* For audio compression, you can only specify a format for the compressed
* data.
* @rdesc Returns AVIERR_OK on success, or an error code.
* Possible errors include:
* @flag AVIERR_NOCOMPRESSOR | No suitable compressor can be found.
* @flag AVIERR_MEMORY | There was not enough memory to complete the operation.
* @flag AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED | Compression is not supported for this type
* of data. This error may be returned if you try to compress
* data that is not audio or video.
STDAPI AVIMakeCompressedStream(
PAVISTREAM FAR * ppsCompressed,
CLSID FAR *pclsidHandler)
CLSID clsid;
TCHAR achKey[100];
TCHAR achClass[100];
LONG lcbClass;
*ppsCompressed = NULL;
if (pclsidHandler) {
clsid = *pclsidHandler;
} else {
if (FAILED(GetScode(hr = AVIStreamInfo(psSource,
return hr;
// Look up the stream type in the registration database to find
// the appropriate compressor....
wsprintf(achKey, aszRegCompressors, (LPSTR) &strhdr.fccType);
lcbClass = sizeof(achClass);
RegQueryValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, achKey, achClass, &lcbClass);
if (!GUIDFromString(achClass, &clsid))
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED);
if (FAILED(GetScode(hr = CoCreateInstance((REFCLSID) clsid,
(void FAR* FAR*)ppsCompressed))))
return hr; // !!! PropagateHResult?
if (FAILED(GetScode(hr = (*ppsCompressed)->Create((LPARAM) psSource,
(LPARAM) lpOptions)))) {
*ppsCompressed = NULL;
return hr;
return AVIERR_OK;
typedef struct {
TCHAR achClsid[64];
TCHAR achExtString[128];
SZCODE aszAnotherExtension[] = TEXT(";*.%s");
* @api LONG | atol | local version of atol
LONG l = 0;
while (*sz)
l = l*10 + *sz++ - TEXT('0');
return l;
// lstrcat lines will compile wrong with optimizations
// compiler! - Have less bugs!
#ifndef _WIN32
#pragma optimize("", off)
* @doc EXTERNAL AVIBuildFilter
* @api HRESULT | AVIBuildFilter | Builds a filter specification for passing
* to <f GetOpenFileName> or <f GetSaveFileName>.
* @parm LPTSTR | lpszFilter | Pointer to buffer where the filter string
* should be returned.
* @parm LONG | cbFilter | Size of buffer pointed to by <p lpszFilter>.
* @parm BOOL | fSaving | Indicates whether the filter should include only
* formats that can be written, or all formats that can be read.
* @rdesc Returns AVIERR_OK on success.
* @comm This function does not check if the DLLs referenced
* in the registration database actually exist.
STDAPI AVIBuildFilter(LPTSTR lpszFilter, LONG cbFilter, BOOL fSaving)
#define MAXFILTERS 256
int i;
int cf = 0;
HKEY hkey;
LONG lRet;
DWORD dwSubKey;
TCHAR ach[128];
TCHAR ach2[128];
TCHAR achExt[10];
LONG cb;
TCHAR achAllFiles[40];
int cbAllFiles;
// This string has a NULL in it, so remember its length for real....
cbAllFiles = LoadString(ghMod,
for (i = 0; i < cbAllFiles; i++)
if (achAllFiles[i] == TEXT('@'))
achAllFiles[i] = TEXT('\0');
// Allocate a largish amount of memory (98304 until the constants change)
if (!lpf) {
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_MEMORY);
lRet = RegOpenKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, aszRegExt, &hkey);
if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_ERROR);
// Make sure that AVI files come first in the list....
// !!! Should use StringFromClsid here!
lstrcpy(lpf[1].achClsid, TEXT("{00020000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"));
cf = 1;
// First, scan through the Extensions list looking for all of the
// handlers that are installed
for (dwSubKey = 0; ; dwSubKey++) {
lRet = RegEnumKey(hkey, dwSubKey, achExt, sizeof(achExt)/sizeof(achExt[0]));
if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
cb = sizeof(ach);
lRet = RegQueryValue(hkey, achExt, ach, &cb);
if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// See if we've seen this handler before
for (i = 1; i <= cf; i++) {
if (lstrcmp(ach, lpf[i].achClsid) == 0) {
// If not, add it to our list of handlers
if (i == cf + 1) {
if (cf == MAXFILTERS) {
DPF("Too many filters!\n");
lstrcpy(lpf[i].achClsid, ach);
cb = sizeof(ach);
wsprintf(ach2, TEXT("%s\\AVIFile"), (LPTSTR) ach);
lRet = RegQueryValue(hkey, ach2, ach, &cb);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet) {
lRet = atol(ach);
if (fSaving) {
} else {
wsprintf(ach, aszAnotherExtension, (LPTSTR) achExt);
lstrcat(lpf[i].achExtString, lpf[i].achExtString[0] ?
ach : ach + 1);
lstrcat(lpf[0].achExtString, lpf[0].achExtString[0] ?
ach : ach + 1);
lRet = RegOpenKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, aszRegClsid, &hkey);
if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_ERROR);
// Now, scan through our list of handlers and build up the
// filter to use....
for (i = 0; i <= cf; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
cb = wsprintf(lpszFilter, TEXT("All multimedia files")) + 1; // !!!
} else {
cb = sizeof(ach);
lRet = RegQueryValue(hkey, lpf[i].achClsid, ach, &cb);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRet) {
continue; // iterate if we fail to read the data
if (cbFilter < (LONG)(lstrlen(lpf[i].achExtString) +
(LONG)lstrlen(ach) + 10)) {
break; // !!!
cb = wsprintf(lpszFilter, TEXT("%s"), // "%s (%s)", Todd doesn't like this
(LPTSTR) ach, (LPTSTR) lpf[i].achExtString) + 1;
cbFilter -= cb;
lpszFilter += cb;
#ifdef UNICODE
lpszFilter, lpf[i].achExtString, (int) cbFilter);
cbFilter -= lstrlen(lpf[i].achExtString) + 1;
lpszFilter += lstrlen(lpf[i].achExtString) + 1;
if (cbFilter <= 0) {
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL);
if (cbFilter > cbAllFiles) {
_fmemcpy(lpszFilter, achAllFiles, cbAllFiles*sizeof(TCHAR));
cbFilter -= cbAllFiles;
lpszFilter += cbAllFiles;
*lpszFilter++ = TEXT('\0');
--cbFilter; // This line is bogus
return AVIERR_OK;
#ifndef _WIN32
#pragma optimize("", on)
#ifdef UNICODE
// Ansi thunk for AVIBuildFilter
STDAPI AVIBuildFilterA(LPSTR lpszFilter, LONG cbFilter, BOOL fSaving)
// get the UNICODE filter block
LPWSTR lpW, lpWSave;
int sz;
int cbCount,cbMFilter=0;
lpWSave = lpW = (LPWSTR)(LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbFilter * sizeof(WCHAR)));
hr = AVIBuildFilterW(lpW, cbFilter, fSaving);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
return hr;
// now translate each null-term unicode string in the double-null block
LPSTR pFilter = lpszFilter;
while( (sz = lstrlen(lpW)) > 0) {
// add on space for NULL
//#ifdef DBCS
//The maximum number of DBCS Multibyte string bytes is not equal
// to the number of Widechar string charcters.
cbCount = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpW, -1,
pFilter, cbFilter-cbMFilter-1, NULL, NULL);
cbMFilter += cbCount;
pFilter += cbCount;
lpW += sz;
if( cbMFilter >= cbFilter-1 ) break;
// wcstombs(pFilter, lpW, sz);
// lpW += sz;
// pFilter += sz;
// add extra terminating null
*pFilter = '\0';
return hr;
#ifdef _WIN32
STDAPI AVIBuildFilterW(LPWSTR lpszFilter, LONG cbFilter, BOOL fSaving)
return E_FAIL;
* dprintf() is called by the DPF macro if DEBUG is defined at compile time.
* The messages will be send to COM1: like any debug message. To
* enable debug output, add the following to WIN.INI :
* [debug]
#ifdef DEBUG
// I wish languages would make up their mind about defines!!!!!
#ifndef WINDLL
#define WINDLL
#define _WINDLL
#define __WINDLL
#include <stdarg.h>
static int iDebug = -1;
void cdecl dpf(LPSTR szFormat, va_list va)
#ifdef _WIN32
char ach[512];
char ach[128];
UINT n=0;
if (szFormat[0] == '!')
ach[0]=0, szFormat++;
else {
#ifdef _WIN32
n = wsprintfA(ach, MODNAME": (tid %x) ", GetCurrentThreadId());
lstrcpyA(ach, MODNAME ": ");
n = lstrlenA(ach);
void cdecl dprintf0(LPSTR szFormat, ...)
va_list va;
va_start(va, szFormat);
dpf(szFormat, va);
void cdecl dprintf(LPSTR szFormat, ...)
if (iDebug == -1)
iDebug = GetProfileIntA("Debug", MODNAME, 0);
if (iDebug < 1)
va_list va;
va_start(va, szFormat);
dpf(szFormat, va);
void cdecl dprintf2(LPSTR szFormat, ...)
if (iDebug == -1)
iDebug = GetProfileIntA("Debug", MODNAME, 0);
if (iDebug < 2)
va_list va;
va_start(va, szFormat);
dpf(szFormat, va);
void cdecl dprintf3(LPSTR szFormat, ...)
if (iDebug == -1)
iDebug = GetProfileIntA("Debug", MODNAME, 0);
if (iDebug < 3)
va_list va;
va_start(va, szFormat);
dpf(szFormat, va);
#ifdef DEBUG
/* _Assert(szExpr, szFile, iLine)
* If <fExpr> is TRUE, then do nothing. If <fExpr> is FALSE, then display
* an "assertion failed" message box allowing the user to abort the program,
* enter the debugger (the "Retry" button), or igore the error.
* <szFile> is the name of the source file; <iLine> is the line number
* containing the _Assert() call.
_Assert(char *szExp, char *szFile, int iLine)
static char ach[300]; // debug output (avoid stack overflow)
int id;
void FAR PASCAL DebugBreak(void);
/* display error message */
if (szExp)
wsprintfA(ach, "(%s)\nFile %s, line %d", (LPSTR)szExp, (LPSTR)szFile, iLine);
wsprintfA(ach, "File %s, line %d", (LPSTR) szFile, iLine);
id = MessageBoxA(NULL, ach, "Assertion Failed", MB_SYSTEMMODAL | MB_ICONHAND | MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE);
/* abort, debug, or ignore */
switch (id)
FatalAppExit(0, TEXT("Good Bye"));
/* break into the debugger */
/* ignore the assertion failure */