Leaked source code of windows server 2003

76 lines
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** Copyright 1995-2095, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** All Rights Reserved.
** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
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** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
#include "glslib.h"
void __gls_exec_glsAppRef(GLulong inAddress, GLuint inCount) {}
void __gls_exec_glsBeginObj(const GLubyte *inTag) {}
void __gls_exec_glsCharubz(const GLubyte *inTag, const GLubyte *inString) {}
void __gls_exec_glsComment(const GLubyte *inComment) {}
void __gls_exec_glsDisplayMapfv(GLuint inLayer, GLSenum inMap, GLuint inCount, const GLfloat *inVec) {}
void __gls_exec_glsEndObj(void) {}
void __gls_exec_glsNumb(const GLubyte *inTag, GLbyte inVal) {}
void __gls_exec_glsNumbv(const GLubyte *inTag, GLuint inCount, const GLbyte *inVec) {}
void __gls_exec_glsNumd(const GLubyte *inTag, GLdouble inVal) {}
void __gls_exec_glsNumdv(const GLubyte *inTag, GLuint inCount, const GLdouble *inVec) {}
void __gls_exec_glsNumf(const GLubyte *inTag, GLfloat inVal) {}
void __gls_exec_glsNumfv(const GLubyte *inTag, GLuint inCount, const GLfloat *inVec) {}
void __gls_exec_glsNumi(const GLubyte *inTag, GLint inVal) {}
void __gls_exec_glsNumiv(const GLubyte *inTag, GLuint inCount, const GLint *inVec) {}
void __gls_exec_glsNuml(const GLubyte *inTag, GLlong inVal) {}
void __gls_exec_glsNumlv(const GLubyte *inTag, GLuint inCount, const GLlong *inVec) {}
void __gls_exec_glsNums(const GLubyte *inTag, GLshort inVal) {}
void __gls_exec_glsNumsv(const GLubyte *inTag, GLuint inCount, const GLshort *inVec) {}
void __gls_exec_glsNumub(const GLubyte *inTag, GLubyte inVal) {}
void __gls_exec_glsNumubv(const GLubyte *inTag, GLuint inCount, const GLubyte *inVec) {}
void __gls_exec_glsNumui(const GLubyte *inTag, GLuint inVal) {}
void __gls_exec_glsNumuiv(const GLubyte *inTag, GLuint inCount, const GLuint *inVec) {}
void __gls_exec_glsNumul(const GLubyte *inTag, GLulong inVal) {}
void __gls_exec_glsNumulv(const GLubyte *inTag, GLuint inCount, const GLulong *inVec) {}
void __gls_exec_glsNumus(const GLubyte *inTag, GLushort inVal) {}
void __gls_exec_glsNumusv(const GLubyte *inTag, GLuint inCount, const GLushort *inVec) {}
void __gls_exec_glsPad(void) {}
void __gls_exec_glsSwapBuffers(GLuint inLayer) {}