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#ifndef __glos_h_
#define __glos_h_
** Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** All Rights Reserved.
** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
#include <nt.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "glscreen.h"
#include "types.h"
// Indicator of which platform we're running on,
// uses the VER_PLATFORM defines
extern DWORD dwPlatformId;
// LocalRtlFillMemoryUlong
// Inline implementation of RtlFillMemoryUlong. Destination has DWORD
// alignment.
// Parameters:
// Destination pointer to DWORD aligned destination
// Length number of bytes to fill
// Pattern fill pattern
_inline VOID LocalRtlFillMemoryUlong(PVOID Destination, ULONG Length,
ULONG Pattern)
if ((Pattern == 0) || (Pattern == 0xffffffff))
memset(Destination, Pattern, Length);
else {
register ULONG *pDest = (ULONG *)Destination;
LONG unroll;
Length >>= 2;
for (unroll = Length >> 5; unroll; unroll--) {
pDest[0] = Pattern; pDest[1] = Pattern;
pDest[2] = Pattern; pDest[3] = Pattern;
pDest[4] = Pattern; pDest[5] = Pattern;
pDest[6] = Pattern; pDest[7] = Pattern;
pDest[8] = Pattern; pDest[9] = Pattern;
pDest[10] = Pattern; pDest[11] = Pattern;
pDest[12] = Pattern; pDest[13] = Pattern;
pDest[14] = Pattern; pDest[15] = Pattern;
pDest[16] = Pattern; pDest[17] = Pattern;
pDest[18] = Pattern; pDest[19] = Pattern;
pDest[20] = Pattern; pDest[21] = Pattern;
pDest[22] = Pattern; pDest[23] = Pattern;
pDest[24] = Pattern; pDest[25] = Pattern;
pDest[26] = Pattern; pDest[27] = Pattern;
pDest[28] = Pattern; pDest[29] = Pattern;
pDest[30] = Pattern; pDest[31] = Pattern;
pDest += 32;
for (unroll = (Length & 0x1f) >> 2; unroll; unroll--) {
pDest[0] = Pattern; pDest[1] = Pattern;
pDest[2] = Pattern; pDest[3] = Pattern;
pDest += 4;
for (unroll = (Length & 0x3) - 1; unroll >= 0; unroll--)
pDest[unroll] = Pattern;
// LocalCompareUlongMemory
// Inline implementation of RtlCompareUlongMemory. Both pointers
// must have DWORD alignment.
// Returns TRUE if the two source arrays are equal. FALSE otherwise.
// Parameters:
// Source1 pointer to DWORD aligned array to check
// Source1 pointer to DWORD aligned array to compare with
// Length number of bytes to fill
_inline BOOL LocalCompareUlongMemory(PVOID Source1, PVOID Source2,
ULONG Length)
register ULONG *pSrc1 = (ULONG *) Source1;
register ULONG *pSrc2 = (ULONG *) Source2;
LONG unroll;
Length >>= 2;
for (unroll = Length >> 5; unroll; unroll--) {
if ( (pSrc1[0] != pSrc2[0]) || (pSrc1[1] != pSrc2[1]) ||
(pSrc1[2] != pSrc2[2]) || (pSrc1[3] != pSrc2[3]) ||
(pSrc1[4] != pSrc2[4]) || (pSrc1[5] != pSrc2[5]) ||
(pSrc1[6] != pSrc2[6]) || (pSrc1[7] != pSrc2[7]) ||
(pSrc1[8] != pSrc2[8]) || (pSrc1[9] != pSrc2[9]) ||
(pSrc1[10] != pSrc2[10]) || (pSrc1[11] != pSrc2[11]) ||
(pSrc1[12] != pSrc2[12]) || (pSrc1[13] != pSrc2[13]) ||
(pSrc1[14] != pSrc2[14]) || (pSrc1[15] != pSrc2[15]) ||
(pSrc1[16] != pSrc2[16]) || (pSrc1[17] != pSrc2[17]) ||
(pSrc1[18] != pSrc2[18]) || (pSrc1[19] != pSrc2[19]) ||
(pSrc1[20] != pSrc2[20]) || (pSrc1[21] != pSrc2[21]) ||
(pSrc1[22] != pSrc2[22]) || (pSrc1[23] != pSrc2[23]) ||
(pSrc1[24] != pSrc2[24]) || (pSrc1[25] != pSrc2[25]) ||
(pSrc1[26] != pSrc2[26]) || (pSrc1[27] != pSrc2[27]) ||
(pSrc1[28] != pSrc2[28]) || (pSrc1[29] != pSrc2[29]) ||
(pSrc1[30] != pSrc2[30]) || (pSrc1[31] != pSrc2[31]) )
goto LocalRtlCompareUlongMemory_exit;
pSrc1 += 32;
pSrc2 += 32;
for (unroll = (Length & 0x1f) >> 2; unroll; unroll--) {
if ( (pSrc1[0] != pSrc2[0]) || (pSrc1[1] != pSrc2[1]) ||
(pSrc1[2] != pSrc2[2]) || (pSrc1[3] != pSrc2[3]) )
goto LocalRtlCompareUlongMemory_exit;
pSrc1 += 4;
pSrc2 += 4;
for (unroll = (Length & 0x3) - 1; unroll >= 0; unroll--)
if ( pSrc1[unroll] != pSrc2[unroll] )
goto LocalRtlCompareUlongMemory_exit;
bRet = TRUE; // return TRUE if memory is identical
return bRet;
// LocalRtlFillMemoryUshort
// Inline implementation of USHORT equivalent to RtlFillMemoryUlong,
// RtlFillMemoryUshort (does not currently exist in NT). WORD alignment
// assumed for Destination.
// Parameters:
// Destination pointer to USHORT aligned destination
// Length number of bytes to fill
// Pattern fill pattern
_inline VOID LocalRtlFillMemoryUshort(PVOID Destination, ULONG Length,
USHORT Pattern)
if ( Length == 0 )
// If odd WORD, make it DWORD aligned by writing a WORD up front.
if ( ((ULONG_PTR) Destination) & 0x2 )
*((USHORT *) Destination)++ = Pattern;
Length -= sizeof(USHORT);
if ( Length == 0 )
// Now the Destination start is DWORD aligned. If the remaining length
// is an odd number of WORDs, we will need to pick up an extra WORD write
// at the end.
if ((Pattern == 0x0000) || (Pattern == 0xffff))
memset(Destination, Pattern, Length);
else {
ULONG ulPattern = Pattern | (Pattern << 16);
ULONG cjDwords;
// Do what we can with DWORD writes.
if ( cjDwords = (Length & (~3)) )
LocalRtlFillMemoryUlong((PVOID) Destination, cjDwords, ulPattern);
((BYTE *) Destination) += cjDwords;
// Pick up the last WORD.
if ( Length & 3 )
*((USHORT *) Destination) = Pattern;
// LocalRtlFillMemory24
// Inline implementation of 24bit equivalent to RtlFillMemoryUlong,
// No assumptions made about alignment.
// Parameters:
// Destination pointer to destination
// Length number of bytes to fill
// col0, col1, col2 Colors
_inline VOID LocalRtlFillMemory24(PVOID Destination, ULONG Length,
BYTE col0, BYTE col1, BYTE col2)
BYTE col[3];
if ( Length == 0 )
// Check for special cases, same valued components
if ((col0 == col1) && (col0 == col2)) {
memset(Destination, col0, Length);
} else { //Other colors
ULONG ulPat1, ulPat2, ulPat3;
int rem;
int i, tmp;
register ULONG *pDest;
register BYTE *pByte = (BYTE *)Destination;
LONG unroll;
// If not DWORD aligned, make it DWORD aligned.
tmp = (int)((ULONG_PTR) Destination & 0x3);
switch ( 4 - tmp ) {
case 1:
*pByte++ = col0;
ulPat1 = (col1 << 24) | (col0 << 16) | (col2 << 8) | col1;
ulPat2 = (col2 << 24) | (col1 << 16) | (col0 << 8) | col2;
ulPat3 = (col0 << 24) | (col2 << 16) | (col1 << 8) | col0;
case 2:
*pByte++ = col0;
*pByte++ = col1;
Length -= 2;
ulPat1 = (col2 << 24) | (col1 << 16) | (col0 << 8) | col2;
ulPat2 = (col0 << 24) | (col2 << 16) | (col1 << 8) | col0;
ulPat3 = (col1 << 24) | (col0 << 16) | (col2 << 8) | col1;
case 3:
*pByte++ = col0;
*pByte++ = col1;
*pByte++ = col2;
Length -= 3;
case 4: // fall thru, 'cause the pattern is the same
ulPat1 = (col0 << 24) | (col2 << 16) | (col1 << 8) | col0;
ulPat2 = (col1 << 24) | (col0 << 16) | (col2 << 8) | col1;
ulPat3 = (col2 << 24) | (col1 << 16) | (col0 << 8) | col2;
pDest = (ULONG *)pByte;
rem = Length % 48;
Length >>= 2;
for (unroll = Length/12; unroll; unroll--) {
pDest[0] = ulPat1; pDest[1] = ulPat2;
pDest[2] = ulPat3; pDest[3] = ulPat1;
pDest[4] = ulPat2; pDest[5] = ulPat3;
pDest[6] = ulPat1; pDest[7] = ulPat2;
pDest[8] = ulPat3; pDest[9] = ulPat1;
pDest[10] = ulPat2; pDest[11] = ulPat3;
pDest += 12;
col[0] = (BYTE) (ulPat1 & 0x000000ff);
col[1] = (BYTE) ((ulPat1 & 0x0000ff00) >> 8);
col[2] = (BYTE) ((ulPat1 & 0x00ff0000) >> 16);
pByte = (BYTE *)pDest;
for (i=0; i<rem; i++) *pByte++ = col [i%3];
// LocalWriteMemoryAlign
// Inline implementation of RtlCopyMemory that ensures that the copy
// operation will write to the destination with DWORD alignment.
_inline VOID LocalWriteMemoryAlign(PBYTE pjDst, PBYTE pjSrc, ULONG cj)
ULONG cjExtraBytes;
ULONG cjDwords;
// If cj < sizeof(DWORD), then set cjExtraBytes to cj. That's all we will
// need to do.
// Otherwise, compute the number of leading bytes to the next DWORD boundary.
if ( cj < 4 )
cjExtraBytes = cj;
cjExtraBytes = (ULONG)(4 - (((ULONG_PTR) pjDst) & 3)) & 3;
// Make dst array DWORD aligned by copying the leading non-DWORD aligned bytes.
if ( cjExtraBytes )
switch (cjExtraBytes)
case 3: *pjDst++ = *pjSrc++;
case 2: *pjDst++ = *pjSrc++;
case 1: *pjDst++ = *pjSrc++;
if ( (cj -= cjExtraBytes) == 0 )
// Now the beginning of dst array is DWORD aligned. If the remaining length
// is an odd number of BYTEs, we will need to pick up the extra BYTE writes
// at the end.
// Do what we can with DWORD copy.
if ( cjDwords = (cj & (~3)) )
memcpy(pjDst, pjSrc, cjDwords);
pjDst += cjDwords;
pjSrc += cjDwords;
// Pick up the remaining BYTES.
if ( cjExtraBytes = (cj & 3) )
switch (cjExtraBytes)
case 3: *pjDst++ = *pjSrc++;
case 2: *pjDst++ = *pjSrc++;
case 1: *pjDst++ = *pjSrc++;
// LocalReadMemoryAlign
// Inline implementation of RtlCopyMemory that ensures that the copy
// operation will read from the source with DWORD alignment.
_inline VOID LocalReadMemoryAlign(PBYTE pjDst, PBYTE pjSrc, ULONG cj)
ULONG cjExtraBytes;
ULONG cjDwords;
// If cj < sizeof(DWORD), then set cjExtraBytes to cj. That's all we will
// need to do.
// Otherwise, compute the number of leading bytes to the next DWORD boundary.
if ( cj < 4 )
cjExtraBytes = cj;
cjExtraBytes = (ULONG) (4 - (((ULONG_PTR) pjSrc) & 3)) & 3;
// Take care of the leading BYTES.
if ( cjExtraBytes )
switch (cjExtraBytes)
case 3: *pjDst++ = *pjSrc++;
case 2: *pjDst++ = *pjSrc++;
case 1: *pjDst++ = *pjSrc++;
if ( (cj -= cjExtraBytes) == 0 )
// Now the beginning of src array is DWORD aligned. If the remaining length
// is an odd number of BYTEs, we will need to pick up the extra BYTE writes
// at the end.
// Do what we can with DWORD copy.
if ( cjDwords = (cj & (~3)) )
memcpy(pjDst, pjSrc, cjDwords);
pjDst += cjDwords;
pjSrc += cjDwords;
// Pick up the remaining BYTES.
if ( cjExtraBytes = (cj & 3) )
switch (cjExtraBytes)
case 3: *pjDst++ = *pjSrc++;
case 2: *pjDst++ = *pjSrc++;
case 1: *pjDst++ = *pjSrc++;
// LocalFillMemory
// Inline implementation of RtlFillMemory. Assume that pjDst has only BYTE
// alignment.
_inline VOID LocalFillMemory(PBYTE pjDst, ULONG cj, BYTE j)
ULONG cjExtraBytes;
ULONG cjDwords;
// If cj < sizeof(DWORD), then set cjExtraBytes to cj. That's all we will
// need to do.
// Otherwise, compute the number of leading bytes to the next DWORD boundary.
if ( cj < 4 )
cjExtraBytes = cj;
cjExtraBytes = (ULONG)(4 - (((ULONG_PTR) pjDst) & 3)) & 3;
// Take care of the leading BYTES.
if ( cjExtraBytes )
switch ( cjExtraBytes )
case 3: *pjDst++ = j;
case 2: *pjDst++ = j;
case 1: *pjDst++ = j;
if ( (cj -= cjExtraBytes) == 0 )
// Now both arrays start is DWORD aligned. If the remaining length
// is an odd number of BYTEs, we will need to pick up the extra BYTE writes
// at the end.
// Do what we can with DWORD copy.
if ( cjDwords = (cj & (~3)) )
ULONG ul = j | (j<<8) | (j<<16) | (j<<24);
LocalRtlFillMemoryUlong((PVOID) pjDst, cjDwords, ul);
pjDst += cjDwords;
// Pick up the remaining BYTES.
if ( cjExtraBytes = (cj & 3) )
switch (cjExtraBytes)
case 3: *pjDst++ = j;
case 2: *pjDst++ = j;
case 1: *pjDst++ = j;
// LocalZeroMemory
// Inline implementation of RtlFillMemory. Assume that pjDst has only BYTE
// alignment.
_inline VOID LocalZeroMemory(PBYTE pjDst, ULONG cj)
LocalFillMemory(pjDst, cj, 0);
#undef RtlMoveMemory
#undef RtlCopyMemory
#undef RtlFillMemory
#undef RtlZeroMemory
#undef RtlFillMemoryUlong
#undef RtlFillMemory24
#define RtlMoveMemory(d, s, l) memmove((d),(s),(l))
#define RtlCopyMemory(d, s, l) memcpy((d),(s),(l))
#define RtlFillMemoryUlong(d, cj, ul) LocalRtlFillMemoryUlong((PVOID)(d),(ULONG)(cj),(ULONG)(ul))
#define RtlFillMemoryUshort(d, cj, us) LocalRtlFillMemoryUshort((PVOID)(d),(ULONG)(cj),(USHORT)(us))
#define RtlFillMemory24(d, cj, c0, c1, c2) LocalRtlFillMemory24((PVOID)(d),(ULONG)(cj),(BYTE)c0,(BYTE)c1,(BYTE)c2)
// RtlCopyMemory_UnalignedDst should be used if the src is guaranteed to have
// DWORD alignment, but the dst does not.
// RtlCopyMemory_UnalignedSrc should be used if the dst is guaranteed to have
// DWORD alignment, but the src does not.
#if defined(i386)
#define RtlFillMemory(d, cj, j) LocalFillMemory((PBYTE)(d),(ULONG)(cj),(BYTE)(j))
#define RtlZeroMemory(d, cj) LocalZeroMemory((PBYTE)(d),(ULONG)(cj))
#define RtlCopyMemory_UnalignedDst(d, s, l) LocalWriteMemoryAlign((PBYTE)(d),(PBYTE)(s),(ULONG)(l))
#define RtlCopyMemory_UnalignedSrc(d, s, l) LocalReadMemoryAlign((PBYTE)(d),(PBYTE)(s),(ULONG)(l))
#define RtlFillMemory(d, cj, j) memset((d),(j),(cj))
#define RtlZeroMemory(d, cj) memset((d),0,(cj))
#define RtlCopyMemory_UnalignedDst(d, s, l) memcpy((d),(s),(l))
#define RtlCopyMemory_UnalignedSrc(d, s, l) memcpy((d),(s),(l))
#include "oleauto.h"
#include "batchinf.h"
#include "glteb.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "asm.h"
#endif /* __glos_h_ */