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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: C W I N F . H
// Contents: Declaration of class CWInfFile and other related classes
// Notes:
// Author: kumarp 04/12/97 17:17:27
#pragma once
#include "kkstl.h"
// forward declarations and useful typedefs
typedef unsigned __int64 QWORD;
class CWInfContext;
typedef CWInfContext &RCWInfContext;
class CWInfFile;
typedef CWInfFile *PCWInfFile, &RCWInfFile;
class CWInfSection;
typedef CWInfSection *PCWInfSection, &RCWInfSection;
class CWInfKey;
typedef CWInfKey *PCWInfKey, &RCWInfKey;
class CWInfLine;
typedef CWInfLine *PCWInfLine, &RCWInfLine;
// access mode for CWInfFile
enum WInfAccessMode { IAM_Read, IAM_Write };
// search mode for CWInfFile
enum WInfSearchMode { ISM_FromCurrentPosition, ISM_FromBeginning };
typedef list<PCWInfLine> WifLinePtrList;
typedef WifLinePtrList::iterator WifLinePtrListIter;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class CWInfContext
// Inheritance:
// none
// Purpose:
// Stores context within a CWInfFile during reading or writing
// Hungarian: wix
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CWInfContext
friend class CWInfFile;
CWInfContext() { posSection = 0; posLine = 0; }
WifLinePtrListIter posSection;
WifLinePtrListIter posLine;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class CWInfContext
// Inheritance:
// none
// Purpose:
// Allows simultaneous reading from and writing to an INF/INI style file
// Hungarian: wif
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CWInfFile
BOOL Init();
virtual BOOL Create(IN PCWSTR pszFileName);
virtual BOOL Create(IN FILE *fp);
virtual BOOL Open(IN PCWSTR pszFileName);
virtual BOOL Open(IN FILE *fp);
virtual BOOL Close();
virtual BOOL SaveAs(IN PCWSTR pszFileName);
virtual BOOL SaveAsEx(IN PCWSTR pszFileName); // used by SysPrep
virtual BOOL Flush();
virtual BOOL FlushEx(); // used by SysPrep
virtual PCWSTR FileName() const { return m_strFileName.c_str(); }
virtual const CWInfContext CurrentReadContext() const { return m_ReadContext; }
virtual void SetReadContext(IN RCWInfContext cwic)
{ m_ReadContext = cwic; }
virtual const CWInfContext CurrentWriteContext() const { return m_WriteContext; }
virtual void SetWriteContext(IN RCWInfContext cwic)
{ m_WriteContext = cwic; }
//Functions for reading
virtual PCWInfSection FindSection(IN PCWSTR pszSectionName,
IN WInfSearchMode wsmMode=ISM_FromBeginning);
virtual void SetCurrentReadSection(IN PCWInfSection pwisSection);
virtual PCWInfSection CurrentReadSection() const;
virtual PCWInfKey FindKey(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName,
IN WInfSearchMode wsmMode=ISM_FromCurrentPosition);
virtual PCWInfKey FirstKey();
virtual PCWInfKey NextKey();
//these functions return the FALSE if value not found
//or if it is in a wrong format
virtual BOOL GetStringArrayValue(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, OUT TStringArray &saStrings);
virtual BOOL GetStringListValue(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, OUT TStringList &slList);
virtual BOOL GetStringValue(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, OUT tstring &strValue);
virtual BOOL GetIntValue(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, OUT DWORD *pdwValue);
virtual BOOL GetQwordValue(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, OUT QWORD *pqwValue);
virtual BOOL GetBoolValue(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, OUT BOOL *pfValue);
//these functions return the default value if value not found
//or if it is in a wrong format
virtual PCWSTR GetStringValue(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN PCWSTR pszDefault);
virtual DWORD GetIntValue(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN DWORD dwDefault);
virtual QWORD GetQwordValue(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN QWORD qwDefault);
virtual BOOL GetBoolValue(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN BOOL fDefault);
//Functions for writing
virtual void GotoEnd();
virtual PCWInfSection AddSectionIfNotPresent(IN PCWSTR pszSectionName);
virtual PCWInfSection AddSection(IN PCWSTR pszSectionName);
virtual void GotoEndOfSection(PCWInfSection section);
virtual PCWInfSection CurrentWriteSection() const;
void RemoveSection(IN PCWSTR szSectionName);
void RemoveSections(IN TStringList& slSections);
virtual PCWInfKey AddKey(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName);
virtual void AddKey(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN PCWSTR Value);
virtual void AddKey(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN DWORD Value);
virtual void AddQwordKey(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN QWORD qwValue);
virtual void AddHexKey(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN DWORD Value);
virtual void AddBoolKey(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN BOOL Value);
virtual void AddKeyV(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN PCWSTR Format, IN ...);
virtual void AddKey(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN PCWSTR Format, IN va_list arglist);
virtual void AddKey(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN const TStringList &slValues);
virtual void AddComment(IN PCWSTR pszComment);
virtual void AddRawLine(IN PCWSTR szText);
virtual void AddRawLines(IN PCWSTR* pszLines, IN DWORD cLines);
WifLinePtrList *m_plSections, *m_plLines;
CWInfContext m_WriteContext, m_ReadContext;
BOOL AddLine(IN const PCWInfLine ilLine);
virtual void ParseLine(IN PCWSTR pszLine);
tstring m_strFileName;
FILE* m_fp;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Type of a line in a CWInfFile
// Hungarian: ilt
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef enum InfLineTypeEnum InfLineType;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class CWInfLine
// Inheritance:
// none
// Purpose:
// Represents a line in a CWInfFile
// Hungarian: wil
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CWInfLine
CWInfLine(InfLineType type) { m_Type = type; }
virtual void GetText(tstring &text) const = 0;
virtual void GetTextEx(tstring &text) const = 0; // used by SysPrep
InfLineType Type() const { return m_Type; }
virtual ~CWInfLine(){};
InfLineType m_Type;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class CWInfSection
// Inheritance:
// CWInfLine
// Purpose:
// Represents a section in a CWInfFile
// Hungarian: wis
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CWInfSection : public CWInfLine
friend class CWInfFile;
virtual void GetText(tstring &text) const;
virtual void GetTextEx(tstring &text) const; // used by SysPrep
virtual PCWSTR Name() const { return m_Name.c_str(); }
//Functions for reading
virtual PCWInfKey FindKey(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName,
IN WInfSearchMode wsmMode=ISM_FromCurrentPosition);
virtual PCWInfKey FirstKey();
virtual PCWInfKey NextKey();
//these functions return the FALSE if value not found
//or if it is in a wrong format
virtual BOOL GetStringArrayValue(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, OUT TStringArray &saStrings);
virtual BOOL GetStringListValue(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, OUT TStringList &slList);
virtual BOOL GetStringValue(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, OUT tstring &strValue);
virtual BOOL GetIntValue(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, OUT DWORD *pdwValue);
virtual BOOL GetQwordValue(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, OUT QWORD *pqwValue);
virtual BOOL GetBoolValue(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, OUT BOOL *pfValue);
//these functions return the default value if value not found
//or if it is in a wrong format
virtual PCWSTR GetStringValue(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN PCWSTR pszDefault);
virtual DWORD GetIntValue(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN DWORD dwDefault);
virtual QWORD GetQwordValue(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN QWORD qwDefault);
virtual BOOL GetBoolValue(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN BOOL fDefault);
//Functions for writing
virtual void GotoEnd();
virtual PCWInfKey AddKey(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName);
virtual void AddKey(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN PCWSTR Value);
virtual void AddKey(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN DWORD Value);
virtual void AddQwordKey(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN QWORD qwValue);
virtual void AddHexKey(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN DWORD Value);
virtual void AddBoolKey(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN BOOL Value);
virtual void AddKeyV(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN PCWSTR Format, IN ...);
virtual void AddKey(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName, IN const TStringList &slValues);
virtual void AddComment(IN PCWSTR pszComment);
virtual void AddRawLine(IN PCWSTR szLine);
tstring m_Name;
WifLinePtrListIter m_posLine, m_posSection;
CWInfFile *m_Parent;
CWInfSection(IN PCWSTR pszSectionName, IN PCWInfFile parent);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class CWInfKey
// Inheritance:
// CWInfLine
// Purpose:
// Represents a key=value line in a CWInfFile
// Hungarian: wik
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CWInfKey : public CWInfLine
friend class CWInfFile;
CWInfKey(IN PCWSTR pszKeyName);
static void Init();
static void UnInit();
virtual void GetText(tstring &text) const;
virtual void GetTextEx(tstring &text) const; // used by SysPrep
PCWSTR Name() const { return m_Name.c_str(); }
//Read values
//these functions return the FALSE if value not found
//or if it is in a wrong format
virtual BOOL GetStringArrayValue(OUT TStringArray &saStrings) const;
virtual BOOL GetStringListValue(OUT TStringList& slList) const;
virtual BOOL GetStringValue(OUT tstring& strValue) const;
virtual BOOL GetIntValue(OUT DWORD *pdwValue) const;
virtual BOOL GetQwordValue(OUT QWORD *pqwValue) const;
virtual BOOL GetBoolValue(OUT BOOL *pfValue) const;
//these functions return the default value if value not found
//or if it is in a wrong format
virtual PCWSTR GetStringValue(IN PCWSTR pszDefault) const;
virtual DWORD GetIntValue(IN DWORD dwDefault) const;
virtual QWORD GetQwordValue(IN QWORD qwDefault) const;
virtual BOOL GetBoolValue(IN BOOL fDefault) const;
//Write values
virtual void SetValues(IN PCWSTR Format, va_list arglist);
virtual void SetValues(IN PCWSTR Format, IN ...);
virtual void SetValue(IN PCWSTR Value);
virtual void SetValue(IN DWORD Value);
virtual void SetQwordValue(IN QWORD Value);
virtual void SetHexValue(IN DWORD Value);
virtual void SetBoolValue(IN BOOL Value);
virtual void SetValue(IN const TStringList &slValues);
static WCHAR *m_Buffer;
tstring m_Name, m_Value;
BOOL m_fIsAListAndAlreadyProcessed; // the value is a MULTI_SZ, will be
// written out as a comma-separated
// list, and has already been checked
// to see if it has special chars and
// needs to be surrounded by quotes.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class CWInfComment
// Inheritance:
// CWInfComment
// Purpose:
// Represents a comment line in a CWInfFile
// Hungarian: wic
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CWInfComment : public CWInfLine
CWInfComment(IN PCWSTR pszComment);
virtual void GetText(tstring &text) const;
virtual void GetTextEx(tstring &text) const; // used by SysPrep
tstring m_strCommentText;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class CWInfRaw
// Inheritance:
// CWInfRaw
// Purpose:
// Represents a raw line in a CWInfFile
// Hungarian: wir
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CWInfRaw : public CWInfLine
CWInfRaw(IN PCWSTR szText);
virtual void GetText(tstring &text) const;
virtual void GetTextEx(tstring &text) const; // used by SysPrep
tstring m_strText;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------