Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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; -- NETSF.INF --
; Passthru driver INF file - this is the INF for the service (protocol)
; part.
; Copyright (c) 1993-2001, Microsoft Corporation
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Notes:
; 0. The term "filter" is used in this INF to refer to an NDIS IM driver that
; implements a 1:1 relationship between upper and lower bindings.
; 1. Items specifically required for a filter have been marked with
; "!!--Filter Specific--!!" keyword
; 2. In general a filter DOES NOT require a notify object for proper installation.
; A notify object is only required if one wants to have better control
; over binding operations or if one wants to receive notifications
; when other components get installed/removed/bound/unbound.
; Since Windows 2000 systems do not have support for CopyINF directive,
; a notify object is required to programmatically copy the miniport INF
; file to the system INF directory. Previous versions of this INF file
; erroneously used to copy the INF files directly by using the CopyFiles
; directive.
; On Windows XP, you can install a filter IM without a notify object.
; by following the instructions in (4).
; 3. If you want to use this INF file with your own IM driver, please
; make the following modifications:
; File netsf.inf
; --------------
; a. In section [SourceDiskFiles] and [Passthru.Files.Sys]
; change passthru.sys to the name of your own driver binary.
; b. In section [Passthru.ndi.AddReg], change values of
; BindForm and MiniportId to appropriate values.
; File netsf_m.inf
; ----------------
; a. Replace MS_PassthruMP with InfId of your miniport.
; b. In section [PassthruMP.AddService],
; change ServiceBinary appropriately.
; c. In section [PassthruMP.ndi.AddReg],
; change "Passthru" in the line having "Service"
; to reflect the appropriate name
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Signature = "$Windows NT$"
Class = NetService
ClassGUID = {4D36E974-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
Provider = %Msft%
DriverVer = 06/24/1999,5.00.2071.1
%Msft% = MSFT
%Passthru_Desc% = Passthru.ndi, ms_passthru
AddReg = Passthru.ndi.AddReg, Passthru.AddReg
Characteristics = 0x4410 ; NCF_FILTER | NCF_NDIS_PROTOCOL !--Filter Specific--!!
CopyFiles = Passthru.Files.Sys
CopyInf = netsf_m.inf
DelFiles = Passthru.Files.Sys
AddService = Passthru,, Passthru.AddService
DisplayName = %PassthruService_Desc%
ServiceBinary = %12%\passthru.sys
LoadOrderGroup = PNP_TDI
AddReg = Passthru.AddService.AddReg
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Add any miniport-specific parameters here. These are params that your
; filter device is going to use.
;HKR, Parameters, ParameterName, 0x10000, "MultiSz", "Parameter", "Value"
;HKR, Parameters, ParameterName2, 0x10001, 4
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; File copy
DefaultDestDir = 12
Passthru.Files.Sys = 12 ; %windir%\System32\drivers
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Filter Install
HKR, Ndi, HelpText, , %Passthru_HELP%
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; !!--Filter Specific--!!
; Note:
; 1. Other components may also have UpperRange/LowerRange but for filters
; the value of both of them must be noupper/nolower
; 2. The value FilterClass is required.
; 3. The value Service is required
; 4. FilterDeviceInfId is the InfId of the filter device (miniport) that will
; be installed for each filtered adapter.
; In this case this is ms_passthrump (refer to netsf_m.inf)
HKR, Ndi, FilterClass, , failover
HKR, Ndi, FilterDeviceInfId, , ms_passthrump
HKR, Ndi, Service, , Passthru
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, , noupper
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, , nolower
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, FilterMediaTypes, , "ethernet, tokenring, fddi, wan"
; The following key is Required
; The following key is Passthru specific
HKR, Parameters, Param1, 0, 4
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Msft = "Microsoft"
DiskDescription = "Microsoft Passthru Driver Disk"
Passthru_Desc = "Passthru Driver"
Passthru_HELP = "Passthru Driver"
PassthruService_Desc = "Passthru Service"