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// ===========================================================================
// UAMUtils.cp © 1997 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
// ===========================================================================
// General utilities used by the Microsoft User Authentication Method.
// ===========================================================================
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
#include <OpenTransport.h>
#include <OpenTptLinks.h>
#include <OpenTptConfig.h>
#include <String.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <macstrsafe.h>
#include "UAMUtils.h"
#include "UAMNetwork.h"
#include "UAMDialogs.h"
#include "UAMDebug.h"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ UAM_CToPStr()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// In carbon, c2pstr is not supported. Roll our own.
// This should usually be called using the _c2pstr macro.
StringPtr UAM_CToPStr(char* ioStr)
if (ioStr != nil)
UInt8 theLen = strlen(ioStr);
BlockMoveData(ioStr, ioStr+1, theLen);
ioStr[0] = (char)theLen;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ UAM_PToCStr()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// In carbon, p2cstr is not supported. Roll our own.
// This should usually be called using the _p2cstr macro.
char* UAM_PToCStr(StringPtr ioStr)
if (ioStr != nil)
UInt8 theLen = PSTR_LENGTH(ioStr);
BlockMoveData(ioStr+1, ioStr, theLen);
ioStr[theLen] = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ UAM_PStrCopy()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Custom routine for copying pascal style strings. Copies inSrcString into
// inDestString.
void UAM_PStrCopy(const Str255 inSrcString, StringPtr inDestString, SInt16 inMaxLength)
//01.16.02: Add check for string length. Default to 256 bytes max length.
Size theAmountToCopy = PSTR_LENGTH(inSrcString) + 1;
theAmountToCopy = (theAmountToCopy > inMaxLength) ? inMaxLength : theAmountToCopy;
BlockMove(inSrcString, inDestString, theAmountToCopy);
inDestString[0] = inSrcString[0];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ UAM_AppendPStr()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Custom routine for appending one pascal style string to another.
// inAppendStr in pasted to the end of inBase. inDestSize if the maximum size
// the new string can be.
void UAM_AppendPStr(Str255 inBase, const Str255 inAppendStr, short inDestSize)
short charsToCopy = inAppendStr[0];
if ((inBase[0] + charsToCopy) > (inDestSize - 1)) {
charsToCopy = inDestSize - 1 - inBase[0];
BlockMove(inAppendStr + 1, inBase + inBase[0] + 1, charsToCopy);
inBase[0] += charsToCopy;
#pragma mark-
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ UAM_GetUserName()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the default user name as set in the Sharing Setup/File Sharing
// dialogs. This would also be considered the old 'Chooser' name.
void UAM_GetUserName(StringPtr outUserName)
StringHandle theString = NULL;
outUserName[0] = 0;
theString = GetString(STR_ChooserUserName);
if (theString != NULL)
UAM_PStrCopy(*theString, outUserName);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ UAM_GetWorkStationName()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the workstation name as set in the Sharing Setup/File Sharing
// dialogs.
void UAM_GetWorkStationName(Str255 outWSName)
StringHandle theString = NULL;
Str255 theAddress;
//We assume failure here, if it fails, the user hasn't entered
//a workstation name. Most likely a missconfiguration.
outWSName[0] = 0;
theString = GetString(STR_Sys7WorkStationName);
if ((theString != NULL) && (PSTR_LENGTH(*theString) > 0))
UAM_PStrCopy(*theString, outWSName);
//No name exists in the resource or the resource does not
#ifndef UAM_TARGET_68K
OSStatus theStatus;
//For PPC and Carbon, we want to append the MAC address to the
//workstation name. This gives us better identification on the
//net for Mac clients.
theStatus = UAM_GetEthernetAddress(theAddress);
if (OT_SUCCESS(theStatus))
UAM_AppendPStr(outWSName, "\p(", sizeof(Str255));
UAM_AppendPStr(outWSName, theAddress, sizeof(Str255));
UAM_AppendPStr(outWSName, "\p)", sizeof(Str255));
DbgPrint_((DBGBUFF, "UAM_GetEthernetAddress() failed, error = %d", (int)theStatus));
#endif //UAM_TARGET_68K
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ UAM_AFPClientSupportsOurUAM
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns TRUE if the client we're on is running AppleShare Client 3.8
// or later.
Boolean UAM_AFPClientSupportsOurUAM(void)
short theCfgWord;
short theVersion = UAM_AppleShareVersion(&theCfgWord);
if (theVersion <= gestaltAFPClient3_7_2)
//This will never happen under MacOS X.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ UAM_VerifyServerInfo()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Verify that the server info reply block the server returned to us is
// valid.
// NOTE: This function assumes that the string buffer is packed with the
// strings in the order they appear in the AFPSrvrInfo structure.
// Any change in order on the server must result in a change here
// as well.
// -> inServerInfo Server info reply block sent to us by the server.
// Returns: TRUE if we think the reply block is valid.
// The format of the ServerInfo block is as follows:
// struct AFPSrvrInfo {
// short fMachineOffset;
// short fVerCountOffset;
// short fUAMCountOffset;
// short fIconOffset;
// short fFlags;
// unsigned char fSrvrName[2];
// char variablelengthdata[0];
// };
#if 0
Boolean UAM_VerifyServerInfo(
IN AFPSrvrInfo* inReplyInfo
UInt32 theEndOfBuffer;
StringPtr theString;
//First, make sure none of the offset fields are not negative numbers. In the
//context of this UAM, we MUST have version UAM and machines strings as well.
if ( (inReplyInfo->fMachineOffset > 0) ||
(inReplyInfo->fVerCountOffset > 0) ||
(inReplyInfo->fUAMCountOffset > 0) ||
(inReplyInfo->fIconOffset > 0) )
//The server info block is corrupt or has been tampered with.
DbgPrint_((DBGBUFF, "Invalid (negative or zero) offsets in server info buffer"));
//We have to assume the SFM server will always send the buffer in the same
//order and that it will always fill in all the blocks for information.
//The machine offset should always be the space just after the server name.
SInt16 theMachineOffset = ((UInt32)inReplyInfo) + inReplyInfo->fSrvrName[0] + 1;
if (theMachineOffset != inReplyInfo->fMachineOffset)
//Problem: the calculated offset doesn't match the one passed.
DbgPrint_((DBGBUFF, "Bad machine offset in server info buffer! (%d vs.%d)",
//Now see if the correct machine type is returned.
theString = ((StringPtr)(((UInt32)inReplyInfo) + theMachineOffset));
if (!EqualString(theString, PSTR_NT_MACHINE_TYPE, true, true))
//This is not a Windows NT server so the buffer is corrupt.
DbgPrint_((DBGBUFF, "Bad machine type in server info buffer! (%s)", _p2cstr(theString)));
//The AFP version offset will always follow the machine type offset string.
SInt16 theVersionOffset = PSTR_LENGTH(theString) + 1;
SInt16 theVersionCount = *(SInt16*)(((UInt32)inReplyInfo) + theVersionOffset);
//Make sure our calculated offset matches the one passed to us.
if (theVersionOffset != inReplyInfo->fVerCountOffset)
//Offset is incorrect so the buffer is corrupt.
DbgPrint_((DBGBUFF, "Bad afp version offset in server info buffer! (%d vs.%d)",
//We don't expect any more than 3 AFP versions from the server.
if ((theVersionCount < MINNUM_AFP_VERSIONS_SUPPORTED) ||
//Bad number of versions supported.
DbgPrint_((DBGBUFF, "Bad afp version count in server info buffer! (%d)",
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ UAM_GetSupportedUAMS()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns a bitmap containing the UAMs supported on the server.
// -> inReplyInfo Pointer to reply info supplied by ASPGetStatus() call.
// <- outSupportedUAMS Bitmap containing supported UAMs:
// - Clear Text Password (Apple)
// - Guest (Apple and MS)
// - Microsoft V1.0
// - Microsoft V2.0
// - Microsoft V3.0
// As per Inside AppleTalk p.13-96, the supported UAM string variable list structure:
// |-------------------|
// | Count of UAMs |
// |-------------------|
// | |
// ¥ ¥
// ¥ UAM Strings ¥
// ¥ ¥
// | |
// |-------------------|
void UAM_GetSupportedUAMS(
IN UAMArgs* inUAMArgs,
IN StringPtr inAFPVersion,
OUT SInt32* ioSupported)
AFPSrvrInfo* theServerInfo = inUAMArgs->;
char* theString;
SInt16 theIndex;
SInt16 theUAMCount;
if ((ioSupported == NULL) || (inAFPVersion == NULL))
if (ioSupported != NULL)
*ioSupported = 0;
theString = ((char *)theServerInfo) + theServerInfo->fUAMCountOffset;
theUAMCount = *theString;
//The first byte is the UAM count, so we must increment past it.
//Initialize the return struct to all false.
*ioSupported = 0L;
for (theIndex = theUAMCount; theIndex > 0; theIndex--, theString += theString[0] + 1)
if (EqualString(PSTR_ClearTextLogin, (StringPtr)theString, false, false))
*ioSupported |= kClearTxtSupported;
if (EqualString(PSTR_GuestLogin, (StringPtr)theString, false, false))
*ioSupported |= kGuestSupported;
if (EqualString(PSTR_EncryptedLogin1_0, (StringPtr)theString, false, false))
*ioSupported |= kMSUAMSupported;
if (EqualString(PSTR_EncryptedLogin2_0, (StringPtr)theString, false, false))
*ioSupported |= kMSUAM_V2_Supported;
if (EqualString(PSTR_EncryptedLogin3_0, (StringPtr)theString, false, false))
*ioSupported |= kMSUAM_V3_Supported;
//02.08.02: We check to make sure the server is not lying to us regarding
//what auth method it supports. This will make a "downgrade" attack
//a little harder, but doesn't stop it completely.
if ((*ioSupported & kMSUAM_V2_Supported) == 0)
//The server is telling us that it is not a Win2K server and as a result
//does not support the new stronger NTLMv2 auth. method. Make some checks
//to see if it is lying to us.
if ( (theServerInfo->fFlags & kSupportsTCPIP) ||
(inUAMArgs->>fAddressType == AF_INET) )
if ( (theServerInfo->fFlags & kSupportsTCPIP) )
DbgPrint_((DBGBUFF, "SPOOF! TCP connection - forcing NTLMv2 auth!"));
//Gotcha! If the server supports TCP/IP connections then it
//is at least a Windows2000 server that supports NTLMv2.
*ioSupported |= kMSUAM_V2_Supported;
//Check the AFP version and see if we were spoofed somehow there.
//If the 4th character in the string is a digit (0-9) then we know
//we have AFP2.2 or higher as this is when Apple went from the
//AFPVersion X.X format to the AFPX.X format.
if (isdigit(inAFPVersion[4]))
DbgPrint_((DBGBUFF, "SPOOF! AFP2.2 or higher is supported - forcing NTLMv2 auth!"));
//Gotcha! Force NTLMv2 authorization since the server supports AFP2.2
//or higher.
*ioSupported |= kMSUAM_V2_Supported;
#pragma mark-
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ UAM_VersionString
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns a string containing the version of this build.
void UAM_VersionString(Str32 outVersionString)
Handle theVersHandle;
long theVersion;
unsigned char theVer1, theVer2, theVer3, theRelStatus, thePrereleaseNum;
Str32 theTempStr;
outVersionString[0] = 0;
UAM_PStrCopy("\pv", outVersionString);
theVersHandle = Get1Resource('vers', 1);
if (theVersHandle)
theVersion = *((long *)(*theVersHandle));
theVer1 = ((char *)&theVersion)[0];
theVer1 = (((theVer1 & 0xF0) >> 4) * 10) + (theVer1 & 0x0F);
theVer2 = (((char *)&theVersion)[1] & 0xF0) >> 4;
theVer3 = (((char *)&theVersion)[1] & 0x0F);
theRelStatus = ((char *)&theVersion)[2];
thePrereleaseNum = ((char *)&theVersion)[3];
NumToString((long)theVer1, theTempStr);
UAM_AppendPStr(outVersionString, theTempStr, sizeof(Str32));
UAM_AppendPStr(outVersionString, "\p.", sizeof(Str32));
NumToString((long)theVer2, theTempStr);
UAM_AppendPStr(outVersionString, theTempStr, sizeof(Str32));
if (theVer3 != 0)
UAM_AppendPStr(outVersionString, "\p.", sizeof(Str32));
NumToString((long)theVer3, theTempStr);
UAM_AppendPStr(outVersionString, theTempStr, sizeof(Str32));
case 0x20:
UAM_AppendPStr(outVersionString, "\pd", sizeof(Str32));
case 0x40:
UAM_AppendPStr(outVersionString, "\pa", sizeof(Str32));
case 0x60:
UAM_AppendPStr(outVersionString, "\pb", sizeof(Str32));
if (theRelStatus != 0x80)
NumToString((long)thePrereleaseNum, theTempStr);
UAM_AppendPStr(outVersionString, theTempStr, sizeof(Str32));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ UAM_GetAFPVersionString
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return the AFP version string and the default user name.
void UAM_GetAFPVersionString( AFPSrvrInfo *inInfo,
ClientUAMCallbackRec *inCallbacks,
Str32 ioAFPVersion,
Str32 ioDefaultUserName )
struct AFPClientInfo *theClientInfo = NULL;
short theIndex;
StringPtr theVersionBuf;
UInt32 theVersionBufSize;
Boolean theResult;
OSStatus theError;
ioAFPVersion[0] = 0;
ioDefaultUserName[0] = 0;
if ((inCallbacks) && (inInfo))
//Use the UAM callback GetClientInfo() to get the client info.
(ClientInfo **)&theClientInfo);
if (theError != noErr)
if (theClientInfo)
//Stuff the default user name in the return parameter.
UAM_PStrCopy(theClientInfo->fDefaultUserName, ioDefaultUserName);
//Go through the list of AFP versions supported on this client
//and try to find them in the SrvrInfoBuffer, first match
theVersionBuf = (StringPtr)((UInt32)inInfo + inInfo->fVerCountOffset + 1);
theVersionBufSize = (inInfo->fUAMCountOffset - inInfo->fVerCountOffset) - 1;
for (theIndex = 0; theIndex < theClientInfo->fNumAFPVersions; theIndex++)
theResult = UAM_FindStringInBuffer(
theVersionBufSize );
if (theResult)
UAM_PStrCopy(theClientInfo->fAFPVersionStrs[theIndex], ioAFPVersion);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ UAM_FindStringInBuffer
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Finds a pascal string within a buffer.
Boolean UAM_FindStringInBuffer(StringPtr inString, StringPtr inBuffer, short inBufferSize)
short i = 0;
short theLen;
theLen = inBuffer[i];
if (memcmp(&inBuffer[i], inString, theLen + 1) != 0)
i += theLen + 1;
theLen = inBuffer[i];
if (i >= inBufferSize)
else {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ UAM_AppleShareVersion()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the version of AppleShare running on the host computer.
short UAM_AppleShareVersion(short *upperWord)
long theResult;
OSErr theError;
theError = Gestalt(gestaltAFPClient, &theResult);
if (!theError)
if (upperWord != NULL) {
*upperWord = (theResult & gestaltAFPClientAttributeMask);
return(theResult & gestaltAFPClientVersionMask);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ UAM_KeyDown()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns TRUE if the passed keycode is currently held down.
Boolean UAM_KeyDown(Int16 inKeycode)
KeyMapByteArray theKeyMap;
return((theKeyMap[inKeycode>>3] >> (inKeycode & 7)) & 1);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ UAM_ExtractDomainName()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Extracts a domain name from a user name entry of: domain\username
// outDomainName must be a buffer big enough to hold the found domain
// name or MAX_DOMAIN_NAME_LEN+1 in length.
// Returns: TRUE if a domain name was found.
Boolean UAM_ExtractDomainName(char* inUserName, char* outDomainName, SInt16 cbDomainName)
char* theTemp;
theTemp = strchr(inUserName, '\\');
if (theTemp)
_min(cbDomainName, (theTemp-inUserName))
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ UAM_ExtractUserName()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Extracts a user name from a user name entry of: domain\username
// outUserName must be a buffer big enough to hold the found user
// name or MAX_USER_NAME_LEN+1 in length.
// Returns: TRUE if a user name was found.
Boolean UAM_ExtractUserName(char* inUserName, char* outUserName, SInt16 cbOutUserName)
char* theTemp;
char theTempUserName[64];
//We make a copy of the original user name so the caller can
//use the same buffer to receive the new actual user name.
StringCbCopy(theTempUserName, sizeof(theTempUserName), inUserName);
theTemp = strchr(theTempUserName, '\\');
if (theTemp)
StringCbCopy(outUserName, cbOutUserName, theTemp+1);
return(strlen(outUserName) > 0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ¥ UAM_GetEthernetAddress()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the hardware ethernet address by using OpenTransport.
// ****This function will crash if run on 68K machines!****
OSStatus UAM_GetEthernetAddress(Str255 outAddress)
OSStatus theStatus = kOTNoError;
UInt32 theIndex = 0;
EndpointRef theEndPoint;
OTPortRecord theDevicePortRec;
TBind theReturnInfo;
TBind theRequestInfo;
Address8022 theReturnAddr = {AF_8022, {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, 0x0000,
Address8022 theAddress = {AF_8022, {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, 0x8888,
Boolean fFoundAPort = TRUE;
theStatus = UAMInitOpenTransport(kInitOTForApplicationMask, NULL);
if (OT_SUCCESS(theStatus))
//Iterate through each OT port record for ethernet devices.
fFoundAPort = OTGetIndexedPort(&theDevicePortRec, theIndex);
if (!fFoundAPort)
if ((theDevicePortRec.fCapabilities & kOTPortIsDLPI) &&
(theDevicePortRec.fCapabilities & kOTPortIsTPI) &&
(kOTEthernetDevice == OTGetDeviceTypeFromPortRef(theDevicePortRec.fRef)))
theEndPoint = UAMOTOpenEndpoint(
if (OT_SUCCESS(theStatus))
//Bind the endpoint so we can get the address info.
theRequestInfo.addr.buf = (UInt8*)&theAddress;
theRequestInfo.addr.len = 10;
theRequestInfo.addr.maxlen = 0;
theRequestInfo.qlen = 0;
theStatus = OTBind(theEndPoint, &theRequestInfo, NULL);
if (OT_SUCCESS(theStatus))
theReturnInfo.addr.buf = (UInt8*)&theReturnAddr;
theReturnInfo.addr.maxlen = 10;
theReturnInfo.qlen = 0;
theStatus = OTGetProtAddress(
if (OT_SUCCESS(theStatus))
char c1,c2;
Str15 theHex;
theHex[0] = 12;
for (Int16 i = 0; i < 6; i++)
c1 = ((theReturnAddr.fHWAddr[i] >> 4) & 0xF) + '0';
c2 = (theReturnAddr.fHWAddr[i] & 0x0F) + '0';
if (c1 > '9') c1 = c1 + ('A' - '9' - 1);
if (c2 > '9') c2 = c2 + ('A' - '9' - 1);
theHex[2*i+1] = c1;
theHex[2*i+2] = c2;
UAM_PStrCopy(theHex, outAddress);
return theStatus;