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* AUTHOR: ByronC
* DATE: 4/14/2002
* @module StiEventHandlerLookup.h - Definitions for <c StiEventHandlerLookup> |
* This file contains the class definition for <c StiEventHandlerLookup>.
// Defines
#define StiEventHandlerLookup_UNINIT_SIG 0x55756C45
#define StiEventHandlerLookup_INIT_SIG 0x49756C45
#define StiEventHandlerLookup_TERM_SIG 0x54756C45
#define StiEventHandlerLookup_DEL_SIG 0x44756C45
#define STI_GLOBAL_EVENT_HANDLER_PATH L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\StillImage\\Registered Applications"
#define STI_LAUNCH_APPPLICATIONS_VALUE L"LaunchApplications"
* @class StiEventHandlerLookup | Used to find STI event handlers
* @comm
* This class is used to lookup the relevant STI event handler(s) for a given
* device event. This list of handlers is returned as a double NULL terminated
* list of strings. This is encoded into a BSTR for use by the STI event handler prompt.
* This class is not thread safe. Caller should use separate objects or
* synchronize access to the single object.
class StiEventHandlerLookup
//@access Public members
// @cmember Constructor
// @cmember Destructor
virtual ~StiEventHandlerLookup();
// @cmember Increment reference count
virtual ULONG __stdcall AddRef();
// @cmember Decrement reference count
virtual ULONG __stdcall Release();
//@cmember Returns a double NULL terminated string list
BSTR getStiAppListForDeviceEvent(const CSimpleStringWide &cswDeviceID, const GUID &guidEvent);
// @cmember Returns a <c StiEventHandlerInfo> object describing the specified handler
StiEventHandlerInfo* getHandlerFromName(const CSimpleStringWide &cswHandlerName);
// Innder class used to tokenize the device event handler strings
class SimpleStringTokenizer
// Constructor which initializes the member fields. This object is intended to be used
// for one pass through a string to grab the tokens. After that, it is designed to
// return Empty tokens. Therefore, therefore one-time initialization of the start
// position is done here.
SimpleStringTokenizer(const CSimpleString &csInput, const CSimpleString &csSeparator) :
virtual ~SimpleStringTokenizer()
// Returns the next token. The last token will be empty. This indicates the end of
// the input string has been reached and there are no more tokens.
CSimpleString getNextToken()
CSimpleString csToken;
int iNextSeparator = 0;
int iTokenLength = 0;
int iTokenStart = m_iStart;
// Search for the next token. We keep searching until we hit a token of
// non-zero length i.e. if the separator was ',' we would correctly
// ignore the commas in the following string: ",,,,NextString,,"
// We do this is by looking for the position
// of the next seperator. If the token length from m_iStart to the
// next separator is 0, we need to keep searching (keeping in mind
// the end of input case, which is indicated when iNextSeparator == -1)
while ((iTokenLength == 0) && (iNextSeparator != -1))
m_iStart = iTokenStart;
iNextSeparator = m_csInput.Find(m_csSeparator, m_iStart);
iTokenLength = iNextSeparator - m_iStart;
iTokenStart = iNextSeparator + 1;
// Return the token. If we have reached the end, it will
// simply be empty.
csToken = m_csInput.SubStr(m_iStart, iTokenLength);
if (iNextSeparator == -1)
m_iStart = -1;
m_iStart = iTokenStart;
return csToken;
int m_iStart; // The start position of the next search for a separator.
CSimpleString m_csSeparator; // Describes the separator string we use to split tokens from the input.
CSimpleString m_csInput; // The input string to be tokenized
// TBD: move to private
// @cmember Fills in the list of handlers
VOID FillListOfHandlers(const CSimpleStringWide &cswDeviceID,
const GUID &cswEventGuidString);
//@access Private members
// @cmember Frees resources associated with our list of handlers
VOID ClearListOfHandlers();
// @cmember Callback for each value in the registered handlers key
static bool ProcessHandlers(CSimpleReg::CValueEnumInfo &enumInfo);
// @cmember Signature of class
ULONG m_ulSig;
// @cmember Ref count
ULONG m_cRef;
// @cmember Ref count
CSimpleLinkedList<StiEventHandlerInfo*> m_ListOfHandlers;
// Comments for member variables
// @mdata ULONG | StiEventHandlerLookup | m_ulSig |
// The signature for this class, used for debugging purposes.
// Doing a <nl>"db [addr_of_class]"<nl> would yield one of the following
// signatures for this class:
// @flag StiEventHandlerLookup_UNINIT_SIG | 'EluU' - Object has not been successfully
// initialized
// @flag StiEventHandlerLookup_INIT_SIG | 'EluI' - Object has been successfully
// initialized
// @flag StiEventHandlerLookup_TERM_SIG | 'EluT' - Object is in the process of
// terminating.
// @flag StiEventHandlerLookup_INIT_SIG | 'EluD' - Object has been deleted
// (destructor was called)
// @mdata ULONG | StiEventHandlerLookup | m_cRef |
// The reference count for this class. Used for lifetime
// management.
// @mdata CSimpleLinkeList<lt>StiEventHandlerInfo*<gt> | StiEventHandlerLookup | m_ListOfGlobalHandlers |
// List of global STI handlers registered for StillImage events.