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* File: wiaproto.cpp
* Author: Samuel Clement (samclem)
* Date: Fri Aug 27 15:16:44 1999
* Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
* Description:
* This contains the implementation of the "wia" internet protocol. This
* is a pluggable protocol that handles downloading thumbnails from a wia
* device.
* History:
* 27 Aug 1999: Created.
#include "stdafx.h"
// declare some debugging tags
DeclareTag( tagWiaProto, "!WiaProto", "Wia Protocol debug information" );
const WCHAR* k_wszProtocolName = L"wia";
const WCHAR* k_wszColonSlash = L":///";
const WCHAR* k_wszSeperator = L"?";
const WCHAR* k_wszThumb = L"thumb";
const WCHAR* k_wszExtension = L".bmp";
const int k_cchProtocolName = 3;
const int z_cchThumb = 5;
const WCHAR k_wchSeperator = L'?';
const WCHAR k_wchColon = L':';
const WCHAR k_wchFrontSlash = L'/';
const WCHAR k_wchPeriod = L'.';
const WCHAR k_wchEOS = L'\0';
k_dwTransferPending = 0,
k_dwTransferComplete = 1,
* CWiaProtocol
* Create a new CWiaProtocol. This simply initializes all the members to
* a known state so that we can then test against them
: m_pFileItem( NULL ), m_ulOffset( 0 )
TRACK_OBJECT( "CWiaProtocol" );
m_pd.dwState = k_dwTransferPending;
* CWiaProtocol::FinalRelease
* Called when we are finally released to cleanup any resources that we
* want to cleanup.
if ( m_pFileItem )
m_pFileItem = NULL;
CWiaProtocol::Start( LPCWSTR szUrl, IInternetProtocolSink* pOIProtSink,
IInternetBindInfo* pOIBindInfo, DWORD grfPI, HANDLE_PTR dwReserved )
CWiaCacheManager* pCache= CWiaCacheManager::GetInstance();
CComPtr<IWiaItem> pDevice;
CComBSTR bstrDeviceId ;
CComBSTR bstrItem ;
HANDLE hThread = NULL;
DWORD dwThreadId = 0;
LONG lItemType = 0;
BYTE* pbThumb = NULL;
DWORD cbThumb = 0;
// the first thing that we want to do is to attempt to crack the URL,
// this can be an involved process so we have a helper method that
// handles doing this for us.
hr = THR( CrackURL( szUrl, &bstrDeviceId, &bstrItem ) );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
goto Cleanup;
// do we already have a cached version of this item, if so we can avoid
// having to do anything else
if ( pCache->GetThumbnail( bstrItem, &pbThumb, &cbThumb ) )
TraceTag((tagWiaProto, "Using cached thumbnail" ));
m_pd.pData = pbThumb;
m_pd.cbData = cbThumb;
m_pd.dwState = k_dwTransferComplete;
hr = THR( pOIProtSink->ReportData( BSCF_LASTDATANOTIFICATION, cbThumb, cbThumb ) );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( pOIProtSink->ReportResult( hr, hr, NULL ) );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
goto Cleanup;
if ( !pCache->GetDevice( bstrDeviceId, &pDevice ) )
hr = THR( CreateDevice( bstrDeviceId, &pDevice ) );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
goto Cleanup;
pCache->AddDevice( bstrDeviceId, pDevice );
TraceTag((tagWiaProto, "Using cached device pointer" ));
hr = THR( pDevice->FindItemByName( 0, bstrItem, &m_pFileItem ) );
if ( FAILED( hr ) || S_FALSE == hr )
TraceTag((tagWiaProto, "unable to locate item: %S", bstrItem ));
goto Cleanup;
// the last thing we want to verify is that the item is an image
// and a file, otherwise we don't want anything to do with it
hr = THR( m_pFileItem->GetItemType( &lItemType ) );
if ( !( lItemType & WiaItemTypeFile ) &&
!( lItemType & WiaItemTypeImage ) )
TraceTag((tagWiaProto, "unsupported wia item type for download" ));
goto Cleanup;
// at this point everything is happy in our land. we have a valid
// thing to download from. We now need to create the thread which
// will do the main work
pParams = reinterpret_cast<TTPARAMS*>(CoTaskMemAlloc( sizeof( TTPARAMS ) ) );
if ( !pParams )
goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream(
&pParams->pStrm ) );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
TraceTag((tagWiaProto, "error marshalling interface" ));
goto Cleanup;
pParams->pInetSink = pOIProtSink;
hThread = CreateThread( NULL,
&dwThreadId );
if ( NULL == hThread )
CoTaskMemFree( pParams );
hr = E_FAIL;
goto Cleanup;
TraceTag((tagWiaProto, "Started transfer thread: id(%x)", dwThreadId ));
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
if ( m_pFileItem )
m_pFileItem = NULL;
return hr;
* CWiaProtocol::Continue
* This is called to pass data back from the the other threads. It lets
* the controlling thread know we have data.
* Note: Copy the data from the pointer, DON'T use thier pointer, they will
* free it following the return of this call.
CWiaProtocol::Continue( PROTOCOLDATA* pProtocolData )
if ( k_dwTransferComplete == m_pd.dwState )
memcpy( &m_pd, pProtocolData, sizeof( PROTOCOLDATA ) );
return S_OK;
* CWiaProtocl::Abort
* This is called to abort our transfer. this is NYI. However, it would
* need to kill our thread if it is still running and free our data. However,
* it is perfectly harmless if the thread keeps running.
* hrReason: the reason for the abort
* dwOptions: the options for this abourt
CWiaProtocol::Abort( HRESULT hrReason, DWORD dwOptions )
TraceTag((tagWiaProto, "NYI: Abort hrReason=%hr", hrReason ));
return E_NOTIMPL;
* CWiaProtocol::Terminate
* This is called when the transfer is finished. This is responsible for
* cleaning anything up that we might need to do. We currently don't have
* anything to clean up. So this simply returns S_OK.
CWiaProtocol::Terminate( DWORD dwOptions )
// Nothing to do.
return S_OK;
* CWiaProtocol::Suspend
* This is called to suspend the transfer. This is currently not implemenet
* inside of trident, so our methods just return E_NOTIMPL
TraceTag((tagWiaProto, "NYI: Suspend" ));
return E_NOTIMPL;
* CWiaProtocol::Resume
* This is called to resume a suspended transfer. This is not suppored
* inside of URLMON, so we just return E_NOTIMPL
TraceTag((tagWiaProto, "NYI: Resume" ));
return E_NOTIMPL;
* CWiaProtocol::Read
* This is called to read data from our protocol. this copies cb bytes to
* the buffer passed in. Or it will copy what ever we have.
* pv: the buffer that we want to copy the data to
* cb: the size fo buffer, max bytes to copy
* pcbRead: Out, the number of bytes that we actually copied to the buffer
CWiaProtocol::Read( void* pv, ULONG cb, ULONG* pcbRead)
// validate our arguments
if ( !pv || !pcbRead )
return E_POINTER;
*pcbRead = 0;
// is the transfer currently pending? if so then
// we don't actually want to do anything here.
if ( k_dwTransferPending == m_pd.dwState )
return E_PENDING;
// do we actually have data to copy? if the offset is greater
// or equal to the size of our data then we don't have an data to
// copy so return S_FALSE
if ( m_ulOffset >= m_pd.cbData )
return S_FALSE;
// figure out how much we are going to copy
DWORD dwCopy = m_pd.cbData - m_ulOffset;
if ( dwCopy >= cb )
dwCopy = cb;
// if we have negative memory to copy, or 0, then we are done and we don't
// actually want to do anything besides return S_FALSE
if ( dwCopy <= 0 )
return S_FALSE;
// do the memcpy and setup our state and the return value
memcpy( pv, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(m_pd.pData) + m_ulOffset, dwCopy );
m_ulOffset += dwCopy;
*pcbRead = dwCopy;
return ( dwCopy == cb ? S_OK : S_FALSE );
* CWiaProtocol::Seek
* Called to seek our data. However, we don't support seeking so this just
* returns E_FAIL
* dlibMove: how far to move the offset
* dwOrigin: indicates where the move shoudl begin
* plibNewPosition: The new position of the offset
CWiaProtocol::Seek( LARGE_INTEGER dlibMove, DWORD dwOrigin, ULARGE_INTEGER* plibNewPosition )
// Don't support
return E_FAIL;
* CWiaProtocol::LockRequest
* Called to lock the data. we don't need to lock our data, so this just
* returns S_OK
* dwOptions: reserved, will be 0.
CWiaProtocol::LockRequest( DWORD dwOptions )
//Don't support locking
return S_OK;
* CWiaProtocol::UnlockRequest
* Called to unlock our data. We don't need or support locking, so this
* doesn't do anything besides return S_OK.
//Don't support locking
return S_OK;
* CWiaProtocol::CrackURL
* This handles breaking appart a URL which is passed in to us. This will
* return S_OK if it is a valid URL and we can work with it. otherwise this
* will return INET_E_INVALID_URL
* bstrUrl: the full url to be cracked
* pbstrDeviceId: Out, recieves the device id portion of the URL
* pbstrItem: Out, recieves the item portion of the URL
HRESULT CWiaProtocol::CrackURL( CComBSTR bstrUrl, BSTR* pbstrDeviceId, BSTR* pbstrItem )
WCHAR* pwchUrl = reinterpret_cast<WCHAR*>((BSTR)bstrUrl);
WCHAR* pwch = NULL;
Assert( pbstrDeviceId && pbstrItem );
*pbstrDeviceId = NULL;
*pbstrItem = NULL;
if (SysStringLen(bstrUrl) >= INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH)
goto Cleanup;
* We are going to use the SHWAPI functions to parse this URL. Our format
* is very simple.
* proto:///<deviceId>?<item>
if ( StrCmpNIW( k_wszProtocolName, pwchUrl, k_cchProtocolName ) )
goto Cleanup;
pwchUrl += k_cchProtocolName;
while ( *pwchUrl == k_wchColon || *pwchUrl == k_wchFrontSlash )
if ( !(*pwchUrl ) )
goto Cleanup;
// get the device portion of the URL
pwch = StrChrIW( pwchUrl, k_wchSeperator );
if ( !pwch )
goto Cleanup;
StrCpyNW( awch, pwchUrl, ( pwch - pwchUrl + 1 ) );
*pbstrDeviceId = SysAllocString( awch );
if ( !*pbstrDeviceId )
goto Cleanup;
// adjust our pointer past the '?'
pwchUrl = pwch + 1;
if ( !*pwchUrl )
goto Cleanup;
if ( StrCmpNIW( k_wszThumb, pwchUrl, z_cchThumb ) )
goto Cleanup;
// get the command portion of the URL
pwch = StrChrIW( pwchUrl, k_wchSeperator );
if ( !pwch )
goto Cleanup;
// adjust our pointer past the '?'
pwchUrl = pwch + 1;
if ( !*pwchUrl )
goto Cleanup;
// attempt to get the item portion of the url
pwch = StrRChrIW( pwchUrl, 0, k_wchPeriod );
awch[0] = k_wchEOS;
if ( pwch )
StrCpyNW( awch, pwchUrl, ( pwch - pwchUrl + 1) );
StrCpyW( awch, pwchUrl );
*pbstrItem = SysAllocString( awch );
if ( !*pbstrItem )
goto Cleanup;
TraceTag((tagWiaProto, "URL: Device=%S, Item=%S",
*pbstrDeviceId, *pbstrItem ));
// everything was ok
return S_OK;
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
SysFreeString( *pbstrDeviceId );
SysFreeString( *pbstrItem );
* CWiaProtocol::CreateDevice
* This is a helper method which handles creating a wia device with the
* specified id. this instances a IWiaDevMgr object and then attempts
* to create the device.
* bstrId: the id of the device to create
* ppDevice: Out, recieves the pointer to the newly created device
HRESULT CWiaProtocol::CreateDevice( BSTR bstrId, IWiaItem** ppDevice )
CComPtr<IWiaItem> pDevice;
CComPtr<IWiaDevMgr> pDevMgr;
Assert( ppDevice );
*ppDevice = 0;
// first we need to create our device manager
hr = THR( pDevMgr.CoCreateInstance( CLSID_WiaDevMgr ) );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
return hr;
// now we need the device manager to create a device
hr = THR( pDevMgr->CreateDevice( bstrId, &pDevice ) );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
return hr;
// copy our device pointer over
return THR( pDevice.CopyTo( ppDevice ) );
* CWiaProtocol::CreateURL [static]
* This method creates a URL for the given item. This doesn't verifiy the
* item. Other than making sure it has a root so that we can build the URL.
* This may return an invalid URL. It is important to verify that the item
* can actually have a thumbnail before calling this.
* Note: in order to create a thumbnail:
* lItemType & ( WiaItemTypeFile | WiaItemTypeImage )
* pItem: The wia item that we want to generate the URL for.
* pbstrUrl: Out, recieves the finished URL
HRESULT CWiaProtocol::CreateURL( IWiaItem* pItem, BSTR* pbstrUrl )
CComBSTR bstrUrl;
CComPtr<IWiaItem> pRootItem;
CComQIPtr<IWiaPropertyStorage> pWiaStg;
CComQIPtr<IWiaPropertyStorage> pRootWiaStg;
if ( !pbstrUrl || !pItem )
return E_POINTER;
PropVariantInit( &va );
// get the interfaces that we need
pWiaStg = pItem;
if ( !pWiaStg )
goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( pItem->GetRootItem( &pRootItem ) );
if ( FAILED( hr ) || !pRootItem )
goto Cleanup;
pRootWiaStg = pRootItem;
if ( !pRootWiaStg )
goto Cleanup;
// We need the device ID of the root item, and if we can't
// get it then we don't have anything else to do.
hr = THR( pRootWiaStg->ReadMultiple( 1, &spec, &va ) );
if ( FAILED( hr ) || va.vt != VT_BSTR )
goto Cleanup;
// start building our URL
bstrUrl.Append( k_wszProtocolName );
bstrUrl.Append( k_wszColonSlash );
bstrUrl.AppendBSTR( va.bstrVal );
bstrUrl.Append( k_wszSeperator );
bstrUrl.Append( k_wszThumb );
bstrUrl.Append( k_wszSeperator );
// we need to get the full item name from the item, because
// we need to tack that on to the end
PropVariantClear( &va );
spec.propid = WIA_IPA_FULL_ITEM_NAME;
hr = THR( pWiaStg->ReadMultiple( 1, &spec, &va ) );
if ( FAILED( hr ) || va.vt != VT_BSTR )
goto Cleanup;
bstrUrl.AppendBSTR( va.bstrVal );
bstrUrl.Append( k_wszExtension );
TraceTag((tagWiaProto, "Created URL: %S", (BSTR)bstrUrl ));
*pbstrUrl = bstrUrl.Copy();
if ( !*pbstrUrl )
PropVariantClear( &va );
return hr;
* CWiaProtocol::TransferThumbnail [static]
* This handles the actual transfer of the thumbnail. This is only called
* however, if we don't already have a cached copy of the thumbnail. Otherwise
* we can simply use that one.
* Note: we spawn a thread with this function, which is why its static
* pvParams: a pointer to a TTPARAMS structure, which contains a pointer
* to the IInternetProtoclSink and the IStream where the
* item is marshalled.
CWiaProtocol::TransferThumbnail( LPVOID pvParams )
CComPtr<IWiaItem> pItem;
CComPtr<IInternetProtocolSink> pProtSink;
IStream* pStrm = NULL;
DWORD cbData = 0;
BYTE* pbData = NULL;
TTPARAMS* pParams = reinterpret_cast<TTPARAMS*>(pvParams);
Assert( pParams );
pProtSink = pParams->pInetSink;
pStrm = pParams->pStrm;
hrCoInit = THR( CoInitialize( NULL ) );
// we no longer need our params, so we can free them now. we
// will handle freeing the params here since its simpler
CoTaskMemFree( pParams );
pParams = NULL;
// get the IWiaItem from the stream
hr = THR( CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream(
reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pItem) ) );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
goto Cleanup;
// allocate a protocol data structure so that we can give this back to
// the other thread. We will allocate this here. it may be freed if
// something fails
ppd = reinterpret_cast<PROTOCOLDATA*>(LocalAlloc( LPTR, sizeof( PROTOCOLDATA ) ) );
if ( !ppd )
goto Cleanup;
// use the utility method on CWiaItem to do the transfer
hr = THR( CWiaItem::TransferThumbnailToCache( pItem, &pbData, &cbData ) );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
goto Cleanup;
ppd->pData = pbData;
ppd->cbData = cbData;
ppd->dwState = k_dwTransferComplete;
// we are all done now, we can tell trident that we are 100% done
// and then call switch
hr = THR( pProtSink->Switch( ppd ) );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( pProtSink->ReportData(BSCF_LASTDATANOTIFICATION, cbData, cbData ) );
// post our result status back to the sink
//TODO(Aug, 27) samclem: implement the error string param
if ( pProtSink )
THR( pProtSink->ReportResult( hr, hr, NULL ) );
if ( ppd )
LocalFree( ppd );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hrCoInit ) )
return hr;