Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

222 lines
7.8 KiB

<!-- #INCLUDE VIRTUAL = "include/asp/top.asp" -->
<!-- #INCLUDE VIRTUAL = "include/asp/head.asp" -->
<!-- #INCLUDE VIRTUAL = "include/inc/corpcustomerstrings.inc" -->
Dim rType
Dim SP
Dim RS
Dim TransactionID
Dim Conn
Dim rsPremier
Dim strHigh
Dim strLow
Dim strTemp
Dim strHex
Dim strPremierID
strPremierID = 0
Call CCreateConnection
Call CGetPremierID
Function Clean(What)
dim a
dim NewStr
For a = 1 To Len(What)
If (Mid(What,a,1) = "'") Then
NewStr = NewStr & "''"
ElseIf (asc(Mid(What,a,1)) <> 34) Then
NewStr = NewStr & Mid(What,a,1)
End If
Clean = NewStr
End Function
<% If (oPassMgrObj.IsAuthenticated(TimeWindow, ForceLogin)) Then %>
rType = 0
If (Request.Cookies("OCA")("Type") = "bluescreen") Then
rType = 1
ElseIf (Request.Cookies("OCA")("Type") = "appcompat") Then
rType = 2
ElseIf (Request.Cookies("OCA")("Type") = "shutdown") Then
rType = 3
End If
Set SP = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
With SP
.ActiveConnection = Conn
.CommandText = "SetCustomer"
.CommandType = &H0004
.CommandTimeout = strGlobalCommandTimeout
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@HighID", 3, &H0001, , oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdHigh"))
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@LowID", 3, &H0001, , oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdLow"))
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@EMail", 202, &H0001, 128, Request.Form("EMail"))
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@Contact", 202, &H0001, 32, Request.Form("Contact"))
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@Phone", 202, &H0001, 16, Request.Form("Phone"))
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@PremierID", 202, &H0001, 16, strPremierID)
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@Lang", 202, &H0001, 4, strAbb)
End With
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
Response.Write "<br><div class='divLoad'><p class='clsPTitle'>" & L_COMMENTS_UNABLE_TOCONNECT_ERRORMESSAGE & "</p>"
Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_COMMENTS_DATABASE_FAILED_TEXT & "</p></div>"
%><!-- #INCLUDE VIRTUAL = "include/asp/foot.asp" --><%
Call DestroyObjects
End If
Set SP = Nothing
'Set RS = Conn.Execute("GetTransactionID(" & oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdHigh") & "," & oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdLow") & ",'" & Request.Form("Description") & "'," & rType & ")")
Set SP = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
With SP
.ActiveConnection = Conn
.CommandText = "GetTransactionID"
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.CommandTimeout = 60
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@HighID", 3, 1, , oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdHigh"))
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@LowID", 3, 1, , oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdLow"))
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@Description", 202, 1, 64, Request.Form("Description"))
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@Type", 16, 1, , rType)
Set RS = .Execute
'Response.Write "<BR>" & RS.State
End With
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Response.Write "<br><div class='divLoad'><p class='clsPTitle'>" & L_COMMENTS_UNABLE_TOCONNECT_ERRORMESSAGE & "</p>"
Response.Write "<p class='clsPBody'>" & L_COMMENTS_DATABASE_FAILED_TEXT & "</p></div>"
%><!-- #INCLUDE VIRTUAL = "include/asp/foot.asp" --><%
Call DestroyObjects
TransactionID = RS.Fields(0).Value
'Response.Write "<P>Transaction:" & TransactionID & "<BR>Err Desc:" & Err.Description & "<BR>Err Num:" & Err.number
'Response.Write "<P>State:" & RS.state & "<BR>High:" & oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdHigh")
'Response.Write "<BR>Low:" & oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdLow") & "<BR>Description:" & Request.Form("Description")
'Response.Write "<BR>Type:" & rType
'Response.Write "<br>Conn:" & Conn.state
End If
Private Sub CGetPremierID
on error resume next
'Response.Cookies("intCustomerPremierID") = 0
strHigh = CStr(Hex(oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdHigh")))
strLow = Cstr(Hex(oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdLow")))
if Len(strHigh) > 8 then
strHigh = right(strHigh, 8)
end if
if len(strLow) > 8 then
strLow = right(strHigh, 8)
end if
if Len(strHigh) < 8 then
strTemp = String(8 - len(strHigh), "0")
strHigh =strTemp & strHigh
end if
if Len(strLow) < 8 then
strTemp = string(8 - len(strLow), "0")
strLow = strTemp & strLow
end if
'Response.write "Cookies:" & Request.Cookies("intCustomerPremierID") & "<BR>"
strHex = strHigh & strLow
set rsPremier = Conn.Execute("Exec GetPremierID '" & strHex & "'")
if Conn.Errors.Count > 0 then
strPremierID = 0
Exit Sub
End if
if rsPremier.State = adStateOpen then
if rsPremier.RecordCount > 0 then
strPremierID = rsPremier.Fields(0).Value
if Request.Cookies("intCustomerPremierID") = 0 or Request.Cookies("intCustomerPremierID") = "" then
strPremierID = 0
strPremierID = CInt(Request.Cookies("intCustomerPremierID") )
end if
end if
if Request.Cookies("intCustomerPremierID") = 0 or Request.Cookies("intCustomerPremierID") = "" then
strPremierID = 0
strPremierID = Cint(Request.Cookies("intCustomerPremierID") )
end if
end if
End Sub
Private Sub CCreateConnection
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set rsPremier = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
With Conn
.ConnectionString = strCustomer
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.ConnectionTimeout = strGlobalConnectionTimeout
End With
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
Response.Write "ERROR: [" & Err.Number & "]" & Err.Description
Call CDestroyObjects
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CDestroyObjects
Set Conn = Nothing
End Sub
Set SP = Nothing
Set RS = Nothing
<OBJECT id="Cer" name="CerUpload" viewastext UNSELECTABLE="on" style="display:none"
codebase="https://<%=Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")%>/secure/cerupload.cab#version=<%=strCerVersion%>" height=0 width=0>
<div class="clsDiv">
<P class="clsPTitle">
<p class="clsPBody">
<SCRIPT Language=VBScript>
If (CER <> "") Then
FileCount = CER.GetFileCount("<%=Request.Cookies("OCA")("Path")%>","<%=Hex(TransactionID)%>",1024)
If (FileCount > 0) Then
Window.Location.HREF = "https://<%=Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")%>/secure/cerup.asp?f=1&b=1&n=" & FileCount & "&t=<%=TransactionID%>&p=<%=Request.Cookies("OCA")("Path")%>"
Document.Write "<P CLASS='clsPTitle'><%=L_CERUP_NO_FILES0_TEXT%></P>"
Document.Write "<P CLASS='clsPBody'><%=L_CERUP_NO_FILES_TEXT%> <%=Request.Cookies("OCA")("Path")%></P>"
Document.Write "<P CLASS='clsPBody'><img Alt='<%= L_WELCOME_GO_IMAGEALT_TEXT %>' border=0 src='../include/images/go.gif' width='24' height='24'><A class='clsALink' href='https://<%= Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") %>/cerintro.asp'><%= L_RECEIVED_NEWFILE_LINK_TEXT %></a></p>"
End If
End If
<% Else %>
<div class='clsDiv'>
<P CLASS="clsPTitle">
<P CLASS="clsPBody">
<% End If %>
<!-- #INCLUDE VIRTUAL = "include/asp/foot.asp" -->
Call DestroyObjects