Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

57 lines
1.7 KiB

<%@ Language=JavaScript %>
//Response.Write( "signout: " + Request.QueryString( "Signout" ) + "<BR>")
if ( Request.QueryString( "Signout" ) == "1" )
var g_ThisServer = Request.ServerVariables( "SERVER_NAME" )
g_objPassportManager = Server.CreateObject("Passport.Manager");
var szRedirectPage = Server.URLEncode("http://" + g_ThisServer + "/ResRedir.asp")
var LogOutURL = g_objPassportManager.LogoutURL( szRedirectPage, false, Application("LCID") )
Response.Redirect( LogOutURL )
Response.Cookies("OCAV3")( "PPIN" ) = "0"
Response.Cookies("OCAV3")( "CID" ) = "0"
Response.Cookies("OCAV3")( "GUID" ) = "0"
Response.Cookies("OCAV3") = ""
Response.AddHeader( "Cache-Control", "no-cache" )
Response.AddHeader( "Pragma", "no-cache" )
Response.Cookies("MSPProf") = ""
Response.Cookies("MSPProf").Expires = "Jan 1,1998"
Response.Cookies("MSPProf").Path = "/"
Response.Cookies("MSPAuth") = ""
Response.Cookies("MSPAuth").Expires = "Jan 1,1998"
Response.Cookies("MSPAuth").Path = "/"
//'If you have configured your web site to use a domain other than the default, then
//'uncomment and modify the following lines:
//' Response.Cookies("MSPProf").Domain = ".microsoft.com"
//' Response.Cookies("MSPProf").Path = "/"
//' Response.Cookies("MSPAuth").Domain = ".microsoft.com"
//' Response.Cookies("MSPAuth").Path = "/"
// ' To Insert loop to pause on logout screen Uncomment next 2 lines.
// 'For i = 0 To 10000000
// 'Next
<!--#include File="signoutcheckmark.gif"-->