Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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function Dialog()
// "Dialog" is an object that is used to put up dialogs to the user.
this.fShowDialog = false; // true,false
this.fEMailOnly = false; // true,false
this.cDialogIndex = 0; // Index to keep track of wheter we've shown this dialog yet
this.strTitle = ''; // Dialog Title
this.strMessage = ''; // Dialog Message
this.aBtnText = new Array(); // Array of button text strings
this.nSecRemaining = 0; // 3000
function BuildType()
// "BuildType" is an object to describe the type of build
this.strConfigLongName = ''; // ConfigLongName
this.strEnviroLongName = ''; // EnviroLongName
this.strConfigDescription = ''; // ConfigDescription
this.strEnviroDescription = ''; // EnviroDescription
this.fDistributed = false; // Indicates if this is a distributed build.
this.strPostBuildMachine = ''; // PostBuildMachine
function ElapsedTimes()
// "ElapsedTimes" is an object to keep track of overall elapsed times for the build
this.dateScorchStart = 'unset'; // UTC Timestamp of when the Scorch phase started
this.dateScorchFinish = 'unset'; // UTC Timestamp of when the Scorch phase finished
this.dateSyncStart = 'unset'; // UTC Timestamp of when the sync phase started
this.dateSyncFinish = 'unset'; // UTC Timestamp of when the sync phase finished
this.dateBuildStart = 'unset'; // UTC Timestamp of when the build phase started
this.dateBuildFinish = 'unset'; // UTC Timestamp of when the build phase finished
this.dateCopyFilesStart = 'unset'; // UTC Timestamp of when the CopyFiles phase started
this.dateCopyFilesFinish = 'unset'; // UTC Timestamp of when the CopyFiles phase finished
this.datePostStart = 'unset'; // UTC Timestamp of when the postbuild phase started
this.datePostFinish = 'unset'; // UTC Timestamp of when the postbuild phase finished
function DepotInfo()
// "DepotInfo" is an array of depots in this enlistment
this.strName = ''; // Human readable name of depot (left side of sd.map list)
this.strDir = ''; // Directory name for this depot (right side of sd.map list)
function Enlistment()
// "Enlistment" is an array of known enlistments on the machine (given in env. template)
this.strRootDir = ''; // Root directory of enlistment (e.g. d:\newnt)
this.strBinaryDir = ''; // Place where built binaries get put (e.g. d:\binaries.*)
this.aDepotInfo = new Array(); // "DepotInfo" is an array of depots in this enlistment
function Machine()
// "Machine" is a hash array indexed by machine name
this.strName = ''; // machine name
this.strStatus = 'idle'; // idle,busy,waiting
this.strLog = ''; // Contents of detailed log for this machine
this.aEnlistment = new Array(); // "Enlistment" is an array of known enlistments on the machine (given in env. template)
this.strBuildPassStatus = ''; // "busy[0,1,2]", "wait[1,2]"
this.fSuccess = true;
function UpdateCount()
// "UpdateCount" Number which is incremented any time this depot object or its tasks are changed.
this.nCount = 1;
function Task()
// "Task" is an array of tasks currently or previously performed in this depot
this.strName = ''; // sync,build,postbuild
this.nID = -1; // Machine-unique ID for this task. Must be valid after it has completed
this.dateStart = ''; // Date object giving the start time of the task
this.dateFinish = ''; // Date object giving the finish time of the task
this.strOperation = ''; // Sync:sync,resolve; Build:pass0,compile,link; PostBuild: ???
this.strStatus = 'not started'; // not started,in progress,completed,waiting
this.fSuccess = true; // Indicates success or failure of task. Should be used instead of cErrors to determine error status.
this.nRestarted = 0; // The number of times an operation was automatically restarted.
this.cFiles = 0; // Count of sync'd files
this.cResolved = 0; // Count of resolved files
this.cWarnings = 0; // Warning count
this.cErrors = 0; // Error count
this.strLogPath = ''; // UNC path to detailed log file
this.strErrLogPath = ''; // UNC path to log file containing only detailed error information
this.strFirstLine = ''; // First line of error message in UI status
this.strSecondLine = ''; // Second line of error message in UI status
function Depot()
// "Depot" is an array of depots for the build. It contains the depots that are actually performing tasks.
this.strName = ''; // Name of depot (DepotInfo.strName)
this.objUpdateCount = new UpdateCount();
this.strDir = ''; // Directory of depot (DepotInfo.strDir)
this.strPath = ''; // Full path of depot's root directory
this.strStatus = 'not started'; // not started,syncing,building,postbuild,waiting,error
this.strMachine = ''; // Name of the machine building this depot
this.nEnlistment = -1; // index of enlistment in machine's enlistment array
this.aTask = new Array(); // "Task" is an array of tasks currently or previously performed in this depot
function Build()
// "Build" is an array of build objects. For now there will always be only one build.
this.strConfigTemplate = ''; // file://\\server\path\clean_build.xml
this.strEnvTemplate = ''; // file://\\server\path\bluelab.xml
this.objBuildType = new BuildType();
this.objElapsedTimes = new ElapsedTimes();
this.hMachine = new Object(); // "Machine" is a hash array indexed by machine name
this.aDepot = new Array(); // "Depot" is an array of depots for the build. It contains the depots that are actually performing tasks.
function PublicDataObj()
// "PublicDataObj" is the object to be put in the PublicData property. All data here will be exposed to outside clients.
this.strDataVersion = 'V(########) F(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)';
// $
this.strStatus = 'idle'; // idle,busy,completed
this.strMode = 'idle'; // idle,master,slave,standalone
this.objDialog = new Dialog();
this.aBuild = new Array(); // "Build" is an array of build objects. For now there will always be only one build.
function Util()
// "Util" is function pointers and other data used by the utility thread.
this.fnLoadXML = null; // Pointer to function which will load an XML file into an object
this.fnUneval = null; // Pointer to function which will convert any JScript data type into a string
this.fnDeleteFileNoThrow = null; // Pointer to function to delete files without throwing errors
this.fnMoveFileNoThrow = null; // Pointer to function to move files without throwing error
this.fnCreateFolderNoThrow = null; // Pointer to function to make folders without throwing error
this.fnDirScanNoThrow = null; // Pointer to function to scan a folder (for files) without throwing error
this.fnCopyFileNoThrow = null; // Pointer to function to copy files without throwing error
this.fnCreateHistoriedFile = null; // Pointer to function create files with a history of numbered files
this.fnCreateNumberedFile = null; // Pointer to function create a file with an increasing index
this.unevalNextID = 0; // Used by the Uneval function to get unique IDs for objects being stringized
function PublishedFile()
// "PublishedFiles" is the array of filenames
this.strPublishedStatus = 'not yet copied'; // "not yet copied", "duplicate", "copy to master", "copy to slaves", "complete"
this.strName = '';
function PublishEnlistment()
// "PublishEnlistment" is hash by enlistment path
this.aPublishedFile = new Array(); // "PublishedFiles" is the array of filenames
this.strSrcUNCPrefix = '';
function Publisher()
// "Publisher" is a hash by slave machine name
this.hPublishEnlistment = new Object(); // "PublishEnlistment" is hash by enlistment path
function PublishedFiles()
// "PublishedFiles" is a hash by filename of the files to be published
this.aReferences = new Array(); // array of DepotInfo
function RemoteMachine()
// "RemoteMachine" is a hash array indexed by machine name
this.fSetConfig = false; // Determines if we have succeeded in doing a "setconfig" command to a slave machine.
this.fRegistered = false; // Determines if we have succeeded in doing a "RegisterEventSource" to a slave machine.
this.objRemote = null; // Only valid on master side, handle to remote mtscript
function EnvObj()
// the environment variables from razzle
function EnlistmentInfo()
// Array of environments for each enlistment for this machine
this.hEnvObj = new Object();
function RemotePublicDataObj()
// Hash by machine name, a copy of the public data from each remote build machine
function PrivateDataObj()
// "PrivateDataObj" is the type of the PrivateData property. This is used to share data between threads but will not be seen by others
this.fileLog = null; // General logfile which logging information is written to
this.fEnableLogging = false; // Enable/Disable writing logmsgs to the logfile.
this.objConfig = null; // Config data read from configuration template
this.objEnviron = null; // Environment data read from environment template
this.fnExecScript = null; // Pointer to function to delegate calls to exec to. Will vary depending on mode engine is running in.
this.objUtil = new Util();
this.dateErrorMailSent = 0; // Time that we last sent out an error message
this.fIsStandalone = false; // True if the machine is operating in standalone mode
this.hPublisher = new Object(); // "Publisher" is a hash by slave machine name
this.hPublishedFiles = new Object(); // "PublishedFiles" is a hash by filename of the files to be published
this.aDepotList = new Array(); // Array of depots giving names of all known depots
this.hRemoteMachine = new Object(); // "RemoteMachine" is a hash array indexed by machine name
this.aEnlistmentInfo = new Array(); // Array of environments for each enlistment for this machine
this.strLogDir = ''; // Directory location where log files should be placed
this.aStringMap = new Array(); // Array of string mappings received from setstringmap - used for sending to slaves
this.hRemotePublicDataObj = new Object();