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/* comstd.hh -- Private header file for stdcom communications driver module
* Copyright 1994 by Hilgraeve Inc. -- Monroe, MI
* All rights reserved
* $Revision: 6 $
* $Date: 1/18/02 4:59p $
// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DEBUG CONTROL -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// These constants are used to turn on various types of debug display
//#define DEBUG_THREAD // Thread startup and shutdown
//#define DEBUG_READ // Read operations, main & thread
//#define DEBUG_WRITE // Write operations, main & thread
//#define DEBUG_EVENTS // Com Events handled in thread
//#define DEBUG_AD // Auto Detect
#if defined(DEBUG_THREAD)
#define DEBUGSTR
#define DBG_THREAD(s,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) DbgOutStr(s,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5)
#define DBG_THREAD(s,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5)
#if defined(DEBUG_READ)
#define DEBUGSTR
#define DBG_READ(s,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) DbgOutStr(s,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5)
#define DBG_READ(s,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5)
#if defined(DEBUG_WRITE)
#define DEBUGSTR
#define DBG_WRITE(s,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) DbgOutStr(s,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5)
#define DBG_WRITE(s,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5)
#if defined(DEBUG_EVENTS)
#define DEBUGSTR
#define DBG_EVENTS(s,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) DbgOutStr(s,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5)
#define DBG_EVENTS(s,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5)
#if defined(DEBUG_AD)
#define DEBUGSTR
#define DBG_AD(s,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) DbgOutStr(s,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5)
#define DBG_AD(s,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5)
// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DEFINITIONS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
#define SIZE_INQ 1152
#define SIZE_OUTQ 2048
#define MAX_READSIZE 80L
// Set these values to make auto detection work
#define MIN_AD_TOTAL 15
#define MIN_AD_MIX 6
// Values for nBestGuess
#define AD_DONT_KNOW 0
#define AD_8N1 1
#define AD_7O1 2
#define AD_7E1 3
// Flag values in afHandshake
#define HANDSHAKE_RCV_X 0x0001
#define HANDSHAKE_RCV_DTR 0x0002
#define HANDSHAKE_RCV_RTS 0x0004
#define HANDSHAKE_SND_X 0x0008
#define HANDSHAKE_SND_CTS 0x0010
#define HANDSHAKE_SND_DSR 0x0020
#define HANDSHAKE_SND_DCD 0x0040
#define MDMSTAT_CTS 0x10
#define MDMSTAT_DSR 0x20
#define MDMSTAT_DCD 0x80
#define STDCOM struct s_stdcom *
// System value item IDs
#define SFID_COMSTD_BAUD 0x1011
#define SFID_COMSTD_PARITY 0x1014
#define SFID_COMSTD_XON 0x1016
#define SFID_COMSTD_XOFF 0x1017
#define SFID_COMSTD_BREAK 0x1018
// Identifiers for events in ahEvents
#define EVENT_READ 1
#define EVENT_WRITE 2
#define EVENT_COUNT 3
#if defined(INCL_WINSOCK)
// Size of receive circular buffer
#define WSOCK_SIZE_INQ 1500
// Size of send circular bufffer. Don't make too big or status displays
// during file transfers will act oddly.
#define WSOCK_SIZE_OUTQ 3000
#define IP_ADDR_LEN 128
// Note: This was once "HA/WinSock" however this would cause HyperTerminal
// to crash if HAWin16 was running and using WinSock. Since this was an
// obvious cut-and-paste job, I have changed this to be unique for
// HyperTerminal. - cab:12/06/96
#define MODE_MAX 5
#endif // defined(INCL_WINSOCK)
// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= TYPES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
typedef struct s_stdcom_settings
long lBaud;
int nDataBits;
int nStopBits;
int nParity;
unsigned afHandshake;
int nBreakDuration;
int fAutoDetect;
#if defined(INCL_WINSOCK)
struct stOptionStateData
int option;
int us;
int usq;
int him;
int himq;
typedef struct stOptionStateData STOPT;
#endif // defined(INCL_WINSOCK)
typedef struct s_stdcom
// Configuration details
// These are control variables private to the stdcom driver
HCOM hCom; // access to com routines
HANDLE hWinComm; // handle to windows comm device
HTIMER hTmrBreak; // Timer to control break duration
int fBreakSignalOn; // TRUE while sending break signal
int fNotifyRcv; // TRUE if driver should send notification
DWORD dwEventMask; // Mask used in Set/GetCommEventmask
int fSending; // TRUE if we've sent a buffer of data
long lSndTimer; // started when we issue a WriteComm
long lSndLimit; // amt. of time to wait for send
long lSndStuck; // amt. of time we've been waiting for
// handshaking
HWND hwndEvents; // window to process event messages
// generate messages for us
BYTE bLastMdmStat;
// Control fields for receiving
int nRBufrSize; // Size of receive buffer
BYTE *pbBufrStart; // Address of receive buffer
BYTE *pbBufrEnd;
BYTE *pbReadEnd; // Where read thread left off
BYTE *pbComStart; // Marks area being unloaded by main Com
BYTE *pbComEnd;
int fBufrFull; // True when driver buffers are full
int fBufrEmpty; // True when driver buffers are empty
// Control fields for sending
DWORD dwBytesToSend; // Number of bytes pending for write
DWORD dwSndOffset; // Offset into send buffer for write
BYTE *pbSndBufr; // Buffer used by pending write calls
// Error counts
int nParityErrors;
int nFramingErrors;
int nOverrunErrors;
int nOverflowErrors;
// Auto detection fields
int fADRunning;
int nADTotal;
int nADMix;
int nAD7o1;
int nADHighBits;
int nADBestGuess;
char chADLastChar;
int fADToggleParity;
int fADReconfigure;
HANDLE hComstdThread; // Thread to handle ongoing activity
int fHaltThread; // To control when thread shuts down
// Data access control
CRITICAL_SECTION csect; // To synchronize access to driver vars.
HANDLE ahEvent[EVENT_COUNT]; // To control scheduling
#if defined(INCL_WINSOCK)
// Configuration details
// These are control variables private to the tcpip comm driver
SOCKET hSocket; // connected socket
int fConnected; // COM_PORT_UNINITIALIZED initially,
// COM_PORT_NOT_OPEN if init'd,
// COM_PORT_OPEN connected
TCHAR szRemoteAddr[IP_ADDR_LEN];// IP address
short nPort; // Port number
unsigned long ulCompatibility; // to pass flags into dialogs
ULONG ulAddr;
// These are control variables private to the stdcom driver
int fSndBreak; // emulate a break sequence
// Control fields for receiving
BYTE *pbSendBufr; // Pointer to data passed to SndBufrSend
int nSendBufrLen; // Amount of data to send
BYTE abSndBufr[WSOCK_SIZE_OUTQ*2]; // Buffer to send when Winsock is ready
BYTE *pbSndPtrEnd; // Current offset in auchSndBufr
HANDLE hComReadThread; // Thread to handle reading from network
HANDLE hComWriteThread; // Thread to handle writing to network
HANDLE hComConnectThread; // Thread to handle connecting to host
int fClearSendBufr; // flag to signal send buffer to be cleared
int fEscapeFF; // We are escaping FF characters (by doubling)
int fSeenFF; // We have just encountered and FF character
union { // JYF: 29-Sep-2000, fix alignment fault
HOSTENT stHostBuf; // used by WSAGetHostByName
BYTE pcharHostBuf[MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT]; // for allocating MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT bytes
struct sockaddr_in stHost;
// Pointers to socket library functions (porting note: these are just pasted in from winsock.h
// with the function pointer declaration fixed up)
int (PASCAL * FAR accept)( int, struct sockaddr *, int * );
int (PASCAL * FAR bind)( int, struct sockaddr *, int );
int (PASCAL * FAR connect)( int, struct sockaddr *, int );
int (PASCAL * FAR gethostid)(void);
int (PASCAL * FAR listen)( int, int);
int (PASCAL * FAR recv)( int, char *, int, int );
int (PASCAL * FAR send)( int, char *, int, int );
int (PASCAL * FAR sock_init)( void );
int (PASCAL * FAR sock_errno)( void );
int (PASCAL * FAR socket)( int, int, int );
int (PASCAL * FAR soclose)( int );
int (PASCAL * FAR shutdown)(int, int);
int (PASCAL * FAR setsockopt)( int, int, int, char *, int );
// from netdb.h
struct hostent * (PASCAL * FAR gethostbyname)( char * );
// from netinet/in.h
unsigned long (PASCAL * FAR inet_addr)(char *);
// from utils.h
unsigned short (PASCAL * FAR bswap)(unsigned short);
// Telnet emulation data
int NVTstate; // Current state of Network Virtual Terminal
// Answer mode variables - cab:11/19/96
int fAnswer; // Are we waiting for a call?
#endif // defined(INCL_WINSOCK)
// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Globals -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
extern HINSTANCE hinstDLL;
// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- EXPORTED PROTOTYPES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
int WINAPI DeviceInitialize(HCOM hCom, unsigned usInterfaceVersion,
void **ppvDriverData);
int WINAPI DeviceClose(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate);
int WINAPI DeviceDialog(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate, HWND hwndParent);
int WINAPI DeviceGetCommon(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate, ST_COMMON *pstCommon);
int WINAPI DeviceSetCommon(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate, ST_COMMON *pstCommon);
int WINAPI DeviceSpecial(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate,
const TCHAR *pszInstructions,
TCHAR *pszResult,
int nBufrSize);
int WINAPI DeviceLoadHdl(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate, SF_HANDLE sfHdl);
int WINAPI DeviceSaveHdl(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate, SF_HANDLE sfHdl);
int WINAPI PortConfigure(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate);
int WINAPI PortActivate(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate,
TCHAR *pszPortName,
DWORD_PTR dwMediaHdl);
int WINAPI PortDeactivate(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate);
int WINAPI PortConnected(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate);
int PortExtractSettings(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate);
int PortDefaultSettings(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate);
int WINAPI RcvRefill(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate);
int WINAPI RcvClear(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate);
int WINAPI SndBufrSend(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate, void *pvBufr,
int nSize);
int WINAPI SndBufrIsBusy(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate);
int WINAPI SndBufrQuery(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate, unsigned *pafStatus,
long *plHandshakeDelay);
int WINAPI SndBufrClear(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate);
DWORD WINAPI ComstdThread(void *pvData);
void AutoDetectAnalyze(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate, int nBytes, char *pchBufr);
void AutoDetectOutput(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate, void *pvBufr, int nSize);
void AutoDetectStart(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate);
void AutoDetectStop(ST_STDCOM *pstPrivate);
void ComstdSettingsToDCB(ST_STDCOM_SETTINGS *pstSettings, DCB *pstDcb);
void ComstdDCBToSettings(DCB *pstDcb, ST_STDCOM_SETTINGS *pstSettings);
// Temporary til TAPI lets us change media handle settings correctly
int ComstdGetAutoDetectResults(void *pvData, BYTE *bByteSize,
BYTE *bParity, BYTE *bStopBits);