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// strinout.cpp
// Unicode wrappers (String converters)
// Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation 2000
// Author: Nadim Abdo (nadima)
// based on code from shell\shlwapi\unicwrap.*
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "cstrinout.h"
// Member: CConvertStr::Free
// Synopsis: Frees string if alloc'd and initializes to NULL.
if (_pstr != _ach && HIWORD64(_pstr) != 0 && !IsAtom())
delete [] _pstr;
_pstr = NULL;
// Member: CConvertStrW::Free
// Synopsis: Frees string if alloc'd and initializes to NULL.
if (_pwstr != _awch && HIWORD64(_pwstr) != 0)
delete [] _pwstr;
_pwstr = NULL;
// Member: CStrInW::Init
// Synopsis: Converts a LPSTR function argument to a LPWSTR.
// Arguments: [pstr] -- The function argument. May be NULL or an atom
// (HIWORD64(pwstr) == 0).
// [cch] -- The number of characters in the string to
// convert. If -1, the string is assumed to be
// NULL terminated and its length is calculated.
// Modifies: [this]
CStrInW::Init(LPCSTR pstr, int cch)
int cchBufReq;
_cwchLen = 0;
// Check if string is NULL or an atom.
if (HIWORD64(pstr) == 0)
_pwstr = (LPWSTR) pstr;
ASSERT(cch == -1 || cch > 0);
// Convert string to preallocated buffer, and return if successful.
// Since the passed in buffer may not be null terminated, we have
// a problem if cch==ARRAYSIZE(_awch), because MultiByteToWideChar
// will succeed, and we won't be able to null terminate the string!
// Decrease our buffer by one for this case.
_cwchLen = MultiByteToWideChar(
CP_ACP, 0, pstr, cch, _awch, ARRAYSIZE(_awch)-1);
if (_cwchLen > 0)
// Some callers don't NULL terminate.
// We could check "if (-1 != cch)" before doing this,
// but always doing the null is less code.
_awch[_cwchLen] = 0;
if (0 == _awch[_cwchLen-1]) // account for terminator
_pwstr = _awch;
// Alloc space on heap for buffer.
cchBufReq = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, pstr, cch, NULL, 0 );
// Again, leave room for null termination
ASSERT(cchBufReq > 0);
_pwstr = new WCHAR[cchBufReq];
if (!_pwstr)
// On failure, the argument will point to the empty string.
_awch[0] = 0;
_pwstr = _awch;
_cwchLen = MultiByteToWideChar(
CP_ACP, 0, pstr, cch, _pwstr, cchBufReq );
#if DBG == 1 /* { */
if (0 == _cwchLen)
int errcode = GetLastError();
ASSERT(0 && "MultiByteToWideChar failed in unicode wrapper.");
#endif /* } */
// Again, make sure we're always null terminated
ASSERT(_cwchLen < cchBufReq);
_pwstr[_cwchLen] = 0;
if (0 == _pwstr[_cwchLen-1]) // account for terminator
// Member: CStrIn::CStrIn
// Synopsis: Inits the class.
// NOTE: Don't inline this function or you'll increase code size
// by pushing -1 on the stack for each call.
CStrIn::CStrIn(LPCWSTR pwstr) : CConvertStr(CP_ACP)
Init(pwstr, -1);
CStrIn::CStrIn(UINT uCP, LPCWSTR pwstr) : CConvertStr(uCP)
Init(pwstr, -1);
// Member: CStrIn::Init
// Synopsis: Converts a LPWSTR function argument to a LPSTR.
// Arguments: [pwstr] -- The function argument. May be NULL or an atom
// (HIWORD(pwstr) == 0).
// [cwch] -- The number of characters in the string to
// convert. If -1, the string is assumed to be
// NULL terminated and its length is calculated.
// Modifies: [this]
// Note: We ignore AreFileApisANSI() and always use CP_ACP.
// The reason is that nobody uses SetFileApisToOEM() except
// console apps, and once you set file APIs to OEM, you
// cannot call shell/user/gdi APIs, since they assume ANSI
// regardless of the FileApis setting. So you end up in
// this horrible messy state where the filename APIs interpret
// the strings as OEM but SHELL32 interprets the strings
// as ANSI and you end up with a big mess.
CStrIn::Init(LPCWSTR pwstr, int cwch)
int cchBufReq;
#if DBG == 1 /* { */
int errcode;
#endif /* } */
_cchLen = 0;
// Check if string is NULL or an atom.
if (HIWORD64(pwstr) == 0 || IsAtom())
_pstr = (LPSTR) pwstr;
if ( cwch == 0 )
*_ach = '\0';
_pstr = _ach;
// Convert string to preallocated buffer, and return if successful.
_cchLen = WideCharToMultiByte(
_uCP, 0, pwstr, cwch, _ach, ARRAYSIZE(_ach)-1, NULL, NULL);
if (_cchLen > 0)
// This is DBCS safe since byte before _cchLen is last character
_ach[_cchLen] = 0;
// this may not be safe if the last character
// was a multibyte character...
if (_ach[_cchLen-1]==0)
_cchLen--; // account for terminator
_pstr = _ach;
cchBufReq = WideCharToMultiByte(
CP_ACP, 0, pwstr, cwch, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
ASSERT(cchBufReq > 0);
_pstr = new char[cchBufReq];
if (!_pstr)
// On failure, the argument will point to the empty string.
_ach[0] = 0;
_pstr = _ach;
_cchLen = WideCharToMultiByte(
_uCP, 0, pwstr, cwch, _pstr, cchBufReq, NULL, NULL);
#if DBG == 1 /* { */
if (_cchLen < 0)
errcode = GetLastError();
ASSERT(0 && "WideCharToMultiByte failed in unicode wrapper.");
#endif /* } */
// Again, make sure we're always null terminated
ASSERT(_cchLen < cchBufReq);
_pstr[_cchLen] = 0;
if (0 == _pstr[_cchLen-1]) // account for terminator
// Member: CStrInMulti::CStrInMulti
// Synopsis: Converts mulitple LPWSTRs to a multiple LPSTRs.
// Arguments: [pwstr] -- The strings to convert.
// Modifies: [this]
CStrInMulti::CStrInMulti(LPCWSTR pwstr)
// We don't handle atoms because we don't need to.
// Count number of characters to convert.
pwstrT = pwstr;
if (pwstr)
do {
while (*pwstrT++)
} while (*pwstrT++);
Init(pwstr, (int)(pwstrT - pwstr));
// Member: CPPFIn::CPPFIn
// Synopsis: Inits the class. Truncates the filename to MAX_PATH
// so Win9x DBCS won't fault. Win9x SBCS silently truncates
// to MAX_PATH, so we're bug-for-bug compatible.
SHUnicodeToAnsi(pwstr, _ach, ARRAYSIZE(_ach));
// Member: CStrOut::CStrOut
// Synopsis: Allocates enough space for an out buffer.
// Arguments: [pwstr] -- The Unicode buffer to convert to when destroyed.
// May be NULL.
// [cwchBuf] -- The size of the buffer in characters.
// Modifies: [this].
CStrOut::CStrOut(LPWSTR pwstr, int cwchBuf) : CConvertStr(CP_ACP)
Init(pwstr, cwchBuf);
CStrOut::CStrOut(UINT uCP, LPWSTR pwstr, int cwchBuf) : CConvertStr(uCP)
Init(pwstr, cwchBuf);
CStrOut::Init(LPWSTR pwstr, int cwchBuf)
ASSERT(cwchBuf >= 0);
_pwstr = pwstr;
_cwchBuf = cwchBuf;
if (!pwstr)
// Force cwchBuf = 0 because many callers (in particular, registry
// munging functions) pass garbage as the length because they know
// it will be ignored.
_cwchBuf = 0;
_pstr = NULL;
// Initialize buffer in case Windows API returns an error.
_ach[0] = 0;
// Use preallocated buffer if big enough.
if (cwchBuf * 2 <= ARRAYSIZE(_ach))
_pstr = _ach;
// Allocate buffer.
_pstr = new char[cwchBuf * 2];
if (!_pstr)
// On failure, the argument will point to a zero-sized buffer initialized
// to the empty string. This should cause the Windows API to fail.
ASSERT(cwchBuf > 0);
_pwstr[0] = 0;
_cwchBuf = 0;
_pstr = _ach;
_pstr[0] = 0;
// Member: CStrOutW::CStrOutW
// Synopsis: Allocates enough space for an out buffer.
// Arguments: [pstr] -- The MBCS buffer to convert to when destroyed.
// May be NULL.
// [cchBuf] -- The size of the buffer in characters.
// Modifies: [this].
CStrOutW::CStrOutW(LPSTR pstr, int cchBuf)
ASSERT(cchBuf >= 0);
_pstr = pstr;
_cchBuf = cchBuf;
if (!pstr)
// Force cchBuf = 0 because many callers (in particular, registry
// munging functions) pass garbage as the length because they know
// it will be ignored.
_cchBuf = 0;
_pwstr = NULL;
// Initialize buffer in case Windows API returns an error.
_awch[0] = 0;
// Use preallocated buffer if big enough.
if (cchBuf <= ARRAYSIZE(_awch))
_pwstr = _awch;
// Allocate buffer.
_pwstr = new WCHAR[cchBuf];
if (!_pwstr)
// On failure, the argument will point to a zero-sized buffer initialized
// to the empty string. This should cause the Windows API to fail.
ASSERT(cchBuf > 0);
_pstr[0] = 0;
_cchBuf = 0;
_pwstr = _awch;
_pwstr[0] = 0;
// Member: CStrOut::ConvertIncludingNul
// Synopsis: Converts the buffer from MBCS to Unicode
// Return: Character count INCLUDING the trailing '\0'
int cch;
if (!_pstr)
return 0;
cch = SHAnsiToUnicodeCP(_uCP, _pstr, _pwstr, _cwchBuf);
#if DBG == 1 /* { */
if (cch == 0 && _cwchBuf > 0)
int errcode = GetLastError();
ASSERT(0 && "SHAnsiToUnicode failed in unicode wrapper.");
#endif /* } */
return cch;
// Member: CStrOutW::ConvertIncludingNul
// Synopsis: Converts the buffer from Unicode to MBCS
// Return: Character count INCLUDING the trailing '\0'
int cch;
if (!_pwstr)
return 0;
cch = SHUnicodeToAnsi(_pwstr, _pstr, _cchBuf);
#if DBG == 1 /* { */
if (cch == 0 && _cchBuf > 0)
int errcode = GetLastError();
ASSERT(0 && "SHUnicodeToAnsi failed in unicode wrapper.");
#endif /* } */
return cch;
// Member: CStrOut::ConvertExcludingNul
// Synopsis: Converts the buffer from MBCS to Unicode
// Return: Character count EXCLUDING the trailing '\0'
int ret = ConvertIncludingNul();
if (ret > 0)
ret -= 1;
return ret;
// Member: CStrOut::CopyNoConvert
// Synopsis: Copies to the output buffer without converting
// Return: Character count EXCLUDING the trailing '\0'
CStrOut::CopyNoConvert(int srcBytes)
if (!_pstr || !_pwstr)
return 0;
if (srcBytes < (int)(_cwchBuf * sizeof(WCHAR)))
memcpy(_pwstr, _pstr, srcBytes);
return srcBytes;
return 0;
// Member: CStrOut::~CStrOut
// Synopsis: Converts the buffer from MBCS to Unicode.
// Note: Don't inline this function, or you'll increase code size as
// both ConvertIncludingNul() and CConvertStr::~CConvertStr will be
// called inline.
// Member: CStrOutW::~CStrOutW
// Synopsis: Converts the buffer from Unicode to MBCS.
// Note: Don't inline this function, or you'll increase code size as
// both ConvertIncludingNul() and CConvertStr::~CConvertStr will be
// called inline.