Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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* MSI will call these APIs to ask TS to propogate changes from .Default to the TS hive.
* NTSTATUS TermServPrepareAppInstallDueMSI()
* NTSTATUS TermServProcessAppIntallDueMSI( BOOLEAN cleanup )
* These API need not be called in the same boot cycles, many boot cycles could
* happen in between.
* Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corp.
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <ntexapi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winuser.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tsappcmp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "KeyNode.h"
#include "ValInfo.h"
// real externs!
extern "C" {
void TermsrvLogRegInstallTime(void);
extern "C" {
BOOL HKeyExistsInOmissionList(HKEY hKeyToCheck);
extern "C" {
BOOL RegPathExistsInOmissionList(PWCHAR pwchKeyToCheck);
// forward declaration
extern NTSTATUS DeleteReferenceHive(WCHAR *);
extern NTSTATUS CreateReferenceHive( WCHAR *, WCHAR *);
extern NTSTATUS DeltaDeleteKeys(WCHAR *, WCHAR *, WCHAR *);
extern NTSTATUS DeltaUpdateKeys(WCHAR *, WCHAR *, WCHAR *);
WCHAR g_debugFileName[MAX_PATH];
FILE *g_debugFilePointer=NULL;
BOOLEAN KeyNode::debug=FALSE; // init the static
// This is for debug I/O, output looks better with it.
void Indent( ULONG indent)
for ( ULONG i = 1; i <indent ; i++ )
fwprintf( g_debugFilePointer, L" ");
// a key name is written to the log file based on the contect of pBasicInfo
void DebugKeyStamp( NTSTATUS status, KeyBasicInfo *pBasicInfo, int indent , WCHAR *pComments=L"" )
fwprintf( g_debugFilePointer,L"%ws, status=%lx, %ws\n",pBasicInfo->NameSz(), status , pComments);
fflush( g_debugFilePointer );
// a debug stamp is written to the log file, including the line number where error happened
void DebugErrorStamp(NTSTATUS status , int lineNumber, ValueFullInfo *pValue=NULL)
fwprintf( g_debugFilePointer,
L"ERROR ?!? status = %lx, linenumber:%d\n", status, lineNumber);
if (pValue)
#define KEY_IGNORED L"[key was ignored]"
#define NO_KEY_HANDLE L"[No handle, key ignored]"
void DebugInfo(NTSTATUS status , int lineNumber, KeyNode *pKey, WCHAR *comment)
if(g_debugIO && g_debugFilePointer)
fwprintf( g_debugFilePointer,
L"ERROR ?!? status = %lx, linenumber:%d, KeyNode name=%ws, %ws\n", status,
lineNumber , pKey->Name() , comment);
// use this func to track the status value which is used to bail out in
// case of an error.
// this is only used in teh debug build, see below
if ( g_debugIO )
if ( ( (ULONG)status) >=0xC0000000 )
DebugErrorStamp( status, lineNumber );
return ( (NTSTATUS)(status) >= 0 );
#ifdef DBG
#define NT_SUCCESS_EX(Status) NT_SUCCESS_OR_ERROR_STAMP( (Status), __LINE__ )
#define DEBUG_INFO(Status, pKey, comment ) DebugInfo( Status, __LINE__ , pKey , comment)
#define NT_SUCCESS_EX(Status) NT_SUCCESS(Status)
#define DEBUG_INFO(Stats, pKey , comment)
* All three branch-walker functions use this method to alter the status code, and
* if necessary, log an error message to the log file
NTSTATUS AlterStatus( NTSTATUS status , int lineNumber )
switch( status )
// this should never happen since we run in the system context
if ( g_debugIO )
DebugErrorStamp( status, lineNumber );
if ( g_debugIO )
DebugErrorStamp( status, lineNumber );
return status;
* Based on a special reg key/value init the debug flags and pointers which are
* used to log debug info into a log file. When called with start=TRUE, the
* relevant data structs are initialized. When called with start=FALSE, the log
* file is closed.
void InitDebug( BOOLEAN start)
if ( start )
if ( NT_SUCCESS( tsHiveNode.Open() ) )
ValuePartialInfo debugValue( &tsHiveNode );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( debugValue.Status() ) && NT_SUCCESS( debugValue.Query(L"TS_MSI_DEBUG") ) )
g_debugIO = TRUE;
for (ULONG i =0; i < debugValue.Ptr()->DataLength/sizeof(WCHAR); i++)
g_debugFileName[i] = ((WCHAR*)(debugValue.Ptr()->Data))[i];
g_debugFileName[i] = L'\0';
g_debugFilePointer = _wfopen( g_debugFileName, L"a+" );
fwprintf( g_debugFilePointer, L"----\n");
if ( g_debugFilePointer )
* Function:
* TermServPrepareAppInstallDueMSI()
* Description:
* MSI service calls this function prior to starting an installation cycle.
* When called, this function blows away the RefHive (in case it was around
* with some stale data...), and then it creates a fresh copy of
* .Default\Software as the new RefHive.
* Return:
NTSTATUS TermServPrepareAppInstallDueMSI()
WCHAR sourceHive[MAX_PATH];
WCHAR referenceHive[MAX_PATH];
WCHAR destinationHive[MAX_PATH];
wcscat(sourceHive, L"\\Software");
wcscpy(referenceHive, TERMSRV_INSTALL );
wcscat(referenceHive, L"\\RefHive");
InitDebug( TRUE );
if ( g_debugIO)
fwprintf( g_debugFilePointer,L"In %ws\n",
fflush( g_debugFilePointer );
// delete the existing hive (if any )
status = DeleteReferenceHive( referenceHive );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( status ) )
// 1-COPY
// copy all keys under .Default\Software into a special location
// under our TS hive, let's call it the RefHive
status = CreateReferenceHive(sourceHive, referenceHive);
InitDebug( FALSE );
return status;
* Function:
* TermServProcessAppInstallDueMSI
* Description:
* MSI service calls this function after calling TermServPrepareAppInstallDueMSI(),
* and after MSI finishing making an installation which updated the .Default
* hive (since MSI runs in the system context).
* This function will compare the content of .Default\SW to RefHive and then
* first it will create all new (missing) keys and values. Then it will
* compare any existing keys from .Default\SW with the equivalent RefHive, and
* if value is different, it will delete the equivalent value from our TS hive
* and then create a new value identical to what was found in .Default
* Return:
NTSTATUS TermServProcessAppInstallDueMSI( BOOLEAN cleanup)
WCHAR sourceHive[MAX_PATH];
WCHAR referenceHive[MAX_PATH];
WCHAR destinationHive[MAX_PATH];
wcscat(sourceHive, L"\\Software");
wcscpy(referenceHive, TERMSRV_INSTALL );
wcscat(referenceHive, L"\\RefHive");
wcscpy(destinationHive, TERMSRV_INSTALL );
wcscat(destinationHive, L"\\Software");
InitDebug( TRUE );
if ( g_debugIO)
fwprintf( g_debugFilePointer,L"In %ws, cleanup=%lx\n",
L"TermServProcessAppIntallDueMSI", cleanup);
fflush( g_debugFilePointer );
if ( !cleanup )
// compare .Dfeault keys to the equivalent keys in RefHive. If keys are
// missing from .Default, then delete the equivalent keys from our
// HKLM\...\TS\ hive
status = DeltaDeleteKeys(sourceHive, referenceHive, destinationHive);
if (NT_SUCCESS( status ) )
// Steps 3 and 4 are now combined.
// compare .Default keys to the equivalent keys in RefHive, if keys are
// present in .Default that are missing from RefHive, then, add those keys
// to our HKLM\...\TS hive
// compare keys of .Default to RefHive. Those keys that are newer than
// RefHive, then, update the equivalent keys in HKLM\...\TS
status = DeltaUpdateKeys(sourceHive, referenceHive, destinationHive);
if (NT_SUCCESS( status ))
// update the time stamp in our hive since we want the standared TS reg key
// propogation to take place.
// blow away the existing reference hive,
status = DeleteReferenceHive( referenceHive );
InitDebug( FALSE );
return status;
* Function:
* EnumerateAndCreateRefHive
* Parameters:
* pSource points to the parent node, the branch we copy
* pref points to our RefHive which we are creating as a ref image
* pBasicInfo is a scratch pad passed around which is used to
* extract basic Key information
* pindextLevel is used to format the debug log output file
* Descritption:
* Create a copy of the .Default\Sofwtare as our RefHive
* Return:
NTSTATUS EnumerateAndCreateRefHive(
IN KeyNode *pSource,
IN KeyNode *pRef,
IN KeyBasicInfo *pBasicInfo,
IN ULONG *pIndentLevel
ULONG ulCount=0;
while( NT_SUCCESS(status))
ULONG ultemp;
status = NtEnumerateKey( pSource->Key(),
pBasicInfo->Type() , // keyInformationClass,
pBasicInfo->Ptr(), // pKeyInfo,
pBasicInfo->Size(), // keyInfoSize,
if (NT_SUCCESS(status))
if ( g_debugIO)
DebugKeyStamp( status , pBasicInfo, *pIndentLevel );
// open a sub key
KeyNode SourceSubKey( pSource, pBasicInfo);
// create the Ref sub key
KeyNode RefSubKey( pRef, pBasicInfo);
if (NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = SourceSubKey.Open() ) )
if ( NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = RefSubKey.Create() ) )
NTSTATUS status3;
ULONG size;
if (NT_SUCCESS(SourceSubKey.Query( &ptrInfo, &size )))
ValueFullInfo valueFullInfo( &SourceSubKey );
ValueFullInfo RefValue( &RefSubKey );
if ( NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = valueFullInfo.Status())
&& NT_SUCCESS_EX(status = RefValue.Status()) )
for (ULONG ulkey = 0; ulkey < ptrInfo->Values; ulkey++)
status = NtEnumerateValueKey(SourceSubKey.Key(),
if (NT_SUCCESS( status ))
status = RefValue.Create( &valueFullInfo );
// if status is not good, we bail out, since var "status" is set here
// else, no more entries left, we continue
// else, out of memory, status is set, we bail out.
// else, no values are present, continue with sub-key enums
if (NT_SUCCESS( status ) )
// enumerate sub key down.
status = EnumerateAndCreateRefHive(
// else, an error, status is set, so we bail out
}// else, open on source has failed, var-status is set, we bail out
status = AlterStatus( status, __LINE__ );
// else, an error, status is set, so we bail out
// else, no more left
return( status );
* Function:
* EnumerateAndDeltaDeleteKeys
* Parameters:
* pSource points to a node under .Dfeault
* pref points to a node under our RefHive
* pDestination is a node under our TS\install\SW hive
* pBasicInfo is a scratch pad passed around which is used to
* extract basic Key information
* pindextLevel is used to format the debug log output file
* Descritption:
* compare source to ref, if keys/values in source are deleted, then
* delete the equivalent key/value from destination
* Return:
NTSTATUS EnumerateAndDeltaDeleteKeys(
IN KeyNode *pSource, // this is under the latest updated .Default\SW hive
IN KeyNode *pRef, // this was a ref-copy of .Default\SW before the update
IN KeyNode *pDestination,// this is opur private TS-hive
IN KeyBasicInfo *pBasicInfo,
IN ULONG *pIndentLevel)
ULONG ulCount=0;
ULONG size;
while (NT_SUCCESS(status))
ULONG ultemp;
status = NtEnumerateKey( pRef->Key(),
pBasicInfo->Type() , // keyInformationClass,
pBasicInfo->Ptr(), // pKeyInfo,
pBasicInfo->Size(), // keyInfoSize,
// pBasicInfo was filled up thru NtEnumerateKey() above
if (NT_SUCCESS(status))
if ( g_debugIO)
DebugKeyStamp( status , pBasicInfo, *pIndentLevel );
KeyNode RefSubKey( pRef, pBasicInfo);
KeyNode SourceSubKey( pSource,pBasicInfo);
KeyNode DestinationSubKey( pDestination, pBasicInfo);
if (NT_SUCCESS( RefSubKey.Status() ) )
if ( ! NT_SUCCESS( SourceSubKey.Status () ) )
// key is missing from the .Default\SW hive, we should delete
// the same sub-tree from our TS\Install\SW hive
if ( NT_SUCCESS( DestinationSubKey.Status()) )
if (!HKeyExistsInOmissionList((HKEY)(DestinationSubKey.Key())))
NTSTATUS st = DestinationSubKey.Delete();
if ( g_debugIO)
DebugKeyStamp( st, pBasicInfo, *pIndentLevel );
DEBUG_INFO( status, &DestinationSubKey , KEY_IGNORED );
// else
// As long as the key is missing from
// Ts\install\Hive, we will regard this condition as acceptable.
// see if any values have been deleted
// don't bother unless the destination key exists, otherwise, no values
// will be there to delete...
if ( NT_SUCCESS( DestinationSubKey.Status() ) )
ULONG size;
if (NT_SUCCESS_EX(status = RefSubKey.Query( &ptrInfo, &size )))
// from the key-full-information, create a key-value-full-information
ValueFullInfo refValueFullInfo( &RefSubKey );
ValueFullInfo sourceValue( &SourceSubKey );
// if no allocation errors, then...
if ( NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = refValueFullInfo.Status() )
&& NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = sourceValue.Status() ) )
for (ULONG ulkey = 0; ulkey < ptrInfo->Values; ulkey++)
status = NtEnumerateValueKey(RefSubKey.Key(),
&ultemp) ) )
// for every value, see if the same value
// exists in the SourceSubKey. If it doesn't
// then delete the corresponding value from
// TS's hive
sourceValue.Query( refValueFullInfo.SzName() );
// if .Default\SW is missing a value, then delete the
// corresponding value from our TS\ hive
if ( sourceValue.Status() == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND )
ValuePartialInfo destinationValue( &DestinationSubKey);
if (NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = destinationValue.Status () ) )
if (!HKeyExistsInOmissionList((HKEY)(DestinationSubKey.Key())))
destinationValue.Delete( refValueFullInfo.SzName() );
DEBUG_INFO( status, &DestinationSubKey , KEY_IGNORED );
// else, alloc error, status is set
if ( !NT_SUCCESS_EX ( status = sourceValue.Status() ) )
if ( g_debugIO )
DebugErrorStamp(status, __LINE__ );
// else, we will bail out here since var-status is set
// else, no error
// if-else
// else, no more entries
} // for loop
// else, we have an error due to no memory, var-status is set
// else, we have an error since we can not get info on this existing ref key, var-status is set
if ( NT_SUCCESS( status ) )
// we were able to open the source key, which means that
// key was not deleted from .default.
// so keep enuming away...
status = EnumerateAndDeltaDeleteKeys(
pBasicInfo ,
//else, status is bad, no point to traverse, we are bailing out
//else, there is no destination sub key to bother with deletion
// if-else
// else, ref had no more sub-keys
status = AlterStatus( status, __LINE__ );
// else, no more entries
// the typical status would be: STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES
return status;
* Function:
* EnumerateAndDeltaUpdateKeys
* Parameters:
* pSource points to a node under .Dfeault
* pref points to a node under our RefHive
* pDestination is a node under our TS\install\SW hive
* pBasicInfo is a scratch pad passed around which is used to
* extract basic Key information
* pindextLevel is used to format the debug log output file
* Descritption:
* compare source to ref, if new keys/values in source have been created
* then create the equivalent keys in our Ts\Install\SW branch (pDestination)
* Also, check all values in pSource to values in pRef, if not the same
* then delete the equivalent pDestination and create a new value
* identical to value from pSource
* Return:
NTSTATUS EnumerateAndDeltaUpdateKeys(
IN KeyNode *pSource, // this is under the latest updated .Default\SW hive
IN KeyNode *pRef, // this was a ref-copy of .Default\SW before the update
IN KeyNode *pDestination,// this is opur private TS-hive
IN KeyBasicInfo *pBasicInfo,
IN ULONG *pIndentLevel)
ULONG ulCount=0;
ULONG size;
while (NT_SUCCESS_EX(status))
ULONG ultemp;
status = NtEnumerateKey( pSource->Key(),
pBasicInfo->Type() , // keyInformationClass,
pBasicInfo->Ptr(), // pKeyInfo,
pBasicInfo->Size(), // keyInfoSize,
// pBasicInfo was filled up thru NtEnumerateKey() above
if (NT_SUCCESS_EX(status))
if ( g_debugIO)
DebugKeyStamp( status , pBasicInfo, *pIndentLevel );
KeyNode RefSubKey( pRef, pBasicInfo);
KeyNode SourceSubKey( pSource,pBasicInfo);
// calling Open() on this may fail, and we will need to delete and recreate it if required.
KeyNode *pDestinationSubKey = new KeyNode( pDestination, pBasicInfo);
if ( pDestinationSubKey )
if (NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = SourceSubKey.Status() ) )
// key is missing from the ref-hive, we should add
// the same sub-tree into our TS\Install\SW hive
// @@@
// we expect the key not to exist, if it does, then what? delete it?
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( pDestinationSubKey->Status()) )
// here is what were are doing with the strings:
// 1) get the path below the "\Registry\User\.Default", which would be
// something like "\Software\SomeDir\SomeDirOther\etc", this is the sub-path
// 2) create a new node at the destination, which would be something like:
// \HKLM\SW\MS\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\TS\INstall + the sub path
// we got above.
// this is the trailing part of the key-path missing from our TS hive
PWCHAR pwch;
PWCHAR pDestinationSubPath = &pwch[g_length_TERMSRV_USERREGISTRY_DEFAULT ];
PWCHAR pDestinationFullPath= new WCHAR [ g_length_TERMSRV_INSTALL +
wcslen( pDestinationSubPath) + sizeof(WCHAR )];
wcscpy( pDestinationFullPath, TERMSRV_INSTALL );
wcscat( pDestinationFullPath, pDestinationSubPath );
DELETE_AND_NULL( pDestinationSubKey );
// create a new KeyNode object where the root will be TERMSRV_INSTALL,
// below which we will create a sub-layer of nodes, or a single node.
pDestinationSubKey = new KeyNode( NULL , pDestination->Masks(), pDestinationFullPath);
// create the new key/branch/values
BOOL bCreate = TRUE;
if (wcslen(pDestinationFullPath) > sizeof(TERMSRV_INSTALL)/sizeof(WCHAR))
if (RegPathExistsInOmissionList(pDestinationFullPath + (sizeof(TERMSRV_INSTALL)/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1))
bCreate = FALSE;
if (bCreate)
status = pDestinationSubKey->CreateEx();
if ( g_debugIO )
DebugKeyStamp( status, pBasicInfo, *pIndentLevel , L"[KEY WAS CREATED]");
DEBUG_INFO( status, pDestinationSubKey , KEY_IGNORED );
// if we have anything but success, set status and bail out
if ( !NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = RefSubKey.Status()) )
if ( g_debugIO )
DebugErrorStamp(status, __LINE__ );
// Key (if it is NEW) is NOT missing from destination hive at this point
// either it did exist, or was created in the above block of code
// check if there are any new values in this node.
ULONG size;
NTSTATUS st3 = SourceSubKey.Query( &ptrInfo, &size );
if (NT_SUCCESS( st3 ))
ValueFullInfo sourceValueFullInfo( &SourceSubKey );
if ( NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = sourceValueFullInfo.Status() ) )
for (ULONG ulkey = 0; ulkey < ptrInfo->Values; ulkey++)
status = NtEnumerateValueKey(SourceSubKey.Key(),
// @@@
if ( ! NT_SUCCESS( status ))
DebugErrorStamp( status, __LINE__ );
// if the ref key is missing a value, then add
// value to the destination key.
ValuePartialInfo refValuePartialInfo( &RefSubKey );
// It is important to realize that at this point, it is possible
// that ref key did not exist, which follows that refvalue would also
// not exist. The C++ objects RefSubKey and refValuePartialInfo do
// exist as objects, but there is not counter part of actual registry
// data in the registry, hence, the pointers in these object are NULL,
// as expected. Still, NULL data should be interpreted as not present data.
// So, the below call refValuePartialInfo.Status() should return TRUE since
// object was created successfully above, but query should return object not
// found or invalid handle without actually calling the reg apis since
// the reg key handle is null.
if ( NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = refValuePartialInfo.Status() ) )
refValuePartialInfo.Query( sourceValueFullInfo.SzName() );
// if .Default\SW has a value that is missing from the ref hive, then add
// corresponding value into our TS\ hive
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( refValuePartialInfo.Status()) )
// make sure pDestinationSubKey exists, else, create the key first before we
// write a value. It is possible that even though the key did exists in the ref
// hive at the start, a new value was added for the first time, which means that the
// ts hive is getting the key and the value for the first time.
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( pDestinationSubKey->Status() ) )
// here is what were are doing with the strings:
// 1) get the path below the "\Registry\User\.Default", which would be
// something like "\Software\SomeDir\SomeDirOther\etc", this is the sub-path
// 2) create a new node at the destination, which would be something like:
// \HKLM\SW\MS\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\TS\INstall + the sub path
// we got above.
// this is the trailing part of the key-path missing from our TS hive
PWCHAR pwch;
SourceSubKey.GetPath( &pwch );
PWCHAR pDestinationSubPath = &pwch[g_length_TERMSRV_USERREGISTRY_DEFAULT ];
PWCHAR pDestinationFullPath= new WCHAR [ g_length_TERMSRV_INSTALL +
wcslen( pDestinationSubPath) + sizeof(WCHAR )];
wcscpy( pDestinationFullPath, TERMSRV_INSTALL );
wcscat( pDestinationFullPath, pDestinationSubPath );
DELETE_AND_NULL( pDestinationSubKey );
// create a new KeyNode object where the root will be TERMSRV_INSTALL,
// below which we will create a sub-layer of nodes, or a single node.
pDestinationSubKey = new KeyNode( NULL , pDestination->Masks(), pDestinationFullPath);
// create the new key/branch/values
BOOL bCreate = TRUE;
if (wcslen(pDestinationFullPath) > sizeof(TERMSRV_INSTALL)/sizeof(WCHAR))
if (RegPathExistsInOmissionList(pDestinationFullPath + (sizeof(TERMSRV_INSTALL)/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1))
bCreate = FALSE;
if (bCreate)
status = pDestinationSubKey->CreateEx();
if ( g_debugIO )
DebugKeyStamp( status, pBasicInfo, *pIndentLevel, L"[KEY WAS CREATED]" );
DEBUG_INFO( status, pDestinationSubKey , KEY_IGNORED );
//else, no problem, key did exist and we don't need to create it
// Create value at the destination node
// by now, if we do have a key, then we create values for it but only if
// this key is not pointing to a reg path that we are suppose to ignore due
// to the path being mentioned in the omission list.
if (pDestinationSubKey->Key() )
if (!HKeyExistsInOmissionList((HKEY)(pDestinationSubKey->Key())))
ValueFullInfo destinationValue( pDestinationSubKey );
if ( NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = destinationValue.Status()) )
status = destinationValue.Create( &sourceValueFullInfo );
NT_SUCCESS_EX( status );
// if status is error, we bail out.
//else, out of memory, var-status is set and we bail out.
DEBUG_INFO( status, pDestinationSubKey , KEY_IGNORED );
DEBUG_INFO( status, pDestinationSubKey , NO_KEY_HANDLE );
else // values are not missing, see if they are the same
// compare the two data buffers, if the one from SourceSubKey is
// different than the one from the RefSubKey, then delete
// and create one in DestinationSubKey
ValueFullInfo sourceValue( &SourceSubKey);
ValueFullInfo refValue ( &RefSubKey );
if (NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = refValue.Status())
&& NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = sourceValue.Status())
sourceValue.Query( sourceValueFullInfo.SzName() );
refValue.Query ( sourceValueFullInfo.SzName() );
if (NT_SUCCESS( refValue.Status())
&& NT_SUCCESS( sourceValue.Status()))
BOOLEAN theSame = sourceValue.Compare( &refValue );
if (! theSame )
// make sure pDestinationSubKey exists, else, create the key first before we
// write a value. It is possible that even though the key did exists in the ref
// hive at the start, a new value was added for the first time, which means that the
// ts hive is getting the key and the value for the first time.
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( pDestinationSubKey->Status() ) )
// here is what were are doing with the strings:
// 1) get the path below the "\Registry\User\.Default", which would be
// something like "\Software\SomeDir\SomeDirOther\etc", this is the sub-path
// 2) create a new node at the destination, which would be something like:
// \HKLM\SW\MS\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\TS\INstall + the sub path
// we got above.
// this is the trailing part of the key-path missing from our TS hive
PWCHAR pwch;
SourceSubKey.GetPath( &pwch );
PWCHAR pDestinationSubPath = &pwch[g_length_TERMSRV_USERREGISTRY_DEFAULT ];
PWCHAR pDestinationFullPath= new WCHAR [ g_length_TERMSRV_INSTALL +
wcslen( pDestinationSubPath) + sizeof(WCHAR )];
wcscpy( pDestinationFullPath, TERMSRV_INSTALL );
wcscat( pDestinationFullPath, pDestinationSubPath );
DELETE_AND_NULL( pDestinationSubKey );
// create a new KeyNode object where the root will be TERMSRV_INSTALL,
// below which we will create a sub-layer of nodes, or a single node.
pDestinationSubKey = new KeyNode( NULL , pDestination->Masks(), pDestinationFullPath);
// create the new key/branch/values
BOOL bCreate = TRUE;
if (wcslen(pDestinationFullPath) > sizeof(TERMSRV_INSTALL)/sizeof(WCHAR))
if (RegPathExistsInOmissionList(pDestinationFullPath + (sizeof(TERMSRV_INSTALL)/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1))
bCreate = FALSE;
if (bCreate)
status = pDestinationSubKey->CreateEx();
if ( g_debugIO )
DebugKeyStamp( status, pBasicInfo, *pIndentLevel , L"KEY WAS CREATED");
DEBUG_INFO( status, pDestinationSubKey , KEY_IGNORED );
//else, no problem, key did exist and we don't need to create it
// By now, if we do have a key, then we create values for it but only if
// this key is not pointing to a reg path that we are suppose to ignore due
// to the path being mentioned in the omission list.
if (pDestinationSubKey->Key() )
if (!HKeyExistsInOmissionList((HKEY)(pDestinationSubKey->Key())))
ValueFullInfo destinationValue( pDestinationSubKey );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( destinationValue.Status() ) )
// don't care if it exists or not, delete it first
destinationValue.Delete( sourceValueFullInfo.SzName() );
// else, there is no destination value to delete
// update/create item under destination
// Create a destination value identical to the source value
status = destinationValue.Create( &sourceValue );
DEBUG_INFO( status, pDestinationSubKey , KEY_IGNORED );
DEBUG_INFO( status, pDestinationSubKey , NO_KEY_HANDLE );
// if status is error, we will bail out
if (!NT_SUCCESS_EX( status ))
if (g_debugIO)
DebugErrorStamp(status, __LINE__,
&sourceValue );
// else, values don't exits, doesn't make sense, maybe some dbug code here?
// else, var-status is set, we bail out.
//else, out of memory, var-status is set, we bail out
// for-loop
//else, out of memory, var-status is set, we bail out
// this sbould not really happen, but for now...
if ( g_debugIO )
DebugErrorStamp( status, __LINE__ );
// by now, either both source and destination nodes exist, or
// a new destination node was just created above. In any case,
// we can continue the traversal.
if ( NT_SUCCESS( status ) )
status = EnumerateAndDeltaUpdateKeys(
pBasicInfo ,
NT_SUCCESS_EX( status );
//else, we are bailing out
// else, var-status is set, we bail out.
// done with this sub key,
DELETE_AND_NULL( pDestinationSubKey );
status = AlterStatus( status, __LINE__ );
// else, no more entries
// no more entries
// the typical status would be: STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES
return status;
// delete the ref-hive as specific by the uniRef string
NTSTATUS DeleteReferenceHive(WCHAR *uniRef)
if ( g_debugIO)
fwprintf( g_debugFilePointer,L"In %ws\n",
fflush( g_debugFilePointer );
KeyNode Old( NULL, KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ | DELETE, uniRef );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Old.Open() ) )
status = Old.Delete(); // delete the head of the branch
return status;
* Function:
* CreateReferenceHive
* Parameters:
* uniSource (source ) string points to the node under .Default
* uniRef (ref ) string point to TS\Install\RefHive
* UniDest (Destination) string points to TS\Install\Software
* Description:
* from the .Default (source) hive, copy into TS\install\RefHive
* source hive is specified by the uniSoure string, and the
* ref-hive is specified by the uniRef string.
* Return:
* NTSTATUS, if successful, then STATUS_SUCCESS
NTSTATUS CreateReferenceHive(WCHAR *uniSource, WCHAR *uniRef)
if ( g_debugIO)
fwprintf( g_debugFilePointer,L"In %ws\n",
fflush( g_debugFilePointer );
// 1-COPY
// copy all keys under .Default\Software into a special location
// under our TS hive, let's call it the RefHive
// This will act as the reference hive
ULONG indentLevel=0;
// start creating our cache Ref hive
KeyNode Ref( NULL, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, uniRef );
// if we were able to create our RefHive, then continue...
if ( NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = Ref.Create() ) )
KeyNode Source(NULL, KEY_READ, uniSource );
// open the source reg-key-path
if (NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = Source.Open() ))
KeyBasicInfo kBasicInfo;
if (NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = kBasicInfo.Status() ))
// this will be a recursive call, so we are saving allocation
// cycles by passing kBasicInfo as scratch pad.
status = EnumerateAndCreateRefHive( &Source,
if ( status == STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES)
return status;
* Function:
* DeltaDeleteKeys(WCHAR *uniSource, WCHAR *uniRef, WCHAR *uniDest)
* Parameters:
* uniSource (source ) string points to the node under .Default
* uniRef (ref ) string point to TS\Install\RefHive
* UniDest (Destination) string points to TS\Install\Software
* Description:
* compare .Dfeault keys to the equivalent keys in RefHive. If keys are
* missing from .Default, then delete the equivalent keys from our
* HKLM\...\TS\ hive
* Return:
* NTSTATUS, if successful, then STATS_SUCCESS
NTSTATUS DeltaDeleteKeys(WCHAR *uniSource, WCHAR *uniRef, WCHAR *uniDest)
if ( g_debugIO)
fwprintf( g_debugFilePointer,L"In %ws\n",
fflush( g_debugFilePointer );
// Step2-DELETE
// compare .Dfeault keys to the equivalent keys in RefHive. If keys are
// missing from .Default, then delete the equivalent keys from our
// HKLM\...\TS\ hive
KeyNode Source( NULL, KEY_READ, uniSource );
KeyNode Ref( NULL, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, uniRef );
KeyNode Destination( NULL, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, uniDest );
ULONG indentLevel=0;
if ( NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = Source.Status() ) &&
NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = Ref.Status() ) &&
NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = Destination.Status() ) )
KeyBasicInfo basicInfo;
if( NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = basicInfo.Status() ) )
// walk and compare, if missing from Source, then delete from Destination
status = EnumerateAndDeltaDeleteKeys(
if ( status == STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES)
return status;
* Function:
* DeltaUpdateKeys(WCHAR *uniSource, WCHAR *uniRef, WCHAR *uniDest)
* Parameters:
* uniSource (source ) string points to the node under .Default
* uniRef (ref ) string point to TS\Install\RefHive
* UniDest (Destination) string points to TS\Install\Software
* Description:
* Step-3 CREATE/Update keys and values
* compare .Default keys to the equivalent keys in RefHive, if keys are
* present in .Default that are missing from RefHive, then, add those keys
* to our HKLM\...\TS hive. Do the same for the values.
* Then, compare values from .Default to values in .Ref. If values have
* changed, then delete the value from our destination hive and create a
* new one with the appropriate data from .Default
* Return:
* NTSTATUS, if successful, then STATS_SUCCESS
NTSTATUS DeltaUpdateKeys (WCHAR *uniSource, WCHAR *uniRef, WCHAR *uniDest)
if ( g_debugIO)
fwprintf( g_debugFilePointer,L"In %ws\n",
fflush( g_debugFilePointer );
// compare .Default keys to the equivalent keys in RefHive, if keys are
// present in .Default that are missing from RefHive, then, add those keys
// to our HKLM\...\TS hive
KeyNode Source( NULL, KEY_READ, uniSource );
KeyNode Ref( NULL, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, uniRef );
KeyNode Destination( NULL, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, uniDest );
NTSTATUS status;
ULONG indentLevel=0;
if ( NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = Source.Status() ) &&
NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = Ref.Status() ) &&
NT_SUCCESS_EX( status = Destination.Status() ) )
KeyBasicInfo basicInfo;
// Constructor in KeyBasicInfo above allocates memory for pInfo
// check if memory allocation of pInfo succeeded
status = basicInfo.Status();
if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
return status;
// walk and compare, if missing from Source, then delete from Destination
status = EnumerateAndDeltaUpdateKeys(
if ( status == STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES)
return status;