Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

448 lines
12 KiB

# NOTE: Derived from ../LIB\Getopt\Long.pm.
# Changes made here will be lost when autosplit is run again.
# See AutoSplit.pm.
package Getopt::Long;
#line 216 "../LIB\Getopt\Long.pm (autosplit into ..\lib\auto\Getopt\Long\GetOptions.al)"
################ AutoLoading subroutines ################
# RCS Status : $Id: GetoptLongAl.pl,v 2.30 2001-01-31 10:21:11+01 jv Exp $
# Author : Johan Vromans
# Created On : Fri Mar 27 11:50:30 1998
# Last Modified By: Johan Vromans
# Last Modified On: Tue Dec 26 18:01:16 2000
# Update Count : 98
# Status : Released
sub GetOptions {
my @optionlist = @_; # local copy of the option descriptions
my $argend = '--'; # option list terminator
my %opctl = (); # table of arg.specs (long and abbrevs)
my %bopctl = (); # table of arg.specs (bundles)
my $pkg = $caller || (caller)[0]; # current context
# Needed if linkage is omitted.
my %aliases= (); # alias table
my @ret = (); # accum for non-options
my %linkage; # linkage
my $userlinkage; # user supplied HASH
my $opt; # current option
my $genprefix = $genprefix; # so we can call the same module many times
my @opctl; # the possible long option names
$error = '';
print STDERR ("GetOpt::Long $Getopt::Long::VERSION ",
"called from package \"$pkg\".",
"\n ",
'GetOptionsAl $Revision: 2.30 $ ',
"\n ",
"ARGV: (@ARGV)",
"\n ",
"\n ",
if $debug;
# Check for ref HASH as first argument.
# First argument may be an object. It's OK to use this as long
# as it is really a hash underneath.
$userlinkage = undef;
if ( ref($optionlist[0]) and
"$optionlist[0]" =~ /^(?:.*\=)?HASH\([^\(]*\)$/ ) {
$userlinkage = shift (@optionlist);
print STDERR ("=> user linkage: $userlinkage\n") if $debug;
# See if the first element of the optionlist contains option
# starter characters.
# Be careful not to interpret '<>' as option starters.
if ( $optionlist[0] =~ /^\W+$/
&& !($optionlist[0] eq '<>'
&& @optionlist > 0
&& ref($optionlist[1])) ) {
$genprefix = shift (@optionlist);
# Turn into regexp. Needs to be parenthesized!
$genprefix =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
$genprefix = "([" . $genprefix . "])";
# Verify correctness of optionlist.
%opctl = ();
%bopctl = ();
while ( @optionlist > 0 ) {
my $opt = shift (@optionlist);
# Strip leading prefix so people can specify "--foo=i" if they like.
$opt = $+ if $opt =~ /^$genprefix+(.*)$/s;
if ( $opt eq '<>' ) {
if ( (defined $userlinkage)
&& !(@optionlist > 0 && ref($optionlist[0]))
&& (exists $userlinkage->{$opt})
&& ref($userlinkage->{$opt}) ) {
unshift (@optionlist, $userlinkage->{$opt});
unless ( @optionlist > 0
&& ref($optionlist[0]) && ref($optionlist[0]) eq 'CODE' ) {
$error .= "Option spec <> requires a reference to a subroutine\n";
$linkage{'<>'} = shift (@optionlist);
# Match option spec. Allow '?' as an alias only.
if ( $opt !~ /^((\w+[-\w]*)(\|(\?|\w[-\w]*)?)*)?([!~+]|[=:][infse][@%]?)?$/ ) {
$error .= "Error in option spec: \"$opt\"\n";
my ($o, $c, $a) = ($1, $5);
$c = '' unless defined $c;
# $linko keeps track of the primary name the user specified.
# This name will be used for the internal or external linkage.
# In other words, if the user specifies "FoO|BaR", it will
# match any case combinations of 'foo' and 'bar', but if a global
# variable needs to be set, it will be $opt_FoO in the exact case
# as specified.
my $linko;
if ( ! defined $o ) {
# empty -> '-' option
$linko = $o = '';
$opctl{''} = $c;
$bopctl{''} = $c if $bundling;
else {
# Handle alias names
my @o = split (/\|/, $o);
$linko = $o = $o[0];
# Force an alias if the option name is not locase.
$a = $o unless $o eq lc($o);
$o = lc ($o)
if $ignorecase > 1
|| ($ignorecase
&& ($bundling ? length($o) > 1 : 1));
foreach ( @o ) {
if ( $bundling && length($_) == 1 ) {
$_ = lc ($_) if $ignorecase > 1;
if ( $c eq '!' ) {
$opctl{"no$_"} = $c;
warn ("Ignoring '!' modifier for short option $_\n");
$opctl{$_} = $bopctl{$_} = '';
else {
$opctl{$_} = $bopctl{$_} = $c;
else {
$_ = lc ($_) if $ignorecase;
if ( $c eq '!' ) {
$opctl{"no$_"} = $c;
$opctl{$_} = ''
else {
$opctl{$_} = $c;
if ( defined $a ) {
# Note alias.
$aliases{$_} = $a;
else {
# Set primary name.
$a = $_;
# If no linkage is supplied in the @optionlist, copy it from
# the userlinkage if available.
if ( defined $userlinkage ) {
unless ( @optionlist > 0 && ref($optionlist[0]) ) {
if ( exists $userlinkage->{$linko} &&
ref($userlinkage->{$linko}) ) {
print STDERR ("=> found userlinkage for \"$linko\": ",
if $debug;
unshift (@optionlist, $userlinkage->{$linko});
else {
# Do nothing. Being undefined will be handled later.
# Copy the linkage. If omitted, link to global variable.
if ( @optionlist > 0 && ref($optionlist[0]) ) {
print STDERR ("=> link \"$linko\" to $optionlist[0]\n")
if $debug;
if ( ref($optionlist[0]) =~ /^(SCALAR|CODE)$/ ) {
$linkage{$linko} = shift (@optionlist);
elsif ( ref($optionlist[0]) =~ /^(ARRAY)$/ ) {
$linkage{$linko} = shift (@optionlist);
$opctl{$o} .= '@'
if $opctl{$o} ne '' and $opctl{$o} !~ /\@$/;
$bopctl{$o} .= '@'
if $bundling and defined $bopctl{$o} and
$bopctl{$o} ne '' and $bopctl{$o} !~ /\@$/;
elsif ( ref($optionlist[0]) =~ /^(HASH)$/ ) {
$linkage{$linko} = shift (@optionlist);
$opctl{$o} .= '%'
if $opctl{$o} ne '' and $opctl{$o} !~ /\%$/;
$bopctl{$o} .= '%'
if $bundling and defined $bopctl{$o} and
$bopctl{$o} ne '' and $bopctl{$o} !~ /\%$/;
else {
$error .= "Invalid option linkage for \"$opt\"\n";
else {
# Link to global $opt_XXX variable.
# Make sure a valid perl identifier results.
my $ov = $linko;
$ov =~ s/\W/_/g;
if ( $c =~ /@/ ) {
print STDERR ("=> link \"$linko\" to \@$pkg","::opt_$ov\n")
if $debug;
eval ("\$linkage{\$linko} = \\\@".$pkg."::opt_$ov;");
elsif ( $c =~ /%/ ) {
print STDERR ("=> link \"$linko\" to \%$pkg","::opt_$ov\n")
if $debug;
eval ("\$linkage{\$linko} = \\\%".$pkg."::opt_$ov;");
else {
print STDERR ("=> link \"$linko\" to \$$pkg","::opt_$ov\n")
if $debug;
eval ("\$linkage{\$linko} = \\\$".$pkg."::opt_$ov;");
# Bail out if errors found.
die ($error) if $error;
$error = 0;
# Sort the possible long option names.
@opctl = sort(keys (%opctl)) if $autoabbrev;
# Show the options tables if debugging.
if ( $debug ) {
my ($arrow, $k, $v);
$arrow = "=> ";
while ( ($k,$v) = each(%opctl) ) {
print STDERR ($arrow, "\$opctl{\"$k\"} = \"$v\"\n");
$arrow = " ";
$arrow = "=> ";
while ( ($k,$v) = each(%bopctl) ) {
print STDERR ($arrow, "\$bopctl{\"$k\"} = \"$v\"\n");
$arrow = " ";
# Process argument list
my $goon = 1;
while ( $goon && @ARGV > 0 ) {
#### Get next argument ####
$opt = shift (@ARGV);
print STDERR ("=> option \"", $opt, "\"\n") if $debug;
#### Determine what we have ####
# Double dash is option list terminator.
if ( $opt eq $argend ) {
# Finish. Push back accumulated arguments and return.
unshift (@ARGV, @ret)
if $order == $PERMUTE;
return ($error == 0);
my $tryopt = $opt;
my $found; # success status
my $dsttype; # destination type ('@' or '%')
my $incr; # destination increment
my $key; # key (if hash type)
my $arg; # option argument
($found, $opt, $arg, $dsttype, $incr, $key) =
FindOption ($genprefix, $argend, $opt,
\%opctl, \%bopctl, \@opctl, \%aliases);
if ( $found ) {
# FindOption undefines $opt in case of errors.
next unless defined $opt;
if ( defined $arg ) {
if ( defined $aliases{$opt} ) {
print STDERR ("=> alias \"$opt\" -> \"$aliases{$opt}\"\n")
if $debug;
$opt = $aliases{$opt};
if ( defined $linkage{$opt} ) {
print STDERR ("=> ref(\$L{$opt}) -> ",
ref($linkage{$opt}), "\n") if $debug;
if ( ref($linkage{$opt}) eq 'SCALAR' ) {
if ( $incr ) {
print STDERR ("=> \$\$L{$opt} += \"$arg\"\n")
if $debug;
if ( defined ${$linkage{$opt}} ) {
${$linkage{$opt}} += $arg;
else {
${$linkage{$opt}} = $arg;
else {
print STDERR ("=> \$\$L{$opt} = \"$arg\"\n")
if $debug;
${$linkage{$opt}} = $arg;
elsif ( ref($linkage{$opt}) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
print STDERR ("=> push(\@{\$L{$opt}, \"$arg\")\n")
if $debug;
push (@{$linkage{$opt}}, $arg);
elsif ( ref($linkage{$opt}) eq 'HASH' ) {
print STDERR ("=> \$\$L{$opt}->{$key} = \"$arg\"\n")
if $debug;
$linkage{$opt}->{$key} = $arg;
elsif ( ref($linkage{$opt}) eq 'CODE' ) {
print STDERR ("=> &L{$opt}(\"$opt\", \"$arg\")\n")
if $debug;
local ($@);
eval {
&{$linkage{$opt}}($opt, $arg);
print STDERR ("=> die($@)\n") if $debug && $@ ne '';
if ( $@ =~ /^!/ ) {
if ( $@ =~ /^!FINISH\b/ ) {
$goon = 0;
elsif ( $@ ne '' ) {
warn ($@);
else {
print STDERR ("Invalid REF type \"", ref($linkage{$opt}),
"\" in linkage\n");
Croak ("Getopt::Long -- internal error!\n");
# No entry in linkage means entry in userlinkage.
elsif ( $dsttype eq '@' ) {
if ( defined $userlinkage->{$opt} ) {
print STDERR ("=> push(\@{\$L{$opt}}, \"$arg\")\n")
if $debug;
push (@{$userlinkage->{$opt}}, $arg);
else {
print STDERR ("=>\$L{$opt} = [\"$arg\"]\n")
if $debug;
$userlinkage->{$opt} = [$arg];
elsif ( $dsttype eq '%' ) {
if ( defined $userlinkage->{$opt} ) {
print STDERR ("=> \$L{$opt}->{$key} = \"$arg\"\n")
if $debug;
$userlinkage->{$opt}->{$key} = $arg;
else {
print STDERR ("=>\$L{$opt} = {$key => \"$arg\"}\n")
if $debug;
$userlinkage->{$opt} = {$key => $arg};
else {
if ( $incr ) {
print STDERR ("=> \$L{$opt} += \"$arg\"\n")
if $debug;
if ( defined $userlinkage->{$opt} ) {
$userlinkage->{$opt} += $arg;
else {
$userlinkage->{$opt} = $arg;
else {
print STDERR ("=>\$L{$opt} = \"$arg\"\n") if $debug;
$userlinkage->{$opt} = $arg;
# Not an option. Save it if we $PERMUTE and don't have a <>.
elsif ( $order == $PERMUTE ) {
# Try non-options call-back.
my $cb;
if ( (defined ($cb = $linkage{'<>'})) ) {
local ($@);
eval {
&$cb ($tryopt);
print STDERR ("=> die($@)\n") if $debug && $@ ne '';
if ( $@ =~ /^!/ ) {
if ( $@ =~ /^!FINISH\b/ ) {
$goon = 0;
elsif ( $@ ne '' ) {
warn ($@);
else {
print STDERR ("=> saving \"$tryopt\" ",
"(not an option, may permute)\n") if $debug;
push (@ret, $tryopt);
# ...otherwise, terminate.
else {
# Push this one back and exit.
unshift (@ARGV, $tryopt);
return ($error == 0);
# Finish.
if ( $order == $PERMUTE ) {
# Push back accumulated arguments
print STDERR ("=> restoring \"", join('" "', @ret), "\"\n")
if $debug && @ret > 0;
unshift (@ARGV, @ret) if @ret > 0;
return ($error == 0);
# end of Getopt::Long::GetOptions