Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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use strict;
use lib $ENV{ "RazzleToolPath" } . "\\PostBuildScripts";
use GetIniSetting;
use Logmsg;
# CmdIniSetting
# Arguments: -f:fieldname [-l:lang]
# Purpose: returns the value for the specified field name to stdout.
# if the field does not exist, nothing is written to stdout.
# Returns: 0 if successful, 1 if .ini file is not found, 2 if no
# field is found, 3 if bad usage or otherwise.
# declare some globals
my( @FieldNames ); # stores field name from command line
my( $Language ); # if lang parameter is passed
my( $BuildBranch ) = $ENV{ "_BuildBranch" }; # store build branch
my( $BranchName ); # stores branch to lookup if passed
# read command line
unless ( &ParseCommandLine( @ARGV ) ) {
# do not log to stdout by design
# errmsg( "Command line not processed correctly!" );
exit( 3 );
# at this point, $Language is set if passed on cmd line, and
# @FieldNames is set to the user given flag
# we want to set language to usa if not defined on cmd line
if ( ! defined( $Language ) ) { $Language = "usa"; }
# we also want to use the passed branch if there was one
if ( $BranchName ) { $BuildBranch = $BranchName; }
# verify existence of ini file
unless ( &GetIniSetting::CheckIniFileQuietEx( $BuildBranch, $Language ) ) {
# do not log to stdout by design
# errmsg( "Ini file not found, exiting." );
exit( 1 );
# verify that the user passed a field to check for
unless ( @FieldNames ) {
# do not log to stdout by design
# errmsg( "Bad usage!" );
exit( 3 );
# get the setting and print to stdout if found
my( $Value );
if ( $Value = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingQuietEx( $BuildBranch, $Language,
@FieldNames ) ) {
# setting found for this field
# log to stdout by design
print( "$Value\n" );
exit( 0 );
} else {
# no setting found for this field
# do not log to stdout by design
# errmsg( "No settings found for @FieldNames" );
exit( 2 );
# we should never get here, just exit with general error level
errmsg( "This code should never be run." );
exit( 3 );
# ParseCommandLine
# Arguments: @ARGV
# Purpose: read the -f flag if passed, and -l. if -? is found, go to usage
# Returns: true if all args parsed, undef otherwise
sub ParseCommandLine
# get passed args
my( @Arguments ) = @_;
# declare locals
my( $Argument ); # loop variable
# parse command line
foreach $Argument ( @Arguments ) {
if ( $Argument =~ /^[\/\-]?\?$/ ) { &UsageAndQuit(); }
elsif ( $Argument =~ /^[\/\-][lL]:(.+)$/ ) { $Language = "\L$1"; }
elsif ( $Argument =~ /^[\/\-][bB]:(.+)$/ ) { $BranchName = "\L$1"; }
elsif ( $Argument =~ /^[\/\-][fF]:(.+)$/ ) { @FieldNames = $1; }
else {
# unrecognized argument!
errmsg( "Unrecongized argument \'$Argument\' ..." );
# all args parsed
return( 1 );
# UsageAndQuit
# Arguments: none
# Purpose: display usage and error out
# Returns: nothing
sub UsageAndQuit
print( "CmdIniSetting -f:fieldname [-l:lang] [-b:branch]\n" );
print( "\n\t-f:fieldname\tName of field to read\n" );
print( "\t-l:lang\tRead from lang's ini file\n" );
print( "\t-b:branch\tBranch to read .ini file of\n" );
print( "\nCmdIniSetting will read from the appropriate lab and language\n" );
print( "ini file, and return the value for that field to stdout. If the field\n" );
print( "is found and returned to stdout, exit code is zero. Exit code 1\n" );
print( "implies the field was not found. Exit code 2 implies the ini file\n" );
print( "was not found. Exit code 3 is for all other errors.\n" );
exit( 3 );