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95 lines
2.4 KiB
95 lines
2.4 KiB
@REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
@REM spdriverdelta.cmd - JeremyD
@REM Create lists of files used by SP scripts.
@REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
@REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
@perl -x "%~f0" %*
@goto :EOF
#line 12
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts\\svcpack";
use PbuildEnv;
use ParseArgs;
use Digest;
use IO::Dir;
use IO::File;
use File::Basename;
use SP;
use Utils;
sub Usage { print<<USAGE; exit(1) }
parseargs('?' => \&Usage);
my @skus = SP::sp_skus();
exit if !@skus;
my %drivers;
for my $sku (@skus) {
my $gold = read_gold_info($sku);
my $current = read_sku_info($sku);
my ($added, $changed) = diff($gold, $current);
for my $file (keys %$added, keys %$changed) {
my $fh = IO::File->new("$ENV{_NTPOSTBLD}\\SP\\data\\drivers.txt", 'w');
for my $driver (sort keys %drivers) {
print $fh "$driver\n";
sub diff {
my ($gold, $current) = @_;
my (%added, %changed, %removed);
for my $file (keys %$gold) {
if (!exists $current->{$file}) {
$removed{$file} = {file => $gold->{$file}{file}, hash => '--deleted--'};
else {
#print "G: $gold->{$file}{hash} C: $current->{$file}{hash}\n";
if ($gold->{$file}{hash} ne $current->{$file}{hash}) {
$changed{$file} = $current->{$file};
for my $file (keys %$current) {
if (!exists $gold->{$file}) {
$added{$file} = $current->{$file};
return (\%added, \%changed, \%removed);
sub read_sku_info {
my $sku = shift;
return read_info("$ENV{_NTPOSTBLD}\\SP\\data\\$sku\\driver_info.txt");
sub read_gold_info {
my $sku = shift;
return read_info("$ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH}\\postbuildscripts\\svcpack\\gold\\${sku}-drivers-$ENV{LANG}.txt");
sub read_info {
my $file = shift;
my %data;
my $fh = IO::File->new($file, 'r') or die "$file $!";
while (my $line = $fh->getline) {
my ($relative, $file, $size, $mtime, $hash) = split /\t/, $line;
$data{$relative} = {file => $file, hash => $hash};
return \%data;