Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

188 lines
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# $Id: review.pl#11 2001/10/30 21:27:51 REDMOND\\chrisant $
# Simplify program name, if it is a path
$0 =~ s/.*\\//;
require $ENV{'sdxroot'} . '\TOOLS\sendmsg.pl';
# fatal usage error
sub usage
my($err) = @_;
"\n" .
"$0: $err\n" .
"\n" .
" review - Sends checkin mail to users in a Source Depot server.\n" .
"\n" .
" review [ -d ] counter sleep\n" .
"\n" .
" The 'counter' argument specifies the name of the review counter.\n" .
"\n" .
" The 'sleep' argument specifies how many minutes to sleep after\n" .
" processing a set of changes.\n" .
"\n" .
" The -d flag runs the script in debug mode and generates\n" .
" additional debugging output.\n";
# parse arguments
$debug = 0;
while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/)
$opt = shift;
if ($opt eq '-d')
$debug = 1;
usage("invalid option $opt.");
if (@ARGV == 2)
$counter = $ARGV[0];
$sleepseconds = $ARGV[1];
$sleepseconds = 1 if ($sleepseconds == 0);
$sleepseconds = $sleepseconds * 60;
usage("invalid argument(s).");
print( "COUNTER: $counter\n" ) if ($debug);
print( "SLEEP SECONDS: $sleepseconds\n" ) if ($debug);
# Remember highest numbered change we see, so that we can
# reset the 'review' counter once the actions is complete.
local( $topChange ) = 0;
# REVIEW - list of changes to review. (scope your review)
print( "COMMAND: sd review -t $counter\n" ) if ($debug);
open( REVIEW, "sd review -t $counter |" ) || next;
# at this point, you can process each change since the
# last time you ran, or you can batch them together.
# we'll process each change
while( <REVIEW> )
# Format: "Change x user <email> (Full Name)"
local( $change, $user, $email, $fullName ) =
/Change (\d*) (\S*) <(\S*)> (\(.*\))/;
print( "CHANGE=$change; USER=$user; EMAIL=$email; FULLNAME=$fullName\n" ) if ($debug);
print "doing action for $change...\n";
## perform your action here: mailer, build daemon, etc.
## and in this example-the action is to send out email,
local( @reviewers ) = ();
# Retrieve the list of users interested in a change.
print( "COMMAND: sd reviews -c $change\n" ) if ($debug);
open( REVIEWERS, "sd reviews -c $change|" ) || next;
while( <REVIEWERS> )
print( $_ ) if ($debug);
# user <email> (Full Name)
local( $user2, $email2, $fullName2 ) =
/(\S*) <.*\\(\S*)\@.*> (\(.*\))/;
if ( length($email2) == 0 )
( $user2, $email2, $fullName2 ) =
/(\S*) <(\S*)> (\(.*\))/;
print( "USER=$user2; EMAIL=$email2; FULLNAME=$fullName2\n" ) if ($debug);
# Don't need this with the perl mailer - just list the senders one at a time.
# push( @reviewers, ";" ) if @reviewers;
push( @reviewers, "$email2" );
close( REVIEWERS );
if ( @reviewers )
# If there's any intrest, do a "sd describe -s -c $change"
# Figure out who checked in the change and package it into mail
$MailBody = "";
open( SYNOPSIS, "sd describe -s $change |" );
$line = 0;
while( <SYNOPSIS> )
if ($line == 1)
( $who ) = / by .*\\(\S*)\@/;
if( length($who) == 0 ) { ( $who ) = / by (\S*)\@/; }
if( length($who) == 0 ) { ( $who ) = / by (\S*) /; }
if ($line == 3)
# Got a description. Remove the leading tab and the trailing newline
$ChangeDescription = $_;
$ChangeDescription =~ s/^\t(.*)\n$/$1/;
$MailBody .= $_;
close( SYNOPSIS );
# Send mail to the reviewers
$MailTitle = "$who: #$change: $ChangeDescription";
$MailSender = "NtSourceDepotReview";
print( "COMMAND: sendmsg -e -m $MailSender, $MailTitle, $MailBody, @reviewers\n" ) if ($debug);
$rc = sendmsg ('-v', '-m', $MailSender, $MailTitle, $MailBody, @reviewers);
$topChange = $change;
print( "TOPCHANGE: $topChange\n" ) if ($debug);
# Update review marker to reflect changes reviewed.
print( "COMMAND: sd review -c $topChange -t $counter\n" ) if ($debug);
system( "sd review -c $topChange -t $counter" ) if( $topChange );
print( "SLEEPING $sleepseconds SECONDS...\n" ) if ($debug);
while sleep( $sleepseconds ); # sleep then do it all over again.