Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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852 lines
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# FileName: scorch.pl
# Usage = scorch.pl [-fake] [-arch=<archname> [-alt=<altdir>] [-save[=<savedirpath>]] -scorch=<newntdir>
# Function: Starting from the specified directory (ignoring <savedirpath>)
# 0) Verify that the current directory is the same as <newntdir>.
# 1) Use SD to build a list of opened files.
# 2) Build a list of unopened files not marked readonly.
# 3) Optionally copy notreadonly files to <savedirpath> preserving hierarchy
# (ignoring files in $(O) directories).
# 4) Abort on any error copying the files.
# 5) Delete all notreadonly files.
# Example:
# cd /D %SDXROOT%
# scorch.pl -scorch=%SDXROOT%
# WARNING: make sure pathname comparisons are case insensitive. Either convert the case or do the
# WARNING: comparisons like this:
# WARNING: if ($foo =~ /^\Q$bar\E$/i) {}
# WARNING: or if ($foo !~ /^\Q$bar\E$/i) {}
if ( $ENV{BUILD_OFFLINE} eq '1' ) { exit 0 }
$begintime = time();
$Usage = $PGM . "Usage: scorch.pl [-fake] [-arch=<archname>] [-save[=<savedirpath>]] -scorch=<newntdir>\n";
# Get the current directory
open CWD, 'cd 2>&1|';
$ScorchDir = <CWD>;
close CWD;
chomp $ScorchDir;
$ScorchDrive = substr($ScorchDir, 0, 2);
# initialize argument variables
$Verbose = 0;
$VeryVerbose = 0;
$Fake = 0;
$Debug = 0;
$Scorch = 0;
$Save = 0;
$Arch = "";
$AltDir = "";
$BackupDir = "$ScorchDir\\BACKUP";
$BackupLogName = "NEWNT_SCORCHED.LOG";
$BackupLogFile = "NoScorchLogFile";
@ValidArchitectures = ( "i386", "ia64", "amd64" );
# These are the extensions that should be safe to delete anywhere they are found
# in the tree -- even without first saving them.
# recent changes: -bmp
@SafeDelExtensions = ( "pdb", "dbg", "cod", "pp", "pps", "ppx", "bsc", "tlb", "exe", "sys", "lib", "exp",
"dll", "res", "sym", "map", "obj", "bin", "vbs", "bmf", "tab", "rsp", "dls", "dlx" );
# Build AllArchPattern
$AllArchPattern = "(";
for (@ValidArchitectures) {
$AllArchPattern .= $_ . '|';
chop $AllArchPattern; # get rid of trailing '|'
$AllArchPattern .= ')';
# Build SafeDelPattern
$SafeDelPattern = "(";
for (@SafeDelExtensions) {
$SafeDelPattern .= $_ . '|';
chop $SafeDelPattern; # get rid of trailing '|'
$SafeDelPattern .= ')';
# print on the various files
sub printall {
print $PGM unless @_ == 1 and @_[0] eq "\n";
print @_;
sub printfall {
print $PGM unless @_ == 1 and @_[0] eq "\n";
printf @_;
# Initialization
$ScorchLogFileName = "build.scorch";
$ScorchLogFileSpec = ">" . $ScorchLogFileName;
open SCORCHLOGFILE, $ScorchLogFileSpec or die $PGM, "Could not open: ", $ScorchLogFileName, "\n";
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime;
$foo = sprintf "Scorch started at %04d/%02d/%02d-%02d:%02d:%02d.\n",
1900+$year, 1+$mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec;
printall "\n";
printall $foo;
# Debug routines for printing out variables
sub gvar {
for (@_) {
printall "\$$_ = $$_\n";
# signal catcher (at least this would work on unix)
sub catch_ctrlc {
printall "Aborted.\n";
print $BackupLogHandle "Aborted.\n" if $BackupLogHandle;
die "$PGM Aborted.\n";
$SIG{INT} = \&catch_ctrlc;
# routine to fully qualify a pathname
sub fullyqualify {
die "$PGM Internal error in fullpathname().\n" unless @_ == 1;
$_ = @_[0];
if (/\s/) { die "$PGM Spaces in pathnames not allowed: '", $_, "'\n"; }
return $_ unless $_; # empty strings are a noop
s/([^:])\\$/$1/; # get rid of trailing \
while (s/\\\.\\/\\/) {} # get rid of \.\
while (s/\\[^\\]+\\\.\.\\/\\/) {} # get rid of \foo\..\
s/\\[^\\]+\\\.\.$/\\/; # get rid of \foo\..
s/:[^\\]+\\\.\.$/:/; # get rid of x:foo\..
s/([^:])\\\.$/$1/; # get rid of foo\.
s/:\\\.$/:\\/; # get rid of x:\.
s/:[^\\]+\\\.\.$/:/; # get rid of x:foo\..
s/^$ScorchDrive[^\\]/$ScorchDir\\/i; # convert drive-relative on current drive
if (/^[a-z]:\\/i) { return $_; } # full
if (/^\\[^\\].*/) { return "$ScorchDrive$_"; } # rooted
if (/^\\\\[^\\]/) {
printall "Warning: Use of UNC name bypasses safety checks: $_\n";
return $_; # UNC
if (/^\.$/) { return "$ScorchDir"; } # dot
if (/^$ScorchDrive\.$/i) { return "$ScorchDir"; } # dot on current drive
if (/^[^\\][^:].*/i) { return "$ScorchDir\\$_"; } # relative
if (/^([a-z]:)([^\\].*)/i) { $drp = $ScorchDir; # this case handled above
if ($1 ne $ScorchDir) {
# $drp = $ENV{"=$1"}; # doesn't work!
die $PGM, "Can't translate drive-relative pathnames: ", $_, "\n";
return "$drp\\$2"; # drive:relative
die "$PGM Unrecognized pathname format: $_\n";
# process arguments
for (@ARGV) {
if (/^-verbose$/i) { $Verbose++; next; }
if (/^-veryverbose$/i) { $Verbose++; $VeryVerbose++; next; }
if (/^-debug$/i) { $Debug++; next; }
if (/^-save$/i) { $Save++; next; }
if (/^-save=(.*)$/i) { $Save++; $BackupDir = $1; next; }
if (/^-scorch=(.*)$/i) { $Check++; $CheckDir = $1; next; }
if (/^-fake$/i) { $Fake++; next; }
if (/^-arch=([^\\]*)$/i) { $ArchCheck++; $Arch = "$1"; next; }
if (/^-alt=([^\\]*)$/i) { $AltCheck++; $AltDir = "$1"; next; }
if (/^-?$/i) { die $Usage; }
if (/^-help$/i) { die $Usage; }
die $Usage;
# Fully qualify the pathnames
$BackupDir = fullyqualify($BackupDir);
$CheckDir = fullyqualify($CheckDir);
# validate arguments, consult environment
if ($ArchCheck > 1
or $AltCheck > 1
or $ArchCheck == 0 and $AltCheck
or $Save > 1)
die $Usage;
if ($Arch) {
$ok = 0;
for (@ValidArchitectures) {
if (/^\Q$Arch\E$/i) {
die "-arch $Arch is invalid architecture. Try $AllArchPattern.\n" unless $ok;
die $PGM, "BUILD_ALT_DIR=$a mismatch with -alt=$AltDir\n", $Usage if ($a and $a !~ /^\Q$AltDir\E$/i);
# Act a little paranoid to keep caller from accidentally scorching something.
if ($Check != 1) {
printall "Must explicitly specify -scorch=<newntdir>\n",
"where <newntdir> is the root of the tree to be scorched\n\n";
printall "<newntdir> is required to be the current directory ($ScorchDir)\n";
die $Usage;
if ($ScorchDir !~ /^\Q$CheckDir\E$/i) {
printall "$CheckDir is required to be the current directory ($ScorchDir)\n";
die $Usage;
# Figure out whether we are at the root of NewNT, under the root,
# or somewhere else entirely.
$sdxroot = $ENV{'SDXROOT'} or die $PGM, "SDXROOT not set in environment\n";
$Rooted = 0;
if ($ScorchDir =~ /^\Q$sdxroot\E$/i) {
$SDcmd = 'sdx';
$SDopt = '-v';
$Rooted = 1;
} elsif ($ScorchDir =~ /^\Q$sdxroot\E\\/i) {
$SDcmd = 'sd';
$SDopt = '';
} else {
die $PGM, 'Must scorch at or under SDXROOT [', $sdxroot, "]\n";
# Build the DollarOPattern's used to distinguish $(O) directories
$MatchAllDollarOPattern = "obj[^\\\\]*\\\\$AllArchPattern\\\\";
if ($Arch) {
$DelDollarOPattern = "obj$AltDir\\\\$Arch\\\\";
$OtherDollarOPattern = $MatchAllDollarOPattern;
} else {
$DelDollarOPattern = $MatchAllDollarOPattern;
$OtherDollarOPattern = "(?!)";
#gvar Arch, AllArchPattern, AltDir, MatchAllDollarOPattern, DelDollarOPattern, OtherDollarOPattern; # DEBUG
# Warning!
printall "WARNING: NOT FAKING! WILL SCORCH $ScorchDir\n" unless $Fake;
# Validate the backup directory
# We require that if the Backup directory path is in the Scorch hierarchy, it must
# either be the default, non-existent, empty, or contain our BACKUPLOGFILE.
last VALIDATE_BACKUP unless $Save;
$BackupLogFile = "$BackupDir\\$BackupLogName";
# Check whether BackupDir is a prefix of ScorchDir
if ($BackupDir !~ /^\Q$ScorchDir\E\\/i) {
stat $BackupDir;
# If it doesn't exist, create it. Otherwise check that it is empty or contains a logfile.
if (not -e _) {
mkdir $BackupDir, 0777 or die $PGM . "Could not create backup directory: $BackupDir\n";
} else {
# Check that it is a directory
-d _ or die $PGM . "Not a directory: $BackupDir\n";
# Read out the contents of the directory
opendir BDIR, $BackupDir or die $PGM . "Could not open backup directory: $BackupDir\n";
@allfiles = readdir BDIR;
close BDIR;
# If it's not empty, we insist that it have a logfile
shift @allfiles; # .
shift @allfiles; # ..
if (@allfiles > 0) {
stat $BackupLogFile;
-f _ or die $PGM . "Backup directory $BackupDir not empty and no logfile present: $BackupLogFile\n";
-w _ or die $PGM . "Logfile not writable: $BackupLogFile\n";
# If we are saving, start appending to the logfile
if ($Fake) {
$BackupLogHandle = STDOUT;
} elsif ($Save) {
open BACKUPLOGFILE, ">>$BackupLogFile" or die $PGM, 'Could not create logfile: ', $BackupLogFile, "\n";
$BackupLogHandle = BACKUPLOGFILE;
if ($Fake or $Save) {
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime;
$fmt = "NewNT BuildTree Scorcher: Run on $ScorchDir at %04d/%02d/%02d-%02d:%02d:%02d.\n";
printf $BackupLogHandle $fmt, 1900+$year, 1+$mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec;
printfall $fmt, 1900+$year, 1+$mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec;
# Capture 'SD opened -l' in the SdOpenedList.
# If we find the string /error/ in the output, we will retry.
$MaxRetries = 30;
$RetryWait = 120;
$NumberOfRetries = 0;
$Retry = 1;
while ($Retry and $NumberOfRetries < $MaxRetries) {
if ($NumberOfRetries) {
printall "Retry attempt $NumberOfRetries. Sleeping $RetryWait seconds...\n";
sleep $RetryWait;
printall "Continuing retry attempt...\n";
$timestart = time();
$Fatal = 0;
$Retry = 0;
$CmdErr = 0;
$SDCommand = "$SDcmd opened $SDopt -l";
$SDOpenSpec = "$SDCommand 2>&1 |";
printall "Running the $SDcmd opened command...\n";
open SDOPENED, $SDOpenSpec or die $PGM, "Command failed: '$SDCommand'\n";
for (<SDOPENED>) {
# Watch for errors returned from the command so we can return them.
if (/error:/i) {
$CmdErr = 1;
$Retry = 1;
printall "WARNING: error in ($SDCommand$).\n";
if ($CmdErr) {
printall $_;
chomp; # discard final ("\n") char
next if /\sdelete\s/; # skip files that are opened, but deleted
last if /^=+\s*Summary\s/i; # skip everything after Summary
next if /^\s*$/; # skip blank lines
next if /^---* /; # skip sdx lines announcing DEPOT
next if /^===*/; # skip sdx noise
next if /^\s*Total /; # skip more sdx noise (opened, revert)
next if /^\s*Updated:/; # skip more sdx noise (sync)
next if /^\s*Added:/; # skip more sdx noise (sync)
next if /^\s*Deleted:/; # skip more sdx noise (sync)
next if /^\s*Total:/; # skip more sdx noise (sync)
next if /^File.*not opened on this client/i; # skip sdx 'not opened' lines
# Get the pathname and check
# #xxx: xxx can be a number or 'none'.
$pathname = "";
if (/^(.*)#[0-9noe]+\s+\-\s+(\w+)\s+/i) { $pathname = $1; $openedtype = $2};
if (not $pathname) {
printall "Could not parse output of '$SDCommand': $_\n";
# Check if opened file is in the area to be scorched
if ($pathname !~ /^\Q$ScorchDir\E\\(.*)$/io) {
printall "$pathname not in subtree being scorched\n" if ($VeryVerbose);
$relpath = $1;
$relpath =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # remember filename as lower case
if ($openedtype =~ /edit/i) {
stat $relpath;
if (not -f _) {
printall "Warning: Edited file doesn't exist: '$pathname' [$_]\n";
} elsif (! -r _) {
printall "Warning: Unreadable opened file '$pathname' [$_]\n";
} elsif (! -w _) {
printall "Warning: Unwritable opened file '$pathname' [$_]\n";
# Remember the relative path.
$SdOpenedList{$relpath} = 1;
$nowtime = time();
printfall "SD opened command completed in %d seconds\n", ($nowtime-$timestart);
$timestart = $nowtime;
die "Aborting. Retried ($SDCommand) $NumberOfRetries times without success.\n" if $Retry;
die "Aborting. Errors parsing output of 'sd opened -l'\n" if $Fatal;
if ($Verbose) {
printall "Currently opened files under $ScorchDir\n";
for (keys %SdOpenedList) {
printall $_, "\n";
printfall "%d opened files will be skipped.\n", $ExpectedSdOpenedCount;
# If we are faking, we print to standard output instead of the logfile.
# We won't actually do anything, so we set $Save to record what files we would have saved.
if ($Fake) {
printall "Pretending to save...\n";
$Save = 1;
# Enumerate all files in the directory hierarchy.
# We use 'dir' because it will (hopefully) use findfirst/next and avoid opening anything except the directories,
# which should be an order of magnitude faster.
printall "Running recursive DIR command...\n";
$DirCommand="dir /b/s /a-r-d|";
open DIRS, $DirCommand or die "$PGM Command failed: '$DirCommand' executed in $ScorchDir\n";
# Filter out opened files and build two lists:
# ObjDel -- files under an OBJ directory (there is quite a list of these).
# JustDel -- non OBJ files that are obviously generated (see below).
# SaveAndDel -- all other files we find,
# We exclude files in Tools, Developer, build.*, and $BackupDir
@ObjDel = ();
@JustDel = ();
@SaveAndDel = ();
$lastsaved = "";
$idlroot = "";
$nskip_Tool = 0;
$nskip_Developer = 0;
$nskip_Root = 0;
$nskip_Editor = 0;
$nskip_Build = 0;
$nskip_Opened = 0;
for (<DIRS>) {
# skip files in backup directory
$skip = /^\Q$BackupDir\E\\/i;
$Debug and $skip and printall "Skipping backup file: $_\n";
next if $skip;
# skip files and subhierarchies under the root directory
if ($Rooted) {
$skip = /^\Q$ScorchDir\E\\Tools\\/io;
if ($skip) {
printall "Skip Tool: $_\n";
$skip = /^\Q$ScorchDir\E\\Developer\\/io;
if ($skip) {
printall "Skip Developer: $_\n";
$skip = /^\Q$ScorchDir\E\\[^\\]+$/io;
if ($skip) {
printall "Skip Root: $_\n";
# There are two different checks on build.* files.
# This one excuses all build.* files in the root directory of the scorch.
# The one down in the elsif excuses standard build logging files anywhere.
$skip = /^\Q$ScorchDir\E\\build\.[^\\]*$/io;
if ($skip) {
# Compute relative names
$_ = $1;
tr/A-Z/a-z/; # use filename as lower case
# skip opened files
$skip = $SdOpenedList{$_};
if ($skip) {
printall "Skip Opened: $_\n";
# Figure out which list to put this file on.
# Ignore $(O) directories not mattching our arch pattern.
# We used to ignore _objects.mac files because scorch was run
# as part of build, and the files that just got created would
# be deleted. But now scorch runs separately from build in the
# timebuild.pl script, so it is safe to let them get deleted.
$objdir = 0;
$genfile = 0;
if ($Verbose and /(\A|\\)($MatchAllDollarOPattern)/io) {
if (/(\A|\\)$DelDollarOPattern/io) { $objdir = 1; }
elsif (/(\A|\\)$OtherDollarOPattern/io) { $objignored++; }
# elsif (/(\A|\\)obj[^\\]*\\_objects\.mac$/io) { $nskip_Build++; }
# elsif (/(\A|\\)obj[^\\]*\\_objects\.mac$/io) { $genfile = 1; }
elsif (/(\A|\\)obj[^\\]*\\_objects\.mac$/io) { $Arch ? $objignored++ : $objdir++; }
# elsif (/(\A|\\)build.(log|wrn|err)$/io) { $nskip_Build++; }
elsif (/(\A|\\).*\.(vpj|vtg|vpw)$/i) { $nskip_Editor++; } # VSlick
elsif (/([^\\]+)\_[awscip]\.c$/i) { $genfile = 1; $idlroot = $1; }
elsif (/(\A|\\)dlldata\.c$/i) { $genfile = 1; }
elsif (/\.$SafeDelPattern$/io) { $genfile = 1; }
elsif (/\\msg\.(h|[rm]c)$/i) { $genfile = 1; }
else { push @SaveAndDel, ($_); $lastsaved = $_; }
# We want to remember each obj directory once, since we will scorch with a single del command.
# If -arch=foo was specified, we only scorch files under the sub-directory foo.
if ($objdir) {
push @ObjDel, $_;
} elsif ($genfile) {
# Look for a generated .h IDL file and move to the JustDel category.
# Assumes the dir/s collates it right before the generated .c files.
if ($idlroot && $lastsaved =~ /\Q$idlroot\E\.h$/i) {
push @JustDel, pop @SaveAndDel;
push @JustDel, $_;
$idlroot = "";
$lastsaved = "";
close DIRS;
$nowtime = time();
$dirtime = ($nowtime - $timestart);
$timestart = $nowtime;
# Prepare to do the saves/deletes
$CopyCommand = "xcopy /FHKX";
# If we are faking, we render these commands harmless
if ($Fake) {
$CopyCommand = "${CopyCommand}L";
# If we are not Save, we transfer SaveAndDel to JustDel
if (not $Save) {
push @JustDel, @SaveAndDel;
@SaveAndDel = ();
} else {
printfall "Backing up %d files.\n", scalar @SaveAndDel;
# Make backup copies of the save files
for (@SaveAndDel) {
$root = $_;
$root =~ s/[^\\]*$//;
$cmd = "$CopyCommand \"$ScorchDir\\$_\" \"$BackupDir\\$root\"";
$rc = system($cmd);
if ($Fake) {
printall $cmd, "\n" if $Debug;
printall "COPY ($_) FAILED <returned $rc>.\n\n" if $rc;
} else {
die "COPY ($_) FAILED <returned $rc>.\n" if $rc;
printall "Saved: $ScorchDir\\$_\n";
printf $BackupLogHandle "Saved: $ScorchDir\\$_\n" if $BackupLogHandle;
if ($Verbose) {
for (@JustDel) {
printall "Unlink: ", $_, "\n";
$backuptime = 0;
if (@SaveAndDel) {
$nowtime = time();
$backuptime = $nowtime - $timestart;
$timestart = $nowtime;
# Do the deletions
sub printocounts () {
return unless $Verbose;
$cnt = 0;
for (sort keys %ODirCounts) {
printall '$(O) Counts', "\n" unless $cnt++;
printfall " %5d %s\n", $ODirCounts{$_}, $_;
@ManuallyCheck = ();
if ($Fake) {
printfall "%d \$(O) files would have been just deleted.\n", scalar @ObjDel;
printfall "%d \$(O) files would have been ignored (other archs or not obj$AltDir).\n", $objignored if $objignored;
printocounts() if $objignored;
printfall "%d other files would have been just deleted.\n", scalar @JustDel;
printfall "%d files would have been deleted after being saved.\n", scalar @SaveAndDel;
} else {
$odcount = unlink @ObjDel;
push @ManuallyCheck, @ObjDel if $odcount < scalar @ObjDel;
printfall "%d of %d \$(O) files were just deleted.\n", $odcount, scalar @ObjDel;
printfall "%d \$(O) files were ignored (other archs).\n", $objignored if $objignored;
printocounts() if $objignored;
$jdcount = unlink @JustDel;
push @ManuallyCheck, @JustDel if $jdcount < scalar @JustDel;
printfall "%d of %d other files were just deleted.\n", $jdcount, scalar @JustDel;
$sdcount = unlink @SaveAndDel;
push @ManuallyCheck, @SaveAndDel if $sdcount < scalar @SaveAndDel;
printfall "%d of %d files were deleted after being saved.\n", $sdcount, scalar @SaveAndDel;
if (scalar @ManuallyCheck) {
$odn = scalar @ObjDel - $odcount;
$jdn = scalar @JustDel - $jdcount;
$sdn = scalar @SaveAndDel - $sdcount;
printall "\n";
printall "\n****************************\n";
printall "WARNING: Not all files that were supposed to be deleted were deleted.\n\n";
printfall "\t<%d undeleted \$(O) files>\n", $odn if $odn;
printfall "\t<%d undeleted just delete files>\n", $jdn if $jdn;
printfall "\t<%d undeleted save&delete files>\n\n", $sdn if $sdn;
printall "\n";
$notdeleted = 0;
for (@ManuallyCheck) {
next unless -e $_;
printall "UNDELETED FILE: $_\n";
printall " ... was now able to delete $_\n" if unlink $_;
if ($notdeleted != $odn + $jdn + $sdn) {
printfall "\nWARNING: Found only %d undeleted files\n", $notdeleted;
printall "****************************\n";
printall "\n";
# Get rid of empty directories
if ($Fake) {
#open (MTDirs, "mtdir /d $sdxroot |");
#@MTDirsList = <MTDirs>;
#close (MTDirs);
#printall "The following empty directories would have been deleted.\n @MTDirsList", ;
} else {
#open (MTDirs, "mtdir /d /e $sdxroot |");
#@MTDirsList = <MTDirs>;
#close (MTDirs);
#printall "The following empty directories were deleted.\n @MTDirsList";
# Done!
$nowtime = time();
if ($ExpectedSdOpenedCount != $nskip_Opened) {
printfall "Expected to skip %d opened files but skipped %d\n",
$ExpectedSdOpenedCount, $nskip_Opened;
printfall "Skipped files: Tool %d Developer %d Root %d Build %d Opened %d Editor %d\n",
$nskip_Tool, $nskip_Developer, $nskip_Root, $nskip_Build, $nskip_Opened, $nskip_Editor;
printfall "DIR processing took %d seconds\n", $dirtime;
printfall "File backup took %d seconds\n", $backuptime if $backuptime;
printfall "File deletion took %d seconds\n", $nowtime-$timestart;
printfall "Total time: %d seconds\n", ($nowtime-$begintime);
printfall "SCORCH WAS FAKED\n" if $Fake;
exit 0;