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* Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
* Module Name:
* DpRegion.hpp
* Abstract:
* DpRegion class operates on scan-converted Y spans of rects
* Created:
* 12/16/1998 DCurtis
// Each Y span consists of 4 values
#define YSPAN_SIZE 4
#define YSPAN_YMIN 0 // minimum Y value (inclusive)
#define YSPAN_YMAX 1 // maximum Y value (exclusive)
#define YSPAN_XOFFSET 2 // offset into XCoords for this span
#define YSPAN_XCOUNT 3 // num XCoords for this span (multiple of 2)
#if 0
// The infinite max and min values are set up to be the greatest
// values that will interop with GDI HRGNs on WinNT successfully (divided by 2).
// We divide those values by 2 so that there is a little room to offset
// the GDI region and still have it work correctly.
// Of course, this won't work on Win9x -- we have to handle Win9x as
// a special case in the GetHRGN code.
#define INFINITE_MAX 0x03FFFFC7 // (0x07ffff8f / 2)
#define INFINITE_MIN 0xFC000038 // (0xF8000070 / 2)
// Instead of the above, let's use the largest possible integer value
// that is guaranteed to round trip correctly between float and int,
// but as above, let's leave a little head room so we can offset the region.
#include "float.h"
#define INFINITE_MAX (1 << (FLT_MANT_DIG - 2))
class DpComplexRegion
INT XCoordsCapacity; // num XCoords (INTs) allocated
INT XCoordsCount; // num XCoords (INTs) used
INT YSpansCapacity; // num YSpans allocated
INT NumYSpans; // NumYSpans used
INT YSearchIndex; // search start index in YSpans
INT * XCoords; // pointer to XCoords
INT * YSpans; // pointer to YSpans
// (XCoords + XCoordsCapacity)
INT * GetYSpan (INT spanIndex)
return YSpans + (spanIndex * YSPAN_SIZE);
VOID ResetSearchIndex()
YSearchIndex = NumYSpans >> 1;
BOOL YSpanSearch(INT y, INT ** ySpan, INT * spanIndex);
class DpRegionBuilder : public GpOutputYSpan
// We now use an ObjectTag to determine if the object is valid
// instead of using a BOOL. This is much more robust and helps
// with debugging. It also enables us to version our objects
// more easily with a version number in the ObjectTag.
ObjectTag Tag; // Keep this as the 1st value in the object!
VOID SetValid(BOOL valid)
Tag = valid ? ObjectTagDpRegionBuilder : ObjectTagInvalid;
DpComplexRegion * ComplexData;
DpRegionBuilder(INT ySpans)
SetValid(InitComplexData(ySpans) == Ok);
SetValid(FALSE); // so we don't use a deleted object
BOOL IsValid() const
ASSERT((Tag == ObjectTagDpRegionBuilder) || (Tag == ObjectTagInvalid));
#if DBG
if (Tag == ObjectTagInvalid)
WARNING1("Invalid DpRegionBuilder");
return (Tag == ObjectTagDpRegionBuilder);
virtual GpStatus OutputYSpan(
INT yMin,
INT yMax,
INT * xCoords, // even number of X coordinates
INT numXCoords // must be a multiple of 2
GpStatus InitComplexData(INT ySpans);
// Forward Declaration for friendliness
class DpClipRegion;
// This class was constructed to optimize for space and speed for the common
// case of the region consisting of a single rectangle. For that case of a
// simple region, we want the region to be as small and as fast as possible so
// that it is not expensive to have a region associated with every window.
class DpRegion
friend DpClipRegion;
// We now use an ObjectTag to determine if the object is valid
// instead of using a BOOL. This is much more robust and helps
// with debugging. It also enables us to version our objects
// more easily with a version number in the ObjectTag.
ObjectTag Tag; // Keep this as the 1st value in the object!
VOID SetValid(BOOL valid)
Tag = valid ? ObjectTagDpRegion : ObjectTagInvalid;
UINT32 Infinite : 1;
UINT32 Empty : 1;
UINT32 Lazy : 1;
UINT32 Pad : 29;
INT XMax; // exclusive
INT YMax; // exclusive
DpComplexRegion * ComplexData;
mutable INT Uniqueness;
enum Visibility
Invisible = 0,
PartiallyVisible = 1,
ClippedVisible = 2,
TotallyVisible = 3,
DpRegion(BOOL empty = FALSE); // default is infinite region
DpRegion(const GpRect * rect);
DpRegion(INT x, INT y, INT width, INT height);
DpRegion(const DpPath * path, const GpMatrix * matrix);
DpRegion(const DpRegion * region, BOOL lazy = FALSE);
DpRegion(DpRegion & region); // copy constructor
DpRegion(const RECT * rects, INT count);
SetValid(FALSE); // so we don't use a deleted object
DpRegion &operator=( DpRegion & region );
BOOL IsValid() const
ASSERT((Tag == ObjectTagDpRegion) || (Tag == ObjectTagInvalid));
#if DBG
if (Tag == ObjectTagInvalid)
WARNING1("Invalid DpRegion");
return (Tag == ObjectTagDpRegion);
VOID Set(INT x, INT y, INT width, INT height);
VOID Set(GpRect * rect)
ASSERT (rect != NULL);
Set(rect->X, rect->Y, rect->Width, rect->Height);
GpStatus Set(const DpPath * path, const GpMatrix * matrix); // path is in world units
GpStatus Set(const DpRegion * region, BOOL lazy = FALSE);
GpStatus Set(const RECT * rects, INT count);
VOID SetInfinite();
VOID SetEmpty();
GpStatus Offset(INT xOffset, INT yOffset);
GpStatus And (const DpRegion * region);
GpStatus Or (const DpRegion * region);
GpStatus Xor (const DpRegion * region);
GpStatus Exclude (const DpRegion * region);
GpStatus Complement(const DpRegion * region);
INT GetXMin() const { ASSERT(IsValid()); return XMin; }
INT GetYMin() const { ASSERT(IsValid()); return YMin; }
INT GetXMax() const { ASSERT(IsValid()); return XMax; }
INT GetYMax() const { ASSERT(IsValid()); return YMax; }
INT GetUniqueness() const
{ ASSERT(IsValid());
if (Uniqueness == 0)
Uniqueness = GenerateUniqueness();
return Uniqueness;
VOID UpdateUID() { ASSERT(IsValid()); Uniqueness = 0; }
VOID GetBounds(GpRect * bounds) const
ASSERT(bounds != NULL);
bounds->X = XMin;
bounds->Y = YMin;
bounds->Width = XMax - XMin;
bounds->Height = YMax - YMin;
VOID GetBounds(GpPointF * topLeft, GpPointF * bottomRight) const
ASSERT((topLeft != NULL) && (bottomRight != NULL));
topLeft->X = (REAL)XMin;
topLeft->Y = (REAL)YMin;
bottomRight->X = (REAL)XMax;
bottomRight->Y = (REAL)YMax;
BOOL IsEqual(DpRegion * region);
BOOL IsEmpty() const
return Empty;
BOOL IsInfinite() const
return Infinite;
// Empty and Infinite regions are always simple as well.
BOOL IsSimple() const
return (ComplexData == NULL);
BOOL IsComplex() const
return !IsSimple();
Visibility GetRectVisibility(
INT xMin,
INT yMin,
INT xMax,
INT yMax,
GpRect * rectClipped = NULL
BOOL RegionVisible (DpRegion * region);
BOOL RectVisible(INT xMin, INT yMin, INT xMax, INT yMax);
BOOL RectVisible(GpRect * rect)
return RectVisible(rect->X, rect->Y,
rect->X + rect->Width, rect->Y + rect->Height);
BOOL RectInside (INT xMin, INT yMin, INT xMax, INT yMax);
BOOL PointInside(INT x, INT y);
GpStatus Fill(DpOutputSpan * output, GpRect * clipBounds) const;
HRGN GetHRgn() const;
BOOL GetOutlinePoints(DynPointArray& points,
DynByteArray& types) const;
// If rects is NULL, return the number of rects in the region.
// Otherwise, assume rects is big enough to hold all the region rects
// and fill them in and return the number of rects filled in.
INT GetRects(GpRect * rects) const;
INT GetRects(GpRectF * rects) const;
VOID FreeData()
if (!Lazy)
ComplexData = NULL;
Lazy = FALSE;
GpStatus Set(DpRegionBuilder & regionBuilder);
// If rects is NULL, return the number of rects in the region.
// Otherwise, assume rects is big enough to hold all the region rects
// and fill them in and return the number of rects filled in.
INT GetRects(RECT * rects, BOOL clampToWin9xSize = FALSE) const;
GpStatus CompactAndOutput(
INT yMin,
INT yMax,
INT * xCoords,
INT numXCoords,
DpRegionBuilder * regionBuilder,
DynIntArray * combineCoords
GpStatus Diff(
DpRegion * region1,
DpRegion * region2,
BOOL set1
GpStatus XSpansAND (
DynIntArray * combineCoords,
INT * xSpan1,
INT numXCoords1,
INT * xSpan2,
INT numXCoords2
GpStatus XSpansOR (
DynIntArray * combineCoords,
INT * xSpan1,
INT numXCoords1,
INT * xSpan2,
INT numXCoords2
GpStatus XSpansXOR (
DynIntArray * combineCoords,
INT * xSpan1,
INT numXCoords1,
INT * xSpan2,
INT numXCoords2
GpStatus XSpansDIFF(
DynIntArray * combineCoords,
INT * xSpan1,
INT numXCoords1,
INT * xSpan2,
INT numXCoords2
static INT
static LONG_PTR gUniqueness = 0 ;
// Use InterlockedCompareExchangeFunction instead of
// InterlockedIncrement, because InterlockedIncrement doesn't work
// the way we need it to on Win9x.
Uid = gUniqueness;
} while (CompareExchangeLong_Ptr(&gUniqueness, (Uid + 1), Uid) != Uid);
return (INT) (Uid + 1);
class DpClipRegion : public DpRegion,
public DpOutputSpan
enum Direction
DpOutputSpan * OutputClippedSpan;
DpRegion OriginalRegion; // The old Region
BOOL ComplexClipDisabled; // Did we disable the complexClip
// enumeration stuff
Direction EnumDirection;
INT EnumSpan;
friend class DriverPrint;
// This is a special method intended for use only by DriverPrint.
VOID StartBanding()
ASSERT(!Empty); // if clipping is empty, we shouldn't be banding
ASSERT(ComplexClipDisabled == FALSE); // Unless we are banding we can't
// have ComplexClip disabled
// Save the current information of the ClipRegion into OriginalRegion
// this is done by setting the complexData to our current complexData
ASSERT(OriginalRegion.ComplexData == NULL);
OriginalRegion.ComplexData = ComplexData;
OriginalRegion.Lazy = Lazy;
OriginalRegion.Uniqueness = Uniqueness;
OriginalRegion.Infinite = Infinite;
OriginalRegion.Empty = Empty;
OriginalRegion.XMin = XMin;
OriginalRegion.YMin = YMin;
OriginalRegion.XMax = XMax;
OriginalRegion.YMax = YMax;
// We don't want to both regions to point to the same data
ComplexData = NULL;
Lazy = FALSE;
// Create a lazy region so that we don't copy unless needed
Set(&OriginalRegion, TRUE);
// This is a special method intended for use only by DriverPrint.
VOID EndBanding()
ASSERT(!ComplexClipDisabled); // Make sure that we don't leave an opened
// DisableComplexClip call
// Free our Data, we can't be Lazy
ASSERT(ComplexData == NULL);
ComplexData = OriginalRegion.ComplexData;
Lazy = OriginalRegion.Lazy;
Uniqueness = OriginalRegion.Uniqueness;
Infinite = OriginalRegion.Infinite;
Empty = OriginalRegion.Empty;
XMin = OriginalRegion.XMin;
YMin = OriginalRegion.YMin;
XMax = OriginalRegion.XMax;
YMax = OriginalRegion.YMax;
// We don't want to both regions to point to the same data
OriginalRegion.ComplexData = NULL;
OriginalRegion.Lazy = FALSE;
// This is a special method intended for use only by DriverPrint.
// We're relying on DriverPrint to restore the bounds back correctly
// after it's done with banding (by bracketing the banding with
// StartBanding and EndBanding calls).
// This works, even when there is complex clipping, because OutputSpan
// clips against the bounds before clipping against the complex region.
VOID SetBandBounds(GpRect & bandBounds, BOOL doIntersect = TRUE)
ASSERT((bandBounds.Width > 0) && (bandBounds.Height > 0));
GpRect intersectedBounds;
if (!doIntersect)
// We are coming from DisableComplexClipping. We should not have
// any ComplexData.
ASSERT(ComplexData == NULL);
// The reason for not doing the intersection is that sometimes
// printing using a capped DPI which means that the bandBounds is
// using a different coordinate system than the original region.
intersectedBounds = bandBounds;
GpRect boundsOriginal(OriginalRegion.XMin, OriginalRegion.YMin,
OriginalRegion.XMax - OriginalRegion.XMin,
OriginalRegion.YMax - OriginalRegion.YMin);
if (!GpRect::IntersectRect(intersectedBounds, bandBounds, boundsOriginal))
// intersection is empty
// Create a region for our band
DpRegion newRegion(&intersectedBounds);
// If we haven't disabled the complex clipping, then restore the original
// complexRegion and intersect with our current region
if (!ComplexClipDisabled)
// Get the original Clipping Region
Set(&OriginalRegion, TRUE);
// Intersect with our current band
// We've disabled the complexClipping, Set the clipping to our band
ASSERT(ComplexData == NULL);
// This is a special method intended for use only by DriverPrint.
// We're relying on DriverPrint to re-enable the complex clipping
// and to restore the bounds back correctly after it's done with banding
// (by bracketing the banding with StartBanding and EndBanding calls).
// Typically, when we disable complex clipping, it's because we are
// using a capped DPI, which means that the bandBounds is in a different
// resolution than the original clipping region.
VOID DisableComplexClipping(GpRect & bandBounds, BOOL doIntersect = FALSE)
// Make sure that we call ourselves twice in a row
ASSERT(ComplexClipDisabled == FALSE);
ComplexClipDisabled = TRUE;
ASSERT(ComplexData == NULL);
SetBandBounds(bandBounds, doIntersect);
// This is a special method intended for use only by DriverPrint.
VOID ReEnableComplexClipping()
ComplexClipDisabled = FALSE;
// Set the clipping back to the original state, make in Lazy
Set(&OriginalRegion, TRUE);
DpClipRegion(BOOL empty = FALSE) : DpRegion(empty)
OutputClippedSpan = NULL;
ComplexClipDisabled = FALSE;
#if DBG
DpClipRegion(const GpRect * rect) : DpRegion(rect)
OutputClippedSpan = NULL;
ComplexClipDisabled = FALSE;
#if DBG
DpClipRegion(INT x, INT y, INT width, INT height) :
DpRegion(x, y, width, height)
OutputClippedSpan = NULL;
ComplexClipDisabled = FALSE;
#if DBG
DpClipRegion(const DpPath * path, const GpMatrix * matrix) : DpRegion (path, matrix)
OutputClippedSpan = NULL;
ComplexClipDisabled = FALSE;
#if DBG
DpClipRegion(const DpRegion * region) : DpRegion(region)
OutputClippedSpan = NULL;
ComplexClipDisabled = FALSE;
#if DBG
DpClipRegion(DpClipRegion & region) : DpRegion(region)
OutputClippedSpan = NULL;
ComplexClipDisabled = FALSE;
#if DBG
VOID StartEnumeration (
INT yMin,
Direction direction = TopLeftToBottomRight
// returns FALSE when done enumerating
// numRects going in is the number of rects in the buffer and going out
// is the number of rects that we filled.
BOOL Enumerate (
GpRect * rects,
INT & numRects
virtual GpStatus OutputSpan(
INT y,
INT xMin,
INT xMax
VOID InitClipping(DpOutputSpan * outputClippedSpan, INT yMin);
// EndClipping is here only for debugging (and the Rasterizer doesn't
// call it):
VOID EndClipping() {}
virtual BOOL IsValid() const { return TRUE; }
#endif // _DPREGION_HPP