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class CopyOnWriteBitmap : private CopyOnWrite
friend class GpBitmap;
// Constructors
CopyOnWriteBitmap(const WCHAR* filename);
CopyOnWriteBitmap(IStream* stream);
CopyOnWriteBitmap(INT width, INT height, PixelFormatID format);
CopyOnWriteBitmap(INT width, INT height, PixelFormatID format, GpGraphics * graphics);
INT width,
INT height,
INT stride, // negative for bottom-up bitmaps
PixelFormatID format,
BYTE * scan0
BITMAPINFO* gdiBitmapInfo,
VOID* gdiBitmapData,
BOOL ownBitmapData
CopyOnWriteBitmap(IDirectDrawSurface7 *surface);
static VOID CheckValid(CopyOnWriteBitmap *& p)
if ((p == NULL) || (!p->IsValid()))
delete p;
p = NULL;
static CopyOnWriteBitmap * Create(const WCHAR* filename)
CopyOnWriteBitmap * newBitmap = new CopyOnWriteBitmap(filename);
return newBitmap;
static CopyOnWriteBitmap * Create(IStream* stream)
CopyOnWriteBitmap * newBitmap = new CopyOnWriteBitmap(stream);
return newBitmap;
static CopyOnWriteBitmap * Create(INT width, INT height, PixelFormatID format)
CopyOnWriteBitmap * newBitmap = new CopyOnWriteBitmap(width, height, format);
return newBitmap;
static CopyOnWriteBitmap * Create(INT width, INT height, PixelFormatID format, GpGraphics * graphics)
CopyOnWriteBitmap * newBitmap = new CopyOnWriteBitmap(width, height, format, graphics);
return newBitmap;
static CopyOnWriteBitmap * Create(
INT width,
INT height,
INT stride, // negative for bottom-up bitmaps
PixelFormatID format,
BYTE * scan0
CopyOnWriteBitmap * newBitmap = new CopyOnWriteBitmap(width, height, stride, format, scan0);
return newBitmap;
static CopyOnWriteBitmap * Create(
BITMAPINFO* gdiBitmapInfo,
VOID* gdiBitmapData,
BOOL ownBitmapData
CopyOnWriteBitmap * newBitmap = new CopyOnWriteBitmap(gdiBitmapInfo, gdiBitmapData, ownBitmapData);
return newBitmap;
static CopyOnWriteBitmap * Create(IDirectDrawSurface7 *surface)
CopyOnWriteBitmap * newBitmap = new CopyOnWriteBitmap(surface);
return newBitmap;
const GpRect* rect,
PixelFormatID format = PixelFormat32bppPARGB
) const;
virtual CopyOnWrite * Clone() const
return Clone(NULL, PixelFormatDontCare);
GpRecolor * recolor,
ColorAdjustType type = ColorAdjustTypeDefault
) const;
IN CLSID* clsidEncoder,
OUT UINT* size
IN CLSID* clsidEncoder,
IN UINT size,
OUT EncoderParameters* pBuffer
IStream* stream,
CLSID* clsidEncoder,
EncoderParameters* encoderParams
const WCHAR* filename,
CLSID* clsidEncoder,
EncoderParameters* encoderParams
IStream* stream,
const WCHAR* filename,
CLSID* clsidEncoder,
EncoderParameters* encoderParams
const EncoderParameters* encoderParams
CopyOnWriteBitmap* newBits,
const EncoderParameters* encoderParams
// Dispose the bitmap object
VOID Dispose()
if (InterlockedDecrement(&ObjRefCount) <= 0)
// Get bitmap information
VOID GetImageInfo(ImageInfo * imageInfo)
ASSERT(imageInfo != NULL);
GpMemcpy(imageInfo, &SrcImageInfo, sizeof(ImageInfo));
CopyOnWriteBitmap* GetThumbnail(UINT thumbWidth, UINT thumbHeight,
GetThumbnailImageAbort callback,
VOID *callbackData);
GpStatus GetFrameCount(const GUID* dimensionID,
UINT* count) const;
GpStatus GetFrameDimensionsCount(OUT UINT* count) const;
GpStatus GetFrameDimensionsList(OUT GUID* dimensionIDs,
IN UINT count) const;
GpStatus SelectActiveFrame(const GUID* dimensionID,
UINT frameIndex);
GpStatus GetPalette(ColorPalette *palette, INT size);
GpStatus SetPalette(ColorPalette *palette);
INT GetPaletteSize();
GpStatus GetTransparencyHint(DpTransparency* transparency);
GpStatus SetTransparencyHint(DpTransparency transparency);
GpStatus GetTransparencyFlags(DpTransparency* transparency,
PixelFormatID loadFormat =PixelFormatDontCare,
BYTE* minA = NULL,
BYTE* maxA = NULL);
// Property related functions
GpStatus GetPropertyCount(UINT* numOfProperty);
GpStatus GetPropertyIdList(UINT numOfProperty, PROPID* list);
GpStatus GetPropertyItemSize(PROPID propId, UINT* size);
GpStatus GetPropertyItem(PROPID propId,UINT propSize,
PropertyItem* buffer);
GpStatus GetPropertySize(UINT* totalBufferSize,UINT* numProperties);
GpStatus GetAllPropertyItems(UINT totalBufferSize,
UINT numProperties,
PropertyItem* allItems);
GpStatus RemovePropertyItem(PROPID propId);
GpStatus SetPropertyItem(PropertyItem* item);
// Check if the CopyOnWriteBitmap object is valid
virtual BOOL IsValid() const
return (State != Invalid);
// Retrieve bitmap data
const GpRect* rect,
UINT flags,
PixelFormatID pixelFormat,
BitmapData* bmpdata,
INT width = 0,
INT height = 0
) const; // Does not change the image
BitmapData* bmpdata,
) const;
// Get and set pixel on the bitmap.
GpStatus GetPixel(INT x, INT y, ARGB *color);
GpStatus SetPixel(INT x, INT y, ARGB color);
// Derive an HDC for interop on top of the bitmap object
HDC GetHdc();
VOID ReleaseHdc(HDC hdc);
// Serialization
UINT GetDataSize() const;
GpStatus GetData(IStream * stream) const;
GpStatus SetData(const BYTE * dataBuffer, UINT size);
GpStatus GetCompressedData(
DpCompressedData * compressed_data,
HDC hdc = (HDC)NULL);
GpStatus DeleteCompressedData(
DpCompressedData * compressed_data) ;
// Image transform
GpStatus RotateFlip(
RotateFlipType rfType
// Color adjust
GpStatus ColorAdjust(
GpRecolor * recolor,
ColorAdjustType type
GpRecolor * recolor,
PixelFormatID pixfmt,
DrawImageAbort callback,
VOID *callbackData
GpStatus GetPixelFormatID(PixelFormatID* pixfmt);
Invalid = 0, // bitmap object is invalid
ImageRef = 1, // contains a reference only (e.g. filename)
ExtStream = 2, // contains a reference to a stream
DecodedImg = 3, // contains a decoded image object,
// but it's not decoded yet - name is misleading.
MemBitmap = 4 // contains an in-memory bitmap object
GpStatus SetResolution(REAL xdpi, REAL ydpi);
INT numPoints,
GpPointF *dstPoints,
GpRectF *srcRect,
INT numBitsPerPixel
// Interop:
static GpStatus CreateFromHBITMAP(
CopyOnWriteBitmap** bitmap
GpStatus CreateHBITMAP(HBITMAP *phbm, ARGB background);
GpStatus Recolor(
GpRecolor *recolor,
CopyOnWriteBitmap **dstBitmap,
DrawImageAbort callback,
VOID *callbackData,
GpRect *rect = NULL
GpStatus ICMFrontEnd(
CopyOnWriteBitmap **dstBitmap,
DrawImageAbort callback,
VOID *callbackData,
GpRect *rect = NULL
static GpStatus CreateFromHICON(
HICON hicon,
CopyOnWriteBitmap** bitmap
GpStatus CreateHICON(HICON *phicon);
static GpStatus CreateFromResource(
HINSTANCE hInstance,
LPWSTR lpBitmapName,
CopyOnWriteBitmap** bitmap
CopyOnWriteBitmap(GpMemoryBitmap* membmp);
mutable INT State; // current state of the bitmap object
mutable LONG ObjRefCount; // object reference count used for LockBits
WCHAR* Filename;
IStream* Stream;
mutable GpDecodedImage* Img;
mutable GpMemoryBitmap* Bmp;
UINT CurrentFrameIndex; // Frame index, zero based
VOID* cleanupBitmapData; // Bitmap(BITMAPINFO*, ...) ctor will
// set this if dtor should cleanup buffer
IImageEncoder* EncoderPtr; // Pointer to encoder pointer for saving
// multi-frame images
// Note: CopyOnWriteBitmap has to hold this pointer
// and do the close later. This is because
// 1) Both Bmp and Img will be destroied when
// navigating among frames
// 2) It is possible that sometime we call
// Img->SaveAppend and sometime for
// Bmp->SaveAppend, depends on if the frame is
// dirty or not.
// It make sense that 1 CopyOnWriteBitmap talks to 1
// encoder at a time
BOOL SpecialJPEGSave; // TRUE if do special lossless JPEG transform
BOOL ICMConvert; // TRUE if we should do ICM on this bitmap
// We need to know how to handle the page transform when it is set
// to UnitDisplay. If Display is TRUE (which is the default), then
// the page transform will be the identity, which is what we want
// most of the time. The only exception is when the image is
// derived from a non-display graphics.
BOOL Display; // Set UnitDisplay to identity transform?
REAL XDpiOverride; // if non-zero, replaces native dpi
REAL YDpiOverride; // if non-zero, replaces native dpi
// supports scan interface to CopyOnWriteBitmap
// when drawing to bitmap via a Graphics
mutable BOOL DirtyFlag; // TRUE if the image bits got modified
ImageInfo SrcImageInfo; // Image info for the source image
mutable PixelFormatID PixelFormatInMem;
// Pixel format in the memory
// For example, if the source image is 4 bpp, we
// load it into memory as 32 PARGB. This
// variable will be set to 32PARGB.
mutable BOOL HasChangedRequiredPixelFormat;
// Flag to remember if we have hacked the color
// formats or not in LoadIntoMemory(). Then this
// format will be restored in ICMFrontEnd() if
// this flag is TRUE
struct // Interop data (information used to return
{ // an HDC that can draw into this CopyOnWriteBitmap)
HDC Hdc;
VOID* Bits;
INT_PTR Stride;
INT Width;
INT Height;
} InteropData;
VOID FreeData(); // called by destructor
// Destructor
// We don't want apps to use delete operator directly.
// Instead, they should use Dispose method so that
// we can take care of reference counting.
// Initialize the bitmap object to its initial state
VOID InitDefaults()
State = Invalid;
ObjRefCount = 1;
Filename = NULL;
Stream = NULL;
Img = NULL;
Bmp = NULL;
InteropData.Hdc = NULL;
InteropData.Hbm = NULL;
CurrentFrameIndex = 0;
cleanupBitmapData = NULL;
DirtyFlag = FALSE;
XDpiOverride = 0.0f; // if non-zero, replaces native dpi
YDpiOverride = 0.0f; // if non-zero, replaces native dpi
ICMConvert = FALSE; // default is don't do ICM (it's slow)
SpecialJPEGSave = FALSE;
// We must always treat the bitmap as if it is a display so that
// the default page transform (in a graphics constructed from
// the image) is the identity. The only time we don't do this
// is if the bitmap is contructed from a graphics that is not
// associated with a display. In that case, we want the image
// to inherit the display property from the graphics so that
// drawing to the image and drawing to the original graphics
// will work the same, i.e. will have a similar page transform.
Display = TRUE;
EncoderPtr = NULL;
PixelFormatInMem = PixelFormatUndefined;
HasChangedRequiredPixelFormat = FALSE;
GpMemset(&SrcImageInfo, 0, sizeof(ImageInfo));
// Convert the pixel data of a bitmap object
// to the specified format
GpStatus ConvertFormat(PixelFormatID format,
DrawImageAbort callback = NULL,
VOID *callbackData = NULL
// Perform color adjustment by the lower level codec if it can do it
GpRecolor * recolor,
DrawImageAbort callback,
VOID *callbackData
// Set decode parameters for icons
INT numPoints,
GpPointF *dstPoints,
GpRectF *srcRect,
INT numBitsPerPixel
// Dereference the stream or file pointer and promote this bitmap object
// to at least DecodedImg state.
GpStatus CopyOnWriteBitmap::DereferenceStream() const;
// Load bitmap image into memory
// width and height are the suggested width and height to decode into.
// zero means use the source width and height.
GpStatus LoadIntoMemory(
PixelFormatID format = PixelFormat32bppPARGB,
DrawImageAbort callback = NULL,
VOID *callbackData = NULL,
INT width = 0,
INT height = 0
) const;
VOID SetDirtyFlag(BOOL flag) const
DirtyFlag = flag;
BOOL IsDirty() const
return DirtyFlag;
VOID TerminateEncoder()
if ( EncoderPtr != NULL )
EncoderPtr = NULL;
GpStatus ValidateMultiFrameSave();
GpStatus ParseEncoderParameter(
const EncoderParameters* encoderParams,
BOOL* pfIsMultiFrameSave,
BOOL* pfSpecialJPEG,
RotateFlipType* rfType
GpStatus TransformThumbanil(
CLSID* clsidEncoder,
EncoderParameters* encoderParams,
PropertyItem **ppOriginalItem
VOID CacheImageInfo(HRESULT hr);
GpStatus SaveAppend(
const EncoderParameters* encoderParams,
IImageEncoder* EncoderPtr