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* Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
* Abstract:
* Graphics vector fill APIs.
* Revision History:
* 12/02/1998 andrewgo
* Created it.
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include "QuadTransforms.hpp"
* Function Description:
* API to clear the surface to a specified color
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 03/13/2000 agodfrey
* Created it.
const GpColor &color
INT i;
GpStatus status = Ok;
RectF drawRect(
if (IsRecording())
status = Metafile->RecordClear(&drawRect, color);
if (status != Ok)
SetValid(FALSE); // Prevent any more recording
return status;
if (!DownLevel)
return Ok;
// else we need to record down-level GDI EMF records as well
GpSolidFill brush(color);
if (!IsTotallyClipped(&SurfaceBounds))
// Remember the compositing mode, antialiasing mode, and world
// transform, and then set them up for this call.
GpMatrix oldWorldToDevice = Context->WorldToDevice;
INT oldAntiAliasMode = Context->AntiAliasMode;
GpCompositingMode oldCompositingMode = Context->CompositingMode;
Context->AntiAliasMode = 0;
Context->CompositingMode = CompositingModeSourceCopy;
Devlock devlock(Device);
status = DrvFillRects(
// Restore the context state we changed
Context->WorldToDevice = oldWorldToDevice;
Context->AntiAliasMode = oldAntiAliasMode;
Context->CompositingMode = oldCompositingMode;
return status;
* Function Description:
* API to fill rectangles using the specified brush
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 12/06/1998 andrewgo
* Created it.
GpBrush* brush,
const GpRectF* rects,
INT count
INT i;
GpStatus status = Ok;
// Objects returned from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT((brush != NULL) && (rects != NULL));
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && brush->IsValid());
// See RAID bug:
// 301407 GDI+ Globals::DesktopDC has thread affinity
ASSERT(GetObjectType(Globals::DesktopIc) == OBJ_DC);
if (count < 0)
return InvalidParameter;
if (count == 0)
return Ok;
// Zoom through the list and accumulate the bounds. What a pain, but
// we have to do this.
REAL left = rects[0].X;
REAL top = rects[0].Y;
REAL right = rects[0].GetRight();
REAL bottom = rects[0].GetBottom();
// !!![andrewgo] We have a bug here, in that we don't properly handle
// rectangles with negative dimensions (which after the
// transform might be positive dimensions):
for (i = 1; i < count; i++)
if (rects[i].X < left)
left = rects[i].X;
if (rects[i].GetRight() > right)
right = rects[i].GetRight();
if (rects[i].Y < top)
top = rects[i].Y;
if (rects[i].GetBottom() > bottom)
bottom = rects[i].GetBottom();
// Convert the bounds to device space:
GpRectF bounds;
TransformBounds(&(Context->WorldToDevice), left, top, right, bottom, &bounds);
if (IsRecording())
status = Metafile->RecordFillRects(&bounds, brush, rects, count);
if (status != Ok)
SetValid(FALSE); // Prevent any more recording
return status;
if (!DownLevel)
return Ok;
// else we need to record down-level GDI EMF records as well
if (UseDriverRects())
status = RenderFillRects(&bounds, count, rects, brush);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
if ((rects[i].Width > REAL_EPSILON) &&
(rects[i].Height > REAL_EPSILON) )
GpPointF points[4];
left = rects[i].X;
top = rects[i].Y;
right = rects[i].X + rects[i].Width;
bottom = rects[i].Y + rects[i].Height;
points[0].X = left;
points[0].Y = top;
points[1].X = right;
points[1].Y = top;
points[2].X = right;
points[2].Y = bottom;
points[3].X = left;
points[3].Y = bottom;
const INT stackCount = 10;
GpPointF stackPoints[stackCount];
BYTE stackTypes[stackCount];
GpPath path(
if (path.IsValid())
// Call internal FillPath so that path doesn't get recorded in
// the metafile again.
status = RenderFillPath(&bounds, &path, brush);
// Terminate if we failed to render.
if(status != Ok)
return status;
* Function Description:
* API to fill polygons using the specified brush
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 12/06/1998 andrewgo
GpBrush* brush,
const GpPointF* points,
INT count,
GpFillMode fillMode
GpStatus status = Ok;
ASSERT((brush != NULL) && (points != NULL));
if ((count < 0) ||
((fillMode != FillModeWinding) && (fillMode != FillModeAlternate)))
return InvalidParameter;
// Two vertices or less constitutes an empty fill:
if (count <= 2)
return Ok;
// Objects returned from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && brush->IsValid());
const stackCount = 30;
GpPointF stackPoints[stackCount];
BYTE stackTypes[stackCount];
GpPath path(points, count, &stackPoints[0], &stackTypes[0], stackCount, fillMode);
if (path.IsValid())
GpRectF bounds;
// If the path is a rectangle, we can draw it much faster and
// save space in spool files and metafiles if we fill it as a
// rect instead of as a path.
if (this->UseDriverRects() && path.IsRectangle(&(Context->WorldToDevice)))
path.GetBounds(&bounds, NULL);
return this->FillRects(brush, &bounds, 1);
path.GetBounds(&bounds, &(Context->WorldToDevice));
if (IsRecording())
status = Metafile->RecordFillPolygon(&bounds, brush, points,
count, fillMode);
if (status != Ok)
SetValid(FALSE); // Prevent any more recording
return status;
if (!DownLevel)
return Ok;
// else we need to record down-level GDI EMF records as well
// Call internal FillPath so that path doesn't get recorded in
// the metafile again.
status = RenderFillPath(&bounds, &path, brush);
return status;
* Function Description:
* API to fill an ellipse using the specified brush
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 02/18/1999 ikkof
* Created it.
GpBrush* brush,
const GpRectF& rect
ASSERT(brush != NULL);
// Objects returned from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && brush->IsValid());
GpPath path;
GpStatus status = path.AddEllipse(rect);
if ((status == Ok) && path.IsValid())
GpRectF bounds;
path.GetBounds(&bounds, &(Context->WorldToDevice));
if (IsRecording())
status = Metafile->RecordFillEllipse(&bounds, brush, rect);
if (status != Ok)
SetValid(FALSE); // Prevent any more recording
return status;
if (!DownLevel)
return Ok;
// else we need to record down-level GDI EMF records as well
// Call internal FillPath so that path doesn't get recorded in
// the metafile again.
status = RenderFillPath(&bounds, &path, brush);
return status;
* Function Description:
* API to fill a pie shape using the specified brush
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 02/18/1999 ikkof
* Created it.
GpBrush* brush,
const GpRectF& rect,
REAL startAngle,
REAL sweepAngle
ASSERT(brush != NULL);
// Objects returned from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && brush->IsValid());
GpPath path;
GpStatus status = path.AddPie(rect, startAngle, sweepAngle);
if ((status == Ok) && path.IsValid())
GpRectF bounds;
path.GetBounds(&bounds, &(Context->WorldToDevice));
if (IsRecording())
status = Metafile->RecordFillPie(&bounds, brush, rect,
startAngle, sweepAngle);
if (status != Ok)
SetValid(FALSE); // Prevent any more recording
return status;
if (!DownLevel)
return Ok;
// else we need to record down-level GDI EMF records as well
// Call internal FillPath so that path doesn't get recorded in
// the metafile again.
status = RenderFillPath(&bounds, &path, brush);
return status;
* Function Description:
* API to fill region using the specified brush
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 12/18/1998 ikkof
* Created it.
GpBrush* brush,
GpRegion* region
GpStatus status;
ASSERT((brush != NULL) && (region != NULL));
// Objects returned from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && brush->IsValid() && region->IsValid());
BOOL regionIsEmpty;
if ((status = region->IsEmpty(&Context->WorldToDevice, &regionIsEmpty)) != Ok)
return status;
if (regionIsEmpty)
return Ok;
GpRectF bounds;
if ((status = region->GetBounds(this, &bounds, TRUE)) == Ok)
// The region may have very large bounds if it is infinite or if
// an infinite region was combined with another region. We don't
// want to draw a huge region into a metafile, because it will
// mess up the bounds of the metafile. So intersect the region
// with the appropriate bounding rect.
GpRect metafileBounds; // in device units
BOOL isMetafileGraphics = (this->Type == GraphicsMetafile);
if (isMetafileGraphics)
if (this->Metafile != NULL)
metafileBounds.Width++; // make exclusive
else // use size of HDC
HDC hdc = Context->GetHdc(Surface);
metafileBounds.X = 0;
metafileBounds.Y = 0;
metafileBounds.Width = ::GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES);
metafileBounds.Height = ::GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES);
GpRectF metafileBoundsF;
metafileBoundsF.X = (REAL)metafileBounds.X;
metafileBoundsF.Y = (REAL)metafileBounds.Y;
metafileBoundsF.Width = (REAL)metafileBounds.Width;
metafileBoundsF.Height = (REAL)metafileBounds.Height;
if (IsRecording())
status = Metafile->RecordFillRegion(&bounds, brush, region);
if (status != Ok)
SetValid(FALSE); // Prevent any more recording
return status;
if (!DownLevel)
return Ok;
// else we need to record down-level GDI EMF records as well
if (isMetafileGraphics)
status = RenderFillRegion(&bounds, region, brush, &metafileBounds);
else // not an infinite region
// call internal FillRegion that doesn't do recording
status = RenderFillRegion(&bounds, region, brush, NULL);
return status;
* Function Description:
* API to fill path using the specified brush
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 12/18/1998 ikkof
* Created it.
const GpBrush* brush,
GpPath* path
GpStatus status = Ok;
ASSERT((brush != NULL) && (path != NULL));
// Objects returned from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && brush->IsValid() && path->IsValid());
// Don't do anything with less then 2 points.
if (path->GetPointCount() < 3)
return status;
GpRectF bounds;
// If the path is a rectangle, we can draw it much faster and
// save space in spool files and metafiles if we fill it as a
// rect instead of as a path.
if (this->UseDriverRects() && path->IsRectangle(&(Context->WorldToDevice)))
path->GetBounds(&bounds, NULL);
return this->FillRects(const_cast<GpBrush *>(brush), &bounds, 1);
path->GetBounds(&bounds, &(Context->WorldToDevice));
if (IsRecording())
status = Metafile->RecordFillPath(&bounds, brush, path);
if (status != Ok)
SetValid(FALSE); // Prevent any more recording
return status;
if (!DownLevel)
return Ok;
// else we need to record down-level GDI EMF records as well
// call internal FillPath that doesn't do recording
status = RenderFillPath(&bounds, path, brush);
return status;
* Function Description:
* API to fill a closed curve using the specified brush
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 02/18/1999 ikkof
* Created it.
GpBrush* brush,
const GpPointF* points,
INT count,
REAL tension,
GpFillMode fillMode
ASSERT((brush != NULL) && (points != NULL));
// Objects returned from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && brush->IsValid());
if ((count < 0) ||
((fillMode != FillModeWinding) && (fillMode != FillModeAlternate)))
return InvalidParameter;
// Less than three vertices constitutes an empty fill:
if (count < 3)
return Ok;
GpPath path(fillMode);
GpStatus status = path.AddClosedCurve(points, count, tension);
if ((status == Ok) && path.IsValid())
GpRectF bounds;
path.GetBounds(&bounds, &(Context->WorldToDevice));
if (IsRecording())
status = Metafile->RecordFillClosedCurve(&bounds, brush,
points, count, tension,
if (status != Ok)
SetValid(FALSE); // Prevent any more recording
return status;
if (!DownLevel)
return Ok;
// else we need to record down-level GDI EMF records as well
// Call internal FillPath so that path doesn't get recorded in
// the metafile again.
status = RenderFillPath(&bounds, &path, brush);
return status;
* Function Description:
* API to draw polygons using the specified pen
* Arguments:
* [IN] pen - the pen for stroking.
* [IN] points - the point data.
* [IN] count - the number of points given in points array.
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 01/06/1999 ikkof
* Created it.
GpPen* pen,
const GpPointF* points,
INT count,
BOOL closed
GpStatus status = Ok;
ASSERT((pen != NULL) && (points != NULL));
if (count < 2)
return InvalidParameter;
// Objects returned from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && pen->IsValid());
const stackCount = 30;
GpPointF stackPoints[stackCount];
BYTE stackTypes[stackCount];
GpPath path(points, count, stackPoints, stackTypes, stackCount, FillModeWinding);
if (path.IsValid())
GpRectF bounds;
REAL dpiX = GetDpiX();
REAL dpiY = GetDpiY();
path.GetBounds(&bounds, &(Context->WorldToDevice), pen->GetDevicePen(), dpiX, dpiY);
if (IsRecording())
status = Metafile->RecordDrawLines(&bounds, pen, points,
count, closed);
if (status != Ok)
SetValid(FALSE); // Prevent any more recording
return status;
if (!DownLevel)
return Ok;
// else we need to record down-level GDI EMF records as well
// Call internal DrawPath so that path doesn't get recorded in
// the metafile again.
status = RenderDrawPath(&bounds, &path, pen);
return status;
* Function Description:
* API to draw an arc using the specified pen
* Arguments:
* [IN] pen - the pen for stroking.
* [IN] rect - the boundary rect.
* [IN] startAndle - the start angle in degrees
* [IN] sweepAngle - the sweep angle in degrees in clockwise
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 02/18/1999 ikkof
* Created it.
GpPen* pen,
const GpRectF& rect,
REAL startAngle,
REAL sweepAngle
ASSERT(pen != NULL);
// Objects returned from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && pen->IsValid());
GpPath path;
GpStatus status = path.AddArc(rect, startAngle, sweepAngle);
if ((status == Ok) && path.IsValid())
GpRectF bounds;
REAL dpiX = GetDpiX();
REAL dpiY = GetDpiY();
path.GetBounds(&bounds, &(Context->WorldToDevice), pen->GetDevicePen(), dpiX, dpiY);
if (IsRecording())
status = Metafile->RecordDrawArc(&bounds, pen, rect,
startAngle, sweepAngle);
if (status != Ok)
SetValid(FALSE); // Prevent any more recording
return status;
if (!DownLevel)
return Ok;
// else we need to record down-level GDI EMF records as well
// Call internal DrawPath so that path doesn't get recorded in
// the metafile again.
status = RenderDrawPath(&bounds, &path, pen);
return status;
* Function Description:
* API to draw Cubic Bezier curves using the specified pen
* Arguments:
* [IN] pen - the pen for stroking.
* [IN] points - the control points.
* [IN] count - the number of control points (must be 3n + 1).
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 02/18/1999 ikkof
* Created it.
GpPen* pen,
const GpPointF* points,
INT count
ASSERT((pen != NULL) && (points != NULL));
// Objects returned from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && pen->IsValid());
// Nothing to draw
if (count <= 3)
return Ok;
GpPath path;
GpStatus status = path.AddBeziers(points, count);
if ((status == Ok) && path.IsValid())
GpRectF bounds;
REAL dpiX = GetDpiX();
REAL dpiY = GetDpiY();
path.GetBounds(&bounds, &(Context->WorldToDevice), pen->GetDevicePen(), dpiX, dpiY);
if (IsRecording())
status = Metafile->RecordDrawBeziers(&bounds, pen,
points, count);
if (status != Ok)
SetValid(FALSE); // Prevent any more recording
return status;
if (!DownLevel)
return Ok;
// else we need to record down-level GDI EMF records as well
// Call internal DrawPath so that path doesn't get recorded in
// the metafile again.
status = RenderDrawPath(&bounds, &path, pen);
return status;
* Function Description:
* API to draw rectangles using the specified brush
* Arguments:
* [IN] pen - the pen for stroking.
* [IN] rects - the rectangle array.
* [IN] count - the number of rectangles given in rects array.
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 01/15/1998 ikkof
* Created it.
GpPen* pen,
const GpRectF* rects,
INT count
INT i;
GpStatus status = Ok;
// !!! Change Eng function to do clipping
// !!! Create a stack path
// !!! Fix multiple inheritence thing
// !!! Check tail merging
// !!! Add alignment checks
// !!! Change DDIs to return GpStatus?
// !!! Add ICM hooks?
// !!! Change path constant to include 'single figure'?
// !!! Create .LIB
// !!! Add convention for alpha
// Objects returned from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT((pen != NULL) && (rects != NULL));
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && pen->IsValid());
if (count < 0)
return InvalidParameter;
if (count == 0)
return Ok;
// Zoom through the list and accumulate the bounds. What a pain, but
// we have to do this.
// !!! We're doing 'double' goop, so we should ensure correct stack
// alignment
REAL left = rects[0].X;
REAL top = rects[0].Y;
REAL right = rects[0].GetRight();
REAL bottom = rects[0].GetBottom();
for (i = 1; i < count; i++)
if (rects[i].X < left)
left = rects[i].X;
if (rects[i].GetRight() > right)
right = rects[i].GetRight();
if (rects[i].Y < top)
top = rects[i].Y;
if (rects[i].GetBottom() > bottom)
bottom = rects[i].GetBottom();
GpRectF bounds;
// Convert the bounds to device space and adjust for the pen width
REAL dpiX = GetDpiX();
REAL dpiY = GetDpiY();
DpPen *dpPen = pen->GetDevicePen();
REAL penWidth = 0;
Unit penUnit = UnitWorld;
REAL delta = 0;
penWidth = dpPen->Width;
penUnit = dpPen->Unit;
if(penUnit == UnitWorld)
// If the pen is in World unit, strech the rectangle
// by pen width before the transform.
// For a case of the centered pen.
// penWidth/2 is OK. But here, we
// just use penWidth for all pen mode.
delta = penWidth;
left -= delta;
top -= delta;
right += delta;
bottom += delta;
TransformBounds(&(Context->WorldToDevice), left, top, right, bottom,
if(penUnit != UnitWorld)
// If the pen is not in World unit, strech the rectangle
// by pen's device width after the transform.
REAL dpi = max(dpiX, dpiY);
penWidth = ::GetDeviceWidth(penWidth, penUnit, dpi);
// For a case of the centered pen.
// penWidth/2 is OK. But here, we
// just use penWidth for all pen mode.
delta = penWidth;
bounds.X -= delta;
bounds.Y -= delta;
bounds.Width += 2*delta;
bounds.Height += 2*delta;
if (IsRecording())
status = Metafile->RecordDrawRects(&bounds, pen, rects, count);
if (status != Ok)
SetValid(FALSE); // Prevent any more recording
return status;
if (!DownLevel)
return Ok;
// else we need to record down-level GDI EMF records as well
// Increase the bounds to account for the widener's minimum pen width.
// For some arcane reason, the widener doesn't use 1.0 as the minimum
// pen width. Rather it uses 1.000001f. Also it has some interesting
// rounding properties, so our epsilon here is much larger 0.001f
bounds.Inflate(1.001f, 1.001f);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
if ((rects[i].Width > REAL_EPSILON) &&
(rects[i].Height > REAL_EPSILON) )
// !!! Should use a stack-path
// !!! For StrokePath case, should check start of rectangle
// for styled lines
GpPointF points[4];
left = rects[i].X;
top = rects[i].Y;
right = rects[i].X + rects[i].Width;
bottom = rects[i].Y + rects[i].Height;
points[0].X = left;
points[0].Y = top;
points[1].X = right;
points[1].Y = top;
points[2].X = right;
points[2].Y = bottom;
points[3].X = left;
points[3].Y = bottom;
const INT stackCount = 10;
GpPointF stackPoints[stackCount];
BYTE stackTypes[stackCount];
GpPath path(
// Call internal DrawPath so that path doesn't get recorded in
// the metafile again.
status = RenderDrawPath(&bounds, &path, pen);
if(status != Ok)
return status;
* Function Description:
* API to draw an ellipse using the specified pen
* Arguments:
* [IN] pen - the pen for stroking.
* [IN] rect - the boundary rectangle
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 02/18/1999 ikkof
* Created it.
GpPen* pen,
const GpRectF& rect
ASSERT(pen != NULL);
// Objects returned from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && pen->IsValid());
GpPath path;
GpStatus status = path.AddEllipse(rect);
if ((status == Ok) && path.IsValid())
GpRectF bounds;
REAL dpiX = GetDpiX();
REAL dpiY = GetDpiY();
path.GetBounds(&bounds, &(Context->WorldToDevice), pen->GetDevicePen(), dpiX, dpiY);
if (IsRecording())
status = Metafile->RecordDrawEllipse(&bounds, pen, rect);
if (status != Ok)
SetValid(FALSE); // Prevent any more recording
return status;
if (!DownLevel)
return Ok;
// else we need to record down-level GDI EMF records as well
// Call internal DrawPath so that path doesn't get recorded in
// the metafile again.
status = RenderDrawPath(&bounds, &path, pen);
return status;
* Function Description:
* API to draw a pie using the specified pen
* Arguments:
* [IN] pen - the pen for stroking.
* [IN] rect - the boundary rectangle
* [IN] startAngle - the start angle in degrees.
* [IN] sweepAngle - the sweep angle in degrees in clockwise.
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 02/18/1999 ikkof
* Created it.
GpPen* pen,
const GpRectF& rect,
REAL startAngle,
REAL sweepAngle
ASSERT(pen != NULL);
// Objects returned from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && pen->IsValid());
GpPath path;
GpStatus status = path.AddPie(rect, startAngle, sweepAngle);
if ((status == Ok) && path.IsValid())
GpRectF bounds;
REAL dpiX = GetDpiX();
REAL dpiY = GetDpiY();
path.GetBounds(&bounds, &(Context->WorldToDevice), pen->GetDevicePen(), dpiX, dpiY);
if (IsRecording())
status = Metafile->RecordDrawPie(&bounds, pen, rect,
startAngle, sweepAngle);
if (status != Ok)
SetValid(FALSE); // Prevent any more recording
return status;
if (!DownLevel)
return Ok;
// else we need to record down-level GDI EMF records as well
// Call internal DrawPath so that path doesn't get recorded in
// the metafile again.
status = RenderDrawPath(&bounds, &path, pen);
return status;
* Function Description:
* API to draw path using the specified pen
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 01/27/1999 ikkof
* Created it.
GpPen* pen,
GpPath* path
GpStatus status = Ok;
ASSERT((pen != NULL) && (path != NULL));
// Objects returned from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && pen->IsValid() && path->IsValid());
// Don't do anything unless we have at least one point
if (path->GetPointCount() < 1)
return status;
GpRectF bounds;
REAL dpiX = GetDpiX();
REAL dpiY = GetDpiY();
path->GetBounds(&bounds, &(Context->WorldToDevice), pen->GetDevicePen(), dpiX, dpiY);
if (IsRecording())
status = Metafile->RecordDrawPath(&bounds, pen, path);
if (status != Ok)
SetValid(FALSE); // Prevent any more recording
return status;
if (!DownLevel)
return Ok;
// else we need to record down-level GDI EMF records as well
// call internal DrawPath that doesn't do recording
status = RenderDrawPath(&bounds, path, pen);
return status;
* Function Description:
* API to draw a curve using the specified pen.
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 02/18/1999 ikkof
* Created it.
GpPen* pen,
const GpPointF* points,
INT count
return DrawCurve(pen, points, count, DEFAULT_TENSION, 0, count - 1);
GpPen* pen,
const GpPointF* points,
INT count,
REAL tension,
INT offset,
INT numberOfSegments
ASSERT((pen != NULL) && (points != NULL));
// Objects returned from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && pen->IsValid());
if (count < 2)
return InvalidParameter;
GpPath path;
GpStatus status = path.AddCurve(points,
if ((status == Ok) && path.IsValid())
GpRectF bounds;
REAL dpiX = GetDpiX();
REAL dpiY = GetDpiY();
path.GetBounds(&bounds, &(Context->WorldToDevice), pen->GetDevicePen(), dpiX, dpiY);
if (IsRecording())
status = Metafile->RecordDrawCurve(&bounds, pen, points,
count, tension, offset,
if (status != Ok)
SetValid(FALSE); // Prevent any more recording
return status;
if (!DownLevel)
return Ok;
// else we need to record down-level GDI EMF records as well
// Call internal DrawPath so that path doesn't get recorded in
// the metafile again.
status = RenderDrawPath(&bounds, &path, pen);
return status;
* Function Description:
* API to draw a closed curve using the specified pen.
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 02/18/1999 ikkof
* Created it.
GpPen* pen,
const GpPointF* points,
INT count
return DrawClosedCurve (pen, points, count, DEFAULT_TENSION);
GpPen* pen,
const GpPointF* points,
INT count,
REAL tension
ASSERT((pen != NULL) && (points != NULL));
// Objects returned from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && pen->IsValid());
if (count < 3)
return InvalidParameter;
GpPath path;
GpStatus status = path.AddClosedCurve(points, count, tension);
if ((status == Ok) && path.IsValid())
GpRectF bounds;
REAL dpiX = GetDpiX();
REAL dpiY = GetDpiY();
path.GetBounds(&bounds, &(Context->WorldToDevice), pen->GetDevicePen(), dpiX, dpiY);
if (IsRecording())
status = Metafile->RecordDrawClosedCurve(&bounds, pen, points,
count, tension);
if (status != Ok)
SetValid(FALSE); // Prevent any more recording
return status;
if (!DownLevel)
return Ok;
// else we need to record down-level GDI EMF records as well
// Call internal DrawPath so that path doesn't get recorded in
// the metafile again.
status = RenderDrawPath(&bounds, &path, pen);
return status;
* Function Description:
* Internal Drawing routine for a path. Various functions will
* call RenderFillPath.
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 09/18/2000 asecchia
* Created it.
GpRectF* bounds,
GpPath* path,
const GpBrush* brush
// Are they asking us to draw nothing?
if( REALABS(bounds->Width) < REAL_EPSILON ||
REALABS(bounds->Height) < REAL_EPSILON )
// Yes. Ok, we did it.
return Ok;
GpRect deviceBounds;
GpStatus status = BoundsFToRect(bounds, &deviceBounds);
if (status == Ok && !IsTotallyClipped(&deviceBounds))
// Now that we've done a bunch of work in accumulating the bounds,
// acquire the device lock before calling the driver:
Devlock devlock(Device);
return DrvFillPath(&deviceBounds, path, brush->GetDeviceBrush());
return status;
* Function Description:
* Internal Drawing routine for a path. Various functions will
* call RenderDrawPath.
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 10/28/1999 ikkof
* Created it.
GpRectF * bounds,
GpPath * path,
GpPen * pen
// Are they asking us to draw nothing?
if( REALABS(bounds->Width) < REAL_EPSILON ||
REALABS(bounds->Height) < REAL_EPSILON )
// Yes. Ok, we did it.
return Ok;
GpRect deviceBounds;
GpStatus status = BoundsFToRect(bounds, &deviceBounds);
INT savedState = 0;
if (status == Ok && !IsTotallyClipped(&deviceBounds))
// Now that we've done a bunch of work in accumulating the bounds,
// acquire the device lock before calling the driver:
Devlock devlock(Device);
status = DrvStrokePath(&deviceBounds, path, pen->GetDevicePen());
return status;
HDC hdc,
REAL * dpiX,
REAL * dpiY
SIZEL szlDevice; // Size of the reference device in pels
SIZEL szlMillimeters; // Size of the reference device in millimeters
szlDevice.cx = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES);
szlDevice.cy = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES);
szlMillimeters.cx = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZSIZE);
szlMillimeters.cy = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTSIZE);
if ((szlDevice.cx > 0) && (szlDevice.cy > 0) &&
(szlMillimeters.cx > 0) && (szlMillimeters.cy > 0))
*dpiX = (static_cast<REAL>(szlDevice.cx) /
static_cast<REAL>(szlMillimeters.cx)) * 25.4f;
*dpiY = (static_cast<REAL>(szlDevice.cy) /
static_cast<REAL>(szlMillimeters.cy)) * 25.4f;
WARNING(("GetDeviceCaps failed"));
* Function Description:
* Get the size of the destination image in the current page units.
* Arguments:
* [IN] srcDpiX - horizontal resolution of the source image
* [IN] srcDpiY - vertical resolution of the source image
* [IN] srcWidth - width of the source image in srcUnit units
* [IN] srcHeight - height of the source image in srcUnit units
* [IN] srcUnit - units of the srcWidth and srcHeight
* [OUT] destWidth - destination width in the current page units
* [OUT] destHeight - destination height in the current page units
* Return Value:
* Created:
* 05/10/1999 DCurtis
const GpImage * image,
REAL srcWidth,
REAL srcHeight,
GpPageUnit srcUnit,
REAL & destWidth,
REAL & destHeight
// UnitDisplay is device-dependent and cannot be used for a source unit
ASSERT(srcUnit != UnitDisplay);
if (srcUnit == UnitPixel)
REAL srcDpiX;
REAL srcDpiY;
REAL destDpiX;
REAL destDpiY;
image->GetResolution(&srcDpiX, &srcDpiY);
// We don't want to create a bitmap just to get the dpi
// so check if we can get an Hdc easily from the context.
if ((image->GetImageType() == ImageTypeMetafile) &&
(((GpMetafile *)(image))->IsEmfOrEmfPlus()) &&
(Context->Hwnd || Context->Hdc))
// EMFs use a different style of dpi than other images that
// is based off the screen size instead of the font size.
if (Context->Hwnd)
// We don't need a clean dc to find out the dpi
HDC hdc = GetDC(Context->Hwnd);
GetEmfDpi(hdc, &destDpiX, &destDpiY);
ReleaseDC(Context->Hwnd, hdc);
GetEmfDpi(Context->Hdc, &destDpiX, &destDpiY);
destDpiX = GetDpiX();
destDpiY = GetDpiY();
// To get the dest size, convert the width and height from the image
// resolution to the resolution of this graphics and then convert
// them to page units by going through the inverse of the page to
// device transform.
destWidth = (srcWidth * destDpiX) /
(srcDpiX * Context->PageMultiplierX);
destHeight = (srcHeight * destDpiY) /
(srcDpiY * Context->PageMultiplierY);
// Just convert from the units of the image to the current
// page units.
REAL unitMultiplierX;
REAL unitMultiplierY;
Context->GetPageMultipliers(&unitMultiplierX, &unitMultiplierY,
destWidth = (srcWidth * unitMultiplierX) / Context->PageMultiplierX;
destHeight = (srcHeight * unitMultiplierY) / Context->PageMultiplierY;
* Function Description:
* API to draw image
* Arguments:
* [IN] image - the image to draw.
* [IN] point - the top-left corner of the drawing boundary.
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 01/06/1999 ikkof
* Created it.
GpImage* image,
const GpPointF& point
GpStatus status;
ASSERT((image != NULL));
// Objects returned from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && image->IsValid());
GpRectF srcRect;
GpPageUnit srcUnit;
REAL destWidth;
REAL destHeight;
status = image->GetBounds(&srcRect, &srcUnit);
if(status != Ok) {return status;}
// UnitDisplay is device-dependent and cannot be used for a source unit
ASSERT(srcUnit != UnitDisplay);
if (status == Ok)
// Get the dest size in page units
GetImageDestPageSize(image, srcRect.Width, srcRect.Height,
srcUnit, destWidth, destHeight);
GpRectF destRect(point.X, point.Y, destWidth, destHeight);
return DrawImage(image, destRect, srcRect, srcUnit);
return status;
GpImage* image,
const GpRectF & srcRect,
GpPageUnit srcUnit
// UnitDisplay is device-dependent and cannot be used for a source unit
ASSERT(srcUnit != UnitDisplay);
REAL srcDpiX, srcDpiY;
REAL destWidth;
REAL destHeight;
// Get the dest size in page units
GetImageDestPageSize(image, srcRect.Width, srcRect.Height,
srcUnit, destWidth, destHeight);
GpRectF destRect(x, y, destWidth, destHeight);
return DrawImage(image, destRect, srcRect, srcUnit);
* Function Description:
* API to draw image.
* [IN] image - the image to draw.
* [IN] rect - the the drawing boundary.
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 01/12/1999 ikkof
* Created it.
GpImage* image,
const GpRectF& destRect
GpStatus status;
ASSERT((image != NULL));
// Objects returned from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && image->IsValid());
GpPageUnit srcUnit;
GpRectF srcRect;
status = image->GetBounds(&srcRect, &srcUnit);
if(status != Ok) { return status; }
// UnitDisplay is device-dependent and cannot be used for a source unit
ASSERT(srcUnit != UnitDisplay);
if (status == Ok)
return DrawImage(image, destRect, srcRect, srcUnit);
return status;
* Function Description:
* API to draw image.
* [IN] image - the image to draw.
* [IN] destPoints - the destination quad.
* [IN] count - the number of count in destPoints[] (3 or 4).
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 04/14/1999 ikkof
* Created it.
GpImage* image,
const GpPointF* destPoints,
INT count
GpStatus status;
// count of 4 is not implemented yet (perspective blt)
if(count == 4)
return NotImplemented;
if(count != 3)
return InvalidParameter;
ASSERT(count == 3); // Currently only supports Affine transform.
ASSERT((image != NULL));
// Objects returned from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && image->IsValid());
GpPageUnit srcUnit;
GpRectF srcRect;
status = image->GetBounds(&srcRect, &srcUnit);
if(status != Ok) { return status; }
// UnitDisplay is device-dependent and cannot be used for a source unit
ASSERT(srcUnit != UnitDisplay);
if (status == Ok)
return DrawImage(image, destPoints, count, srcRect, srcUnit);
return status;
* Function Description:
* API to draw image.
* [IN] image - the image to draw.
* [IN] destRect - the destination rectangle.
* [IN] srcRect - the portion of the image to copy.
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 01/12/1999 ikkof
* Created it.
GpImage* image,
const GpRectF& destRect,
const GpRectF& srcRect,
GpPageUnit srcUnit,
const GpImageAttributes* imageAttributes,
DrawImageAbort callback,
VOID* callbackData
GpStatus status = Ok;
ASSERT((image != NULL));
// Objects returned from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && image->IsValid());
// UnitDisplay is device-dependent and cannot be used for a source unit
ASSERT(srcUnit != UnitDisplay);
GpRectF offsetSrcRect = srcRect ;
GpPointF destPoints[3];
destPoints[0].X = destRect.X;
destPoints[0].Y = destRect.Y;
destPoints[1].X = destRect.X + destRect.Width;
destPoints[1].Y = destRect.Y;
destPoints[2].X = destRect.X;
destPoints[2].Y = destRect.Y + destRect.Height;
GpRectF bounds;
GpImageType imageType = image->GetImageType();
DriverDrawImageFlags flags = 0;
GpRecolor * recolor = NULL;
if (imageAttributes != NULL)
if (imageAttributes->cachedBackground)
flags |= DriverDrawImageCachedBackground;
if (imageType == ImageTypeBitmap)
if (imageAttributes->HasRecoloring(ColorAdjustTypeBitmap))
goto HasRecoloring;
else if (imageAttributes->HasRecoloring())
recolor = imageAttributes->recolor;
GpImage * adjustedImage = NULL;
GpImageAttributes noRecoloring;
if (IsRecording())
if (recolor != NULL)
// We assume that the image is a bitmap.
// For Bitmaps, we want to recolor into an image that will have an
// alpha. CloneColorAdjusted keeps the same pixel format as the
// original image and therefore might not have an alpha channel.
// recolor will convert to ARGB. When recording to a metafile this
// will only create an ARGB image if the original image is not
// palettized, therefore only for 16bit and higher. The most
// space we can waste is twice the image.
if(image->GetImageType() == ImageTypeBitmap)
GpBitmap * bitmap = reinterpret_cast<GpBitmap*>(image);
GpBitmap * adjustedBitmap = NULL;
if (bitmap != NULL)
status = bitmap->Recolor(recolor, &adjustedBitmap, NULL, NULL);
if (status == Ok)
adjustedImage = adjustedBitmap;
adjustedImage = image->CloneColorAdjusted(recolor);
if (adjustedImage != NULL)
image = adjustedImage;
// have to set the recolor to NULL in the image attributes
// or else the down-level image will be double recolored.
GpRecolor * saveRecolor = noRecoloring.recolor;
noRecoloring = *imageAttributes;
noRecoloring.recolor = saveRecolor;
imageAttributes = &noRecoloring;
recolor = noRecoloring.recolor;
// Record recolored image.
status = Metafile->RecordDrawImage(
if (status != Ok)
SetValid(FALSE); // Prevent any more recording
goto Done;
if (!DownLevel)
goto Done;
// else we need to record down-level GDI EMF records as well
// Metafiles do not require PixelOffsetting, in fact it results in bad
// side effects in some cases when the source metafile dpi is low. But
// we still need to offset the DestRect to match the rendering with other
// primitives
// GillesK: If we are in HalfPixelMode, then offset the source and the
// destination rects by -0.5 pixels
if ((image->GetImageType() != ImageTypeMetafile) &&
(!Context->IsPrinter) &&
((Context->PixelOffset == PixelOffsetModeHalf) ||
(Context->PixelOffset == PixelOffsetModeHighQuality)))
offsetSrcRect.Offset(-0.5f, -0.5f);
GpRect deviceBounds;
status = BoundsFToRect(&bounds, &deviceBounds);
if (status == Ok && !IsTotallyClipped(&deviceBounds))
if (imageType == ImageTypeBitmap)
INT numPoints = 3;
if (status == Ok)
// Now that we've done a bunch of work in accumulating the bounds,
// acquire the device lock before calling the driver:
Devlock devlock(Device);
ASSERT(srcUnit == UnitPixel); // !!! for now
// Set the fpu state.
FPUStateSaver fpuState;
status = DrvDrawImage(
&offsetSrcRect, imageAttributes,
callback, callbackData,
else if (imageType == ImageTypeMetafile)
// If we are recording to a different metafile, then we have
// already recorded this metafile as an image, and now we just
// want to record the down-level parts, so we have to set
// g->Metafile to NULL so we don't record all the GDI+ records
// in the metafile again -- only the down-level ones.
// Make sure to pass in the imageAttributes recolorer since it
// might have been changed if we already recolored the image
IMetafileRecord * recorder = this->Metafile;
this->Metafile = NULL;
status = (static_cast<const GpMetafile *>(image))->Play(
destRect, offsetSrcRect, srcUnit, this, recolor,
ColorAdjustTypeDefault, callback, callbackData);
this->Metafile = recorder; // restore the recorder (if any)
status = NotImplemented;
if (adjustedImage != NULL)
return status;
* Function Description:
* API to draw image.
* [IN] image - the image to draw.
* [IN] destPoints - the destination quad.
* [IN] count - the number of count in destPoints[] (3 or 4).
* [IN] srcRect - the portion of the image to copy.
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 04/14/1999 ikkof
* Created it.
GpImage* image,
const GpPointF* destPoints,
INT count,
const GpRectF& srcRect,
GpPageUnit srcUnit,
const GpImageAttributes* imageAttributes,
DrawImageAbort callback,
VOID* callbackData
GpStatus status = Ok;
// count of 4 is not implemented yet (perspective blt)
if(count == 4)
return NotImplemented;
if(count != 3)
return InvalidParameter;
ASSERT(count == 3); // Currently only supports Affine transform.
ASSERT((image != NULL));
// Objects returned from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && image->IsValid());
// UnitDisplay is device-dependent and cannot be used for a source unit
ASSERT(srcUnit != UnitDisplay);
GpRectF offsetSrcRect = srcRect ;
// NOTE: We could do this for all image types, including Bitmaps!!!
// It would save code to do this always.
if (image->GetImageType() != ImageTypeBitmap)
// Metafiles don't handle the destPoints API directly, so we
// have to convert to using the destRect API instead. To do so,
// we assume a canonical destRect and set up the transform to
// map from that destRect to the destPoints.
if (count == 3)
GpMatrix matrix;
GpRectF destRect(0.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f, 1000.0f);
if (matrix.InferAffineMatrix(destPoints, destRect) == Ok)
INT gstate;
if ((gstate = this->Save()) != 0)
if ((status = this->MultiplyWorldTransform(
matrix, MatrixOrderPrepend)) == Ok)
status = this->DrawImage(image,
return status;
return GenericError;
return NotImplemented;
// else it is a Bitmap
REAL xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
ASSERT(count == 3); // Currently only supports Affine transform.
// Set to the fourth corner point.
xmin = xmax = destPoints[1].X + destPoints[2].X - destPoints[0].X;
ymin = ymax = destPoints[1].Y + destPoints[2].Y - destPoints[0].Y;
// Compare with the other three corners.
for(INT i = 0; i < 3; i++)
xmin = min(xmin, destPoints[i].X);
xmax = max(xmax, destPoints[i].X);
ymin = min(ymin, destPoints[i].Y);
ymax = max(ymax, destPoints[i].Y);
GpRectF bounds;
TransformBounds(&(Context->WorldToDevice), xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, &bounds);
INT numPoints = 3;
GpImageType imageType = image->GetImageType();
DriverDrawImageFlags flags = 0;
GpRecolor * recolor = NULL;
if (imageAttributes != NULL)
if (imageAttributes->cachedBackground)
flags |= DriverDrawImageCachedBackground;
if (imageType == ImageTypeBitmap)
if (imageAttributes->HasRecoloring(ColorAdjustTypeBitmap))
goto HasRecoloring;
else if (imageAttributes->HasRecoloring())
recolor = imageAttributes->recolor;
GpImage * adjustedImage = NULL;
GpImageAttributes noRecoloring;
if (IsRecording())
if (recolor != NULL)
// We assume that the image is a bitmap.
// For Bitmaps, we want to recolor into an image that will have an
// alpha. CloneColorAdjusted keeps the same pixel format as the
// original image and therefore might not have an alpha channel.
// recolor will convert to ARGB. When recording to a metafile this
// will only create an ARGB image if the original image is not
// palettized, therefore only for 16bit and higher. The most
// space we can waste is twice the image.
if(image->GetImageType() == ImageTypeBitmap)
GpBitmap * bitmap = reinterpret_cast<GpBitmap*>(image);
GpBitmap * adjustedBitmap = NULL;
if (bitmap != NULL)
status = bitmap->Recolor(recolor, &adjustedBitmap, NULL, NULL);
if (status == Ok)
adjustedImage = adjustedBitmap;
adjustedImage = image->CloneColorAdjusted(recolor);
if (adjustedImage != NULL)
image = adjustedImage;
// have to set the recolor to NULL in the image attributes
// or else the down-level image will be double recolored.
GpRecolor * saveRecolor = noRecoloring.recolor;
noRecoloring = *imageAttributes;
noRecoloring.recolor = saveRecolor;
imageAttributes = &noRecoloring;
// Record recolored image.
status = Metafile->RecordDrawImage(
if (status != Ok)
SetValid(FALSE); // Prevent any more recording
goto Done;
if (!DownLevel)
goto Done;
// else we need to record down-level GDI EMF records as well
// GillesK: If we are in HalfPixelMode, then offset the source and the
// destination rects by -0.5 pixels
if ((image->GetImageType() != ImageTypeMetafile) &&
(!Context->IsPrinter) &&
((Context->PixelOffset == PixelOffsetModeHalf) ||
(Context->PixelOffset == PixelOffsetModeHighQuality)))
offsetSrcRect.Offset(-0.5f, -0.5f);
GpRect deviceBounds;
status = BoundsFToRect(&bounds, &deviceBounds);
if (status == Ok && !IsTotallyClipped(&deviceBounds))
// Now that we've done a bunch of work in accumulating the bounds,
// acquire the device lock before calling the driver:
Devlock devlock(Device);
ASSERT(srcUnit == UnitPixel); // !!! for now
// Set the fpu state.
FPUStateSaver fpuState;
// We assume that the image is a bitmap.
ASSERT(image->GetImageType() == ImageTypeBitmap);
status = DrvDrawImage(
&destPoints[0], &offsetSrcRect,
callback, callbackData,
if (adjustedImage != NULL)
return status;
const GpMetafile * metafile,
const PointF & destPoint,
EnumerateMetafileProc callback,
VOID * callbackData,
const GpImageAttributes * imageAttributes
GpStatus status;
ASSERT(metafile != NULL);
ASSERT(callback != NULL);
// Objects from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && metafile->IsValid());
GpPageUnit srcUnit;
GpRectF srcRect;
status = metafile->GetBounds(&srcRect, &srcUnit);
if(status != Ok) { return status; }
// UnitDisplay is device-dependent and cannot be used for a source unit
ASSERT(srcUnit != UnitDisplay);
if (status == Ok)
return this->EnumerateMetafile(
return status;
const GpMetafile * metafile,
const RectF & destRect,
EnumerateMetafileProc callback,
VOID * callbackData,
const GpImageAttributes * imageAttributes
GpStatus status;
ASSERT(metafile != NULL);
ASSERT(callback != NULL);
// Objects from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && metafile->IsValid());
GpPageUnit srcUnit;
GpRectF srcRect;
status = metafile->GetBounds(&srcRect, &srcUnit);
if(status != Ok) { return status; }
// UnitDisplay is device-dependent and cannot be used for a source unit
ASSERT(srcUnit != UnitDisplay);
if (status == Ok)
return this->EnumerateMetafile(
return status;
const GpMetafile * metafile,
const PointF * destPoints,
INT count,
EnumerateMetafileProc callback,
VOID * callbackData,
const GpImageAttributes * imageAttributes
GpStatus status;
ASSERT(metafile != NULL);
ASSERT(callback != NULL);
// Objects from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && metafile->IsValid());
GpPageUnit srcUnit;
GpRectF srcRect;
status = metafile->GetBounds(&srcRect, &srcUnit);
if(status != Ok) { return status; }
// UnitDisplay is device-dependent and cannot be used for a source unit
ASSERT(srcUnit != UnitDisplay);
if (status == Ok)
return this->EnumerateMetafile(
return status;
const GpMetafile * metafile,
const PointF & destPoint,
const RectF & srcRect,
Unit srcUnit,
EnumerateMetafileProc callback,
VOID * callbackData,
const GpImageAttributes * imageAttributes
ASSERT(metafile != NULL);
ASSERT(callback != NULL);
// Objects from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && metafile->IsValid());
// UnitDisplay is device-dependent and cannot be used for a source unit
ASSERT(srcUnit != UnitDisplay);
REAL srcDpiX, srcDpiY;
REAL destWidth;
REAL destHeight;
// Get the dest size in page units
GetImageDestPageSize(metafile, srcRect.Width, srcRect.Height,
srcUnit, destWidth, destHeight);
GpRectF destRect(destPoint.X, destPoint.Y, destWidth, destHeight);
return this->EnumerateMetafile(
// All the EnumerateMetafile methods end up calling this one
const GpMetafile * metafile,
const RectF & destRect,
const RectF & srcRect,
Unit srcUnit,
EnumerateMetafileProc callback,
VOID * callbackData,
const GpImageAttributes * imageAttributes
ASSERT(metafile != NULL);
ASSERT(callback != NULL);
// Objects from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && metafile->IsValid());
// UnitDisplay is device-dependent and cannot be used for a source unit
ASSERT(srcUnit != UnitDisplay);
GpStatus status;
GpRecolor * recolor = NULL;
if ((imageAttributes != NULL) && imageAttributes->HasRecoloring())
recolor = imageAttributes->recolor;
// NOTE: I don't check the bounds, because even if the entire
// metafile is out of the clip bounds, I still want to enumerate it.
status = metafile->EnumerateForPlayback(
return status;
const GpMetafile * metafile,
const PointF * destPoints,
INT count,
const RectF & srcRect,
Unit srcUnit,
EnumerateMetafileProc callback,
VOID * callbackData,
const GpImageAttributes * imageAttributes
ASSERT(metafile != NULL);
ASSERT(callback != NULL);
// Objects from the API must always be in a valid state:
ASSERT(this->IsValid() && metafile->IsValid());
// UnitDisplay is device-dependent and cannot be used for a source unit
ASSERT(srcUnit != UnitDisplay);
GpStatus status = Ok;
// Metafiles don't handle the destPoints API directly, so we
// have to convert to using the destRect API instead. To do so,
// we assume a canonical destRect and set up the transform to
// map from that destRect to the destPoints.
ASSERT(count == 3); // Currently only supports Affine transform.
if (count == 3)
GpMatrix matrix;
GpRectF destRect(0.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f);
if (matrix.InferAffineMatrix(destPoints, destRect) == Ok)
INT gstate;
if ((gstate = this->Save()) != 0)
if ((status = this->MultiplyWorldTransform(
matrix, MatrixOrderPrepend)) == Ok)
status = this->EnumerateMetafile(
return status;
return GenericError;
return NotImplemented;
* Function Description:
* API to get color ARGB value at pixel x,y. This is private GDI+ API.
* [IN] x - horizontal position
* [IN] y - vertical position
* [IN] argb - argb color value
* Return Value:
* A GpStatus value indicating success or failure.
* History:
* 05/13/1999 ericvan
* Created it.
ARGB* argb
) const
GpPointF pt(x,y);
if (!IsVisible(pt))
return InvalidParameter;
Devlock devlock(Device);
DpScanBuffer scan(Surface->Scan,
Context->WorldToDevice.Transform(&pt, 1);
ARGB* buffer = scan.NextBuffer((INT)x, (INT)y, 1);
if (buffer)
*argb = *buffer;
return InvalidParameter;
return Ok;