Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
* Module Name:
* stringFormat.hpp
* Abstract:
* String and text format definition
* Revision History:
* 08/05/1999 dbrown
* Created it.
const REAL DefaultMargin = REAL(1.0/6.0);
const REAL DefaultTracking = REAL(1.03);
const REAL DefaultBottomMargin = REAL(1.0/8.0);
const INT DefaultFormatFlags = 0;
const StringTrimming DefaultTrimming = StringTrimmingCharacter;
// Private StringFormatFlags
const INT StringFormatFlagsPrivateNoGDI = 0x80000000;
const INT StringFormatFlagsPrivateAlwaysUseFullImager = 0x40000000;
const INT StringFormatFlagsPrivateUseNominalAdvance = 0x20000000;
const INT StringFormatFlagsPrivateFormatPersisted = 0x10000000;
class StringFormatRecordData : public ObjectData
INT32 Flags;
LANGID Language;
GpStringAlignment StringAlign;
GpStringAlignment LineAlign;
GpStringDigitSubstitute DigitSubstitute;
LANGID DigitLanguage;
REAL FirstTabOffset;
INT32 HotkeyPrefix;
REAL LeadingMargin;
REAL TrailingMargin;
REAL Tracking;
StringTrimming Trimming;
INT32 CountTabStops;
INT32 RangeCount;
// Represent a string format object
class GpStringFormat : public GpObject
VOID SetValid(BOOL valid)
GpObject::SetValid(valid ? ObjectTagStringFormat : ObjectTagInvalid);
GpStringFormat() :
Flags (DefaultFormatFlags),
Language (LANG_NEUTRAL),
StringAlign (StringAlignmentNear),
LineAlign (StringAlignmentNear),
DigitSubstitute (StringDigitSubstituteUser),
DigitLanguage (LANG_NEUTRAL),
FirstTabOffset (0.0),
TabStops (NULL),
CountTabStops (0),
HotkeyPrefix (HotkeyPrefixNone),
LeadingMargin (DefaultMargin),
TrailingMargin (DefaultMargin),
Tracking (DefaultTracking),
Trimming (StringTrimmingCharacter),
Ranges (NULL),
RangeCount (0),
Permanent (FALSE)
SetValid(TRUE); // default is valid
GpStringFormat(INT flags, LANGID language) :
Flags (flags),
Language (language),
StringAlign (StringAlignmentNear),
LineAlign (StringAlignmentNear),
DigitSubstitute (StringDigitSubstituteUser),
DigitLanguage (LANG_NEUTRAL),
FirstTabOffset (0.0),
TabStops (NULL),
CountTabStops (0),
HotkeyPrefix (HotkeyPrefixNone),
LeadingMargin (DefaultMargin),
TrailingMargin (DefaultMargin),
Tracking (DefaultTracking),
Trimming (StringTrimmingCharacter),
Ranges (NULL),
RangeCount (0),
Permanent (FALSE)
SetValid(TRUE); // default is valid
if (TabStops)
delete [] TabStops;
if (Ranges)
delete [] Ranges;
static GpStringFormat *GenericDefault();
static GpStringFormat *GenericTypographic();
static void DestroyStaticObjects()
// these objects are created as a static but constructed in the
// GenericDefault() and GenericTypographic(). we need to destruct
// it just in case the user called SetTapStop which allocate memory
// inside this object and by this way we prevent any memory leak.
if (GenericDefaultPointer != NULL)
// Zero the memory - this is risky code, so we want the memory
// to match what it was when GDI+ started up.
memset(GenericDefaultPointer, 0, sizeof(GpStringFormat));
GenericDefaultPointer = NULL;
if (GenericTypographicPointer != NULL)
// Zero the memory - this is risky code, so we want the memory
// to match what it was when GDI+ started up.
memset(GenericTypographicPointer, 0, sizeof(GpStringFormat));
GenericTypographicPointer = NULL;
GpStringFormat *Clone() const;
GpStatus SetFormatFlags(INT flags)
if (Flags != flags)
Flags = flags;
return Ok;
INT GetFormatFlags() const
return Flags;
GpStatus SetAlign(GpStringAlignment align)
if (StringAlign != align)
StringAlign = align;
return Ok;
GpStatus GetAlign(GpStringAlignment *align) const
*align = StringAlign;
return Ok;
GpStringAlignment GetPhysicalAlignment() const
if ( !(Flags & StringFormatFlagsDirectionRightToLeft)
|| StringAlign == StringAlignmentCenter
|| Flags & StringFormatFlagsDirectionVertical)
return StringAlign;
else if (StringAlign == StringAlignmentNear)
return StringAlignmentFar; // RTL near = right
return StringAlignmentNear; // RTL far = left
GpStringAlignment GetAlign() const
return StringAlign;
GpStatus SetLineAlign(GpStringAlignment align)
if (LineAlign != align)
LineAlign = align;
return Ok;
GpStatus GetLineAlign(GpStringAlignment *align) const
*align = LineAlign;
return Ok;
GpStringAlignment GetLineAlign() const
return LineAlign;
GpStatus SetHotkeyPrefix (INT hotkeyPrefix)
if (HotkeyPrefix != hotkeyPrefix)
HotkeyPrefix = hotkeyPrefix;
return Ok;
GpStatus GetHotkeyPrefix (INT *hotkeyPrefix) const
if (!hotkeyPrefix)
return InvalidParameter;
*hotkeyPrefix = HotkeyPrefix;
return Ok;
INT GetHotkeyPrefix () const
return HotkeyPrefix;
GpStatus SetTabStops (
REAL firstTabOffset,
INT countTabStops,
const REAL *tabStops
if (countTabStops > 0)
// We do not support negative tabulation (tab position
// advances in the opposite direction of reading order)
if (firstTabOffset < 0)
return NotImplemented;
for (INT i = 0; i < countTabStops; i++)
if (tabStops[i] < 0)
return NotImplemented;
REAL *newTabStops = new REAL [countTabStops];
if (!newTabStops)
return OutOfMemory;
if (TabStops)
delete [] TabStops;
TabStops = newTabStops;
GpMemcpy (TabStops, tabStops, sizeof(REAL) * countTabStops);
CountTabStops = countTabStops;
FirstTabOffset = firstTabOffset;
return Ok;
GpStatus GetTabStopCount (
INT *countTabStops
) const
if (!countTabStops)
return InvalidParameter;
*countTabStops = CountTabStops;
return Ok;
GpStatus GetTabStops (
REAL *firstTabOffset,
INT countTabStops,
REAL *tabStops
) const
if ( !firstTabOffset
|| !tabStops)
return InvalidParameter;
INT count;
if (countTabStops <= CountTabStops)
count = countTabStops;
count = CountTabStops;
GpMemcpy(tabStops, TabStops, sizeof(REAL) * count);
*firstTabOffset = FirstTabOffset;
return Ok;
INT GetTabStops (
REAL *firstTabOffset,
REAL **tabStops
) const
*firstTabOffset = FirstTabOffset;
*tabStops = TabStops;
return CountTabStops;
GpStatus SetMeasurableCharacterRanges(
INT rangeCount,
const CharacterRange *ranges
INT GetMeasurableCharacterRanges(
CharacterRange **ranges = NULL
) const
if (ranges)
*ranges = Ranges;
return RangeCount;
GpStatus SetDigitSubstitution(
LANGID language,
StringDigitSubstitute substitute = StringDigitSubstituteNational
if (DigitSubstitute != substitute || DigitLanguage != language)
DigitSubstitute = substitute;
DigitLanguage = language;
return Ok;
GpStatus GetDigitSubstitution(
LANGID *language,
StringDigitSubstitute *substitute
) const
*substitute = DigitSubstitute;
*language = DigitLanguage;
return Ok;
GpStatus SetLeadingMargin(REAL margin)
if (LeadingMargin != margin)
LeadingMargin = margin;
return Ok;
REAL GetLeadingMargin() const
return LeadingMargin;
GpStatus SetTrailingMargin(REAL margin)
if (TrailingMargin != margin)
TrailingMargin = margin;
return Ok;
REAL GetTrailingMargin() const
return TrailingMargin;
GpStatus SetTracking(REAL tracking)
if (Tracking != tracking)
Tracking = tracking;
return Ok;
REAL GetTracking() const
return Tracking;
GpStatus SetTrimming(StringTrimming trimming)
if (Trimming != trimming)
Trimming = trimming;
return Ok;
GpStatus GetTrimming(StringTrimming *trimming) const
ASSERT(trimming != NULL);
if (trimming == NULL)
return InvalidParameter;
*trimming = Trimming;
return Ok;
virtual BOOL IsValid() const
// If the string format came from a different version of GDI+, its tag
// will not match, and it won't be considered valid.
return GpObject::IsValid(ObjectTagStringFormat);
virtual ObjectType GetObjectType() const { return ObjectTypeStringFormat; }
virtual GpStatus GetData(IStream * stream) const
ASSERT (stream);
StringFormatRecordData stringFormatData;
stringFormatData.Flags = Flags;
stringFormatData.Language = Language;
stringFormatData.StringAlign = StringAlign;
stringFormatData.LineAlign = LineAlign;
stringFormatData.DigitSubstitute = DigitSubstitute;
stringFormatData.DigitLanguage = DigitLanguage;
stringFormatData.FirstTabOffset = FirstTabOffset;
stringFormatData.LineAlign = LineAlign;
stringFormatData.CountTabStops = CountTabStops;
stringFormatData.HotkeyPrefix = HotkeyPrefix;
stringFormatData.LeadingMargin = LeadingMargin;
stringFormatData.TrailingMargin = TrailingMargin;
stringFormatData.Tracking = Tracking;
stringFormatData.Trimming = Trimming;
stringFormatData.CountTabStops = CountTabStops;
stringFormatData.RangeCount = RangeCount;
CountTabStops * sizeof(TabStops[0]),
RangeCount * sizeof(Ranges[0]),
return Ok;
virtual UINT GetDataSize() const
UINT size = sizeof(StringFormatRecordData);
size += (CountTabStops * sizeof(TabStops[0]));
size += (RangeCount * sizeof(Ranges[0]));
return size;
virtual GpStatus SetData(const BYTE * dataBuffer, UINT size)
if ((dataBuffer == NULL) || (size < (sizeof(StringFormatRecordData) - sizeof(REAL))))
WARNING(("dataBuffer too small"));
return InvalidParameter;
const StringFormatRecordData *stringFormatData =
(const StringFormatRecordData *)dataBuffer;
if (!stringFormatData->MajorVersionMatches())
WARNING(("Version number mismatch"));
return InvalidParameter;
Flags = stringFormatData->Flags | StringFormatFlagsPrivateFormatPersisted;
Language = stringFormatData->Language;
StringAlign = stringFormatData->StringAlign;
LineAlign = stringFormatData->LineAlign;
DigitSubstitute = stringFormatData->DigitSubstitute;
DigitLanguage = stringFormatData->DigitLanguage;
FirstTabOffset = stringFormatData->FirstTabOffset;
LineAlign = stringFormatData->LineAlign;
CountTabStops = stringFormatData->CountTabStops;
HotkeyPrefix = stringFormatData->HotkeyPrefix;
LeadingMargin = stringFormatData->LeadingMargin;
TrailingMargin = stringFormatData->TrailingMargin;
Tracking = stringFormatData->Tracking;
Trimming = stringFormatData->Trimming;
CountTabStops = stringFormatData->CountTabStops;
RangeCount = stringFormatData->RangeCount;
if (size <
( sizeof(StringFormatRecordData)
+ sizeof(TabStops[0]) * CountTabStops
+ sizeof(Ranges[0]) * RangeCount))
return InvalidParameter;
// Propagate tab stops
if (TabStops)
delete [] TabStops;
TabStops = new REAL [CountTabStops];
if (TabStops == NULL)
return OutOfMemory;
REAL *tabStops = (REAL *)(&stringFormatData[1]);
for (INT i = 0; i < CountTabStops; i++)
TabStops[i] = tabStops[i];
// Propagate ranges
if (Ranges)
delete [] Ranges;
Ranges = new CharacterRange [RangeCount];
if (Ranges == NULL)
if (TabStops)
delete [] TabStops;
return OutOfMemory;
CharacterRange *ranges = (CharacterRange *)(&tabStops[CountTabStops]);
for (INT i = 0; i < RangeCount; i++)
Ranges[i] = ranges[i];
return Ok;
BOOL IsPermanent() const
return Permanent;
// we override the new operator for this class just to use it for object
// placement. we didn't make the new placemenet global because it will
// conflict with office because they link with GdiPlus statically.
// we didn't override the delete operator because it is fine to use the
// global one in \engine\runtime\Mem.h
void* operator new(size_t size)
return GpMalloc(size);
void* operator new(size_t size, void* p)
return p;
// Digit Substitution
const ItemScript GetDigitScript() const
return GetDigitSubstitutionsScript(DigitSubstitute, DigitLanguage);
INT Flags;
LANGID Language;
GpStringAlignment StringAlign;
GpStringAlignment LineAlign;
GpStringDigitSubstitute DigitSubstitute;
LANGID DigitLanguage;
REAL FirstTabOffset;
REAL *TabStops; // absolute tab stops in world unit
INT CountTabStops;
INT HotkeyPrefix;
REAL LeadingMargin; // relative to body font em size
REAL TrailingMargin; // relative to body font em size
REAL Tracking; // scale factor
GpStringTrimming Trimming;
CharacterRange *Ranges; // character ranges
INT RangeCount; // number of ranges
BOOL Permanent;
GpStringFormat(const GpStringFormat &format)
// This should never get called! Use Clone instead!
// The following static variables support the generic StringFormats
// Pointers (initialised at load time to null)
static GpStringFormat *GenericDefaultPointer;
static GpStringFormat *GenericTypographicPointer;
// Memory allocation for generic structures. Note that we must allocate
// load time memory as BYTE arrays to avoid creating a dependency on
// the CRT for class construction.
// The definitions (which specify the size) are in StringFormat.cpp.
static BYTE GenericDefaultStaticBuffer[];
static BYTE GenericTypographicStaticBuffer[];