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page ,132
; Module Name: alphaimg.asm
; Inner loop dfor alpha bending
; Created: 12-Mar-1997
; Author: Mark Enstrom
; Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
.model small,c
assume cs:FLAT,ds:FLAT,es:FLAT,ss:FLAT
assume fs:nothing,gs:nothing
include callconv.inc
include ks386.inc
ovr_DstLast equ 000H
ovr_EDI equ 004H
ovr_ESI equ 008H
ovr_EDX equ 00cH
ovr_ECX equ 010H
ovr_EBX equ 014H
ovr_ppixEBP equ 018H
ovr_RA equ 01cH
ovr_ppixDst equ 020H
ovr_ppixSrc equ 024H
ovr_cx equ 028H
ovr_Blend equ 02cH
ovr_pwrMask equ 030H
ble_ConstAlpha equ 000H
ble_LastX equ 004H
ble_EDI equ 008H
ble_ESI equ 00cH
ble_EDX equ 010H
ble_ECX equ 014H
ble_EBX equ 018H
ble_EBP equ 01cH
ble_RA equ 020H
ble_ppixDst equ 024H
ble_ppixSrc equ 028H
ble_cx equ 02cH
ble_Blend equ 030H
ble16_tSrc equ 000H
ble16_tDst equ 004H
ble16_ConstAlpha equ 008H
ble16_LastX equ 00cH
ble16_EDI equ 010H
ble16_ESI equ 014H
ble16_EDX equ 018H
ble16_ECX equ 01cH
ble16_EBX equ 020H
ble16_EBP equ 024H
ble16_RA equ 028H
ble16_ppixDst equ 02cH
ble16_ppixSrc equ 030H
ble16_cx equ 034H
ble16_Blend equ 038H
; locals
; vPixelOver
; Blend source and destination scan line. Source and destination are 32bpp
; BGRA scan lines.
; Entry:
; ppixDst - pointer to dst scan line
; ppixSrc - pointer to src scan line
; cx - number of pixels
; BlendFunction - BlendFunction, not used
; pwrMask - write mask: Set byte to 1 if need to write output
; Returns:
; none
; Registers Destroyed:
; all
; Calls:
; None
; History:
; WARNING: If call parameters are changed, the ret statement must be fixed
; vPixelOver(
; ALPHAPIX *ppixDst,
; ALPHAPIX *ppixSrc,
; LONG cx,
; BLENDFUNCTION BlendFunction,
; PBYTE pwrMask
; )
; {
; ALPHAPIX pixSrc;
; ALPHAPIX pixDst;
; while (cx--)
; {
; pixSrc = *ppixSrc;
; if (pixSrc.pix.a != 0)
; {
; pixDst = *ppixDst;
; if (pixSrc.pix.a == 255)
; {
; pixDst = pixSrc;
; }
; else
; {
; long SrcTran = 255 - pixSrc->a;
; PBYTE pTable = &pAlphaMulTable[SrcTran * 256];
; pixDst->r = pixSrc->r + *(pTable + pixDst->r);
; pixDst->g = pixSrc->g + *(pTable + pixDst->g);
; pixDst->b = pixSrc->b + *(pTable + pixDst->b);
; pixDst->a = pixSrc->a + *(pTable + pixDst->a);
; }
; *pwrMask = 1;
; *ppixDst = pixDst;
; }
; pwrMask++;
; ppixSrc++;
; ppixDst++;
; }
; }
; parameters
public vPixelOver@20
vPixelOver@20 proc near
; use ebp as general register
push ebp
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
push edi
push esi
sub esp,4
mov ecx,ovr_cx[esp] ; ebx = pixel count
mov edi,ovr_ppixDst[esp] ; edi = destination address
shl ecx,2 ; ebx = DWORD offset
mov esi,ovr_ppixSrc[esp] ; esi = source address
add ecx,edi ; end dst addr
mov edx,ovr_pwrMask[esp] ; edx = pwrMask
cmp edi,ecx ; end of scan line
mov ovr_DstLast[esp],ecx ; save end scan line
jz PixelReturn
mov ecx,0FFH ; ecx = 00 00 00 FF u
mov eax,[esi] ; eax = AA RR GG BB v
shr eax,24 ; eax = 00 00 00 AA u
add esi,4 ; inc src pointer v
; check for alpha == 0 and alpha == 0xff, these
; checks allow not writing output pixels that
; don't change, but this test decreases performance of the
; loop by 10%
test al,al ; test for 0 u
jz PixelZeroAlpha ; jump to 0 quick out v
cmp al,0ffH ; alpha = 0xff u
jz PixelFFAlpha ; jump to case ff v
sub ecx,eax ; ecx = 00 00 00 255-sA u
mov eax,[edi] ; eax = dA dR dG dB v
mov ebp,eax ; ebp = dA dR dG dB u
and eax,0FF00FFFFH ; eax = dA 00 dG dB v
shr eax,8 ; eax = 00 dA 00 dG u
and ebp,000FF00FFH ; ebp = 00 dR 00 dB v
imul ebp,ecx ; ebp = dR*sA dB*sA 10 cycle delay
imul eax,ecx ; eax = dA*sA dG*sG 10 cycles
add ebp,0800080H ; ebp = ( eR) ( eB) u
add eax,0800080H ; ebp = ( eA) ( eG) v
mov ebx,ebp ; ebx = ( eR) ( eB) u
mov ecx,eax ; ecx = ( eA) ( eG) v
and ebx,0FF00FFFFH ; ebx = eR 00 ( eB) u
and ecx,0FF00FFFFH ; ecx = eA 00 ( eG) v
shr ebx,8 ; ebx = 00 eR 00 eB u
add edi,4 ; inc dst pointer v
shr ecx,8 ; ecx = 00 eA 00 eG u
add ebx,ebp ; ebx = ( eR) ( eB) v
mov ebp,[esi-4] ; ebp = sA sR sG sB v
and ebx,0FF00FFFFH ; ebx = eR 00 ( eB) u
shr ebx,8 ; ebx = 00 eR 00 eB u
add ecx,eax ; ecx = ( eA) ( eG) v
mov eax,ovr_DstLast[esp] ; u
and ecx,0FF00FF00H ; ecx = eA 00 eG 00 v
add ecx,ebp ; ecx = AA sR GG sB u AA = sA + (1-sA)Da
inc edx ; v
add ecx,ebx ; ecx = AA RR GG BB u
cmp edi,eax ; v
mov [edi-4],ecx ; save result u
jnz PixelLoop ; v
; restore stack frame
add esp,4
pop esi
pop edi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop ebp
ret 20
mov eax,ovr_DstLast[esp] ; end scan line
add edi,4 ; inc dst
mov BYTE PTR[edx],0 ; set pwrMask
inc edx ; inc pwrMask
cmp edi,eax ; dst == dstEnd
jnz PixelLoop ; loop
jmp PixelReturn
mov ecx,ovr_DstLast[esp] ; end scan line
mov eax,[esi-4] ; eax = dA dR dG dB v
mov [edi],eax ; save result
add edi,4 ; inc dst pointer u
inc edx ; inc pwrMask
cmp edi,ecx ;
jnz PixelLoop
jmp PixelReturn
vPixelOver@20 endp
; vPixelBlend
; Dst = Dst + Alpha * (Src - Dst)
; Entry:
; ppixDst - pointer to dst scan line
; ppixSrc - pointer to src scan line
; cx - number of pixels
; BlendFunction - BlendFunction, not used
; Returns:
; none
; Registers Destroyed:
; all
; Calls:
; None
; History:
; WARNING: If call parameters are changed, the ret statement must be fixed
; parameters
public vPixelBlend@20
vPixelBlend@20 proc near
; use ebp as general register
push ebp
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
push edi
push esi
sub esp,8
movzx eax,BYTE PTR ble_Blend+2[esp]
mov ebx,ble_cx[esp] ; ebx = pixel count
mov edi,ble_ppixDst[esp] ; edi = destination address
mov esi,ble_ppixSrc[esp] ; esi = source address
lea edx,[edi + 4 * ebx] ; edx = last dst address
cmp edi,edx ; end of scan line
jz BlendReturn
mov ble_LastX[esp],edx ; save end x address
mov ebx,[edi] ; ebx = D aa rr gg bb
mov ecx,[esi] ; ecx = S aa rr bb bb
and ebx,000ff00ffH ; ebx = D 00 rr 00 bb
and ecx,000ff00ffH ; ecx = S 00 rr 00 bb
mov ebp,ebx ; ebp = D 00 rr 00 bb
sub ecx,ebx ; ecx = s 00 rr 00 bb
imul ecx,eax ; ecx = rr rr bb bb u
shl ebp,8 ; ebp = D rr 00 bb 00 u
mov edx,[edi] ; edx = D aa rr gg bb v
and edx,0ff00ff00H ; edx = D aa 00 gg 00 u
sub ebp,ebx ; ebp = D rr ee bb ee v
shr edx,8 ; edx = D 00 aa 00 gg u
add ecx,000800080H ; ecx = rr rr bb bb + e v
add ecx,ebp ; ecx = rr rr bb bb u
mov ebp,[esi] ; ebp = S aa rr gg bb v
shr ebp,8 ; ebp = S ?? aa rr gg u
mov ebx,ecx ; ebx = rr rr bb bb v
and ecx,0ff00ff00H ; ecx = rr 00 bb 00 u
and ebp,000ff00ffH ; ebp = S 00 aa 00 gg v
shr ecx,8 ; ecx = 00 rr 00 bb u
sub ebp,edx ; ebp = del a del g v
add ebx,ecx ; ebx = rr rr bb bb u
mov ecx,edx ; ecx = D 00 aa 00 gg v
imul ebp,eax ; ebp = m aa aa gg gg u
shl ecx,8 ; ecx = D aa 00 gg 00 u
and ebx,0FF00FF00H ; ebx = rr 00 bb 00 v
add ebp,000800080H ; ebp = m aa aa gg gg u
sub ecx,edx ; ecx = D aa 00 gg 00 v
shr ebx,8 ; ebx = 00 rr 00 bb u
add ecx,ebp ; ecx = M aa aa gg gg v
mov edx,ecx ; edx = M aa aa gg gg u
and ecx,0ff00ff00H ; ecx = M aa 00 gg 00 v
shr ecx,8 ; ecx = M 00 aa 00 gg u
add esi,4 ; inc src to next pixel v
add ecx,edx ; ecx = M aa aa gg gg u
mov ebp,ble_LastX[esp] ; ebp = Last X Dst addr v
and ecx,0FF00FF00H ; ecx = D aa 00 gg 00 u
add edi,4 ; inc dst addr v
or ecx,ebx ; ecx = D aa rr gg bb u
cmp edi,ebp ; v
mov [edi-4],ecx ; store dst pixel u
jnz BlendLoop ; v
; restore stack frame
add esp,8
pop esi
pop edi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop ebp
ret 20
vPixelBlend@20 endp
; vPixelBlend16_555
; Dst = Dst + Alpha * (Src - Dst)
; Source and destination are 16 bpp 555 format
; Entry:
; ppixDst - pointer to dst scan line
; ppixSrc - pointer to src scan line
; cx - number of pixels
; BlendFunction - BlendFunction, not used
; Returns:
; none
; Registers Destroyed:
; all
; Calls:
; None
; History:
; WARNING: If call parameters are changed, the ret statement must be fixed
; parameters
public vPixelBlend16_555@20
vPixelBlend16_555@20 proc near
; use ebp as general register
push ebp
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
push edi
push esi
sub esp,16
movzx eax,BYTE PTR ble16_Blend+2[esp]
mov ebx,ble16_cx[esp] ; ebx = pixel count
mov edi,ble16_ppixDst[esp] ; edi = destination address
mov esi,ble16_ppixSrc[esp] ; esi = source address
lea edx,[edi + 2 * ebx] ; edx = last dst address
cmp edi,edx ; end of scan line
jz BlendReturn_16
mov ble16_LastX[esp],edx ; save end x address
movzx ebx,WORD PTR[edi] ; ebx = D 0000 0000 0rrr rrgg gggb bbbb
movzx ecx,WORD PTR[esi] ; ecx = S 0000 0000 0rrr rrgg gggb bbbb
mov ble16_tDst[esp],ebx
mov ble16_tSrc[esp],ecx
and ebx,000007c1fH ; ebx = D 0000 0000 0rrr rr00 000b bbbb
and ecx,000007c1fH ; ecx = S 0000 0000 0rrr rr00 000b bbbb
mov ebp,ebx ; ebp = D 0000 0000 0rrr rr00 000b bbbb
sub ecx,ebx ; ecx = s 0000 0000 0RRR RR00 000B BBBB
imul ecx,eax ; ecx = M 0000 RRRR Rrrr rrBB BBBb bbbb
shl ebp,5 ; ebp = D 0000 rrrr r000 00bb bbb0 0000
mov edx,ble16_tDst[esp] ; ebx = D 0000 0000 0rrr rrgg gggb bbbb
and edx,0000003e0H ; edx = D 0000 0000 0000 00gg ggg0 0000
sub ebp,ebx ; ebp = D 0000 RRRR R000 00BB BBB0 0000 D*(32-1)
shr edx,5 ; edx = D 0000 0000 0000 0000 000g gggg NOT NEEDED!
add ecx,000004010H ; ecx = M 0000 RRRR Rrrr rrBB BBBb bbbb + error
add ecx,ebp ; ecx = M 0000 RRRR Rrrr rrBB BBBb bbbb
mov ebp,ble16_tSrc[esp] ; ecx = S 0000 0000 0rrr rrgg gggb bbbb
shr ebp,5 ; ebp = S 0000 0000 0000 00rr rrrg gggg NOT NEEDED
mov ebx,ecx ; ebx = M
and ecx,0000F83E0H ; ecx = M 0000 RRRR R000 00BB BBB0 0000
and ebp,00000001fH ; ebp = S 0000 0000 0000 0000 000g gggg
shr ecx,5 ; ecx = M 0000 0000 0RRR RR00 000B BBBB
sub ebp,edx ; ebp =DG 0000 0000 0000 0000 000g gggg (sG-dG)
add ebx,ecx ; ebx = M 0000 RRRR Rrrr rrBB BBBb bbbb
mov ecx,edx ; ecx = D 0000 0000 0000 0000 000g gggg
imul ebp,eax ; ebp = M 0000 0000 0000 00GG GGGg gggg alpha * (sG-dG)
shl ecx,5 ; ecx = D 0000 0000 0000 00gg ggg0 0000 dG * 32
and ebx,0000f83e0H ; ebx = M 0000 RRRR R000 00BB BBB0 0000
add ebp,000004010H ; ebp = M 0000 0000 0000 00GG GGGg gggg + error
sub ecx,edx ; ecx = D 0000 0000 0000 00gg ggg0 0000 dG * 31
shr ebx,5 ; ebx = M 0000 0000 0RRR RR00 000B BBBB
add ecx,ebp ; ecx = M 0000 0000 0000 00GG GGGg gggg
mov edx,ecx ; edx = M 0000 0000 0000 00GG GGGg gggg
and ecx,0000003e0H ; ecx = M 0000 0000 0000 00GG GGG0 0000 NOT NEEDED
shr ecx,5 ; ecx = M 0000 0000 0000 0000 000G GGGG
add esi,2 ; inc src to next pixel v
add ecx,edx ; ecx = M 0000 0000 0000 00GG GGGg gggg
mov ebp,ble16_LastX[esp] ; ebp = Last X Dst addr v
and ecx,0000003e0H ; ecx = M 0000 0000 0000 00GG GGG0 0000
add edi,2 ; inc dst addr v
or ecx,ebx ; ecx = D 0000 0000 0RRR RRGG GGGB BBBB
cmp edi,ebp ; v
mov [edi-2],cx ; store dst pixel u
jnz BlendLoop_16 ; v
; restore stack frame
add esp,16
pop esi
pop edi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop ebp
ret 20
vPixelBlend16_555@20 endp
; vPixelBlend16_565
; Dst = Dst + Alpha * (Src - Dst)
; Source and destination are 16 bpp 565 format
; Entry:
; ppixDst - pointer to dst scan line
; ppixSrc - pointer to src scan line
; cx - number of pixels
; BlendFunction - BlendFunction, not used
; Returns:
; none
; Registers Destroyed:
; all
; Calls:
; None
; History:
; WARNING: If call parameters are changed, the ret statement must be fixed
; parameters
public vPixelBlend16_565@20
vPixelBlend16_565@20 proc near
; use ebp as general register
push ebp
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
push edi
push esi
sub esp,16
movzx eax,BYTE PTR ble16_Blend+2[esp]
mov ebx,ble16_cx[esp] ; ebx = pixel count
mov edi,ble16_ppixDst[esp] ; edi = destination address
mov esi,ble16_ppixSrc[esp] ; esi = source address
lea edx,[edi + 2 * ebx] ; edx = last dst address
cmp edi,edx ; end of scan line
jz BlendReturn_16
mov ble16_LastX[esp],edx ; save end x address
movzx ebx,WORD PTR[edi] ; ebx = D 0000 0000 0rrr rrgg gggb bbbb
movzx ecx,WORD PTR[esi] ; ecx = S 0000 0000 0rrr rrgg gggb bbbb
mov ble16_tDst[esp],ebx
mov ble16_tSrc[esp],ecx
and ebx,00000f81fH ; ebx = D 0000 0000 0rrr rr00 000b bbbb
and ecx,00000f81fH ; ecx = S 0000 0000 0rrr rr00 000b bbbb
mov ebp,ebx ; ebp = D 0000 0000 0rrr rr00 000b bbbb
sub ecx,ebx ; ecx = s 0000 0000 0RRR RR00 000B BBBB
imul ecx,eax ; ecx = M 0000 RRRR Rrrr rrBB BBBb bbbb
shl ebp,5 ; ebp = D 0000 rrrr r000 00bb bbb0 0000
mov edx,ble16_tDst[esp] ; ebx = D 0000 0000 0rrr rrgg gggb bbbb
and edx,0000007e0H ; edx = D 0000 0000 0000 00gg ggg0 0000
sub ebp,ebx ; ebp = D 0000 RRRR R000 00BB BBB0 0000 D*(32-1)
shr edx,5 ; edx = D 0000 0000 0000 0000 000g gggg NOT NEEDED!
add ecx,000008010H ; ecx = M 0000 RRRR Rrrr rrBB BBBb bbbb + error
add ecx,ebp ; ecx = M 0000 RRRR Rrrr rrBB BBBb bbbb
mov ebp,ble16_tSrc[esp] ; ecx = S 0000 0000 0rrr rrgg gggb bbbb
shr ebp,5 ; ebp = S 0000 0000 0000 00rr rrrg gggg NOT NEEDED
mov ebx,ecx ; ebx = M
and ecx,0001f03E0H ; ecx = M 0000 RRRR R000 00BB BBB0 0000
and ebp,00000003fH ; ebp = S 0000 0000 0000 0000 000g gggg
shr ecx,5 ; ecx = M 0000 0000 0RRR RR00 000B BBBB
sub ebp,edx ; ebp =DG 0000 0000 0000 0000 000g gggg (sG-dG)
add ebx,ecx ; ebx = M 0000 RRRR Rrrr rrBB BBBb bbbb
mov ecx,edx ; ecx = D 0000 0000 0000 0000 000g gggg
imul ebp,eax ; ebp = M 0000 0000 0000 00GG GGGg gggg alpha * (sG-dG)
shl ebp,1 ; ConstAlpha *2
shl ecx,6 ; ecx = D 0000 0000 0000 00gg ggg0 0000 dG * 32
and ebx,0001f03e0H ; ebx = M 0000 RRRR R000 00BB BBB0 0000
add ebp,000000020H ; ebp = M 0000 0000 0000 00GG GGGg gggg + error
sub ecx,edx ; ecx = D 0000 0000 0000 00gg ggg0 0000 dG * 31
shr ebx,5 ; ebx = M 0000 0000 0RRR RR00 000B BBBB
add ecx,ebp ; ecx = M 0000 0000 0000 00GG GGGg gggg
mov edx,ecx ; edx = M 0000 0000 0000 00GG GGGg gggg
and ecx,000000fc0H ; ecx = M 0000 0000 0000 00GG GGG0 0000 NOT NEEDED
shr ecx,6 ; ecx = M 0000 0000 0000 0000 000G GGGG
add esi,2 ; inc src to next pixel v
add ecx,edx ; ecx = M 0000 0000 0000 00GG GGGg gggg
mov ebp,ble16_LastX[esp] ; ebp = Last X Dst addr v
and ecx,000000fc0H ; ecx = M 0000 0000 0000 00GG GGG0 0000
add edi,2 ; inc dst addr v
shr ecx,1 ; D 0000 0000 0000 0GGG GGG0 0000
or ecx,ebx ; ecx = D 0000 0000 0RRR RRGG GGGB BBBB
cmp edi,ebp ; v
mov [edi-2],cx ; store dst pixel u
jnz BlendLoop_16 ; v
; restore stack frame
add esp,16
pop esi
pop edi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop ebp
ret 20
vPixelBlend16_565@20 endp
_TEXT$01 ends