You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1436 lines
44 KiB
1436 lines
44 KiB
Object = "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.2#0"; "COMDLG32.OCX"
Object = "{831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.0#0"; "MSCOMCTL.OCX"
Begin VB.Form frmMain
BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
Caption = "KeywordCreator"
ClientHeight = 6825
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ClientWidth = 9855
LinkTopic = "Form1"
MaxButton = 0 'False
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ScaleHeight = 6825
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Begin VB.Frame Frame1
Caption = "Operational Mode:"
Height = 735
Left = 210
TabIndex = 17
Top = 2295
Width = 3570
Begin VB.OptionButton optIncremental
Caption = "Validate Only"
Height = 420
Index = 2
Left = 2295
TabIndex = 18
Top = 225
Width = 1155
Begin VB.OptionButton optIncremental
Caption = "Reset Pass"
Height = 375
Index = 1
Left = 1275
TabIndex = 11
Top = 240
Width = 945
Begin VB.OptionButton optIncremental
Caption = "Additive Pass"
Height = 420
Index = 0
Left = 165
TabIndex = 10
Top = 195
Width = 1155
Begin VB.TextBox txtLogFile
Height = 375
Left = 135
TabIndex = 8
Top = 1785
Width = 8070
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdLogFile
Caption = "&Log File..."
Height = 375
Left = 8280
TabIndex = 9
Top = 1800
Width = 1485
Begin VB.TextBox txtCabFile
Height = 375
Left = 135
TabIndex = 2
Top = 570
Width = 8070
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdBrowse
Caption = "&Input Cab..."
Height = 375
Left = 8280
TabIndex = 3
Top = 600
Width = 1485
Begin VB.TextBox txtSaveCab
Height = 375
Left = 135
TabIndex = 4
Top = 975
Width = 8070
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSave
Caption = "&Output Cab..."
Height = 375
Left = 8280
TabIndex = 5
Top = 990
Width = 1485
Begin VB.TextBox txtQueriesFolder
Height = 375
Left = 135
TabIndex = 0
Top = 165
Width = 8070
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdBrowseQueries
Caption = "&Queries Folder..."
Height = 375
Left = 8280
TabIndex = 1
Top = 180
Width = 1485
Begin VB.TextBox txtBaseCab
Height = 375
Left = 135
TabIndex = 6
Top = 1380
Width = 8070
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdBase
Caption = "&Base Cab..."
Height = 375
Left = 8280
TabIndex = 7
Top = 1395
Width = 1485
Begin VB.TextBox txtLog
Height = 3120
Left = 30
MultiLine = -1 'True
ScrollBars = 2 'Vertical
TabIndex = 16
TabStop = 0 'False
Top = 3120
Width = 9765
Begin MSComctlLib.ProgressBar prgBar
Height = 210
Left = 0
TabIndex = 15
Top = 6360
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 9810
_ExtentX = 17304
_ExtentY = 370
_Version = 393216
Appearance = 1
Begin MSComctlLib.StatusBar stbProgress
Align = 2 'Align Bottom
Height = 210
Left = 0
TabIndex = 14
Top = 6615
Width = 9855
_ExtentX = 17383
_ExtentY = 370
Style = 1
_Version = 393216
BeginProperty Panels {8E3867A5-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}
NumPanels = 1
BeginProperty Panel1 {8E3867AB-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}
Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog dlg
Left = -90
Top = -150
_ExtentX = 847
_ExtentY = 847
_Version = 393216
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdClose
Caption = "&Close"
Height = 375
Left = 8850
TabIndex = 13
Top = 2640
Width = 855
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdGo
Caption = "&OK"
Height = 375
Left = 7920
TabIndex = 12
Top = 2640
Width = 855
Attribute VB_Name = "frmMain"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
' Utility Stuff, all this could go to a COM Object and be distributed
' like this.
Private m_WsShell As IWshShell ' Used to Shell and Wait for Sub-Processes
Private m_fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject ' For filesystem operations
Private m_fhLog As Scripting.TextStream ' This we use to log the output to a file
Public g_dictStopWords As Scripting.Dictionary
Private dictStopSigns As Scripting.Dictionary
Private strOperatorsAnd As String
Private strOperatorsOr As String
Private strOperatorsNot As String
Private m_dictUriList As Scripting.Dictionary
Private Type oDomHhtEntry
strHhtFile As String
oDomHht As DOMDocument
End Type
Private m_aDomHht() As oDomHhtEntry
Private WithEvents p_frmFolderChooser As frmFolderChooser
Attribute p_frmFolderChooser.VB_VarHelpID = -1
Enum OperationalMode
AdditivePriorityPass = 0
ResetPriorityPass = 1
ValidateOnly = 2
AutoKeywords = 3
End Enum
Private m_OperationalMode As OperationalMode
Enum ProcessingState
End Enum
Private Sub Form_Initialize()
Set m_WsShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set m_fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set m_dictUriList = New Scripting.Dictionary
m_OperationalMode = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.Caption = App.EXEName & " (v" & App.Major & "." & App.Minor & "." & App.Revision & _
"): Prioritized Keyword creation tool"
Me.optIncremental(0).Value = True
cmdGo.Default = True
cmdClose.Cancel = True
Set p_frmFolderChooser = New frmFolderChooser
Dim strCommand As String
strCommand = Trim$(Command$)
If (strCommand = "") Then
Exit Sub
End If
txtQueriesFolder = GetOption(strCommand, "q", True)
txtCabFile = GetOption(strCommand, "i", True)
txtSaveCab = GetOption(strCommand, "o", True)
txtBaseCab = GetOption(strCommand, "b", True)
txtLogFile = GetOption(strCommand, "l", True)
If (OptionExists(strCommand, "1", True)) Then
optIncremental(0).Value = True
ElseIf (OptionExists(strCommand, "2", True)) Then
optIncremental(1).Value = True
ElseIf (OptionExists(strCommand, "3", True)) Then
optIncremental(2).Value = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub optIncremental_Click(Index As Integer)
m_OperationalMode = Index
End Sub
Sub WriteLog(strMsg As String, Optional ByVal bWriteToStatusBar As Boolean = True)
With Me
.txtLog = .txtLog & vbCrLf & strMsg
If (bWriteToStatusBar) Then
.stbProgress.SimpleText = strMsg
End If
If (Len(.txtLog) > 65000) Then
End If
End With
If (Not m_fhLog Is Nothing) Then
m_fhLog.WriteLine strMsg
End If
End Sub
Sub WriteStatus(strMsg As String)
With Me
.stbProgress.SimpleText = strMsg
End With
End Sub
Sub TrimLogTop()
Dim lPos As Long
With Me
lPos = InStrRev(Left$(.txtLog, 1000), vbCrLf)
If (lPos > 0) Then
.txtLog = Mid$(.txtLog, lPos + 2)
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Function p_getTemplateName( _
ByVal strBase As String, _
Optional ByVal strFolder As String = "", _
Optional ByVal strExt As String = "", _
Optional ByVal strPreAmble As String = "", _
Optional ByVal strTrailer As String = "", _
Optional ByVal bReturnFullName = False _
) As String
Dim strCandidateFileName As String
Dim lx As Long: lx = 1
strCandidateFileName = _
IIf(strFolder = "", m_fso.GetParentFolderName(strBase), strFolder) & "\" & _
strPreAmble & _
m_fso.GetBaseName(strBase) & _
strTrailer & IIf(lx > 1, "_" & lx, "") & "." & _
IIf(strExt = "", m_fso.GetExtensionName(strBase), strExt)
lx = lx + 1
Loop While (m_fso.FileExists(strCandidateFileName))
p_getTemplateName = IIf(bReturnFullName, _
strCandidateFileName, _
m_fso.GetFileName(strCandidateFileName) _
End Function
Private Sub SetRunningState(ByVal bRunning As Boolean)
With Me
.cmdGo.Enabled = Not bRunning
.cmdBrowse.Enabled = Not bRunning
.cmdSave.Enabled = Not bRunning
.txtQueriesFolder.Enabled = Not bRunning
.txtSaveCab.Enabled = Not bRunning
If (bRunning) Then
.cmdClose.Caption = "&Stop"
.cmdClose.Caption = "&Close"
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Function p_Hex2dec(ByRef strHex As String) As Long
p_Hex2dec = CLng("&H" + strHex)
End Function
Private Function p_Percent2Ascii(ByRef strPercentHex As String) As String
p_Percent2Ascii = ""
On Error GoTo Common_Exit
p_Percent2Ascii = ChrW(p_Hex2dec(Mid$(strPercentHex, 2)))
End Function
Private Function p_NormalizeUriNotation(ByRef strUri As String) As String
p_NormalizeUriNotation = ""
Dim pRv As String: pRv = ""
Dim lx As Long
lx = 1
Do While (lx <= Len(strUri))
Dim cThis As String
cThis = Mid$(strUri, lx, 1)
If (Len(strUri) - lx > 2) Then
If (cThis = "%") Then
Dim cChar As String
cChar = p_Percent2Ascii(Mid$(strUri, lx, 3))
If (Len(cChar) > 0) Then
pRv = pRv + cChar
lx = lx + 2 ' The reinitialization at the end bumps us one more up.
pRv = pRv + cThis
End If
pRv = pRv + cThis
End If
pRv = pRv + cThis
End If
lx = lx + 1
p_NormalizeUriNotation = Trim$(pRv)
End Function
Function Cab2Folder(ByVal strCabFile As String)
Cab2Folder = ""
' We grab a Temporary Filename and create a folder out of it
Dim strFolder As String
strFolder = Environ("TEMP") + "\" + m_fso.GetTempName
m_fso.CreateFolder strFolder
' We uncab CAB contents into the Source CAB Contents dir.
Dim strcmd As String
strcmd = "cabarc X """ + strCabFile + """ " + strFolder + "\"
m_WsShell.Run strcmd, True, True
Cab2Folder = strFolder
End Function
Sub Folder2Cab( _
ByVal strFolder As String, _
ByVal strCabFile As String _
' We recab using the Destination directory contents
' cabarc -s 6144 N ..\ *.*
If (m_fso.FileExists(strCabFile)) Then
m_fso.DeleteFile strCabFile, Force:=True
End If
Dim strcmd As String
strcmd = "cabarc -s 6144 N """ + strCabFile + """ " + strFolder + "\*.*"
m_WsShell.Run strcmd, True, True
End Sub
' ============ END UTILITY STUFF ========================
' ============ BoilerPlate Form Code
Private Sub cmdBrowseQueries_Click()
Load p_frmFolderChooser
p_frmFolderChooser.SetFolder 0, txtQueriesFolder.Text
p_frmFolderChooser.Show vbModal
End Sub
Private Sub p_frmFolderChooser_FolderChosen( _
ByVal i_intIndex As Long, _
ByVal strFolder As String _
txtQueriesFolder.Text = strFolder
End Sub
Private Sub cmdBase_Click()
dlg.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*|Cab Files (*.cab)|*.cab"
dlg.FilterIndex = 2
dlg.FileName = ""
If (Len(dlg.FileName) > 0) Then
Me.txtBaseCab = dlg.FileName
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdBrowse_Click()
dlg.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*|Cab Files (*.cab)|*.cab"
dlg.FilterIndex = 2
dlg.FileName = ""
If (Len(dlg.FileName) > 0) Then
Me.txtCabFile = dlg.FileName
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
dlg.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*|Cab Files (*.cab)|*.cab"
dlg.FilterIndex = 2
dlg.FileName = p_getTemplateName(Me.txtCabFile, strTrailer:="_out")
If (Len(dlg.FileName) > 0) Then
Me.txtSaveCab = dlg.FileName
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdLogFile_Click()
dlg.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*|Log Files (*.log)|*.log"
dlg.FilterIndex = 2
dlg.FileName = p_getTemplateName(Me.txtCabFile, strExt:="log", strTrailer:="_out")
If (Len(dlg.FileName) > 0) Then
Me.txtLogFile = dlg.FileName
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdGo_Click()
With Me
.txtCabFile.Text = Trim$(.txtCabFile.Text)
.txtSaveCab.Text = Trim$(.txtSaveCab.Text)
.txtCabFile.Enabled = False
.txtSaveCab.Enabled = False
.cmdBrowse.Enabled = False
.cmdSave.Enabled = False
.cmdGo.Enabled = False
If (Len(.txtCabFile.Text) > 0) Then
FixCab .txtCabFile.Text, .txtSaveCab.Text, Trim$(.txtBaseCab.Text), .txtLogFile
End If
.txtCabFile.Enabled = True
.txtSaveCab.Enabled = True
.cmdBrowse.Enabled = True
.cmdSave.Enabled = True
.cmdGo.Enabled = True
End With
End Sub
Sub FixCab( _
ByVal strCabFile As String, _
ByVal strSaveCab As String, _
ByVal strBaseCab As String, _
ByVal strLogFile As String _
Dim strErrMsg As String: strErrMsg = ""
If (Not m_fso.FileExists(strCabFile)) Then
strErrMsg = "Cannot find " & strCabFile
MsgBox strErrMsg
GoTo Common_Exit
End If
If (Len(strLogFile) = 0) Then
strLogFile = p_getTemplateName(strCabFile, strExt:="log", strTrailer:="_out", bReturnFullName:=True)
Me.txtLogFile = strLogFile
End If
Set m_fhLog = m_fso.CreateTextFile(strLogFile, True, True)
Dim strCabFolder As String
prgBar.Visible = True
WriteStatus "Uncabbing " & strCabFile
strCabFolder = Cab2Folder(strCabFile)
' Now we start processing based on the command passed
Select Case (m_OperationalMode)
Case AdditivePriorityPass, ResetPriorityPass
Dim strBaseCabFolder As String
If (strBaseCab <> "") Then
If (Not m_fso.FileExists(strBaseCab)) Then
MsgBox "Cannot find " & strBaseCab
GoTo Common_Exit
End If
prgBar.Visible = True
WriteStatus "Uncabbing " & strBaseCab
strBaseCabFolder = Cab2Folder(strBaseCab)
strBaseCabFolder = strCabFolder
End If
WriteStatus "Extracting Stop Words and Stop Signs"
GetStopWordsAndStopSigns strBaseCabFolder
WriteStatus "Applying Fixes "
Dim bGoodFix As Boolean
bGoodFix = FixPerSe(strCabFolder)
If (Not bGoodFix) Then
MsgBox "Error: Fix Failed", Title:=App.EXEName
WriteStatus "Recabbing " & strCabFile
Folder2Cab strCabFolder, strSaveCab
End If
Case ValidateOnly
p_ValidatePass strCabFolder
Case Else
MsgBox "Not a valid command"
GoTo Common_Exit
End Select
' Now we delete the Temporary Folders
prgBar.Visible = False
WriteStatus "Deleting Temporary Files"
m_fso.DeleteFolder strCabFolder, Force:=True
m_fhLog.Close: Set m_fhLog = Nothing
WriteStatus "Done" + IIf(Len(strErrMsg) > 0, " - " + strErrMsg, "")
End Sub
Sub p_LogRunInformation()
WriteLog Me.Caption, False
WriteLog String$(100, "="), False
WriteLog App.EXEName & " run on " & Now
WriteLog "Operational Mode = " & IIf(m_OperationalMode = AdditivePriorityPass, _
"Additive Priority", _
IIf(m_OperationalMode = ResetPriorityPass, _
"Reset Priority", _
"Validation" _
) _
) & " Pass"
With Me
If (Len(.txtQueriesFolder) > 0) Then
WriteLog "Queries Folder = " & .txtQueriesFolder
End If
If (Len(.txtCabFile) > 0) Then
WriteLog "Input Cab File = " & .txtCabFile
End If
If (Len(.txtSaveCab) > 0) Then
WriteLog "Output Cab File = " & .txtSaveCab
End If
If (Len(.txtBaseCab) > 0) Then
WriteLog "Reference Cab File = " & .txtBaseCab
End If
If (Len(.txtLogFile) > 0) Then
WriteLog "Output Log File = " & .txtLogFile
End If
End With
WriteLog String$(100, "="), False
End Sub
Sub GetStopWordsAndStopSigns(ByVal strCabFolder As String)
Dim oElem As IXMLDOMElement ' Used for all element Creation
' We parse Package_Description.xml to find the HHT Files
Dim oDomPkg As DOMDocument: Set oDomPkg = New DOMDocument
Dim strPkgFile As String: strPkgFile = strCabFolder + "\package_description.xml"
oDomPkg.async = False
oDomPkg.Load strPkgFile
If (oDomPkg.parseError <> 0) Then GoTo Common_Exit
Dim oMetaDataNode As IXMLDOMNode
Set oMetaDataNode = oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/METADATA")
strOperatorsAnd = ""
strOperatorsOr = ""
strOperatorsNot = ""
Dim oDomHhtNode As IXMLDOMNode
' now we go through each HHT and check for fix relevancy.
For Each oDomHhtNode In oMetaDataNode.selectNodes("HHT")
Dim strHhtFile As String
strHhtFile = oDomHhtNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("FILE").Text
' Let's load the HHT
Dim oDomHht As DOMDocument: Set oDomHht = New DOMDocument
oDomHht.async = False
oDomHht.Load strCabFolder + "\" + strHhtFile
If (oDomHht.parseError <> 0) Then GoTo Common_Exit
p_LoadStopWords oDomHht
p_LoadStopSigns oDomHht
p_LoadVerbalOperators oDomHht
If (dictStopSigns.Count = 0) Then
WriteLog "Warning: Your StopSigns list is empty.", False
WriteLog vbTab + "This may be due to the fact that you are not adding a Base Cab", False
WriteLog vbTab + "or that you are working in a language where StopSigns do not exist", False
End If
If (g_dictStopWords.Count = 0) Then
WriteLog "Warning: Your StopWords list is empty.", False
WriteLog vbTab + "This may be due to the fact that you are not adding a Base Cab", False
WriteLog vbTab + "or that you are working in a language where StopWords do not exist", False
End If
SetVerbalOperators strOperatorsAnd, strOperatorsOr, strOperatorsNot
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Function p_GetHht( _
ByRef oDomHhtNode As IXMLDOMNode, _
ByVal strCabFolder As String, _
Optional ByRef strHhtFile As String = "" _
Set p_GetHht = Nothing
If (oDomHhtNode Is Nothing) Then GoTo Common_Exit
strHhtFile = oDomHhtNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("FILE").Text
' Let's load the HHT
Dim oDomHht As DOMDocument: Set oDomHht = New DOMDocument
oDomHht.async = False
oDomHht.Load strCabFolder + "\" + strHhtFile
If (oDomHht.parseError <> 0) Then
p_DisplayParseError oDomHht.parseError
GoTo Common_Exit
End If
Set p_GetHht = oDomHht
End Function
Function p_ValidatePass(ByVal strCabFolder As String) As Boolean
p_ValidatePass = True ' because this pass should never fail.
' We parse Package_Description.xml to find the HHT Files
Dim oDomPkg As DOMDocument: Set oDomPkg = New DOMDocument
Dim strPkgFile As String: strPkgFile = strCabFolder + "\package_description.xml"
oDomPkg.async = False
oDomPkg.Load strPkgFile
If (oDomPkg.parseError <> 0) Then GoTo Common_Exit
' We first open all HHTs this way we only loop through
' them in memory next.
p_OpenAllHhts strCabFolder, oDomPkg
If (Not p_MeetsAcceptanceTest) Then
WriteLog "your prioritization numbers exceed acceptance criteria"
WriteLog "you need to prioritize fewer keywords for priority to be effective"
WriteLog "Your prioritization numbers meet acceptance criteria"
End If
End Function
Function FixPerSe(ByVal strCabFolder As String) As Boolean
FixPerSe = False
Dim oElem As IXMLDOMElement ' Used for all element Creation
' We parse Package_Description.xml to find the HHT Files
Dim oDomPkg As DOMDocument: Set oDomPkg = New DOMDocument
Dim strPkgFile As String: strPkgFile = strCabFolder + "\package_description.xml"
oDomPkg.async = False
oDomPkg.Load strPkgFile
If (oDomPkg.parseError <> 0) Then GoTo Common_Exit
Dim oDomHhtNode As IXMLDOMNode
Dim strHhtFile As String
' We first open all HHTs this way we only loop through
' them in memory next.
p_OpenAllHhts strCabFolder, oDomPkg
If (m_OperationalMode = ResetPriorityPass) Then
If (Not p_MeetsAcceptanceTest) Then
GoTo Common_Exit
End If
End If
' Now we create a collection that has all the Uris and its questions
' now we go through each HHT and check for fix relevancy.
Dim lx As Long
For lx = 0 To UBound(m_aDomHht)
With m_aDomHht(lx)
Dim oListTopics As IXMLDOMNodeList
Set oListTopics = .oDomHht.selectNodes("/METADATA/TAXONOMY_ENTRIES/TAXONOMY_ENTRY[ not( @ENTRY ) ]")
If (Not oListTopics Is Nothing) Then
' We go through this HHT ONLY if it has
' Taxonomy Entries for Topics
Dim oTaxoNode As IXMLDOMNode, strUri As String
Me.prgBar.Visible = True
Me.prgBar.Max = oListTopics.length + 1
Me.prgBar.Value = 0
.oDomHht.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
Dim intNewKeywords As Long, intOldKeywords As Long, _
intTotalNewKeywords As Long, intTotalOldKeywords As Long
For Each oTaxoNode In oListTopics
strUri = LCase$(XMLGetAttribute(oTaxoNode, "URI"))
If (m_dictUriList.Exists(strUri)) Then
' The URI exists so we need to set the keywords.
Dim oUQ As UriQueries
Set oUQ = m_dictUriList.Item(strUri)
oUQ.SetTaxonomyEntryKeywords oTaxoNode
intTotalNewKeywords = intTotalNewKeywords + intNewKeywords
intTotalOldKeywords = intTotalOldKeywords + intOldKeywords
End If
Me.prgBar.Value = Me.prgBar.Value + 1
WriteStatus "Fixing URIs in HHTs " & " [" & Me.prgBar.Value & "/" & Me.prgBar.Max & "]"
.oDomHht.Save .strHhtFile
End If
End With
If (Not p_MeetsAcceptanceTest) Then
GoTo Common_Exit
End If
' Now we save the resulting package_description.xml
oDomPkg.Save strPkgFile
' Finally we log an entry that specifies the amount of Keywords that
' have priority attributes.
FixPerSe = True
Exit Function
End Function
Private Sub p_OpenAllHhts( _
ByVal strCabFolder As String, _
ByRef oDomPkg As IXMLDOMNode _
Dim oMetaDataNode As IXMLDOMNode
Set oMetaDataNode = oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/METADATA")
Dim oDomHhtNode As IXMLDOMNode, oDomHht As IXMLDOMNode
Dim strHhtFile As String
Dim lx As Long
For Each oDomHhtNode In oMetaDataNode.selectNodes("HHT")
Set oDomHht = p_GetHht(oDomHhtNode, strCabFolder, strHhtFile)
ReDim Preserve m_aDomHht(lx)
With m_aDomHht(lx)
Set .oDomHht = oDomHht
.strHhtFile = strCabFolder + "\" + strHhtFile
End With
lx = lx + 1
End Sub
Private Sub p_ZapAllPriorityEntries()
Dim lx As Long
For lx = 0 To UBound(m_aDomHht)
' Let's point to the right HHT
Dim oDomHht As IXMLDOMNode
Set oDomHht = m_aDomHht(lx).oDomHht
Dim oDomNodeList As IXMLDOMNodeList
Set oDomNodeList = oDomHht.selectNodes("//KEYWORD[ @PRIORITY ]")
If (Not oDomNodeList Is Nothing) Then
Dim oDomNode As IXMLDOMNode
For Each oDomNode In oDomNodeList
oDomNode.Attributes.removeNamedItem ("PRIORITY")
End If
Next lx
End Sub
Private Function p_MeetsAcceptanceTest() As Boolean
p_MeetsAcceptanceTest = False
Dim lngKwHht As Long, lngKwPriHht As Long, _
lngTotalKwHht As Long, lngTotalKwPriHht As Long, _
lngKwGt12k As Long, _
lngKwEq10k As Long, _
lngKwEq5k As Long, _
lngKwEq3_3k As Long, _
lngTotalKwGt12k As Long, _
lngTotalKwEq10k As Long, _
lngTotalKwEq5k As Long, _
lngTotalKwEq3_3k As Long
' lngTotalTaxoEntries As Long, lngTaxoEntries As Long
Dim lx As Long
' We assess that this set has less than 25% of the Keywords
' with the PRIORITY attribute set.
' lngTotalTaxoEntries = 0
lngTotalKwHht = 0: lngTotalKwPriHht = 0:
lngTotalKwGt12k = 0: lngTotalKwEq10k = 0: lngTotalKwEq5k = 0: lngTotalKwEq3_3k = 0
For lx = 0 To UBound(m_aDomHht)
With m_aDomHht(lx)
' Dim oList As IXMLDOMNodeList
' Set oList = .oDomHht.selectNodes("//TAXONOMY_ENTRY")
' lngTaxoEntries = IIf(oList Is Nothing, 0, oList.length)
' lngTotalTaxoEntries = lngTotalTaxoEntries + lngTaxoEntries
p_GetPrioKw .oDomHht, lngKwHht, lngKwPriHht, _
lngKwGt12k, _
lngKwEq10k, _
lngKwEq5k, _
lngTotalKwHht = lngTotalKwHht + lngKwHht
lngTotalKwPriHht = lngTotalKwPriHht + lngKwPriHht
lngTotalKwGt12k = lngTotalKwGt12k + lngKwGt12k
lngTotalKwEq10k = lngTotalKwEq10k + lngKwEq10k
lngTotalKwEq5k = lngTotalKwEq5k + lngKwEq5k
lngTotalKwEq3_3k = lngTotalKwEq3_3k + lngKwEq3_3k
WriteLog m_fso.GetFileName(m_aDomHht(lx).strHhtFile) & _
": There are " & lngKwHht & " keywords and " & _
lngKwPriHht & " of them are prioritized "
If (lngKwGt12k > 0) Then
WriteLog "No keywords are allowed with Priority greater than 12000"
GoTo Common_Exit
End If
End With
Next lx
Dim lngPercentPri As Long:
' The following is just a hack to avoid division by 0
' it does not alter statistics.
If (lngTotalKwHht = 0) Then lngTotalKwHht = 1
lngPercentPri = lngTotalKwPriHht / lngTotalKwHht * 100
WriteLog Me.txtCabFile & " has " & Format$(lngPercentPri, "#0.0##") & "% Keywords with Priority Attribute"
WriteLog vbTab & Format$(lngKwEq10k / lngTotalKwHht * 100, "#0.0##") & "% Keywords for single word queries"
WriteLog vbTab & Format$(lngKwEq5k / lngTotalKwHht * 100, "#0.0##") & "% Keywords for two word queries"
If (lngKwEq3_3k > 0) Then
WriteLog vbTab & Format$(lngKwEq3_3k / lngTotalKwHht * 100, "#0.0##") & "% Keywords for three word queries"
End If
' now we do the acceptance test... we leave a small back-door for
' Fix HHTs which will have up to 5 topics ... really 25 keywords
If (lngPercentPri > 25 And lngTotalKwHht > 25) Then
WriteLog "a Maximum of 25% Keywords can be prioritized."
GoTo Common_Exit
End If
p_MeetsAcceptanceTest = True
End Function
Private Sub p_BuildUriList()
Dim strUserQuery As String, strExpectedUri As String
Dim rsQs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim Folder As Scripting.Folder
Dim File As Scripting.File
Set rsQs = New ADODB.Recordset
rsQs.Fields.Append "User Query", adVarWChar, 512
rsQs.Fields.Append "Expected Uri", adVarWChar, 512
Set Folder = m_fso.GetFolder(Me.txtQueriesFolder)
For Each File In Folder.Files
If (LCase$(Right(File.Name, 3) = "xml")) Then
If (LCase$(Left(File.Name, 7)) = "queries") Then
p_XlXml2Recordset File.Path, rsQs
WriteLog "Ignoring " & File.Path
End If
ElseIf (LCase$(Right(File.Name, 3) = "xls")) Then
If (LCase$(Left(File.Name, 7)) = "queries") Then
p_Xls2Recordset File.Path, rsQs
WriteLog "Ignoring " & File.Path
End If
End If
rsQs.Sort = "[Expected Uri],[User Query]"
If (rsQs.RecordCount = 0) Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim oUQ As UriQueries
Do While (Not rsQs.EOF)
strUserQuery = rsQs("User Query")
strExpectedUri = rsQs("Expected Uri")
If (Not m_dictUriList.Exists(strExpectedUri)) Then
Set oUQ = New UriQueries
oUQ.Uri = strExpectedUri
m_dictUriList.Add strExpectedUri, oUQ
Set oUQ = m_dictUriList.Item(strExpectedUri)
End If
oUQ.AddQuestion strUserQuery
End Sub
Private Sub p_GetPrioKw( _
ByRef oDomHht As IXMLDOMNode, _
ByRef o_lngKwHht As Long, _
ByRef o_lngKwPriHht As Long, _
ByRef o_lngKwGt12k As Long, _
ByRef o_lngKwEq10k As Long, _
ByRef o_lngKwEq5k As Long, _
ByRef o_lngKwEq3_3k As Long _
Dim oListKW As IXMLDOMNodeList
Set oListKW = oDomHht.selectNodes("//KEYWORD")
If (Not oListKW Is Nothing) Then
o_lngKwHht = oListKW.length
End If
Set oListKW = oDomHht.selectNodes("//KEYWORD[ @PRIORITY ]")
If (Not oListKW Is Nothing) Then
o_lngKwPriHht = oListKW.length
End If
Set oListKW = oDomHht.selectNodes("//KEYWORD[ @PRIORITY > 12000 ]")
If (Not oListKW Is Nothing) Then
o_lngKwGt12k = oListKW.length
End If
Set oListKW = oDomHht.selectNodes("//KEYWORD[ @PRIORITY = 10000 ]")
If (Not oListKW Is Nothing) Then
o_lngKwEq10k = oListKW.length
End If
Set oListKW = oDomHht.selectNodes("//KEYWORD[ @PRIORITY = 5000 ]")
If (Not oListKW Is Nothing) Then
o_lngKwEq5k = oListKW.length
End If
Set oListKW = oDomHht.selectNodes("//KEYWORD[ @PRIORITY = 3333 ]")
If (Not oListKW Is Nothing) Then
o_lngKwEq3_3k = oListKW.length
End If
End Sub
Public Function p_RemoveStopSigns( _
ByVal i_strText As String _
) As String
Dim intIndex As Long
Dim intLength As Long
Dim str As String
Dim char As String
str = i_strText
intLength = Len(str)
For intIndex = intLength To 1 Step -1
char = Mid$(str, intIndex, 1)
If (dictStopSigns.Exists(char)) Then
If (dictStopSigns(char) = CONTEXT_ANYWHERE_E) Then
' Replace the character with a space
str = Mid$(str, 1, intIndex - 1) & " " & Mid$(str, intIndex + 1)
ElseIf (intIndex > 1) Then
' Context is CONTEXT_AT_END_OF_WORD_E, and this isn't the first char
If (Mid$(str, intIndex - 1, 1) <> " ") Then
' Previous character is not a space
If ((intIndex = intLength) Or (Mid$(str, intIndex + 1, 1) = " ")) Then
' This is the last character or the next character is a space
' Replace the character with a space
str = Mid$(str, 1, intIndex - 1) & " " & Mid$(str, intIndex + 1)
End If
End If
End If
End If
p_RemoveStopSigns = str
End Function
Sub p_LoadStopSigns(ByRef oDomtaxo As DOMDocument)
On Error Resume Next
Dim oDomNode As IXMLDOMNode, oNodeList As IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim l As Long
WriteStatus "Loading Stop Signs"
If (dictStopSigns Is Nothing) Then
Set dictStopSigns = New Scripting.Dictionary
End If
Set oNodeList = oDomtaxo.selectNodes("/METADATA/STOPSIGN_ENTRIES/*")
For Each oDomNode In oNodeList
If (oDomNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("CONTEXT").Text = "ENDOFWORD") Then
End If
dictStopSigns.Add oDomNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("STOPSIGN").Text, l
End Sub
Sub p_LoadStopWords(ByRef oDomtaxo As DOMDocument)
On Error Resume Next
Dim oDomNode As IXMLDOMNode, oNodeList As IXMLDOMNodeList
WriteStatus "Loading Stop Words"
If (g_dictStopWords Is Nothing) Then
Set g_dictStopWords = New Scripting.Dictionary
End If
g_dictStopWords.CompareMode = BinaryCompare
Set oNodeList = oDomtaxo.selectNodes("/METADATA/STOPWORD_ENTRIES/*")
For Each oDomNode In oNodeList
g_dictStopWords.Add LCase$(oDomNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("STOPWORD").Text), True
End Sub
Sub p_LoadVerbalOperators(ByRef oDomtaxo As DOMDocument)
On Error Resume Next
Dim oDomNode As IXMLDOMNode, oNodeList As IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim strOperation As String
Dim strOperator As String
WriteStatus "Loading Verbal Operators"
Set oNodeList = oDomtaxo.selectNodes("/METADATA/OPERATOR_ENTRIES/*")
For Each oDomNode In oNodeList
strOperation = UCase$(oDomNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("OPERATION").nodeValue)
strOperator = oDomNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("OPERATOR").nodeValue
Select Case strOperation
Case "AND"
If (strOperatorsAnd = "") Then
strOperatorsAnd = strOperator
strOperatorsAnd = strOperatorsAnd & ";" & strOperator
End If
Case "OR"
If (strOperatorsOr = "") Then
strOperatorsOr = strOperator
strOperatorsOr = strOperatorsOr & ";" & strOperator
End If
Case "NOT"
If (strOperatorsNot = "") Then
strOperatorsNot = strOperator
strOperatorsNot = strOperatorsNot & ";" & strOperator
End If
End Select
End Sub
Sub p_Xls2Recordset( _
ByVal strXlsFile As String, _
ByVal rs As ADODB.Recordset _
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
Dim strErrMsg As String: strErrMsg = ""
If (Not m_fso.FileExists(strXlsFile)) Then
MsgBox "Cannot find " & strXlsFile
GoTo Common_Exit
End If
prgBar.Visible = True
WriteLog "Parsing " & strXlsFile
Dim rs1 As ADODB.Recordset: Set rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset
cnn.Open "DRIVER=Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls);ReadOnly=0;DBQ=" & _
strXlsFile & ";HDR=0;"
rs1.Open "SELECT * FROM `Sheet1$`", cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
Do While Not rs1.EOF
If (IsNull(rs1("User Query"))) Then
GoTo LContinue
End If
rs("User Query") = LCase$(Trim$(rs1("User Query"))) & ""
rs("Expected Uri") = LCase$(Trim$(rs1("Expected Uri"))) & ""
rs.Sort = "[User Query],[Expected Uri]"
End Sub
Sub p_XlXml2Recordset( _
ByVal strXlXmlFile As String, _
ByVal rs As ADODB.Recordset _
Dim strErrMsg As String: strErrMsg = ""
If (Not m_fso.FileExists(strXlXmlFile)) Then
MsgBox "Cannot find " & strXlXmlFile
GoTo Common_Exit
End If
prgBar.Visible = True
WriteLog "Parsing " & strXlXmlFile
Dim oDomXlXml As DOMDocument: Set oDomXlXml = GetXmlFile(strXlXmlFile)
' first we Find the Names of the rows
Dim oDomNodeWorksheet As IXMLDOMNode
Dim oDomWksList As IXMLDOMNodeList
Set oDomWksList = oDomXlXml.selectNodes("/Workbook/Worksheet")
Set oDomNodeWorksheet = oDomWksList.Item(0)
' Now we need to get to the first row to read the column names
' and lock up the output HSCSearchTester Columns from there
Dim oDomRowList As IXMLDOMNodeList
Set oDomRowList = oDomNodeWorksheet.selectNodes("Table/Row")
Dim oDomCellDataList As IXMLDOMNodeList
Set oDomCellDataList = oDomRowList.Item(0).selectNodes("Cell/Data")
Const xlUserQuery As Integer = 2 ^ 0, _
xlExpectedUri As Integer = 2 ^ 1
Dim xlInputColumns As Integer: xlInputColumns = 0
Dim ixColUserQuery As Integer
Dim ixColExpectedUri As Integer
Dim lx As Long: lx = 0
Dim oDomCellData As IXMLDOMNode
For Each oDomCellData In oDomCellDataList
Select Case LCase$(oDomCellData.Text)
Case "user query"
xlInputColumns = (xlInputColumns Or xlUserQuery)
ixColUserQuery = lx
Case "uri", "expected uri", "desired uri"
xlInputColumns = (xlInputColumns Or xlExpectedUri)
ixColExpectedUri = lx
End Select
lx = lx + 1
' We do some validation so that they send us a specific Spreadsheet
' format. Namely only column names validation
If ((xlInputColumns And (xlUserQuery Or xlExpectedUri)) <> _
(xlUserQuery Or xlExpectedUri)) Then
WriteLog "Invalid Input XL Spreadsheet.", False
WriteLog "", False
WriteLog vbTab + "You must include at least the following columns:", False
WriteLog vbTab + vbTab + "- User Query", False
WriteLog vbTab + vbTab + "- Expected URI", False
WriteLog "", False
GoTo Common_Exit
End If
' now we dump all Excel Data into the Recordset
Dim oDomRow As IXMLDOMNode
lx = 0
For Each oDomRow In oDomRowList
If (lx <> 0) Then
Dim ixCol As Integer: ixCol = 0
For Each oDomCellData In oDomRow.selectNodes("Cell/Data")
Select Case ixCol
Case ixColUserQuery
rs("User Query") = LCase$(Trim$(oDomCellData.Text))
Case ixColExpectedUri
rs("Expected Uri") = LCase$(p_NormalizeUriNotation(Trim$(oDomCellData.Text)))
End Select
ixCol = ixCol + 1
End If
lx = lx + 1
' Some recordset Validations:
' We do them here, so when Excel via ADO is integrated we
' validate in a single place
' we discard:
' - all repeats of User Query/URI Pairs and flag as warnings these
' - all records that have either an Empty Expected URI or Empty User Query
' rs.MoveFirst
' Dim strPrevUserQuery As String, strPrevExpectedUri As String, _
' strUserQuery As String, strExpectedUri As String
' strPrevUserQuery = ""
' strPrevExpectedUri = ""
' Do While (Not rs.EOF)
' strUserQuery = rs("User Query")
' strExpectedUri = rs("Expected Uri")
' If (Len(strUserQuery) = 0 Or Len(strExpectedUri) = 0) Then
' WriteLog "Warning Row[" & rs("XlRow") & "] has empty data and will not be included in set", False
' WriteLog vbTab + "User Query = '" + strUserQuery + "'", False
' WriteLog vbTab + "Expected Uri = '" + strExpectedUri + "'", False
' rs.Delete
' rs.Update
' ElseIf (strPrevUserQuery = strUserQuery) Then
' If (strPrevExpectedUri = strExpectedUri) Then
' WriteLog "Warning Row[" & rs("XlRow") & "] is a duplicate and will not be included in set", False
' WriteLog vbTab + "User Query = '" + strUserQuery + "'", False
' WriteLog vbTab + "Expected Uri = '" + strExpectedUri + "'", False
' rs.Delete
' rs.Update
' Else
' strPrevExpectedUri = strExpectedUri
' End If
' Else
' ' strPrevUserQuery <> strUserQuery
' strPrevUserQuery = strUserQuery
' strPrevExpectedUri = strExpectedUri
' End If
' rs.MoveNext
' Loop
' ' BUGBUG: This step should be unneeded, but due to the fact that I already coded
' ' the validation using the above sort, I simply re-sort. So
' ' the validation above should be reauthored for this order.
' ' Now we need Re-sort the Recordset based on URI and User Query.
' rs.Sort = "[Expected Uri],[User Query]"
' rs.MoveFirst
End Sub
Private Function GetXmlFile(ByVal strFile As String) As DOMDocument
Set GetXmlFile = Nothing
Dim oDomDoc As DOMDocument: Set oDomDoc = New DOMDocument
oDomDoc.async = False
oDomDoc.Load strFile
If (oDomDoc.parseError <> 0) Then
p_DisplayParseError oDomDoc.parseError
GoTo Common_Exit
End If
Set GetXmlFile = oDomDoc
End Function
'============= Utilities =============
Private Sub p_DisplayParseError( _
ByRef i_ParseError As IXMLDOMParseError _
Dim strError As String
strError = "Error: " & i_ParseError.reason & _
"Line: " & i_ParseError.Line & vbCrLf & _
"Linepos: " & i_ParseError.linepos & vbCrLf & _
"srcText: " & i_ParseError.srcText
MsgBox strError, vbOKOnly, "Error while parsing"
End Sub