Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

225 lines
6.8 KiB

MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "UriQueries"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private m_strUri As String
Private m_QuestionsList As Scripting.Dictionary
Private m_dictKw As Scripting.Dictionary
Private m_lCountTimesSetKw As Long
Private m_lngNewKeywords As Long
Private m_lngNewPhonyKeywords As Long
Private m_lngModifiedKeywords As Long
Private m_lngModifiedPhonyKeywords As Long
Private Type UserQuestion
strQuestion As String
strKw() As String
End Type
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_QuestionsList = New Scripting.Dictionary
Set m_dictKw = New Scripting.Dictionary
m_lngNewKeywords = 0
m_lngNewPhonyKeywords = 0
m_lngModifiedKeywords = 0
m_lngModifiedPhonyKeywords = 0
m_lCountTimesSetKw = 0
End Sub
Public Property Get Uri() As String
Uri = m_strUri
End Property
Public Property Let Uri(ByVal i_strUri As String)
m_strUri = i_strUri
End Property
Sub AddQuestion(strQuestion As String)
Dim arrKw() As String
arrKw = p_GetQuestionKeywords(strQuestion)
' Really, we do not need the questions, only the Keywords
With m_QuestionsList
If (Not .Exists(strQuestion)) Then
.Add strQuestion, arrKw
End If
End With
If (Len(arrKw(0)) = 0) Then GoTo Common_Exit
' Here we need to make sure that only 1 and 2 word queries
' are indeed prioritized. 3 word queries we do not care
' because they are already sufficiently scoped.
Dim intUBound As Long: intUBound = UBound(arrKw)
Dim lngProposedPri As Long, lngCurrPri As Long
Select Case (intUBound)
Case 0 To 1 ' Only 1 and 2 word queries get priority.
lngProposedPri = 10000 / (intUBound + 1)
Case Else
lngProposedPri = 0
End Select
Dim iX As Long, strKw As String
For iX = 0 To intUBound
strKw = arrKw(iX)
If (Not m_dictKw.Exists(strKw)) Then
m_dictKw.Add strKw, 0
End If
lngCurrPri = m_dictKw.Item(strKw)
If (lngProposedPri > lngCurrPri) Then
m_dictKw.Item(strKw) = lngProposedPri
End If
Next iX
End Sub
Private Function p_GetQuestionKeywords( _
i_strQuestion As String _
) As String()
ReDim p_GetQuestionKeywords(0)
Dim strWork As String
Dim arrRawWords() As String, arrKw() As String
Dim ixKw As Long
Dim intUBound As Long
Dim intIndex As Long
ReDim arrKw(0)
arrKw(0) = ""
strWork = RemoveOperatorShortcuts(LCase$(i_strQuestion))
strWork = frmMain.p_RemoveStopSigns(strWork)
strWork = RemoveExtraSpaces(strWork)
arrRawWords = Split(strWork)
ixKw = -1
intUBound = UBound(arrRawWords)
For intIndex = 0 To intUBound
strWork = arrRawWords(intIndex)
If (strWork = "") Then
MsgBox "Empty work string"
End If
If (Not IsVerbalOperator(strWork)) Then
If (Not frmMain.g_dictStopWords.Exists(strWork)) Then
ixKw = ixKw + 1
ReDim Preserve arrKw(ixKw)
arrKw(ixKw) = strWork
End If
End If
p_GetQuestionKeywords = arrKw
End Function
Sub SetTaxonomyEntryKeywords(ByRef DOMNodeEntry As IXMLDOMNode)
' First we validate that the URI indeed corresponds
If (StrComp(m_strUri, LCase$(XMLGetAttribute(DOMNodeEntry, "URI")), vbBinaryCompare) <> 0) Then
MsgBox "Oops, I was called for the wrong URI"
GoTo Common_Exit
End If
' Then IF everything is correct, we now proceed to set the Keywords
' on the Entry.
Dim strKw As Variant, strXpathQuery As String, lngProposedPri As Long
For Each strKw In m_dictKw.Keys
' intIndex = 0 To UBound( m_dictKW'intUBound
If (Len(strKw) = 0) Then
MsgBox "UriQueries::SetTaxonomyEntryKeywords: Empty Keyword"
End If
lngProposedPri = m_dictKw.Item(strKw)
Dim Dom As DOMDocument: Set Dom = DOMNodeEntry.ownerDocument
Dom.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
strXpathQuery = "KEYWORD[" & _
"translate(., 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') = '" & _
strKw & "']"
Dim DOMNodeListKw As IXMLDOMNodeList, Element As IXMLDOMElement
Set DOMNodeListKw = DOMNodeEntry.selectNodes(strXpathQuery)
If (DOMNodeListKw.length = 0) Then
' This Keyword does not exist so we need to create it
Set Element = DOMNodeEntry.ownerDocument.createElement(HHT_KEYWORD_C)
Element.Text = strKw
If (lngProposedPri > 0) Then
XMLSetAttribute Element, HHT_PRIORITY_C, lngProposedPri
End If
DOMNodeEntry.appendChild Element
m_lngNewPhonyKeywords = m_lngNewPhonyKeywords + 1
' The Keyword exists so we set the right priority if apropriate
Set Element = DOMNodeListKw(0)
Dim strPriority As String
strPriority = XMLGetAttribute(Element, HHT_PRIORITY_C)
If (strPriority = "") Then
XMLSetAttribute Element, HHT_PRIORITY_C, lngProposedPri
m_lngModifiedPhonyKeywords = m_lngModifiedPhonyKeywords + 1
ElseIf (CLng(strPriority) < lngProposedPri) Then
If (lngProposedPri > 0) Then
XMLSetAttribute Element, HHT_PRIORITY_C, lngProposedPri
End If
End If
End If
Next ' strKW
' Statistics elements.
If (m_lCountTimesSetKw = 0) Then
m_lngNewKeywords = m_lngNewPhonyKeywords
m_lngModifiedKeywords = m_lngModifiedPhonyKeywords
End If
m_lCountTimesSetKw = m_lCountTimesSetKw + 1
End Sub
Public Property Get CountTimesSetKw() As Long
CountTimesSetKw = m_lCountTimesSetKw
End Property
Public Property Get NewKeywords() As Long
NewKeywords = m_lngNewKeywords
End Property
Public Property Get NewPhonyKeywords() As Long
NewPhonyKeywords = m_lngNewPhonyKeywords
End Property
Public Property Get ModifiedKeywords() As Long
ModifiedKeywords = m_lngModifiedKeywords
End Property
Public Property Get ModifiedPhonyKeywords() As Long
ModifiedPhonyKeywords = m_lngModifiedPhonyKeywords
End Property