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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
216 lines
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216 lines
7.5 KiB
MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "HssExts"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private m_oDom As DOMDocument ' We create a DOM Document to Load all the Extensions here.
Private m_oFs As Scripting.FileSystemObject ' Needed only by DeleteExtension
Public Event RunStatus(ByVal strMsg As String, ByRef bCancel As Boolean)
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_oDom = New DOMDocument
Set m_oFs = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
End Sub
Function GetExtensionsList( _
ByVal strExtFolder As String, _
Optional ByRef oSkuColl As Scripting.Dictionary = Nothing _
) As IXMLDOMNodeList
Set GetExtensionsList = Nothing
' We first check that we are indeed having a Directory
strExtFolder = Trim$(strExtFolder)
If (Len(strExtFolder) = 0) Then GoTo Common_Exit
Dim oFs As Scripting.FileSystemObject: Set oFs = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
If (Not oFs.FolderExists(strExtFolder)) Then GoTo Common_Exit
Set m_oDom = New DOMDocument
Dim oElem As IXMLDOMElement
Set oElem = m_oDom.createElement("hss-tools-extensions")
m_oDom.appendChild oElem
' We recurse through First Level SubFolders to grab all the extensions
RaiseEvent RunStatus("Recursing " + strExtFolder + " for Extensions", True)
Dim oDomExt As DOMDocument: Set oDomExt = New DOMDocument
Dim oHssExt As HssExt: Set oHssExt = New HssExt
Dim strExtPath As String
Dim oSubF As Scripting.Folder
For Each oSubF In oFs.GetFolder(strExtFolder).SubFolders
strExtPath = oSubF.Path + "\ExtensionDescription.xml"
Set oDomExt = oHssExt.InitFromDisk(strExtPath)
If (oDomExt Is Nothing) Then GoTo Continue_For
DeepDomCopy oDomExt.documentElement, oElem
RaiseEvent RunStatus( _
"Processed Extension " + _
oDomExt.selectSingleNode("hss-tools-extension/display-name").Text, _
If (oElem.childNodes Is Nothing) Then GoTo Common_Exit
If (oSkuColl Is Nothing) Then GoTo Common_Exit
If (oSkuColl.Count = 0) Then GoTo Common_Exit
' Now we return a list which is filtered by the SKUs we are interested in.
Dim strFilter As String
strFilter = "/hss-tools-extensions/hss-tools-extension[ "
Dim v As Variant, i As Integer
i = 0
For Each v In oSkuColl.Keys
i = i + 1
If (i > 1) Then strFilter = strFilter + " or "
strFilter = strFilter + "applicable-skus/sku = """ + CStr(v) + """"
strFilter = strFilter + " ]"
Set GetExtensionsList = oElem.selectNodes(strFilter)
| strExtFolder + "\ExtensionsList.xml"
Exit Function
End Function
Function ExecuteExtensions( _
ByRef oDomExts As IXMLDOMNodeList, _
ByVal strcabFile As String, _
ByVal strAuxFolder As String _
) As Boolean
ExecuteExtensions = False
' Validations
If (oDomExts Is Nothing) Then GoTo Common_Exit
If (oDomExts.length = 0) Then GoTo Common_Exit
Dim oFs As Scripting.FileSystemObject: Set oFs = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
strcabFile = Trim$(strcabFile)
If (Len(strcabFile) = 0) Then GoTo Common_Exit
If (Not oFs.FileExists(strcabFile)) Then GoTo Common_Exit
strAuxFolder = Trim$(strAuxFolder)
If (Len(strAuxFolder) = 0) Then GoTo Common_Exit
If (Not oFs.FolderExists(strAuxFolder)) Then GoTo Common_Exit
' now the real work
Dim oWsShell As IWshShell ' Used to Shell and Wait for Sub-Processes
Set oWsShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Dim strCmd As String
Dim oExt As IXMLDOMNode
For Each oExt In oDomExts
If (oExt.selectSingleNode("run-this-extension").Text = "no") Then
GoTo Continue_For
End If
strCmd = oExt.selectSingleNode("extension-folder").Text + "\" + oExt.selectSingleNode("executable-name").Text
strCmd = strCmd + " " + strcabFile
If (oExt.selectSingleNode("modifies-cab").Text = "no") Then
strCmd = strCmd + " " + strAuxFolder
End If
RaiseEvent RunStatus("Running Extension " + _
oExt.selectSingleNode("display-name").Text, True)
oWsShell.Run strCmd, True, True
Debug.Print "Extension"; oExt.selectSingleNode("display-name").Text
ExecuteExtensions = True
End Function
Public Sub DeleteExtension(ByRef oExt As IXMLDOMNode)
Dim oExtFolder As IXMLDOMNode
Set oExtFolder = oExt.selectSingleNode("extension-folder")
If (oExtFolder Is Nothing) Then GoTo Common_Exit
m_oFs.DeleteFolder oExtFolder.Text, Force:=True
End Sub
Public Function ExtensionExists(ByVal strFileName As String) As Boolean
ExtensionExists = False
strFileName = LCase$(Trim$(strFileName))
If (Len(strFileName) = 0) Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + "9999", _
"HssExts::ExtensionExists", _
"I need a non empty argument"
End If
Dim oDomList As IXMLDOMNodeList
Set oDomList = m_oDom.selectNodes("/hss-tools-extensions/hss-tools-extension//executable-name")
If (oDomList Is Nothing) Then GoTo Common_Exit
Dim oExe As IXMLDOMNode
For Each oExe In oDomList
If (InStr(LCase$(oExe.Text), strFileName) > 0) Then
ExtensionExists = True
GoTo Common_Exit
End If
Exit Function
End Function
' Stolen from XMLUtils.bas
Private Function DeepDomCopy(oDomSrcNode As IXMLDOMNode, oDomDstNode As IXMLDOMNode) As IXMLDOMNode
If (oDomSrcNode.ownerDocument Is oDomDstNode.ownerDocument) Then
Dim oNewDomNode As IXMLDOMNode
Set oNewDomNode = oDomSrcNode.cloneNode(True)
oDomDstNode.appendChild (oNewDomNode)
' Different DOM Nodes, so we really have to copy and
' recreate the node from one DOM Tree to another.
Dim elNode As IXMLDOMElement
Select Case oDomSrcNode.nodeType
Dim oTextNode As IXMLDOMText
Set oTextNode = oDomDstNode.ownerDocument.createTextNode(oDomSrcNode.Text)
Set oNewDomNode = oDomDstNode.appendChild(oTextNode)
Case Else
Set elNode = oDomDstNode.ownerDocument.createElement(oDomSrcNode.nodeName)
Set oNewDomNode = oDomDstNode.appendChild(elNode)
' If (Len(oDomSrcNode.Text) > 0) Then
' oNewDomNode.Text = oDomSrcNode.Text
' End If
Dim oSrcAttr As IXMLDOMAttribute, oDstAttr As IXMLDOMAttribute
For Each oSrcAttr In oDomSrcNode.Attributes
Set oDstAttr = oDomDstNode.ownerDocument.createAttribute(oSrcAttr.nodeName)
elNode.setAttribute oDstAttr.nodeName, oSrcAttr.Text
Dim oDomSrcNodeChild As IXMLDOMNode
For Each oDomSrcNodeChild In oDomSrcNode.childNodes
DeepDomCopy oDomSrcNodeChild, oNewDomNode
End Select
End If
Set DeepDomCopy = oNewDomNode
End Function