Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

361 lines
7.8 KiB

<HTML XMLNS:helpcenter>
Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
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padding : 2pt;
cursor : hand;
text-overflow : ellipsis;
width : 100%;
margin-left : 10px;
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<TR WIDTH=100%>
<DIV id=noloc1 style='width: 100%; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; border : 1pt solid'
class='sys-font-body sys-toppane-color-border sys-toppane-header-color sys-toppane-header-bgcolor'>
<DIV ID=tree_Title style='padding: 0.5em 11px'>
<A class='sys-link-header sys-font-body-bold' tabIndex=1 href="hcp://system/blurbs/favorites.htm" target="HelpCtrContents">Favorites</A>
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class='sys-font-body sys-toppane-color-border sys-toppane-bgcolor'
style='width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: auto; border-left : 1pt solid; border-bottom : 1pt solid; border-right : 1pt solid; padding: 11px'>
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<BUTTON id=idRename class="Context-Button Space-Button sys-font-body" accesskey="e" onClick="onClick_Rename();" DISABLED title="Rename the favorite item.">R<U>e</U>name</BUTTON>
<BUTTON id=idRemove class="Context-Button Space-Button sys-font-body" accesskey="R" onClick="onClick_Remove();" DISABLED title="Removes the favorite item."><U>R</U>emove</BUTTON>
// localizable variables/filenames
var L_Rename_Text = "Rename...";
var L_Delete_Text = "Delete";
var g_Favorites = null;
var g_SelectedDIV = null;
var g_SelectedObj = null;
function favorites_AbortEdit()
RevertEditing( g_SelectedDIV );
function favorites_ContextSwitch()
var ctx = pchealth.HelpSession.CurrentContext;
if(ctx.ContextName == "FAVORITES")
function favorites_TravelDone()
if(g_Favorites == null)
function onSelectStart()
if(event.srcElement.onblur) return; // It's the element being edited.
event.cancelBubble = true;
event.returnValue = false;
function onClick_Rename( now )
window.setTimeout( "onClick_Rename( true )", 100 );
PrepareForEdit( g_SelectedDIV );
function onClick_Remove()
g_Favorites.Delete( g_SelectedObj );
g_SelectedObj = null;
function onClick_KeyPress()
if(event.keyCode == 27)
RevertEditing( this );
if(event.keyCode == 13)
if(CommitEditing( this ) == false)
if(this != g_SelectedDIV)
function onClick_ContextMenu()
event.cancelBubble = true;
event.returnValue = false;
var cm = pchealth.CreateObject_ContextMenu();
cm.AddItem ( L_Rename_Text , 1, window.top.MF_ENABLED );
cm.AddSeparator( );
cm.AddItem ( L_Delete_Text , 2, window.top.MF_ENABLED );
var res = cm.Display();
case "1":
onClick_Select( this );
case "2":
onClick_Select( this );
function onClick_Select( obj )
if(!obj) obj = this;
event.cancelBubble = true;
event.returnValue = false;
// Save the newly selected element.
g_SelectedDIV = obj;
g_SelectedObj = obj.payload;
function onClick_Display()
g_SelectedDIV = this;
g_SelectedObj = this.payload;
window.setTimeout( onClick_Display_Delayed, 100 );
function onClick_Display_Delayed()
pchealth.UI_Contents.content.Navigate( g_SelectedObj.URL, null, null, null, null );
function SetButtonsState( state )
if(state == null)
state = (g_SelectedObj == null);
idRename.disabled = state;
idRemove.disabled = state;
function PrepareForEdit( obj )
var a = obj.payload_text;
a.state_caller = obj;
a.contentEditable = true;
a.onblur = CommitEditing;
var rng = document.body.createTextRange();
rng.moveToElementText( a );
SetButtonsState( true );
function RevertEditing( obj )
if(!obj) obj = this.state_caller;
var a = obj.payload_text;
a.onblur = null;
a.contentEditable = false;
a.innerText = obj.payload.Title;
function CommitEditing( obj )
if(!obj) obj = this.state_caller;
var a = obj.payload_text;
var res = false;
event.cancelBubble = true;
event.returnValue = false;
a.contentEditable = false;
a.onblur = null;
PersistRenamedTitle( obj );
res = true;
return res;
function PersistRenamedTitle( obj )
var a = obj.payload_text;
if(obj.payload.Title != a.innerText)
g_Favorites.Rename( a.innerText, obj.payload );
function DisplayList()
var html = "";
var e;
var i;
g_Favorites = pchealth.UserSettings.Favorites;
g_SelectedRow = null;
g_SelectedObj = null;
SetButtonsState( true );
// enumerate all results
for(e = new Enumerator( g_Favorites ); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext())
// get the item and save it into array
var obj = e.item();
html += "<A class='sys-link-normal' tabindex=2 href=#>" + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( obj.Title ) + "</A><DIV>&nbsp</DIV>";
tree_Children.innerHTML = html;
i = 0;
for(e = new Enumerator( g_Favorites ); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext())
// get the item and save it into array
var obj = e.item();
var obj2 = tree_Children.children(i);i=i+2;
obj2.payload = obj;
obj2.payload_text = obj2;
obj2.onclick = onClick_Display;
obj2.onkeypress = onClick_KeyPress;
obj2.oncontextmenu = onClick_ContextMenu;
<helpcenter:events id=idEvents onBeforeNavigate="favorites_AbortEdit();" onBeforeTransition="favorites_AbortEdit();" onBeforeContextSwitch="favorites_AbortEdit();" onContextSwitch="favorites_ContextSwitch();" onTravelDone="favorites_TravelDone();" onFavoritesUpdate="DisplayList();" />
<helpcenter:state id=idState identity="Favorites" />